/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 SChernykh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "common.h" #include "p2pool.h" #include "side_chain.h" #include "pool_block.h" #include "wallet.h" #include "block_template.h" #ifdef WITH_RANDOMX #include "randomx.h" #include "dataset.hpp" #include "configuration.h" #include "intrin_portable.h" #endif #include "keccak.h" #include "p2p_server.h" #include "stratum_server.h" #include "params.h" #include "json_parsers.h" #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr char log_category_prefix[] = "SideChain "; static constexpr uint64_t MIN_DIFFICULTY = 100000; static constexpr size_t UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH = 3; static_assert(1 <= UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH && UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH <= 10, "Invalid UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH"); static constexpr uint64_t MONERO_BLOCK_TIME = 120; namespace p2pool { static constexpr uint8_t default_consensus_id[HASH_SIZE] = { 34,175,126,231,181,11,104,146,227,153,218,107,44,108,68,39,178,81,4,212,169,4,142,0,177,110,157,240,68,7,249,24 }; static constexpr uint8_t mini_consensus_id[HASH_SIZE] = { 57,130,201,26,149,174,199,250,66,80,189,18,108,216,194,220,136,23,63,24,64,113,221,44,219,86,39,163,53,24,126,196 }; SideChain::SideChain(p2pool* pool, NetworkType type, const char* pool_name) : m_pool(pool) , m_networkType(type) , m_chainTip{ nullptr } , m_seenWalletsLastPruneTime(0) , m_poolName(pool_name ? pool_name : "default") , m_targetBlockTime(10) , m_minDifficulty(MIN_DIFFICULTY, 0) , m_chainWindowSize(2160) , m_unclePenalty(20) , m_curDifficulty(m_minDifficulty) , m_precalcFinished(false) { LOGINFO(1, log::LightCyan() << "network type = " << m_networkType); if (m_pool && !load_config(m_pool->params().m_config)) { panic(); } if (!check_config()) { panic(); } uv_rwlock_init_checked(&m_sidechainLock); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_seenWalletsLock); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_seenBlocksLock); uv_rwlock_init_checked(&m_curDifficultyLock); m_difficultyData.reserve(m_chainWindowSize); LOGINFO(1, "generating consensus ID"); char buf[log::Stream::BUF_SIZE + 1]; log::Stream s(buf); s << m_networkType << '\0' << m_poolName << '\0' << m_poolPassword << '\0' << m_targetBlockTime << '\0' << m_minDifficulty << '\0' << m_chainWindowSize << '\0' << m_unclePenalty << '\0'; constexpr char default_config[] = "mainnet\0" "default\0" "\0" "10\0" "100000\0" "2160\0" "20\0"; constexpr char mini_config[] = "mainnet\0" "mini\0" "\0" "10\0" "100000\0" "2160\0" "20\0"; // Hardcoded default consensus ID if (memcmp(buf, default_config, sizeof(default_config) - 1) == 0) { m_consensusId.assign(default_consensus_id, default_consensus_id + HASH_SIZE); } // Hardcoded mini consensus ID else if (memcmp(buf, mini_config, sizeof(mini_config) - 1) == 0) { m_consensusId.assign(mini_consensus_id, mini_consensus_id + HASH_SIZE); } else { #ifdef WITH_RANDOMX const randomx_flags flags = randomx_get_flags(); randomx_cache* cache = randomx_alloc_cache(flags | RANDOMX_FLAG_LARGE_PAGES); if (!cache) { LOGWARN(1, "couldn't allocate RandomX cache using large pages"); cache = randomx_alloc_cache(flags); if (!cache) { LOGERR(1, "couldn't allocate RandomX cache, aborting"); panic(); } } randomx_init_cache(cache, buf, s.m_pos); // Intentionally not a power of 2 constexpr size_t scratchpad_size = 1009; rx_vec_i128* scratchpad = reinterpret_cast(cache->memory); rx_vec_i128* scratchpad_end = scratchpad + scratchpad_size; rx_vec_i128* scratchpad_ptr = scratchpad; rx_vec_i128* cache_ptr = scratchpad_end; for (uint64_t i = scratchpad_size, n = RANDOMX_ARGON_MEMORY * 1024 / sizeof(rx_vec_i128); i < n; ++i) { *scratchpad_ptr = rx_xor_vec_i128(*scratchpad_ptr, *cache_ptr); ++cache_ptr; ++scratchpad_ptr; if (scratchpad_ptr == scratchpad_end) { scratchpad_ptr = scratchpad; } } hash id; keccak(reinterpret_cast(scratchpad), static_cast(scratchpad_size * sizeof(rx_vec_i128)), id.h, HASH_SIZE); randomx_release_cache(cache); m_consensusId.assign(id.h, id.h + HASH_SIZE); #else LOGERR(1, "Can't calculate consensus ID without RandomX library"); panic(); #endif } s.m_pos = 0; s << log::hex_buf(m_consensusId.data(), m_consensusId.size()) << '\0'; // Hide most consensus ID bytes, we only want it on screen to show that we're on the right sidechain memset(buf + 8, '*', HASH_SIZE * 2 - 16); m_consensusIdDisplayStr.assign(buf); LOGINFO(1, "consensus ID = " << log::LightCyan() << m_consensusIdDisplayStr.c_str()); uv_cond_init_checked(&m_precalcJobsCond); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_precalcJobsMutex); m_precalcJobs.reserve(16); uint32_t numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); // Leave 1 CPU core free from worker threads if (numThreads > 1) { --numThreads; } // Use between 1 and 8 threads if (numThreads < 1) numThreads = 1; if (numThreads > 8) numThreads = 8; LOGINFO(4, "running " << numThreads << " pre-calculation workers"); m_precalcWorkers.reserve(numThreads); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) { m_precalcWorkers.emplace_back(&SideChain::precalc_worker, this); } m_uniquePrecalcInputs = new unordered_set(); } SideChain::~SideChain() { finish_precalc(); uv_rwlock_destroy(&m_sidechainLock); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_seenWalletsLock); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_seenBlocksLock); uv_rwlock_destroy(&m_curDifficultyLock); for (const auto& it : m_blocksById) { delete it.second; } } void SideChain::fill_sidechain_data(PoolBlock& block, const Wallet* w, const hash& txkeySec, std::vector& shares) const { ReadLock lock(m_sidechainLock); block.m_minerWallet = *w; block.m_txkeySec = txkeySec; block.m_uncles.clear(); const PoolBlock* tip = m_chainTip; if (!tip) { block.m_parent = {}; block.m_sidechainHeight = 0; block.m_difficulty = m_minDifficulty; block.m_cumulativeDifficulty = m_minDifficulty; get_shares(&block, shares); return; } block.m_parent = tip->m_sidechainId; block.m_sidechainHeight = tip->m_sidechainHeight + 1; // Collect uncles from 3 previous block heights // First get a list of already mined blocks at these heights std::vector mined_blocks; mined_blocks.reserve(UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH * 2 + 1); const PoolBlock* tmp = tip; for (uint64_t i = 0, n = std::min(UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH, tip->m_sidechainHeight + 1); tmp && (i < n); ++i) { mined_blocks.push_back(tmp->m_sidechainId); mined_blocks.insert(mined_blocks.end(), tmp->m_uncles.begin(), tmp->m_uncles.end()); tmp = get_parent(tmp); } for (uint64_t i = 0, n = std::min(UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH, tip->m_sidechainHeight + 1); i < n; ++i) { auto it = m_blocksByHeight.find(tip->m_sidechainHeight - i); if (it == m_blocksByHeight.end()) { continue; } for (const PoolBlock* uncle : it->second) { // Only add verified and valid blocks if (!uncle || !uncle->m_verified || uncle->m_invalid) { continue; } // Only add it if it hasn't been mined already if (std::find(mined_blocks.begin(), mined_blocks.end(), uncle->m_sidechainId) != mined_blocks.end()) { continue; } // Only add it if it's on the same chain bool same_chain = false; do { tmp = tip; while (tmp && (tmp->m_sidechainHeight > uncle->m_sidechainHeight)) { tmp = get_parent(tmp); } if (!tmp || (tmp->m_sidechainHeight < uncle->m_sidechainHeight)) { break; } const PoolBlock* tmp2 = uncle; for (size_t j = 0; (j < UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH) && tmp && tmp2 && (tmp->m_sidechainHeight + UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH >= block.m_sidechainHeight); ++j) { if (tmp->m_parent == tmp2->m_parent) { same_chain = true; break; } tmp = get_parent(tmp); tmp2 = get_parent(tmp2); } } while (0); if (same_chain) { block.m_uncles.emplace_back(uncle->m_sidechainId); LOGINFO(4, "block template at height " << block.m_sidechainHeight << ": added " << uncle->m_sidechainId << " (height " << uncle->m_sidechainHeight << ") as an uncle block, depth " << block.m_sidechainHeight - uncle->m_sidechainHeight); } else { LOGINFO(4, "block template at height " << block.m_sidechainHeight << ": uncle block " << uncle->m_sidechainId << " (height " << uncle->m_sidechainHeight << ") is not on the same chain, depth " << block.m_sidechainHeight - uncle->m_sidechainHeight); } } } // Sort uncles and remove duplicates if (block.m_uncles.size() > 1) { std::sort(block.m_uncles.begin(), block.m_uncles.end()); block.m_uncles.erase(std::unique(block.m_uncles.begin(), block.m_uncles.end()), block.m_uncles.end()); } block.m_difficulty = difficulty(); block.m_cumulativeDifficulty = tip->m_cumulativeDifficulty + block.m_difficulty; for (const hash& uncle_id : block.m_uncles) { auto it = m_blocksById.find(uncle_id); if (it == m_blocksById.end()) { LOGERR(1, "block template has an unknown uncle block " << uncle_id << ". Fix the code!"); continue; } block.m_cumulativeDifficulty += it->second->m_difficulty; } get_shares(&block, shares); } P2PServer* SideChain::p2pServer() const { return m_pool ? m_pool->p2p_server() : nullptr; } bool SideChain::get_shares(const PoolBlock* tip, std::vector& shares) const { shares.clear(); shares.reserve(m_chainWindowSize * 2); // Collect shares from each block in the PPLNS window, starting from the "tip" uint64_t block_depth = 0; const PoolBlock* cur = tip; do { MinerShare cur_share{ cur->m_difficulty.lo, &cur->m_minerWallet }; for (const hash& uncle_id : cur->m_uncles) { auto it = m_blocksById.find(uncle_id); if (it == m_blocksById.end()) { LOGWARN(3, "get_shares: can't find uncle block at height = " << cur->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << uncle_id); LOGWARN(3, "get_shares: can't calculate shares for block at height = " << tip->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << tip->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << tip->m_txinGenHeight); return false; } PoolBlock* uncle = it->second; // Skip uncles which are already out of PPLNS window if (tip->m_sidechainHeight - uncle->m_sidechainHeight >= m_chainWindowSize) { continue; } // Take some % of uncle's weight into this share uint64_t product[2]; product[0] = umul128(uncle->m_difficulty.lo, m_unclePenalty, &product[1]); uint64_t rem; const uint64_t uncle_penalty = udiv128(product[1], product[0], 100, &rem); cur_share.m_weight += uncle_penalty; shares.emplace_back(uncle->m_difficulty.lo - uncle_penalty, &uncle->m_minerWallet); } shares.push_back(cur_share); ++block_depth; if (block_depth >= m_chainWindowSize) { break; } // Reached the genesis block so we're done if (cur->m_sidechainHeight == 0) { break; } auto it = m_blocksById.find(cur->m_parent); if (it == m_blocksById.end()) { LOGWARN(3, "get_shares: can't find parent block at height = " << cur->m_sidechainHeight - 1 << ", id = " << cur->m_parent); LOGWARN(3, "get_shares: can't calculate shares for block at height = " << tip->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << tip->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << tip->m_txinGenHeight); return false; } cur = it->second; } while (true); // Combine shares with the same wallet addresses std::sort(shares.begin(), shares.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return *a.m_wallet < *b.m_wallet; }); size_t k = 0; for (size_t i = 1, n = shares.size(); i < n; ++i) { if (*shares[i].m_wallet == *shares[k].m_wallet) { shares[k].m_weight += shares[i].m_weight; } else { ++k; shares[k].m_weight = shares[i].m_weight; shares[k].m_wallet = shares[i].m_wallet; } } shares.resize(k + 1); LOGINFO(6, "get_shares: " << k + 1 << " unique wallets in PPLNS window"); return true; } bool SideChain::get_wallets(const PoolBlock* tip, std::vector& wallets) const { // Collect wallets from each block in the PPLNS window, starting from the "tip" wallets.clear(); wallets.reserve(m_chainWindowSize * 2); uint64_t block_depth = 0; const PoolBlock* cur = tip; do { wallets.push_back(&cur->m_minerWallet); for (const hash& uncle_id : cur->m_uncles) { auto it = m_blocksById.find(uncle_id); if (it == m_blocksById.end()) { return false; } // Skip uncles which are already out of PPLNS window if (tip->m_sidechainHeight - it->second->m_sidechainHeight < m_chainWindowSize) { wallets.push_back(&it->second->m_minerWallet); } } ++block_depth; if ((block_depth >= m_chainWindowSize) || (cur->m_sidechainHeight == 0)) { break; } auto it = m_blocksById.find(cur->m_parent); if (it == m_blocksById.end()) { return false; } cur = it->second; } while (true); // Remove duplicates std::sort(wallets.begin(), wallets.end(), [](const Wallet* a, const Wallet* b) { return *a < *b; }); wallets.erase(std::unique(wallets.begin(), wallets.end(), [](const Wallet* a, const Wallet* b) { return *a == *b; }), wallets.end()); return true; } bool SideChain::block_seen(const PoolBlock& block) { // Check if it's some old block const PoolBlock* tip = m_chainTip; if (tip && tip->m_sidechainHeight > block.m_sidechainHeight + m_chainWindowSize * 2 && block.m_cumulativeDifficulty < tip->m_cumulativeDifficulty) { return true; } // Check if it was received before MutexLock lock(m_seenBlocksLock); return !m_seenBlocks.insert(block.m_sidechainId).second; } void SideChain::unsee_block(const PoolBlock& block) { MutexLock lock(m_seenBlocksLock); m_seenBlocks.erase(block.m_sidechainId); } bool SideChain::add_external_block(PoolBlock& block, std::vector& missing_blocks) { if (block.m_difficulty < m_minDifficulty) { LOGWARN(3, "add_external_block: block has invalid difficulty " << block.m_difficulty << ", expected >= " << m_minDifficulty); return false; } const difficulty_type expected_diff = difficulty(); bool too_low_diff = (block.m_difficulty < expected_diff); { ReadLock lock(m_sidechainLock); if (m_blocksById.find(block.m_sidechainId) != m_blocksById.end()) { LOGINFO(4, "add_external_block: block " << block.m_sidechainId << " is already added"); return true; } // This is mainly an anti-spam measure, not an actual verification step if (too_low_diff) { // Reduce required diff by 50% (by doubling this block's diff) to account for alternative chains difficulty_type diff2 = block.m_difficulty; diff2 += block.m_difficulty; const PoolBlock* tip = m_chainTip; for (const PoolBlock* tmp = tip; tmp && (tmp->m_sidechainHeight + m_chainWindowSize > tip->m_sidechainHeight); tmp = get_parent(tmp)) { if (diff2 >= tmp->m_difficulty) { too_low_diff = false; break; } } } } LOGINFO(4, "add_external_block: height = " << block.m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block.m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block.m_txinGenHeight); if (too_low_diff) { LOGWARN(4, "add_external_block: block has too low difficulty " << block.m_difficulty << ", expected >= ~" << expected_diff << ". Ignoring it."); return true; } // This check is not always possible to perform because of mainchain reorgs ChainMain data; if (m_pool->chainmain_get_by_hash(block.m_prevId, data)) { if (data.height + 1 != block.m_txinGenHeight) { LOGWARN(3, "add_external_block: wrong mainchain height " << block.m_txinGenHeight << ", expected " << data.height + 1); return false; } } else { LOGWARN(3, "add_external_block: block is built on top of an unknown mainchain block " << block.m_prevId << ", mainchain reorg might've happened"); } hash