mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 07:38:50 +00:00
StratumServer: added autodiff
Autodiff is enabled by default, target time is 30 seconds. It can be disabled with `--no-autodiff` command line option.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 194 additions and 61 deletions
@ -198,6 +198,9 @@ struct difficulty_type
FORCEINLINE bool operator==(const difficulty_type& other) const { return (lo == other.lo) && (hi == other.hi); }
FORCEINLINE bool operator!=(const difficulty_type& other) const { return (lo != other.lo) || (hi != other.hi); }
FORCEINLINE bool operator==(uint64_t other) const { return (lo == other) && (hi == 0); }
FORCEINLINE bool operator!=(uint64_t other) const { return (lo != other) || (hi != 0); }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const difficulty_type& d);
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& s, difficulty_type& d);
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ struct Hashrate
FORCEINLINE Hashrate() : m_data(0), m_valid(false) {}
explicit FORCEINLINE Hashrate(uint64_t data) : m_data(data), m_valid(true) {}
FORCEINLINE Hashrate(uint64_t data, bool valid) : m_data(data), m_valid(valid) {}
uint64_t m_data;
bool m_valid;
@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ struct Hashrate
template<> struct log::Stream::Entry<Hashrate>
static NOINLINE void put(Hashrate&& value, Stream* wrapper)
static NOINLINE void put(const Hashrate& value, Stream* wrapper)
if (!value.m_valid) {
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ void p2pool_usage()
"--out-peers N Maximum number of outgoing connections for p2p server (any value between 10 and 1000)\n"
"--in-peers N Maximum number of incoming connections for p2p server (any value between 10 and 1000)\n"
"--start-mining N Start built-in miner using N threads (any value between 1 and 64)\n"
"--mini Connect to p2pool-mini sidechain. Note that it will also change default p2p port from %d to %d.\n"
"--mini Connect to p2pool-mini sidechain. Note that it will also change default p2p port from %d to %d\n"
"--no-autodiff Disable automatic difficulty adjustment for miners connected to stratum\n"
"--help Show this help message\n\n"
"Example command line:\n\n"
"%s --host --rpc-port 18081 --zmq-port 18083 --wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS --stratum --p2p\n\n",
@ -125,6 +125,11 @@ Params::Params(int argc, char* argv[])
ok = true;
if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-autodiff") == 0) {
m_autoDiff = false;
ok = true;
if (!ok) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command line parameter %s\n\n", argv[i]);
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ struct Params
uint32_t m_maxIncomingPeers = 1000;
uint32_t m_minerThreads = 0;
bool m_mini = false;
bool m_autoDiff = true;
} // namespace p2pool
@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ static constexpr char log_category_prefix[] = "StratumServer ";
static constexpr int DEFAULT_BACKLOG = 128;
static constexpr uint64_t DEFAULT_BAN_TIME = 600;
static constexpr uint64_t MIN_DIFF = 1000;
static constexpr uint64_t AUTO_DIFF_TARGET_TIME = 30;
// Use short target format (4 bytes) for diff <= 4 million
static constexpr uint64_t TARGET_4_BYTES_LIMIT = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() / 4000000;
static constexpr uint64_t TARGET_4_BYTES_LIMIT = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() / 4000000 + 1;
