Console: check for arguments when required

This commit is contained in:
SChernykh 2022-11-25 15:10:26 +01:00
parent 4bb1982806
commit fd27ea0e8f

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@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ static cmd cmds[] = {
{ STRCONST("peers"), "", "show all peers", do_showpeers },
{ STRCONST("workers"), "", "show all connected workers", do_showworkers },
{ STRCONST("bans"), "", "show all banned IPs", do_showbans },
{ STRCONST("outpeers"), "", "set maximum number of outgoing connections", do_outpeers },
{ STRCONST("inpeers"), "", "set maximum number of incoming connections", do_inpeers },
{ STRCONST("outpeers"), "<N>", "set maximum number of outgoing connections", do_outpeers },
{ STRCONST("inpeers"), "<N>", "set maximum number of incoming connections", do_inpeers },
{ STRCONST("start_mining"), "<threads>", "start mining", do_start_mining },
{ STRCONST("stop_mining"), "", "stop mining", do_stop_mining },
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ static void do_help(p2pool * /* m_pool */, const char * /* args */)
LOGINFO(0, "List of commands");
for (int i = 0; cmds[i].name.len; ++i) {
LOGINFO(0, cmds[i].name.str << " " << cmds[i].arg << "\t" << cmds[i].descr);
LOGINFO(0, log::pad_right(cmds[i].name.str, 20) << log::pad_right(cmds[i].arg, 12) << cmds[i].descr);
@ -266,6 +266,19 @@ void ConsoleCommands::stdinReadCallback(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, cons
for (; c->name.len; ++c) {
if (!strncmp(command.c_str(), c->name.str, c->name.len)) {
const char* args = (c->name.len + 1 <= k) ? (command.c_str() + c->name.len + 1) : "";
// Skip spaces
while ((args[0] == ' ') || (args[0] == '\t')) {
// Check if an argument is required
if (strlen(c->arg) && !strlen(args)) {
LOGWARN(0, c->name.str << " requires arguments");
do_help(nullptr, nullptr);
c->func(pThis->m_pool, args);
@ -273,6 +286,7 @@ void ConsoleCommands::stdinReadCallback(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, cons
if (!c->name.len) {
LOGWARN(0, "Unknown command " << command.c_str());
do_help(nullptr, nullptr);
k = command.find_first_not_of("\r\n", k + 1);