seed; if (!m_pool->get_seed(block.m_txinGenHeight, seed)) { LOGWARN(3, "add_external_block: couldn't get seed hash for mainchain height " << block.m_txinGenHeight); unsee_block(block); return false; } hash pow_hash; if (!block.get_pow_hash(m_pool->hasher(), block.m_txinGenHeight, seed, pow_hash)) { LOGWARN(3, "add_external_block: couldn't get PoW hash for height = " << block.m_sidechainHeight << ", mainchain height " << block.m_txinGenHeight << ". Ignoring it."); unsee_block(block); return true; } // Check if it has the correct parent and difficulty to go right to monerod for checking MinerData miner_data = m_pool->miner_data(); if ((block.m_prevId == miner_data.prev_id) && miner_data.difficulty.check_pow(pow_hash)) { LOGINFO(0, log::LightGreen() << "add_external_block: block " << block.m_sidechainId << " has enough PoW for Monero network, submitting it"); m_pool->submit_block_async(block.m_mainChainData); } else { difficulty_type diff; if (!m_pool->get_difficulty_at_height(block.m_txinGenHeight, diff)) { LOGWARN(3, "add_external_block: couldn't get mainchain difficulty for height = " << block.m_txinGenHeight); } else if (diff.check_pow(pow_hash)) { LOGINFO(0, log::LightGreen() << "add_external_block: block " << block.m_sidechainId << " has enough PoW for Monero height " << block.m_txinGenHeight << ", submitting it"); m_pool->submit_block_async(block.m_mainChainData); } } if (!block.m_difficulty.check_pow(pow_hash)) { LOGWARN(3, "add_external_block: not enough PoW for height = " << block.m_sidechainHeight << ", mainchain height " << block.m_txinGenHeight); return false; } bool block_found = false; missing_blocks.clear(); { WriteLock lock(m_sidechainLock); if (!block.m_parent.empty() && (m_blocksById.find(block.m_parent) == m_blocksById.end())) { missing_blocks.push_back(block.m_parent); } for (const hash& h : block.m_uncles) { if (!h.empty() && (m_blocksById.find(h) == m_blocksById.end())) { missing_blocks.push_back(h); } } if (block.m_sidechainId == m_watchBlockSidechainId) { LOGINFO(0, log::LightGreen() << "BLOCK FOUND: main chain block at height " << m_watchBlock.height << " was mined by this p2pool" << BLOCK_FOUND); m_watchBlockSidechainId = {}; data = m_watchBlock; block_found = true; const uint64_t payout = block.get_payout(m_pool->params().m_wallet); if (payout) { LOGINFO(0, log::LightCyan() << "You received a payout of " << log::LightGreen() << log::XMRAmount(payout) << log::LightCyan() << " in block " << log::LightGreen() << data.height); } } } if (block_found) { m_pool->api_update_block_found(&data); } add_block(block); return true; } void SideChain::add_block(const PoolBlock& block) { LOGINFO(3, "add_block: height = " << block.m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block.m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block.m_txinGenHeight << ", verified = " << (block.m_verified ? 1 : 0) ); PoolBlock* new_block = new PoolBlock(block); { MutexLock lock(m_seenWalletsLock); m_seenWallets[new_block->m_minerWallet.spend_public_key()] = new_block->m_localTimestamp; } WriteLock lock(m_sidechainLock); auto result = m_blocksById.insert({ new_block->m_sidechainId, new_block }); if (!result.second) { LOGWARN(3, "add_block: trying to add the same block twice, id = " << new_block->m_sidechainId << ", sidechain height = " << new_block->m_sidechainHeight << ", height = " << new_block->m_txinGenHeight); delete new_block; return; } m_blocksByHeight[new_block->m_sidechainHeight].push_back(new_block); // Pre-calculate eph_public_keys during initial sync launch_precalc(new_block); update_depths(new_block); if (new_block->m_verified) { if (!new_block->m_invalid) { update_chain_tip(new_block); // Save it for faster syncing on the next p2pool start if (P2PServer* server = p2pServer()) { server->store_in_cache(*new_block); } } } else { verify_loop(new_block); } } PoolBlock* SideChain::find_block(const hash& id) const { ReadLock lock(m_sidechainLock); auto it = m_blocksById.find(id); if (it != m_blocksById.end()) { return it->second; } return nullptr; } void SideChain::watch_mainchain_block(const ChainMain& data, const hash& possible_id) { WriteLock lock(m_sidechainLock); m_watchBlock = data; m_watchBlockSidechainId = possible_id; } bool SideChain::get_block_blob(const hash& id, std::vector& blob) const { ReadLock lock(m_sidechainLock); const PoolBlock* block = nullptr; // Empty hash means we return current sidechain tip if (id.empty()) { block = m_chainTip; // Don't return stale chain tip if (block && (block->m_txinGenHeight + 2 < m_pool->miner_data().height)) { return false; } } else { auto it = m_blocksById.find(id); if (it != m_blocksById.end()) { block = it->second; } } if (!block) { return false; } blob.reserve(block->m_mainChainData.size() + block->m_sideChainData.size()); blob = block->m_mainChainData; blob.insert(blob.end(), block->m_sideChainData.begin(), block->m_sideChainData.end()); return true; } bool SideChain::get_outputs_blob(PoolBlock* block, uint64_t total_reward, std::vector& blob, uv_loop_t* loop) const { blob.clear(); ReadLock lock(m_sidechainLock); auto it = m_blocksById.find(block->m_sidechainId); if (it != m_blocksById.end()) { PoolBlock* b = it->second; const size_t n = b->m_outputs.size(); blob.reserve(n * 39 + 64); writeVarint(n, blob); for (const PoolBlock::TxOutput& output : b->m_outputs) { writeVarint(output.m_reward, blob); blob.emplace_back(output.m_txType); blob.insert(blob.end(), output.m_ephPublicKey.h, output.m_ephPublicKey.h + HASH_SIZE); if (output.m_txType == TXOUT_TO_TAGGED_KEY) { blob.emplace_back(output.m_viewTag); } } block->m_outputs = b->m_outputs; return true; } std::vector tmpShares; std::vector tmpRewards; if (!get_shares(block, tmpShares) || !split_reward(total_reward, tmpShares, tmpRewards) || (tmpRewards.size() != tmpShares.size())) { return false; } const size_t n = tmpShares.size(); // Helper jobs call get_eph_public_key with indices in descending order // Current thread will process indices in ascending order so when they meet, everything will be cached std::atomic counter{ 0 }; std::atomic num_helper_jobs_finished{ 0 }; int num_helper_jobs_started = 0; if (loop) { constexpr size_t HELPER_JOBS_COUNT = 4; struct Work { uv_work_t req; const std::vector& tmpShares; const hash& txkeySec; std::atomic& counter; std::atomic& num_helper_jobs_finished; // Fix MSVC warnings Work() = delete; Work& operator=(Work&&) = delete; }; counter = static_cast(n) - 1; num_helper_jobs_started = HELPER_JOBS_COUNT; for (size_t i = 0; i < HELPER_JOBS_COUNT; ++i) { Work* w = new Work{ {}, tmpShares, block->m_txkeySec, counter, num_helper_jobs_finished }; w->req.data = w; const int err = uv_queue_work(loop, &w->req, [](uv_work_t* req) { Work* work = reinterpret_cast(req->data); hash eph_public_key; int index; while ((index = work->counter.fetch_sub(1)) >= 0) { uint8_t view_tag; work->tmpShares[index].m_wallet->get_eph_public_key(work->txkeySec, static_cast(index), eph_public_key, view_tag); } ++work->num_helper_jobs_finished; delete work; }, nullptr); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "get_outputs_blob: uv_queue_work failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); --num_helper_jobs_started; delete w; } } } blob.reserve(n * 39 + 64); writeVarint(n, blob); block->m_outputs.clear(); block->m_outputs.reserve(n); const uint8_t tx_type = block->get_tx_type(); hash eph_public_key; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // stop helper jobs when they meet with current thread const int c = counter.load(); if ((c >= 0) && (static_cast(i) >= c)) { // this will cause all helper jobs to finish immediately counter = -1; } writeVarint(tmpRewards[i], blob); blob.emplace_back(tx_type); uint8_t