/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool * Copyright (c) 2021 SChernykh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "common.h" #include "p2p_server.h" #include "p2pool.h" #include "params.h" #include "keccak.h" #include "side_chain.h" #include "pool_block.h" #include "block_cache.h" #include #include static constexpr char log_category_prefix[] = "P2PServer "; static constexpr char saved_peer_list_file_name[] = "p2pool_peers.txt"; static const char* seed_nodes[] = { "seeds.p2pool.io" }; static constexpr int DEFAULT_BACKLOG = 16; static constexpr uint64_t DEFAULT_BAN_TIME = 600; static constexpr int DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT = 37889; #include "tcp_server.inl" namespace p2pool { P2PServer::P2PServer(p2pool* pool) : TCPServer(P2PClient::allocate) , m_pool(pool) , m_cache(new BlockCache()) , m_cacheLoaded(false) , m_initialPeerList(pool->params().m_p2pPeerList) , m_rd{} , m_rng(m_rd()) , m_block(new PoolBlock()) , m_timer{} , m_peerId(m_rng()) , m_peerListLastSaved(0) { uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_rngLock); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_blockLock); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_peerListLock); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_broadcastLock); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_missingBlockRequestsLock); uv_rwlock_init_checked(&m_cachedBlocksLock); int err = uv_async_init(&m_loop, &m_broadcastAsync, on_broadcast); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "uv_async_init failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); return; } m_broadcastAsync.data = this; m_broadcastQueue.reserve(2); err = uv_timer_init(&m_loop, &m_timer); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to create timer, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } if (m_cache) { WriteLock lock(m_cachedBlocksLock); m_cache->load_all(m_pool->side_chain(), *this); m_cacheLoaded = true; } m_timer.data = this; err = uv_timer_start(&m_timer, on_timer, 1000, 2000); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to start timer, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } load_peer_list(); start_listening(pool->params().m_p2pAddresses); } P2PServer::~P2PServer() { uv_timer_stop(&m_timer); uv_close(reinterpret_cast(&m_broadcastAsync), nullptr); shutdown_tcp(); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_rngLock); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_blockLock); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_peerListLock); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_broadcastLock); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_missingBlockRequestsLock); uv_rwlock_destroy(&m_cachedBlocksLock); delete m_block; for (auto it : m_cachedBlocks) { delete it.second; } delete m_cache; } void P2PServer::add_cached_block(const PoolBlock& block) { if (m_cacheLoaded) { LOGERR(1, "add_cached_block can only be called on startup. Fix the code!"); return; } PoolBlock* new_block = new PoolBlock(block); m_cachedBlocks.insert({ new_block->m_sidechainId, new_block }); } void P2PServer::store_in_cache(const PoolBlock& block) { if (m_cache && block.m_verified && !block.m_invalid) { m_cache->store(block); } } void P2PServer::connect_to_peers(const std::string& peer_list) { parse_address_list(peer_list, [this](bool is_v6, const std::string& /*address*/, std::string ip, int port) { if (resolve_host(ip, is_v6)) { connect_to_peer(is_v6, ip.c_str(), port); } }); } void P2PServer::on_connect_failed(bool is_v6, const raw_ip& ip, int port) { MutexLock lock(m_peerListLock); for (auto it = m_peerList.begin(); it != m_peerList.end(); ++it) { if ((it->m_isV6 == is_v6) && (it->m_port == port) && (it->m_addr == ip)) { ++it->m_numFailedConnections; if (it->m_numFailedConnections >= 10) { m_peerList.erase(it); } return; } } } void P2PServer::update_peer_connections() { std::vector peer_list; { MutexLock lock(m_peerListLock); peer_list = m_peerList; } const time_t cur_time = time(nullptr); const time_t last_updated = m_pool->side_chain().last_updated(); std::vector connected_clients; { MutexLock lock(m_clientsListLock); connected_clients.reserve(m_numConnections); for (P2PClient* client = static_cast(m_connectedClientsList->m_next); client != m_connectedClientsList; client = static_cast(client->m_next)) { connected_clients.emplace_back(client->m_addr); const int timeout = client->m_handshakeComplete ? 300 : 10; if (cur_time >= client->m_lastAlive + timeout) { const uint64_t idle_time = static_cast(cur_time - client->m_lastAlive); LOGWARN(5, "peer " << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << " has been idle for " << idle_time << " seconds, disconnecting"); client->close(); } if (client->m_handshakeComplete && client->m_lastBroadcastTimestamp) { // - Side chain is at least 5 minutes newer (last_updated >= client->m_lastBroadcastTimestamp + 300) // - It's been at least 10 seconds since side chain updated (cur_time >= last_updated + 10) // - It's been at least 10 seconds since the last block request (peer is not syncing) // - Peer should have sent a broadcast by now if (last_updated && (cur_time >= std::max(last_updated, client->m_lastBlockrequestTimestamp) + 10) && (last_updated >= client->m_lastBroadcastTimestamp + 300)) { const time_t dt = last_updated - client->m_lastBroadcastTimestamp; LOGWARN(5, "peer " << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << " is not broadcasting blocks (last update " << dt << " seconds ago)"); client->ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); remove_peer_from_list(client); client->close(); } } } } // Try to have at least 8 outgoing connections for (uint32_t i = m_numConnections - m_numIncomingConnections; (i < 8) && !peer_list.empty();) { const uint64_t k = get_random64() % peer_list.size(); const Peer& peer = peer_list[k]; bool already_connected = false; for (const raw_ip& ip : connected_clients) { if (ip == peer.m_addr) { already_connected = true; break; } } if (!already_connected && connect_to_peer(peer.m_isV6, peer.m_addr, peer.m_port)) { ++i; } if (k + 1 < peer_list.size()) { peer_list[k] = peer_list.back(); } peer_list.pop_back(); } } void P2PServer::update_peer_list() { const time_t cur_time = time(nullptr); { MutexLock lock(m_clientsListLock); for (P2PClient* client = static_cast(m_connectedClientsList->m_next); client != m_connectedClientsList; client = static_cast(client->m_next)) { if (!client->m_handshakeComplete || !client->m_handshakeSolutionSent) { continue; } if (cur_time >= client->m_nextPeerListRequest) { // Send peer list requests at random intervals (60-120 seconds) client->m_nextPeerListRequest = cur_time + 60 + (get_random64() % 61); send(client, [](void* buf) { LOGINFO(5, "sending PEER_LIST_REQUEST"); *reinterpret_cast(buf) = static_cast(MessageId::PEER_LIST_REQUEST); return 1; }); } } } } void P2PServer::save_peer_list_async() { const time_t cur_time = time(nullptr); if (cur_time < m_peerListLastSaved + 300) { return; } struct Work { uv_work_t req; P2PServer* server; }; Work* work = new Work{}; work->req.data = work; work->server = this; const int err = uv_queue_work(&m_loop, &work->req, [](uv_work_t* req) { bkg_jobs_tracker.start("P2PServer::save_peer_list_async"); reinterpret_cast(req->data)->server->save_peer_list(); }, [](uv_work_t* req, int /*status*/) { delete reinterpret_cast(req->data); bkg_jobs_tracker.stop("P2PServer::save_peer_list_async"); }); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "update_peer_list: uv_queue_work failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); delete work; } } void P2PServer::save_peer_list() { std::ofstream f(saved_peer_list_file_name, std::ios::binary); if (!f.is_open()) { LOGERR(1, "failed to save peer list"); return; } std::vector peer_list; { MutexLock lock(m_peerListLock); peer_list = m_peerList; } for (const Peer& p : peer_list) { const char* addr_str; char addr_str_buf[64]; if (p.m_isV6) { in6_addr addr{}; memcpy(addr.s6_addr, p.m_addr.data, sizeof(addr.s6_addr)); addr_str = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr, addr_str_buf, sizeof(addr_str_buf)); if (addr_str) { f << '[' << addr_str << "]:" << p.m_port << '\n'; } } else { in_addr addr{}; memcpy(&addr.s_addr, p.m_addr.data + 12, sizeof(addr.s_addr)); addr_str = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr, addr_str_buf, sizeof(addr_str_buf)); if (addr_str) { f << addr_str << ':' << p.m_port << '\n'; } } } f.close(); LOGINFO(5, "peer list saved (" << peer_list.size() << " peers)"); m_peerListLastSaved = time(nullptr); } void P2PServer::load_peer_list() { std::string saved_list; // Load peers from seed nodes if we're on the default sidechain if (m_pool->side_chain().is_default()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(seed_nodes); ++i) { LOGINFO(4, "loading peers from " << seed_nodes[i]); addrinfo hints{}; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ADDRCONFIG; addrinfo* result; const int err = getaddrinfo(seed_nodes[i], nullptr, &hints, &result); if (err == 0) { for (addrinfo* r = result; r != NULL; r = r->ai_next) { const char* addr_str; char addr_str_buf[64]; char buf[log::Stream::BUF_SIZE + 1]; log::Stream s(buf); if (r->ai_family == AF_INET6) { addr_str = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &reinterpret_cast(r->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, addr_str_buf, sizeof(addr_str_buf)); if (addr_str) { s << '[' << addr_str << "]:" << DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT << '\0'; } } else { addr_str = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &reinterpret_cast(r->ai_addr)->sin_addr, addr_str_buf, sizeof(addr_str_buf)); if (addr_str) { s << addr_str << ':' << DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT << '\0'; } } if (s.m_pos) { LOGINFO(4, "added " << static_cast(buf) << " from " << seed_nodes[i]); if (!saved_list.empty()) { saved_list += ','; } saved_list += buf; } } freeaddrinfo(result); } else { LOGWARN(4, "getaddrinfo failed for " << seed_nodes[i] << ": " << gai_strerror(err)); } } } // Finally load peers from p2pool_peers.txt std::ifstream f(saved_peer_list_file_name); if (f.is_open()) { std::string address; while (!f.eof()) { std::getline(f, address); if (!address.empty()) { if (!saved_list.empty()) { saved_list += ','; } saved_list += address; } } f.close(); } if (saved_list.empty()) { return; } MutexLock lock(m_peerListLock); parse_address_list(saved_list, [this](bool is_v6, const std::string& /*address*/, const std::string& ip, int port) { Peer p; if (is_v6) { sockaddr_in6 addr6; const int err = uv_ip6_addr(ip.c_str(), port, &addr6); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to parse IPv6 address " << ip << ", error " << uv_err_name(err)); return; } p.m_isV6 = true; memcpy(p.m_addr.data, &addr6.sin6_addr, sizeof(in6_addr)); p.m_port = port; p.m_numFailedConnections = 0; } else { sockaddr_in addr4; const int err = uv_ip4_addr(ip.c_str(), port, &addr4); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to parse IPv4 address " << ip << ", error " << uv_err_name(err)); return; } p.m_isV6 = false; p.m_addr = {}; p.m_addr.data[10] = 0xFF; p.m_addr.data[11] = 0xFF; memcpy(p.m_addr.data + 12, &addr4.sin_addr, sizeof(in_addr)); p.m_port = port; p.m_numFailedConnections = 0; } bool already_added = false; for (const Peer& peer : m_peerList) { if ((peer.m_isV6 == p.m_isV6) && (peer.m_addr == p.m_addr)) { already_added = true; break; } } if (!already_added && !is_banned(p.m_addr)) { m_peerList.push_back(p); } }); LOGINFO(4, "peer list loaded (" << m_peerList.size() << " peers)"); } void P2PServer::update_peer_in_list(bool is_v6, const raw_ip& ip, int port) { MutexLock lock(m_peerListLock); for (Peer& p : m_peerList) { if ((p.m_isV6 == is_v6) && (p.m_addr == ip)) { p.m_port = port; p.m_numFailedConnections = 0; return; } } if (!is_banned(ip)) { m_peerList.emplace_back(Peer{ is_v6, ip, port, 0 }); } } void P2PServer::remove_peer_from_list(P2PClient* client) { MutexLock lock(m_peerListLock); for (auto it = m_peerList.begin(); it != m_peerList.end(); ++it) { const Peer& p = *it; if ((p.m_isV6 == client->m_isV6) && (p.m_port == client->m_listenPort) && (p.m_addr == client->m_addr)) { m_peerList.erase(it); return; } } } void P2PServer::remove_peer_from_list(const raw_ip& ip) { MutexLock lock(m_peerListLock); for (auto it = m_peerList.begin(); it != m_peerList.end(); ++it) { const Peer& p = *it; if (p.m_addr == ip) { m_peerList.erase(it); return; } } } void P2PServer::broadcast(const PoolBlock& block) { if (block.m_txinGenHeight + 2 < m_pool->miner_data().height) { LOGWARN(4, "Trying to broadcast a stale block " << block.m_sidechainId << " (mainchain height " << block.m_txinGenHeight << ", current height is " << m_pool->miner_data().height << ')'); return; } if (block.m_txinGenHeight > m_pool->miner_data().height + 2) { LOGWARN(4, "Trying to broadcast a block " << block.m_sidechainId << " ahead on mainchain (mainchain height " << block.m_txinGenHeight << ", current height is " << m_pool->miner_data().height << ')'); return; } Broadcast* data = new Broadcast(); data->blob.reserve(block.m_mainChainData.size() + block.m_sideChainData.size()); data->blob = block.m_mainChainData; data->blob.insert(data->blob.end(), block.m_sideChainData.begin(), block.m_sideChainData.end()); data->pruned_blob.reserve(block.m_mainChainData.size() + block.m_sideChainData.size() + 16 - block.m_mainChainOutputsBlobSize); data->pruned_blob.assign(block.m_mainChainData.begin(), block.m_mainChainData.begin() + block.m_mainChainOutputsOffset); // 0 outputs in the pruned blob data->pruned_blob.push_back(0); const uint64_t total_reward = std::accumulate(block.m_outputs.begin(), block.m_outputs.end(), 0ULL, [](uint64_t a, const PoolBlock::TxOutput& b) { return a + b.m_reward; }); writeVarint(total_reward, data->pruned_blob); writeVarint(block.m_mainChainOutputsBlobSize, data->pruned_blob); data->pruned_blob.insert(data->pruned_blob.end(), block.m_mainChainData.begin() + block.m_mainChainOutputsOffset + block.m_mainChainOutputsBlobSize, block.m_mainChainData.end()); data->pruned_blob.insert(data->pruned_blob.end(), block.m_sideChainData.begin(), block.m_sideChainData.end()); data->ancestor_hashes.reserve(block.m_uncles.size() + 1); data->ancestor_hashes = block.m_uncles; data->ancestor_hashes.push_back(block.m_parent); LOGINFO(5, "Broadcasting block " << block.m_sidechainId << " (height " << block.m_sidechainHeight << "): " << data->pruned_blob.size() << '/' << data->blob.size() << " bytes (pruned/full)"); { MutexLock lock(m_broadcastLock); m_broadcastQueue.push_back(data); } if (uv_is_closing(reinterpret_cast(&m_broadcastAsync))) { return; } const int err = uv_async_send(&m_broadcastAsync); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "uv_async_send failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); bool found = false; { MutexLock lock(m_broadcastLock); auto it = std::find(m_broadcastQueue.begin(), m_broadcastQueue.end(), data); if (it != m_broadcastQueue.end()) { found = true; m_broadcastQueue.erase(it); } } if (found) { delete data; } } } void P2PServer::on_broadcast() { std::vector broadcast_queue; broadcast_queue.reserve(2); { MutexLock lock(m_broadcastLock); broadcast_queue = m_broadcastQueue; m_broadcastQueue.clear(); } if (broadcast_queue.empty()) { return; } ON_SCOPE_LEAVE([&broadcast_queue]() { for (Broadcast* data : broadcast_queue) { delete data; } }); MutexLock lock(m_clientsListLock); for (P2PClient* client = static_cast(m_connectedClientsList->m_next); client != m_connectedClientsList; client = static_cast(client->m_next)) { if (!client->m_handshakeComplete || !client->m_handshakeSolutionSent) { continue; } for (Broadcast* data : broadcast_queue) { send(client, [client, data](void* buf) { uint8_t* p0 = reinterpret_cast(buf); uint8_t* p = p0; bool send_pruned = true; { ReadLock lock(client->m_broadcastedHashesLock); for (const hash& id : data->ancestor_hashes) { if (client->m_broadcastedHashes.find(id) == client->m_broadcastedHashes.end()) { send_pruned = false; break; } } } if (send_pruned) { LOGINFO(5, "sending BLOCK_BROADCAST (pruned) to " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString)); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::BLOCK_BROADCAST); *reinterpret_cast(p) = static_cast(data->pruned_blob.size()); p += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(p, data->pruned_blob.data(), data->pruned_blob.size()); p += data->pruned_blob.size(); } else { LOGINFO(5, "sending BLOCK_BROADCAST (full) to " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString)); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::BLOCK_BROADCAST); *reinterpret_cast(p) = static_cast(data->blob.size()); p += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(p, data->blob.data(), data->blob.size()); p += data->blob.size(); } return p - p0; }); } } } uint64_t P2PServer::get_random64() { MutexLock lock(m_rngLock); return m_rng(); } void P2PServer::print_status() { LOGINFO(0, "status" << "\nConnections = " << m_numConnections << " (" << m_numIncomingConnections << " incoming)" << "\nPeer list size = " << m_peerList.size() ); } void P2PServer::on_timer() { if (!m_initialPeerList.empty()) { connect_to_peers(m_initialPeerList); m_initialPeerList.clear(); } flush_cache(); download_missing_blocks(); update_peer_list(); save_peer_list_async(); update_peer_connections(); } void P2PServer::flush_cache() { if (!m_cache) { return; } struct Work { uv_work_t req; BlockCache* cache; }; Work* work = new Work{}; work->req.data = work; work->cache = m_cache; const int err = uv_queue_work(&m_loop, &work->req, [](uv_work_t* req) { bkg_jobs_tracker.start("P2PServer::flush_cache"); reinterpret_cast(req->data)->cache->flush(); }, [](uv_work_t* req, int) { delete reinterpret_cast(req->data); bkg_jobs_tracker.stop("P2PServer::flush_cache"); }); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "flush_cache: uv_queue_work failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); delete work; } } void P2PServer::download_missing_blocks() { std::vector missing_blocks; m_pool->side_chain().get_missing_blocks(missing_blocks); if (missing_blocks.empty()) { MutexLock lock(m_missingBlockRequestsLock); m_missingBlockRequests.clear(); return; } MutexLock lock(m_clientsListLock); if (m_numConnections == 0) { return; } std::vector clients; clients.reserve(m_numConnections); for (P2PClient* client = static_cast(m_connectedClientsList->m_next); client != m_connectedClientsList; client = static_cast(client->m_next)) { if (!client->m_handshakeComplete || !client->m_handshakeSolutionSent) { continue; } clients.emplace_back(client); } if (clients.empty()) { return; } // Try to download each block from a random client for (const hash& id : missing_blocks) { P2PClient* client = clients[get_random64() % clients.size()]; { MutexLock lock2(m_missingBlockRequestsLock); const uint64_t truncated_block_id = *reinterpret_cast(id.h); if (!m_missingBlockRequests.insert({ client->m_peerId, truncated_block_id }).second) { // We already asked this peer about this block // Don't try to ask another peer, leave it for another timer tick continue; } } send(client, [&id](void* buf) { uint8_t* p0 = reinterpret_cast(buf); uint8_t* p = p0; LOGINFO(5, "sending BLOCK_REQUEST for id = " << id); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::BLOCK_REQUEST); memcpy(p, id.h, HASH_SIZE); p += HASH_SIZE; return p - p0; }); } } P2PServer::P2PClient::P2PClient() : m_peerId(0) , m_expectedMessage(MessageId::HANDSHAKE_CHALLENGE) , m_handshakeChallenge(0) , m_handshakeSolutionSent(false) , m_handshakeComplete(false) , m_handshakeInvalid(false) , m_listenPort(-1) , m_nextPeerListRequest(0) , m_lastAlive(0) , m_lastBroadcastTimestamp(0) , m_lastBlockrequestTimestamp(0) { uv_rwlock_init_checked(&m_broadcastedHashesLock); } P2PServer::P2PClient::~P2PClient() { uv_rwlock_destroy(&m_broadcastedHashesLock); } void P2PServer::P2PClient::reset() { Client::reset(); m_peerId = 0; m_expectedMessage = MessageId::HANDSHAKE_CHALLENGE; m_handshakeChallenge = 0; m_handshakeSolutionSent = false; m_handshakeComplete = false; m_handshakeInvalid = false; m_listenPort = -1; m_nextPeerListRequest = 0; m_lastAlive = 0; m_lastBroadcastTimestamp = 0; m_lastBlockrequestTimestamp = 0; WriteLock lock(m_broadcastedHashesLock); m_broadcastedHashes.clear(); } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_connect() { P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); // Don't allow multiple connections to/from the same IP // server->m_clientsListLock is already locked here for (P2PClient* client = static_cast(server->m_connectedClientsList->m_next); client != server->m_connectedClientsList; client = static_cast(client->m_next)) { if ((client != this) && (client->m_addr == m_addr)) { LOGINFO(5, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " is already connected as " << static_cast(client->m_addrString)); return false; } } m_lastAlive = time(nullptr); return send_handshake_challenge(); } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_read(char* data, uint32_t size) { P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); if (!server) { return false; } if ((data != m_readBuf + m_numRead) || (data + size > m_readBuf + sizeof(m_readBuf))) { LOGERR(1, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " invalid data pointer or size in on_read()"); ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } m_numRead += size; uint8_t* buf_begin = reinterpret_cast(m_readBuf); uint8_t* buf = buf_begin; uint32_t bytes_left = m_numRead; uint32_t