#include "tcp_server.inl"
@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace p2pool {
StratumServer::StratumServer(p2pool* pool)
: TCPServer(StratumClient::allocate)
, m_pool(pool)
, m_autoDiff(pool->params().m_autoDiff)
, m_extraNonce(0)
, m_rng(RandomDeviceSeed::instance)
, m_cumulativeHashes(0)
@ -57,7 +60,6 @@ StratumServer::StratumServer(p2pool* pool)
@ -84,7 +86,6 @@ StratumServer::~StratumServer()
for (SubmittedShare* share : m_submittedSharesPool) {
@ -222,8 +223,8 @@ static bool get_custom_diff(const char* s, difficulty_type& diff)
if (diff_str) {
const uint64_t t = strtoull(diff_str + 1, nullptr, 10);
if (t) {
// Don't let clients set difficulty less than 1000
diff = { std::max<uint64_t>(t + 1, 1000), 0 };
// Don't let clients set difficulty less than MIN_DIFF
diff = { std::max<uint64_t>(t + 1, MIN_DIFF), 0 };
return true;
@ -259,11 +260,9 @@ bool StratumServer::on_login(StratumClient* client, uint32_t id, const char* log
uint32_t job_id;
MutexLock lock(client->m_jobsLock);
job_id = ++client->m_perConnectionJobId;
job_id = client->m_perConnectionJobId++;
StratumClient::SavedJob& saved_job = client->m_jobs[job_id % array_size(&StratumClient::m_jobs)];
StratumClient::SavedJob& saved_job = client->m_jobs[job_id % StratumClient::JOBS_SIZE];
saved_job.job_id = job_id;
saved_job.extra_nonce = extra_nonce;
saved_job.template_id = template_id;
@ -311,6 +310,11 @@ bool StratumServer::on_submit(StratumClient* client, uint32_t id, const char* jo
job_id = (job_id << 4) + d;
if (!job_id) {
LOGWARN(4, "client " << static_cast<char*>(client->m_addrString) << " invalid params ('job_id' can't be 0)");
return false;
uint32_t nonce = 0;
for (int i = static_cast<int>(sizeof(uint32_t)) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
@ -339,9 +343,7 @@ bool StratumServer::on_submit(StratumClient* client, uint32_t id, const char* jo
bool found = false;
MutexLock lock(client->m_jobsLock);
const StratumClient::SavedJob& saved_job = client->m_jobs[job_id % array_size(&StratumClient::m_jobs)];
const StratumClient::SavedJob& saved_job = client->m_jobs[job_id % StratumClient::JOBS_SIZE];
if (saved_job.job_id == job_id) {
template_id = saved_job.template_id;
extra_nonce = saved_job.extra_nonce;
@ -374,16 +376,16 @@ bool StratumServer::on_submit(StratumClient* client, uint32_t id, const char* jo
SubmittedShare* share;
MutexLock lock(m_submittedSharesPoolLock);
if (!m_submittedSharesPool.empty()) {
share = m_submittedSharesPool.back();
else {
share = new SubmittedShare{};
if (!m_submittedSharesPool.empty()) {
share = m_submittedSharesPool.back();
else {
share = new SubmittedShare{};
if (target >= TARGET_4_BYTES_LIMIT) {
target = (target >> 32) << 32;
share->m_req.data = share;
@ -399,9 +401,16 @@ bool StratumServer::on_submit(StratumClient* client, uint32_t id, const char* jo
share->m_target = target;
share->m_resultHash = resultHash;
share->m_sidechainDifficulty = sidechain_diff;
share->m_timestamp = seconds_since_epoch();
uint64_t rem;
share->m_hashes = (target > 1) ? udiv128(1, 0, target, &rem) : 1;
share->m_highEnoughDifficulty = sidechain_diff.check_pow(resultHash);
update_auto_diff(client, share->m_timestamp, share->m_hashes);
// If this share is below sidechain difficulty, process it in this thread because it'll be quick
if (!share->m_sidechainDifficulty.check_pow(share->m_resultHash)) {
if (!share->m_highEnoughDifficulty) {
on_after_share_found(&share->m_req, 0);
return true;