view_tag; if (!tmpShares[i].m_wallet->get_eph_public_key(block->m_txkeySec, i, eph_public_key, view_tag)) { LOGWARN(6, "get_eph_public_key failed at index " << i); } blob.insert(blob.end(), eph_public_key.h, eph_public_key.h + HASH_SIZE); if (tx_type == TXOUT_TO_TAGGED_KEY) { blob.emplace_back(view_tag); } block->m_outputs.emplace_back(tmpRewards[i], eph_public_key, tx_type, view_tag); } if (loop) { // this will cause all helper jobs to finish immediately counter = -1; while (num_helper_jobs_finished < num_helper_jobs_started) { std::this_thread::yield(); } } return true; } void SideChain::print_status() const { std::vector blocks_in_window; blocks_in_window.reserve(m_chainWindowSize * 9 / 8); const difficulty_type diff = difficulty(); ReadLock lock(m_sidechainLock); uint64_t rem; uint64_t pool_hashrate = udiv128(diff.hi, diff.lo, m_targetBlockTime, &rem); difficulty_type network_diff = m_pool->miner_data().difficulty; uint64_t network_hashrate = udiv128(network_diff.hi, network_diff.lo, MONERO_BLOCK_TIME, &rem); const PoolBlock* tip = m_chainTip; uint64_t block_depth = 0; const PoolBlock* cur = tip; const uint64_t tip_height = tip ? tip->m_sidechainHeight : 0; uint32_t total_blocks_in_window = 0; uint32_t total_uncles_in_window = 0; // each dot corresponds to m_chainWindowSize / 30 shares, with current values, 2160 / 30 = 72 std::array our_blocks_in_window{}; std::array our_uncles_in_window{}; while (cur) { blocks_in_window.emplace_back(cur->m_sidechainId); ++total_blocks_in_window; if (cur->m_minerWallet == m_pool->params().m_wallet) { // this produces an integer division with quotient rounded up, avoids non-whole divisions from overflowing on total_blocks_in_window const size_t window_index = (total_blocks_in_window - 1) / ((m_chainWindowSize + our_blocks_in_window.size() - 1) / our_blocks_in_window.size()); our_blocks_in_window[std::min(window_index, our_blocks_in_window.size() - 1)]++; // clamp window_index, even if total_blocks_in_window is not larger than m_chainWindowSize } ++block_depth; if (block_depth >= m_chainWindowSize) { break; } for (const hash& uncle_id : cur->m_uncles) { blocks_in_window.emplace_back(uncle_id); auto it = m_blocksById.find(uncle_id); if (it != m_blocksById.end()) { PoolBlock* uncle = it->second; if (tip_height - uncle->m_sidechainHeight < m_chainWindowSize) { ++total_uncles_in_window; if (uncle->m_minerWallet == m_pool->params().m_wallet) { // this produces an integer division with quotient rounded up, avoids non-whole divisions from overflowing on total_blocks_in_window const size_t window_index = (total_blocks_in_window - 1) / ((m_chainWindowSize + our_uncles_in_window.size() - 1) / our_uncles_in_window.size()); our_uncles_in_window[std::min(window_index, our_uncles_in_window.size() - 1)]++; // clamp window_index, even if total_blocks_in_window is not larger than m_chainWindowSize } } } } cur = get_parent(cur); } uint64_t total_orphans = 0; uint64_t our_orphans = 0; uint64_t your_reward = 0; uint64_t total_reward = 0; if (tip) { std::sort(blocks_in_window.begin(), blocks_in_window.end()); for (uint64_t i = 0; (i < m_chainWindowSize) && (i <= tip_height); ++i) { auto it = m_blocksByHeight.find(tip_height - i); if (it == m_blocksByHeight.end()) { continue; } for (const PoolBlock* block : it->second) { if (!std::binary_search(blocks_in_window.begin(), blocks_in_window.end(), block->m_sidechainId)) { LOGINFO(4, "orphan block at height " << log::Gray() << block->m_sidechainHeight << log::NoColor() << ": " << log::Gray() << block->m_sidechainId); ++total_orphans; if (block->m_minerWallet == m_pool->params().m_wallet) { ++our_orphans; } } } } const Wallet& w = m_pool->params().m_wallet; hash eph_public_key; for (size_t i = 0, n = tip->m_outputs.size(); i < n; ++i) { const PoolBlock::TxOutput& out = tip->m_outputs[i]; if (!your_reward) { if (out.m_txType == TXOUT_TO_TAGGED_KEY) { if (w.get_eph_public_key_with_view_tag(tip->m_txkeySec, i, eph_public_key, out.m_viewTag) && (out.m_ephPublicKey == eph_public_key)) { your_reward = out.m_reward; } } else { uint8_t view_tag; if (w.get_eph_public_key(tip->m_txkeySec, i, eph_public_key, view_tag) && (out.m_ephPublicKey == eph_public_key)) { your_reward = out.m_reward; } } } total_reward += out.m_reward; } } uint64_t product[2]; product[0] = umul128(pool_hashrate, your_reward, &product[1]); const uint64_t hashrate_est = total_reward ? udiv128(product[1], product[0], total_reward, &rem) : 0; const double block_share = total_reward ? ((static_cast(your_reward) * 100.0) / static_cast(total_reward)) : 0.0; const uint32_t our_blocks_in_window_total = std::accumulate(our_blocks_in_window.begin(), our_blocks_in_window.end(), 0U); const uint32_t our_uncles_in_window_total = std::accumulate(our_uncles_in_window.begin(), our_uncles_in_window.end(), 0U); std::string our_blocks_in_window_chart; if (our_blocks_in_window_total) { our_blocks_in_window_chart.reserve(our_blocks_in_window.size() + 32); our_blocks_in_window_chart = "\nYour shares position = ["; for (uint32_t p : our_blocks_in_window) { our_blocks_in_window_chart += (p ? ((p > 9) ? '+' : static_cast('0' + p)) : '.'); } our_blocks_in_window_chart += ']'; } std::string our_uncles_in_window_chart; if (our_uncles_in_window_total) { our_uncles_in_window_chart.reserve(our_uncles_in_window.size() + 32); our_uncles_in_window_chart = "\nYour uncles position = ["; for (uint32_t p : our_uncles_in_window) { our_uncles_in_window_chart += (p ? ((p > 9) ? '+' : static_cast('0' + p)) : '.'); } our_uncles_in_window_chart += ']'; } LOGINFO(0, "status" << "\nMain chain height = " << m_pool->block_template().height() << "\nMain chain hashrate = " << log::Hashrate(network_hashrate) << "\nSide chain ID = " << (is_default() ? "default" : (is_mini() ? "mini" : m_consensusIdDisplayStr.c_str())) << "\nSide chain height = " << tip_height + 1 << "\nSide chain hashrate = " << log::Hashrate(pool_hashrate) << (hashrate_est ? "\nYour hashrate (pool-side) = " : "") << (hashrate_est ? log::Hashrate(hashrate_est) : log::Hashrate()) << "\nPPLNS window = " << total_blocks_in_window << " blocks (+" << total_uncles_in_window << " uncles, " << total_orphans << " orphans)" << "\nYour shares = " << our_blocks_in_window_total << " blocks (+" << our_uncles_in_window_total << " uncles, " << our_orphans << " orphans)" << our_blocks_in_window_chart << our_uncles_in_window_chart << "\nBlock reward share = " << block_share << "% (" << log::XMRAmount(your_reward) << ')' ); } double SideChain::get_reward_share(const Wallet& w) const { uint64_t reward = 0; uint64_t total_reward = 0; { ReadLock lock(m_sidechainLock); const PoolBlock* tip = m_chainTip; if (tip) { hash eph_public_key; for (size_t i = 0, n = tip->m_outputs.size(); i < n; ++i) { const PoolBlock::TxOutput& out = tip->m_outputs[i]; if (!reward) { if (out.m_txType == TXOUT_TO_TAGGED_KEY) { if (w.get_eph_public_key_with_view_tag(tip->m_txkeySec, i, eph_public_key, out.m_viewTag) && (out.m_ephPublicKey == eph_public_key)) { reward = out.m_reward; } } else { uint8_t view_tag; if (w.get_eph_public_key(tip->m_txkeySec, i, eph_public_key, view_tag) && (out.m_ephPublicKey == eph_public_key)) { reward = out.m_reward; } } } total_reward += out.m_reward; } } } return total_reward ? (static_cast(reward) / static_cast(total_reward)) : 0.0; } difficulty_type SideChain::total_hashes() const { const PoolBlock* tip = m_chainTip; return tip ? tip->m_cumulativeDifficulty : difficulty_type(); } uint64_t SideChain::miner_count() { const uint64_t cur_time = seconds_since_epoch(); MutexLock lock(m_seenWalletsLock); // Every 5 minutes, delete wallets that weren't seen for more than 72 hours if (m_seenWalletsLastPruneTime + 5 * 60 <= cur_time) { for (auto it = m_seenWallets.begin(); it != m_seenWallets.end();) { if (it->second + 72 * 60 * 60 < cur_time) { it = m_seenWallets.