bytes_read; do { MessageId id = static_cast(buf[0]); // Peer must complete the handshake challenge before sending any other messages if (!m_handshakeComplete && (id != m_expectedMessage)) { LOGWARN(5, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " didn't send handshake messages first"); ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } bytes_read = 0; switch (id) { case MessageId::HANDSHAKE_CHALLENGE: LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent HANDSHAKE_CHALLENGE"); if (bytes_left >= 1 + CHALLENGE_SIZE + sizeof(uint64_t)) { bytes_read = 1 + CHALLENGE_SIZE + sizeof(uint64_t); if (!on_handshake_challenge(buf + 1)) { ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } m_expectedMessage = MessageId::HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION; } break; case MessageId::HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION: LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION"); if (bytes_left >= 1 + HASH_SIZE + CHALLENGE_SIZE) { bytes_read = 1 + HASH_SIZE + CHALLENGE_SIZE; if (!on_handshake_solution(buf + 1)) { ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } } break; case MessageId::LISTEN_PORT: LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent LISTEN_PORT"); if (bytes_left >= 1 + sizeof(int32_t)) { bytes_read = 1 + sizeof(int32_t); if (!on_listen_port(buf + 1)) { ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } } break; case MessageId::BLOCK_REQUEST: LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent BLOCK_REQUEST"); if (bytes_left >= 1 + HASH_SIZE) { bytes_read = 1 + HASH_SIZE; if (!on_block_request(buf + 1)) { ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } } break; case MessageId::BLOCK_RESPONSE: LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent BLOCK_RESPONSE"); if (bytes_left >= 1 + sizeof(uint32_t)) { const uint32_t block_size = *reinterpret_cast(buf + 1); if (bytes_left >= 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + block_size) { bytes_read = 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + block_size; if (!on_block_response(buf + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t), block_size)) { ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } } } break; case MessageId::BLOCK_BROADCAST: LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent BLOCK_BROADCAST"); if (bytes_left >= 1 + sizeof(uint32_t)) { const uint32_t block_size = *reinterpret_cast(buf + 1); if (bytes_left >= 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + block_size) { bytes_read = 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + block_size; if (!on_block_broadcast(buf + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t), block_size)) { ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } } } break; case MessageId::PEER_LIST_REQUEST: LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent PEER_LIST_REQUEST"); if (bytes_left >= 1) { bytes_read = 1; if (!on_peer_list_request(buf + 1)) { ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } } break; case MessageId::PEER_LIST_RESPONSE: LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent PEER_LIST_RESPONSE"); if (bytes_left >= 2) { const uint8_t num_peers = buf[1]; if (num_peers > PEER_LIST_RESPONSE_MAX_PEERS) { LOGWARN(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent too long peer list (" << num_peers << ')'); ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } if (bytes_left >= 2u + num_peers * 19) { bytes_read = 2u + num_peers * 19; if (!on_peer_list_response(buf + 1)) { ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(this); return false; } } } break; } if (bytes_read) { buf += bytes_read; bytes_left -= bytes_read; m_lastAlive = time(nullptr); } } while (bytes_read && bytes_left); // Move the possible unfinished message to the beginning of m_readBuf to free up more space for reading if (buf != buf_begin) { m_numRead = static_cast(buf_begin + m_numRead - buf); if (m_numRead > 0) { memmove(m_readBuf, buf, m_numRead); } } return true; } void P2PServer::P2PClient::on_read_failed(int /*err*/) { on_disconnected(); } void P2PServer::P2PClient::on_disconnected() { if (!m_handshakeComplete) { LOGWARN(5, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " disconnected before finishing handshake"); ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); if (server) { server->remove_peer_from_list(this); } } } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::send_handshake_challenge() { P2PServer* owner = static_cast(m_owner); m_handshakeChallenge = owner->get_random64(); return owner->send(this, [this, owner](void* buf) { uint8_t* p0 = reinterpret_cast(buf); uint8_t* p = p0; LOGINFO(5, "sending HANDSHAKE_CHALLENGE"); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::HANDSHAKE_CHALLENGE); uint64_t k = m_handshakeChallenge; for (int i = 0; i < CHALLENGE_SIZE; ++i) { *(p++) = k & 0xFF; k >>= 8; } k = owner->get_peerId(); memcpy(p, &k, sizeof(uint64_t)); p += sizeof(uint64_t); return p - p0; }); } void P2PServer::P2PClient::send_handshake_solution(const uint8_t (&challenge)[CHALLENGE_SIZE]) { P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); struct Work { uv_work_t req; P2PClient* client; P2PServer* server; uint32_t reset_counter; uint8_t challenge[CHALLENGE_SIZE]; uint64_t salt; uint8_t solution_salt[CHALLENGE_SIZE]; hash solution; }; Work* work = new Work{}; work->req.data = work; work->client = this; work->server = server; work->reset_counter = m_resetCounter.load(); memcpy(work->challenge, challenge, CHALLENGE_SIZE); work->salt = server->get_random64(); const int err = uv_queue_work(&server->m_loop, &work->req, [](uv_work_t* req) { bkg_jobs_tracker.start("P2PServer::send_handshake_solution"); Work* work = reinterpret_cast(req->data); const std::vector& consensus_id = work->server->m_pool->side_chain().consensus_id(); const int consensus_id_size = static_cast(consensus_id.size()); for (size_t iter = 1;; ++iter, ++work->salt) { uint64_t k = work->salt; for (size_t i = 0; i < CHALLENGE_SIZE; ++i) { work->solution_salt[i] = k & 0xFF; k >>= 8; } keccak_custom( [work, &consensus_id, consensus_id_size](int offset) -> uint8_t { if (offset < CHALLENGE_SIZE) { return work->challenge[offset]; } offset -= CHALLENGE_SIZE; if (offset < consensus_id_size) { return consensus_id[offset]; } return work->solution_salt[offset - consensus_id_size]; }, CHALLENGE_SIZE * 2 + static_cast(consensus_id.size()), work->solution.h, HASH_SIZE); // We might've been disconnected while working on the challenge, do nothing in this case if (work->client->m_resetCounter.load() != work->reset_counter) { return; } if (work->client->m_isIncoming) { // This is an incoming connection, so it must do PoW, not us return; } uint64_t* value = reinterpret_cast(work->solution.h); uint64_t high; umul128(value[HASH_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t) - 1], CHALLENGE_DIFFICULTY, &high); if (high == 0) { LOGINFO(5, "found handshake challenge solution after " << iter << " iterations"); return; } } }, [](uv_work_t* req, int) { Work* work = reinterpret_cast(req->data); ON_SCOPE_LEAVE( [work]() { delete work; bkg_jobs_tracker.stop("P2PServer::send_handshake_solution"); }); // We might've been disconnected while working on the challenge, do nothing in this case if (work->client->m_resetCounter.load() != work->reset_counter) { return; } const bool result = work->server->send(work->client, [work](void* buf) { uint8_t* p0 = reinterpret_cast(buf); uint8_t* p = p0; LOGINFO(5, "sending HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION"); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION); memcpy(p, work->solution.h, HASH_SIZE); p += HASH_SIZE; memcpy(p, work->solution_salt, CHALLENGE_SIZE); p += CHALLENGE_SIZE; if (work->client->m_handshakeComplete && !work->client->m_handshakeInvalid) { work->client->on_after_handshake(p); } return p - p0; }); if (result) { work->client->m_handshakeSolutionSent = true; if (work->client->m_handshakeComplete && work->client->m_handshakeInvalid) { work->client->ban(DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); work->server->remove_peer_from_list(work->client); work->client->close(); } } else { work->client->close(); } }); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "send_handshake_solution: uv_queue_work failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); delete work; } } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::check_handshake_solution(const hash& solution, const uint8_t (&solution_salt)[CHALLENGE_SIZE]) { P2PServer* owner = static_cast(m_owner); const std::vector& consensus_id = owner->m_pool->side_chain().consensus_id(); const int consensus_id_size = static_cast(consensus_id.size()); uint8_t challenge[CHALLENGE_SIZE]; uint64_t k = m_handshakeChallenge; for (size_t i = 0; i < CHALLENGE_SIZE; ++i) { challenge[i] = k & 0xFF; k >>= 8; } hash check{}; keccak_custom( [&challenge, &solution_salt, &consensus_id, consensus_id_size](int offset) -> uint8_t { if (offset < CHALLENGE_SIZE) { return challenge[offset]; } offset -= CHALLENGE_SIZE; if (offset < consensus_id_size) { return consensus_id[offset]; } return solution_salt[offset - consensus_id_size]; }, CHALLENGE_SIZE * 2 + static_cast(consensus_id.size()), check.h, HASH_SIZE); return solution == check; } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_handshake_challenge(const uint8_t* buf) { P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); uint8_t challenge[CHALLENGE_SIZE]; memcpy(challenge, buf, CHALLENGE_SIZE); uint64_t peer_id; memcpy(&peer_id, buf + CHALLENGE_SIZE, sizeof(uint64_t)); if (peer_id == server->get_peerId()) { LOGWARN(5, "tried to connect to self at " << static_cast(m_addrString)); return false; } m_peerId = peer_id; bool same_peer = false; { MutexLock lock(server->m_clientsListLock); for (const P2PClient* client = static_cast(server->m_connectedClientsList->m_next); client != server->m_connectedClientsList; client = static_cast(client->m_next)) { if ((client != this) && (client->m_peerId == peer_id)) { LOGWARN(5, "tried to connect to the same peer twice: current connection " << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << ", new connection " << static_cast(m_addrString)); same_peer = true; break; } } } if (same_peer) { close(); return true; } send_handshake_solution(challenge); return true; } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_handshake_solution(const uint8_t* buf) { hash solution; uint8_t solution_salt[CHALLENGE_SIZE]; memcpy(&solution, buf, HASH_SIZE); memcpy(solution_salt, buf + HASH_SIZE, CHALLENGE_SIZE); // Check that incoming connection provided enough PoW if (m_isIncoming) { uint64_t* value = reinterpret_cast(solution.h); uint64_t high; umul128(value[HASH_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t) - 