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } m_seenWalletsLastPruneTime = cur_time; } return m_seenWallets.size(); } uint64_t SideChain::last_updated() const { const PoolBlock* tip = m_chainTip; return tip ? tip->m_localTimestamp : 0; } bool SideChain::is_default() const { return (memcmp(m_consensusId.data(), default_consensus_id, HASH_SIZE) == 0); } bool SideChain::is_mini() const { return (memcmp(m_consensusId.data(), mini_consensus_id, HASH_SIZE) == 0); } bool SideChain::split_reward(uint64_t reward, const std::vector& shares, std::vector& rewards) { const size_t num_shares = shares.size(); const uint64_t total_weight = std::accumulate(shares.begin(), shares.end(), 0ULL, [](uint64_t a, const MinerShare& b) { return a + b.m_weight; }); if (total_weight == 0) { LOGERR(1, "total_weight is 0. Check the code!"); return false; } rewards.clear(); rewards.reserve(num_shares); // Each miner gets a proportional fraction of the block reward uint64_t w = 0; uint64_t reward_given = 0; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_shares; ++i) { w += shares[i].m_weight; uint64_t hi; const uint64_t lo = umul128(w, reward, &hi); uint64_t rem; const uint64_t next_value = udiv128(hi, lo, total_weight, &rem); rewards.emplace_back(next_value - reward_given); reward_given = next_value; } // Double check that we gave out the exact amount if (std::accumulate(rewards.begin(), rewards.end(), 0ULL) != reward) { LOGERR(1, "miners got incorrect reward. This should never happen because math says so. Check the code!"); return false; } return true; } bool SideChain::get_difficulty(const PoolBlock* tip, std::vector& difficultyData, difficulty_type& curDifficulty) const { difficultyData.clear(); const PoolBlock* cur = tip; uint64_t oldest_timestamp = std::numeric_limits::max(); uint64_t block_depth = 0; do { oldest_timestamp = std::min(oldest_timestamp, cur->m_timestamp); difficultyData.emplace_back(cur->m_timestamp, cur->m_cumulativeDifficulty); for (const hash& uncle_id : cur->m_uncles) { auto it = m_blocksById.find(uncle_id); if (it == m_blocksById.end()) { LOGWARN(3, "get_difficulty: can't find uncle block at height = " << cur->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << uncle_id); LOGWARN(3, "get_difficulty: can't calculate diff for block at height = " << tip->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << tip->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << tip->m_txinGenHeight); return false; } const PoolBlock* uncle = it->second; if (tip->m_sidechainHeight - uncle->m_sidechainHeight < m_chainWindowSize) { oldest_timestamp = std::min(oldest_timestamp, uncle->m_timestamp); difficultyData.emplace_back(uncle->m_timestamp, uncle->m_cumulativeDifficulty); } } ++block_depth; if (block_depth >= m_chainWindowSize) { break; } // Reached the genesis block so we're done if (cur->m_sidechainHeight == 0) { break; } auto it = m_blocksById.find(cur->m_parent); if (it == m_blocksById.end()) { LOGWARN(3, "get_difficulty: can't find parent block at height = " << cur->m_sidechainHeight - 1 << ", id = " << cur->m_parent); LOGWARN(3, "get_difficulty: can't calculate diff for block at height = " << tip->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << tip->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << tip->m_txinGenHeight); return false; } cur = it->second; } while (true); // Discard 10% oldest and 10% newest (by timestamp) blocks std::vector tmpTimestamps; tmpTimestamps.reserve(difficultyData.size()); std::transform(difficultyData.begin(), difficultyData.end(), std::back_inserter(tmpTimestamps), [oldest_timestamp](const DifficultyData& d) { return static_cast(d.m_timestamp - oldest_timestamp); }); const uint64_t cut_size = (difficultyData.size() + 9) / 10; const uint64_t index1 = cut_size - 1; const uint64_t index2 = difficultyData.size() - cut_size; std::nth_element(tmpTimestamps.begin(), tmpTimestamps.begin() + index1, tmpTimestamps.end()); const uint64_t timestamp1 = oldest_timestamp + tmpTimestamps[index1]; std::nth_element(tmpTimestamps.begin(), tmpTimestamps.begin() + index2, tmpTimestamps.end()); const uint64_t timestamp2 = oldest_timestamp + tmpTimestamps[index2]; const uint64_t delta_t = (timestamp2 > timestamp1) ? (timestamp2 - timestamp1) : 1; difficulty_type diff1{ std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max() }; difficulty_type diff2{ 0, 0 }; for (const DifficultyData& d : difficultyData) { if (timestamp1 <= d.m_timestamp && d.m_timestamp <= timestamp2) { if (d.m_cumulativeDifficulty < diff1) { diff1 = d.m_cumulativeDifficulty; } if (diff2 < d.m_cumulativeDifficulty) { diff2 = d.m_cumulativeDifficulty; } } } // This is correct as long as the difference between two 128-bit difficulties is less than 2^64, even if it wraps const uint64_t delta_diff = diff2.lo - diff1.lo; uint64_t product[2]; product[0] = umul128(delta_diff, m_targetBlockTime, &product[1]); if (product[1] >= delta_t) { LOGERR(1, "calculated difficulty is too high for block at height = " << tip->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << tip->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << tip->m_txinGenHeight); return false; } uint64_t rem; curDifficulty.lo = udiv128(product[1], product[0], delta_t, &rem); curDifficulty.hi = 0; if (curDifficulty < m_minDifficulty) { curDifficulty = m_minDifficulty; } return true; } void SideChain::verify_loop(PoolBlock* block) { // PoW is already checked at this point std::vector blocks_to_verify(1, block); PoolBlock* highest_block = nullptr; while (!blocks_to_verify.empty()) { block = blocks_to_verify.back(); blocks_to_verify.pop_back(); if (block->m_verified) { continue; } verify(block); if (!block->m_verified) { LOGINFO(6, "can't verify block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << ": parent or uncle blocks are not available)"); continue; } if (block->m_invalid) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " is invalid"); } else { LOGINFO(3, "verified block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", depth = " << block->m_depth << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight); // This block is now verified bool is_alternative; if (is_longer_chain(highest_block, block, is_alternative)) { highest_block = block; } else if (highest_block && (highest_block->m_sidechainHeight > block->m_sidechainHeight)) { LOGINFO(4, "block " << highest_block->m_sidechainId << ", height = " << highest_block->m_sidechainHeight << " is not a longer chain than " << block->m_sidechainId << ", height " << block->m_sidechainHeight); } P2PServer* server = p2pServer(); // If it came through a broadcast, send it to our peers if (block->m_wantBroadcast && !block->m_broadcasted) { block->m_broadcasted = true; if (server && (block->m_depth < UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH)) { server->broadcast(*block); } } // Save it for faster syncing on the next p2pool start if (server) { server->store_in_cache(*block); } // Try to verify blocks on top of this one for (size_t i = 1; i <= UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH; ++i) { auto it = m_blocksByHeight.find(block->m_sidechainHeight + i); if (it == m_blocksByHeight.end()) { continue; } const std::vector& next_blocks = it->second; if (!next_blocks.empty()) { blocks_to_verify.insert(blocks_to_verify.end(), next_blocks.begin(), next_blocks.end()); } } } } if (highest_block) { update_chain_tip(highest_block); } return; } void SideChain::verify(PoolBlock* block) { // Genesis block if (block->m_sidechainHeight == 0) { if (!block->m_parent.empty() || !block->m_uncles.empty() || (block->m_difficulty != m_minDifficulty) || (block->m_cumulativeDifficulty != m_minDifficulty)) { block->m_invalid = true; } block->m_verified = true; return; } // Deep block // // Blocks in PPLNS window (m_chainWindowSize) require up to m_chainWindowSize earlier blocks to verify // If a block is deeper than m_chainWindowSize * 2 - 1 it can't influence blocks in PPLNS window // Also, having so many blocks on top of this one means it was verified by the network at some point // We skip checks in this case to make pruning possible if (block->m_depth >= m_chainWindowSize * 2) { LOGINFO(4, "block " << block->m_sidechainId << " skipped verification"); block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = false; return; } // Regular block // Must have a parent if (block->m_parent.empty()) { block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } // Check parent auto it = m_blocksById.find(block->m_parent); if ((it == m_blocksById.end()) || !it->second->m_verified) { block->m_verified = false; return; } // If it's invalid then this block is also invalid PoolBlock* parent = it->second; if (parent->m_invalid) { block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } const uint64_t expectedHeight = parent->m_sidechainHeight + 1; if (block->m_sidechainHeight != expectedHeight) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has wrong height: expected " << expectedHeight); block->m_invalid = true; return; } // Uncle hashes must be sorted in the ascending order to prevent cheating when the same hash is repeated multiple times for (size_t i = 1, n = block->m_uncles.size(); i < n; ++i) { if (!(block->m_uncles[i - 1] < block->m_uncles[i])) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has invalid uncle order"); block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } } difficulty_type expectedCumulativeDifficulty = parent->m_cumulativeDifficulty + block->m_difficulty; // Check uncles // First get a list of already mined blocks at possible uncle heights std::vector mined_blocks; if (!block->m_uncles.empty()) { mined_blocks.reserve(UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH * 2 + 1); PoolBlock* tmp = parent; for (uint64_t i = 0, n = std::min(UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH, block->m_sidechainHeight + 1); tmp && (i < n); ++i) { mined_blocks.push_back(tmp->m_sidechainId); mined_blocks.insert(mined_blocks.end(), tmp->m_uncles.begin(), tmp->m_uncles.end()); tmp = get_parent(tmp); } } for (const hash& uncle_id : block->m_uncles) { // Empty hash is only used in the genesis block and only for its parent // Uncles can't be empty if (uncle_id.empty()) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has empty uncle hash"); block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } // Can't mine the same uncle block twice if (std::find(mined_blocks.begin(), mined_blocks.end(), uncle_id) != mined_blocks.end()) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has an uncle (" << uncle_id << ") that's already been mined"); block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } it = m_blocksById.find(uncle_id); if ((it == m_blocksById.end()) || !it->second->m_verified) { block->m_verified = false; return; } PoolBlock* uncle = it->second; // If it's invalid then this block is also invalid if (uncle->m_invalid) { block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } // Check that it has correct height if ((uncle->m_sidechainHeight >= block->m_sidechainHeight) || (uncle->m_sidechainHeight + UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH < block->m_sidechainHeight)) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has an uncle at the wrong height (" << uncle->m_sidechainHeight << ')'); block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } // Check that uncle and parent have the same ancestor (they must be on the same chain) PoolBlock* tmp = parent; while (tmp->m_sidechainHeight > uncle->m_sidechainHeight) { tmp = get_parent(tmp); if (!tmp) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has an uncle from a different chain (check 1 failed)"); block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } } if (tmp->m_sidechainHeight < uncle->m_sidechainHeight) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has an uncle from a different chain (check 2 failed)"); block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } bool same_chain = false; PoolBlock* tmp2 = uncle; for (size_t j = 0; (j < UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH) && tmp && tmp2 && (tmp->m_sidechainHeight + UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH >= block->m_sidechainHeight); ++j) { if (tmp->m_parent == tmp2->m_parent) { same_chain = true; break; } tmp = get_parent(tmp); tmp2 = get_parent(tmp2); } if (!same_chain) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has an uncle from a different chain (check 3 failed)"); block->m_verified = true; block->m_invalid = true; return; } expectedCumulativeDifficulty += uncle->m_difficulty; } // We can verify this block now (all previous blocks in the window are verified and valid) // It can still turn out to be invalid block->m_verified = true; if (block->m_cumulativeDifficulty != expectedCumulativeDifficulty) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has wrong cumulative difficulty: got " << block->m_cumulativeDifficulty << ", expected " << expectedCumulativeDifficulty); block->m_invalid = true; return; } // Verify difficulty and miner rewards only for blocks in PPLNS window if (block->m_depth >= m_chainWindowSize) { LOGINFO(4, "block " << block->m_sidechainId << " skipped diff/reward verification"); block->m_invalid = false; return; } difficulty_type diff; if (!get_difficulty(parent, m_difficultyData, diff)) { block->m_invalid = true; return; } if (diff != block->m_difficulty) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has wrong difficulty: got " << block->m_difficulty << ", expected " << diff); block->m_invalid = true; return; } std::vector shares; if (!get_shares(block, shares)) { block->m_invalid = true; return; } if (shares.size() != block->m_outputs.size()) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has invalid number of outputs: got " << block->m_outputs.size() << ", expected " << shares.size()); block->m_invalid = true; return; } uint64_t total_reward = std::accumulate(block->m_outputs.begin(), block->m_outputs.end(), 0ULL, [](uint64_t a, const PoolBlock::TxOutput& b) { return a + b.m_reward; }); std::vector rewards; if (!split_reward(total_reward, shares, rewards)) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << ": split_reward failed"); block->m_invalid = true; return; } if (rewards.size() != block->m_outputs.size()) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has invalid number of outputs: got " << block->m_outputs.size() << ", expected " << rewards.size()); block->m_invalid = true; return; } for (size_t i = 0, n = rewards.size(); i < n; ++i) { const PoolBlock::TxOutput& out = block->m_outputs[i]; if (rewards[i] != out.m_reward) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has invalid reward at index " << i << ": got " << out.m_reward << ", expected " << rewards[i]); block->m_invalid = true; return; } hash eph_public_key; uint8_t view_tag; if (!shares[i].m_wallet->get_eph_public_key(block->m_txkeySec, i, eph_public_key, view_tag)) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " failed to eph_public_key at index " << i); block->m_invalid = true; return; } if ((out.m_txType == TXOUT_TO_TAGGED_KEY) && (out.m_viewTag != view_tag)) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " has an incorrect