1], CHALLENGE_DIFFICULTY, &high); if (high) { LOGWARN(5, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " handshake doesn't have enough PoW"); m_handshakeInvalid = true; } } if (!check_handshake_solution(solution, solution_salt)) { LOGWARN(5, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " handshake failed"); m_handshakeInvalid = true; } m_handshakeComplete = true; if (!m_handshakeInvalid) { LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " handshake completed"); } if (m_handshakeSolutionSent) { if (m_handshakeInvalid) { return false; } return m_owner->send(this, [this](void* buf) { uint8_t* p0 = reinterpret_cast(buf); uint8_t* p = p0; on_after_handshake(p); return p - p0; }); } return true; } void P2PServer::P2PClient::on_after_handshake(uint8_t* &p) { LOGINFO(5, "sending LISTEN_PORT"); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::LISTEN_PORT); const int32_t port = m_owner->listen_port(); memcpy(p, &port, sizeof(port)); p += sizeof(port); LOGINFO(5, "sending BLOCK_REQUEST for the chain tip"); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::BLOCK_REQUEST); hash empty; memcpy(p, empty.h, HASH_SIZE); p += HASH_SIZE; m_lastBroadcastTimestamp = time(nullptr); } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_listen_port(const uint8_t* buf) { int32_t port; memcpy(&port, buf, sizeof(port)); if ((port < 0) || (port >= 65536)) { LOGWARN(5, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " sent an invalid listen port number"); return false; } m_listenPort = port; static_cast(m_owner)->update_peer_in_list(m_isV6, m_addr, port); return true; } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_block_request(const uint8_t* buf) { m_lastBlockrequestTimestamp = time(nullptr); hash id; memcpy(id.h, buf, HASH_SIZE); P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); std::vector blob; if (!server->m_pool->side_chain().get_block_blob(id, blob) && !id.empty()) { LOGWARN(5, "got a request for block with id " << id << " but couldn't find it"); } return server->send(this, [&blob](void* buf) { uint8_t* p0 = reinterpret_cast(buf); uint8_t* p = p0; LOGINFO(5, "sending BLOCK_RESPONSE"); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::BLOCK_RESPONSE); *reinterpret_cast(p) = static_cast(blob.size()); p += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(p, blob.data(), blob.size()); p += blob.size(); return p - p0; }); } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_block_response(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size) { if (!size) { LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " sent an empty block response"); return true; } P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); MutexLock lock(server->m_blockLock); const int result = server->m_block->deserialize(buf, size, server->m_pool->side_chain()); if (result != 0) { LOGWARN(3, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " sent an invalid block, error " << result); return false; } return handle_incoming_block_async(server->m_block); } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_block_broadcast(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size) { if (!size) { LOGWARN(3, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " broadcasted an empty block"); return false; } P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); MutexLock lock(server->m_blockLock); const int result = server->m_block->deserialize(buf, size, server->m_pool->side_chain()); if (result != 0) { LOGWARN(3, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " sent an invalid block, error " << result); return false; } { WriteLock lock2(m_broadcastedHashesLock); m_broadcastedHashes.insert(server->m_block->m_sidechainId); } const MinerData& miner_data = server->m_pool->miner_data(); if (server->m_block->m_prevId != miner_data.prev_id) { // This peer is mining on top of a different Monero block, investigate it const uint64_t peer_height = server->m_block->m_txinGenHeight; const uint64_t our_height = miner_data.height; if (peer_height < our_height) { if (our_height - peer_height < 5) { using namespace std::chrono; const int64_t elapsed_ms = duration_cast(system_clock::now() - miner_data.time_received).count(); if ((our_height - peer_height > 1) || (elapsed_ms >= 1000)) { LOGWARN(5, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " broadcasted a stale block (" << elapsed_ms << " ms late, mainchain height " << peer_height << ", expected >= " << our_height << "), ignoring it"); return true; } else { LOGINFO(5, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " broadcasted a stale block (" << elapsed_ms << " ms late, mainchain height " << peer_height << ", expected >= " << our_height << ")"); } } else { LOGWARN(5, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " broadcasted an unreasonably stale block (mainchain height " << peer_height << ", expected >= " << our_height << ')'); return false; } } else if (peer_height > our_height) { if (peer_height >= our_height + 2) { LOGWARN(4, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " is ahead on mainchain (height " << peer_height << ", your height " << our_height << "). Is your monerod stuck or lagging?"); } } else { LOGINFO(4, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " is mining on an alternative mainchain tip (height " << peer_height << ")"); } } server->m_block->m_wantBroadcast = true; m_lastBroadcastTimestamp = time(nullptr); return