view tag at index " << i); block->m_invalid = true; return; } if (eph_public_key != out.m_ephPublicKey) { LOGWARN(3, "block at height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << ", id = " << block->m_sidechainId << ", mainchain height = " << block->m_txinGenHeight << " pays out to a wrong wallet at index " << i); block->m_invalid = true; return; } } // All checks passed block->m_invalid = false; } void SideChain::update_chain_tip(const PoolBlock* block) { if (!block->m_verified || block->m_invalid) { LOGERR(1, "trying to update chain tip to an unverified or invalid block, fix the code!"); return; } if (block->m_depth >= m_chainWindowSize) { LOGINFO(5, "Trying to update chain tip to a block with depth " << block->m_depth << ". Ignoring it."); return; } const PoolBlock* tip = m_chainTip; bool is_alternative; if (is_longer_chain(tip, block, is_alternative)) { difficulty_type diff; if (get_difficulty(block, m_difficultyData, diff)) { m_chainTip = const_cast(block); { WriteLock lock(m_curDifficultyLock); m_curDifficulty = diff; } LOGINFO(2, "new chain tip: next height = " << log::Gray() << block->m_sidechainHeight + 1 << log::NoColor() << ", next difficulty = " << log::Gray() << diff << log::NoColor() << ", main chain height = " << log::Gray() << block->m_txinGenHeight); block->m_wantBroadcast = true; if (m_pool) { m_pool->update_block_template_async(is_alternative); // Reset stratum share counters when switching to an alternative chain to avoid confusion if (is_alternative) { StratumServer* s = m_pool->stratum_server(); if (s) { s->reset_share_counters(); } LOGINFO(0, log::LightCyan() << "SYNCHRONIZED"); } } prune_old_blocks(); } } else if (block->m_sidechainHeight > tip->m_sidechainHeight) { LOGINFO(4, "block " << block->m_sidechainId << ", height = " << block->m_sidechainHeight << " is not a longer chain than " << tip->m_sidechainId << ", height " << tip->m_sidechainHeight); } else if (block->m_sidechainHeight + UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH > tip->m_sidechainHeight) { LOGINFO(4, "possible uncle block: id = " << log::Gray() << block->m_sidechainId << log::NoColor() << ", height = " << log::Gray() << block->m_sidechainHeight); m_pool->update_block_template_async(); } if (p2pServer() && block->m_wantBroadcast && !block->m_broadcasted) { block->m_broadcasted = true; p2pServer()->broadcast(*block); } } PoolBlock* SideChain::get_parent(const PoolBlock* block) const { if (block) { auto it = m_blocksById.find(block->m_parent); if (it != m_blocksById.end()) { return it->second; } } return nullptr; } bool SideChain::is_longer_chain(const PoolBlock* block, const PoolBlock* candidate, bool& is_alternative) { is_alternative = false; if (!candidate || !candidate->m_verified || candidate->m_invalid) { return false; } if (!block) { // Switching from an empty to a non-empty chain is_alternative = true; return true; } // If these two blocks are on the same chain, they must have a common ancestor const PoolBlock* block_ancestor = block; while (block_ancestor && (block_ancestor->m_sidechainHeight > candidate->m_sidechainHeight)) { const hash& id = block_ancestor->m_parent; block_ancestor = get_parent(block_ancestor); if (!block_ancestor) { LOGINFO(4, "couldn't find ancestor " << id << " of block " << block->m_sidechainId << " at height " << block->m_sidechainHeight); break; } } if (block_ancestor) { const PoolBlock* candidate_ancestor = candidate; while (candidate_ancestor->m_sidechainHeight > block_ancestor->m_sidechainHeight) { const hash& id = candidate_ancestor->m_parent; candidate_ancestor = get_parent(candidate_ancestor); if (!candidate_ancestor) { LOGINFO(4, "couldn't find ancestor " << id << " of block " << candidate->m_sidechainId << " at height " << candidate->m_sidechainHeight); break; } } // cppcheck-suppress knownConditionTrueFalse while (block_ancestor && candidate_ancestor) { if (block_ancestor->m_parent == candidate_ancestor->m_parent) { // If they are really on the same chain, we can just compare cumulative difficulties return block->m_cumulativeDifficulty < candidate->m_cumulativeDifficulty; } block_ancestor = get_parent(block_ancestor); candidate_ancestor = get_parent(candidate_ancestor); } } // They're on totally different chains. Compare total difficulties over the last m_chainWindowSize blocks is_alternative = true; difficulty_type block_total_diff; difficulty_type candidate_total_diff; const PoolBlock* old_chain = block; const PoolBlock* new_chain = candidate; uint64_t candidate_mainchain_height = 0; uint64_t candidate_mainchain_min_height = 0; hash mainchain_prev_id; for (uint64_t i = 0; (i < m_chainWindowSize) && (old_chain || new_chain); ++i) { if (old_chain) { block_total_diff += old_chain->m_difficulty; old_chain = get_parent(old_chain); } if (new_chain) { candidate_mainchain_min_height = candidate_mainchain_min_height ? std::min(candidate_mainchain_min_height, new_chain->m_txinGenHeight) : new_chain->m_txinGenHeight; candidate_total_diff += new_chain->m_difficulty; ChainMain data; if ((new_chain->m_prevId != mainchain_prev_id) && m_pool->chainmain_get_by_hash(new_chain->m_prevId, data)) { mainchain_prev_id = new_chain->m_prevId; candidate_mainchain_height = std::max(candidate_mainchain_height, data.height); } new_chain = get_parent(new_chain); } } if (block_total_diff >= candidate_total_diff) { return false; } // Final check: candidate chain must be built on top of recent mainchain blocks MinerData data = m_pool->miner_data(); if (candidate_mainchain_height + 10 < data.height) { LOGWARN(3, "received a longer alternative chain but it's stale: height " << candidate_mainchain_height << ", current height " << data.height); return false; } const uint64_t limit = m_chainWindowSize * 4 * m_targetBlockTime / MONERO_BLOCK_TIME; if (candidate_mainchain_min_height + limit < data.height) { LOGWARN(3, "received a longer alternative chain but it's stale: min height " << candidate_mainchain_min_height << ", must be >= " << (data.height - limit)); return false; } LOGINFO(3, "received a longer alternative chain: height " << log::Gray() << block->m_sidechainHeight << log::NoColor() << " -> " << log::Gray() << candidate->m_sidechainHeight << log::NoColor() << ", cumulative difficulty " << log::Gray() << block->m_cumulativeDifficulty << log::NoColor() << " -> " << log::Gray() << candidate->m_cumulativeDifficulty); return true; } void SideChain::update_depths(PoolBlock* block) { for (size_t i = 1; i <= UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH; ++i) { for (PoolBlock* child : m_blocksByHeight[block->m_sidechainHeight + i]) { if (child->m_parent == block->m_sidechainId) { if (i != 1) { LOGERR(1, "m_blocksByHeight is inconsistent with child->m_parent. Fix the code!"); } else { block->m_depth = std::max(block->m_depth, child->m_depth + 1); } } auto it = std::find(child->m_uncles.begin(), child->m_uncles.end(), block->m_sidechainId); if (it != child->m_uncles.end()) { block->m_depth = std::max(block->m_depth, child->m_depth + i); } } } std::vector blocks_to_update(1, block); do { block = blocks_to_update.back(); blocks_to_update.pop_back(); // Verify this block and possibly other blocks on top of it when we're sure it will get verified if (!block->m_verified && ((block->m_depth >= m_chainWindowSize * 2) || (block->m_sidechainHeight == 0))) { verify_loop(block); } auto it = m_blocksById.find(block->m_parent); if (it != m_blocksById.end()) { if (it->second->m_sidechainHeight + 1 != block->m_sidechainHeight) { LOGERR(1, "m_sidechainHeight is inconsistent with block->m_parent. Fix the code!"); } if (it->second->m_depth < block->m_depth + 1) { it->second->m_depth = block->m_depth + 1; blocks_to_update.push_back(it->second); } } for (const hash& uncle_id : block->m_uncles) { it = m_blocksById.find(uncle_id); if (it == m_blocksById.end()) { continue; } if ((it->second->m_sidechainHeight >= block->m_sidechainHeight) || (it->second->m_sidechainHeight + UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH < block->m_sidechainHeight)) { LOGERR(1, "m_sidechainHeight is inconsistent with block->m_uncles. Fix the code!"); } const uint64_t d = block->m_sidechainHeight - it->second->m_sidechainHeight; if (it->second->m_depth < block->m_depth + d) { it->second->m_depth = block->m_depth + d; blocks_to_update.push_back(it->second); } } } while (!blocks_to_update.empty()); } void SideChain::prune_old_blocks() { // Leave 2 minutes worth of spare blocks in addition to 2xPPLNS window for lagging nodes which need to sync const uint64_t prune_distance = m_chainWindowSize * 2 + MONERO_BLOCK_TIME / m_targetBlockTime; // Remove old blocks from alternative unconnected chains after long enough time const uint64_t cur_time = seconds_since_epoch(); const uint64_t prune_delay = m_chainWindowSize * 4 * m_targetBlockTime; const PoolBlock* tip = m_chainTip; if (tip->m_sidechainHeight < prune_distance) { return; } const uint64_t h = tip->m_sidechainHeight - prune_distance; uint64_t num_blocks_pruned = 0; for (auto it = m_blocksByHeight.begin(); (it != m_blocksByHeight.end()) && (it->first <= h);) { const uint64_t height = it->first; std::vector& v = it->second; v.erase(std::remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [this, prune_distance, cur_time, prune_delay, &num_blocks_pruned, height](PoolBlock* block) { if ((block->m_depth >= prune_distance) || (cur_time >= block->m_localTimestamp + prune_delay)) { auto it2 = m_blocksById.find(block->m_sidechainId); if (it2 != m_blocksById.end()) { m_blocksById.erase(it2); unsee_block(*block); delete block; ++num_blocks_pruned; } else { LOGERR(1, "m_blocksByHeight and m_blocksById are inconsistent at height " << height << ". Fix the code!"); } return true; } return false; }), v.end()); if (v.empty()) { it = m_blocksByHeight.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } if (num_blocks_pruned) { LOGINFO(4, "pruned " << num_blocks_pruned << " old blocks at heights <= " << h); // If side-chain started pruning blocks it means the initial sync is complete // It's now safe to delete cached blocks if (p2pServer()) { p2pServer()->clear_cached_blocks(); } // Pre-calc workers are not needed anymore finish_precalc(); } } void SideChain::get_missing_blocks(std::vector& missing_blocks) const { missing_blocks.clear(); ReadLock lock(m_sidechainLock); for (auto& b : m_blocksById) { if (b.second->m_verified) { continue; } if (!b.second->m_parent.empty() && (m_blocksById.find(b.second->m_parent) == m_blocksById.end())) { missing_blocks.push_back(b.second->m_parent); } for (const hash& h : b.second->m_uncles) { if (!h.empty() && (m_blocksById.find(h) == m_blocksById.end())) { missing_blocks.push_back(h); } } } } bool SideChain::load_config(const std::string& filename) { if (filename.empty()) { LOGINFO(1, "using default config"); return true; } LOGINFO(1, "loading config from " << log::Gray() << filename); std::ifstream f(filename); if (!f.is_open()) { LOGERR(1, "can't open " << filename); return false; } rapidjson::Document doc; rapidjson::IStreamWrapper s(f); if (doc.ParseStream(s).HasParseError()) { LOGERR(1, "failed to parse JSON data in " << filename); return false; } if (!doc.IsObject()) { LOGERR(1, "invalid JSON data in " << filename << ": top level is not an object"); return false; } parseValue(doc, "name", m_poolName); parseValue(doc, "password", m_poolPassword); parseValue(doc, "block_time", m_targetBlockTime); uint64_t min_diff; if (parseValue(doc, "min_diff", min_diff)) { m_minDifficulty = { min_diff, 0 }; } parseValue(doc, "pplns_window", m_chainWindowSize); parseValue(doc, "uncle_penalty", m_unclePenalty); return true; } bool SideChain::check_config() { if (m_poolName.empty()) { LOGERR(1, "name can't be empty"); return false; } if (m_poolName.length() > 128) { LOGERR(1, "name is too long (must be 128 characters max)"); return false; } if (m_poolPassword.length() > 128) { LOGERR(1, "password is too long (must be 128 characters max)"); return false; } if ((m_targetBlockTime < 1) || (m_targetBlockTime > MONERO_BLOCK_TIME)) { LOGERR(1, "block_time is invalid (must be between 1 and " << MONERO_BLOCK_TIME << ")"); return false; } const difficulty_type min_diff{ MIN_DIFFICULTY, 0 }; const difficulty_type max_diff{ 1000000000, 0 }; if ((m_minDifficulty < min_diff) || (max_diff < m_minDifficulty)) { LOGERR(1, "min_diff is invalid (must be between " << min_diff << " and " << max_diff << ')'); return false; } if ((m_chainWindowSize < 60) || (m_chainWindowSize > 2160)) { LOGERR(1, "pplns_window is invalid (must be between 60 and 2160)"); return false; } if ((m_unclePenalty < 1) || (m_unclePenalty > 99)) { LOGERR(1, "uncle_penalty is invalid (must be between 1 and 99)"); return false; } LOGINFO(1, log::LightCyan() << "pool name = " << m_poolName); LOGINFO(1, log::LightCyan() << "block time = " << m_targetBlockTime << " seconds"); LOGINFO(1, log::LightCyan() << "min diff = " << m_minDifficulty); LOGINFO(1, log::LightCyan() << "PPLNS window = " << m_chainWindowSize << " blocks"); LOGINFO(1, log::LightCyan() << "uncle penalty = " << m_unclePenalty << '%'); return true; } void SideChain::launch_precalc(const PoolBlock* block) { if (m_precalcFinished) { return; } for (int h = UNCLE_BLOCK_DEPTH - 1; h >= 0; --h) { auto it = m_blocksByHeight.find(block->m_sidechainHeight + m_chainWindowSize + h - 1); if (it == m_blocksByHeight.end()) { continue; } for (PoolBlock* b : it->second) { if (b->m_precalculated) { continue; } std::vector wallets; if (get_wallets(b, wallets)) { b->m_precalculated = true; PrecalcJob* job = new PrecalcJob{ b, std::move(wallets) }; { MutexLock lock2(m_precalcJobsMutex); m_precalcJobs.push_back(job); } uv_cond_signal(&m_precalcJobsCond); } } } } void SideChain::precalc_worker() { do { PrecalcJob* job; { MutexLock lock(m_precalcJobsMutex); if (m_precalcFinished) { return; } while (m_precalcJobs.empty()) { uv_cond_wait(&m_precalcJobsCond, &m_precalcJobsMutex); if (m_precalcFinished) { return; } } job = m_precalcJobs.back(); m_precalcJobs.pop_back(); // Filter out duplicate inputs for get_eph_public_key() uint8_t t[HASH_SIZE * 2 + sizeof(size_t)]; memcpy(t, job->b->m_txkeySec.h, HASH_SIZE); for (size_t i = 0, n = job->wallets.size(); i < n; ++i) { memcpy(t + HASH_SIZE, job->wallets[i]->view_public_key().h, HASH_SIZE); memcpy(t + HASH_SIZE * 2, &i, sizeof(i)); if (!m_uniquePrecalcInputs->insert(robin_hood::hash_bytes(t, array_size(t))).second) { job->wallets[i] = nullptr; } } } for (size_t i = 0, n = job->wallets.size(); i < n; ++i) { if (job->wallets[i]) { hash eph_public_key; uint8_t view_tag; job->wallets[i]->get_eph_public_key(job->b->m_txkeySec, i, eph_public_key, view_tag); } } delete job; } while (true); } void SideChain::finish_precalc() { if (m_precalcFinished.exchange(true)) { return; } try { { MutexLock lock(m_precalcJobsMutex); for (PrecalcJob* job : m_precalcJobs) { delete job; } m_precalcJobs.clear(); m_precalcJobs.shrink_to_fit(); uv_cond_broadcast(&m_precalcJobsCond); } for (std::thread& t : m_precalcWorkers) { t.join(); } m_precalcWorkers.clear(); m_precalcWorkers.shrink_to_fit(); delete m_uniquePrecalcInputs; m_uniquePrecalcInputs = nullptr; uv_mutex_destroy(&m_precalcJobsMutex); uv_cond_destroy(&m_precalcJobsCond); LOGINFO(4, "pre-calculation workers stopped"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOGERR(1, "exception in finish_precalc(): " << e.what()); } } } // namespace p2pool