handle_incoming_block_async(server->m_block); } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_peer_list_request(const uint8_t*) { P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); Peer peers[PEER_LIST_RESPONSE_MAX_PEERS]; uint32_t num_selected_peers = 0; { MutexLock lock(server->m_clientsListLock); // Send every 4th peer on average, selected at random const uint32_t n = server->m_numConnections; const uint32_t peers_to_send_target = std::min(PEER_LIST_RESPONSE_MAX_PEERS, std::max(1, n / 4)); for (P2PClient* client = static_cast(server->m_connectedClientsList->m_next); client != server->m_connectedClientsList; client = static_cast(client->m_next)) { if (client->m_listenPort < 0) { continue; } uint64_t hi; umul128(server->get_random64(), n, &hi); if ((hi < peers_to_send_target) && (client->m_addr != m_addr)) { peers[num_selected_peers++] = { client->m_isV6, client->m_addr, client->m_listenPort, 0 }; if (num_selected_peers >= PEER_LIST_RESPONSE_MAX_PEERS) { break; } } } } return server->send(this, [&peers, num_selected_peers](void* buf) { uint8_t* p0 = reinterpret_cast(buf); uint8_t* p = p0; LOGINFO(5, "sending PEER_LIST_RESPONSE"); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::PEER_LIST_RESPONSE); *(p++) = static_cast(num_selected_peers); // 19 bytes per peer for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_selected_peers; ++i) { const Peer& peer = peers[i]; *(p++) = peer.m_isV6 ? 1 : 0; memcpy(p, peer.m_addr.data, sizeof(peer.m_addr.data)); p += sizeof(peer.m_addr.data); memcpy(p, &peer.m_port, 2); p += 2; } return p - p0; }); } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::on_peer_list_response(const uint8_t* buf) const { P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); MutexLock lock(server->m_peerListLock); const uint32_t num_peers = *(buf++); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_peers; ++i) { const bool is_v6 = *(buf++) != 0; raw_ip ip; memcpy(ip.data, buf, sizeof(ip.data)); buf += sizeof(ip.data); int port = 0; memcpy(&port, buf, 2); buf += 2; bool already_added = false; for (const Peer& p : server->m_peerList) { if ((p.m_isV6 == is_v6) && (p.m_addr == ip)) { already_added = true; break; } } if (!already_added && !server->is_banned(ip)) { server->m_peerList.emplace_back(Peer{ is_v6, ip, port, 0 }); } } return true; } bool P2PServer::P2PClient::handle_incoming_block_async(PoolBlock* block) { P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); if (server->m_pool->side_chain().block_seen(*block)) { LOGINFO(6, "block " << block->m_sidechainId << " was received before, skipping it"); return true; } struct Work { uv_work_t req; PoolBlock block; P2PClient* client; P2PServer* server; uint32_t client_reset_counter; raw_ip client_ip; std::vector missing_blocks; }; Work* work = new Work{ {}, *block, this, server, m_resetCounter.load(), m_addr, {} }; work->req.data = work; const int err = uv_queue_work(&server->m_loop, &work->req, [](uv_work_t* req) { bkg_jobs_tracker.start("P2PServer::handle_incoming_block_async"); Work* work = reinterpret_cast(req->data); work->client->handle_incoming_block(work->server->m_pool, work->block, work->client_reset_counter, work->client_ip, work->missing_blocks); }, [](uv_work_t* req, int /*status*/) { Work* work = reinterpret_cast(req->data); work->client->post_handle_incoming_block(work->client_reset_counter, work->missing_blocks); delete work; bkg_jobs_tracker.stop("P2PServer::handle_incoming_block_async"); }); if (err != 0) { LOGERR(1, "handle_incoming_block_async: uv_queue_work failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); delete work; return false; } return true; } void P2PServer::P2PClient::handle_incoming_block(p2pool* pool, PoolBlock& block, const uint32_t reset_counter, const raw_ip& addr, std::vector& missing_blocks) { if (!pool->side_chain().add_external_block(block, missing_blocks)) { // Client sent bad data, disconnect and ban it if (reset_counter == m_resetCounter.load()) { close(); LOGWARN(3, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " banned for " << DEFAULT_BAN_TIME << " seconds"); } else { const log::hex_buf addr_hex(addr.data, sizeof(addr.data)); LOGWARN(3, "IP " << addr_hex << " banned for " << DEFAULT_BAN_TIME << " seconds"); } P2PServer* server = pool->p2p_server(); server->ban(addr, DEFAULT_BAN_TIME); server->remove_peer_from_list(addr); } } void P2PServer::P2PClient::post_handle_incoming_block(const uint32_t reset_counter, std::vector& missing_blocks) { // We might have been disconnected while side_chain was adding the block // In this case we can't send BLOCK_REQUEST messages on this connection anymore if (reset_counter != m_resetCounter.load()) { return; } if (missing_blocks.empty()) { return; } P2PServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); ReadLock lock(server->m_cachedBlocksLock); for (const hash& id : missing_blocks) { auto it = server->m_cachedBlocks.find(id); if (it != server->m_cachedBlocks.end()) { LOGINFO(5, "using cached block for id = " << id); handle_incoming_block_async(it->second); continue; } const bool result = m_owner->send(this, [&id](void* buf) { uint8_t* p0 = reinterpret_cast(buf); uint8_t* p = p0; LOGINFO(5, "sending BLOCK_REQUEST for id = " << id); *(p++) = static_cast(MessageId::BLOCK_REQUEST); memcpy(p, id.h, HASH_SIZE); p += HASH_SIZE; return p - p0; }); if (!result) { return; } } } } // namespace p2pool