@ -458,10 +467,18 @@ void StratumServer::show_workers()
size_t n = 0;
LOGINFO(0, log::pad_right("IP:port", addr_len + 8)
<< log::pad_right("uptime", 20)
<< log::pad_right("difficulty", 20)
<< log::pad_right("hashrate", 15)
<< "name"
for (const StratumClient* c = static_cast<StratumClient*>(m_connectedClientsList->m_next); c != m_connectedClientsList; c = static_cast<StratumClient*>(c->m_next)) {
LOGINFO(0, log::pad_right(static_cast<const char*>(c->m_addrString), addr_len + 8)
<< log::pad_right(log::Duration(cur_time - c->m_connectedTime), 20)
<< log::pad_right(c->m_customDiff, 20)
<< log::pad_right(((c->m_customDiff != 0) || !m_autoDiff) ? c->m_customDiff : c->m_autoDiff, 20)
<< log::pad_right(log::Hashrate(c->m_autoDiff.lo / AUTO_DIFF_TARGET_TIME, c->m_autoDiff.lo != 0), 15)
<< (c->m_rpcId ? c->m_customUser : "not logged in")
@ -528,6 +545,80 @@ void StratumServer::print_stratum_status() const
// Compresses 64-bit hashes value into 16-bit value (5 bits for shift, 11 bits for data)
namespace {
enum HashValue : uint64_t {
bits = 11,
mask = (1 << bits) - 1,
static constexpr FORCEINLINE uint64_t hash_uncompress(uint64_t h)
return (h & HashValue::mask) << (h >> HashValue::bits);
enum HashMaxValue : uint64_t {
value = hash_uncompress(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max())
static constexpr FORCEINLINE uint16_t hash_compress(uint64_t h)
if (h > HashMaxValue::value) {
h = HashMaxValue::value;
uint64_t shift = 0;
while (h > HashValue::mask) {
h >>= 1;
shift += (1 << HashValue::bits);
return static_cast<uint16_t>(shift | h);
void StratumServer::update_auto_diff(StratumClient* client, const uint64_t timestamp, const uint64_t hashes)
const uint16_t hashes_compressed = hash_compress(hashes);
client->m_autoDiffWindowHashes += hash_uncompress(hashes_compressed);
const uint32_t k = client->m_autoDiffIndex++;
constexpr uint32_t N = StratumClient::AUTO_DIFF_SIZE;
StratumClient::AutoDiffData& auto_diff_data = client->m_autoDiffData[k % N];
if (k >= N) {
client->m_autoDiffWindowHashes -= hash_uncompress(auto_diff_data.m_hashes);
const uint16_t t1 = auto_diff_data.m_timestamp;
const uint16_t t2 = static_cast<uint16_t>(timestamp);
auto_diff_data.m_timestamp = t2;
auto_diff_data.m_hashes = hashes_compressed;
if (k >= N) {
// Full window
const uint64_t dt = t2 - t1;
client->m_autoDiff.lo = std::max<uint64_t>((client->m_autoDiffWindowHashes * AUTO_DIFF_TARGET_TIME) / (dt ? dt : 1), MIN_DIFF);
client->m_autoDiff.hi = 0;
else if (k >= 10) {
// Partial window
const uint64_t h0 = hash_uncompress(client->m_autoDiffData[0].m_hashes);
const uint64_t dt = client->m_autoDiffData[k].m_timestamp - client->m_autoDiffData[0].m_timestamp;
client->m_autoDiff.lo = std::max<uint64_t>(((client->m_autoDiffWindowHashes - h0) * AUTO_DIFF_TARGET_TIME) / (dt ? dt : 1), MIN_DIFF);
client->m_autoDiff.hi = 0;
else if (k == 0) {
// First share, fix auto diff to current difficulty until we have at least 10 shares
client->m_autoDiff.lo = hashes;
client->m_autoDiff.hi = 0;
void StratumServer::on_blobs_ready()
std::vector<BlobsData*> blobs_queue;
@ -584,14 +675,32 @@ void StratumServer::on_blobs_ready()
if (client->m_customDiff.lo) {
target = std::max(target, client->m_customDiff.target());
else if (m_autoDiff) {
if (client->m_autoDiff.lo) {
const uint32_t k = client->m_autoDiffIndex;
const uint16_t elapsed_time = static_cast<uint16_t>(cur_time) - client->m_autoDiffData[(k - 1) % StratumClient::AUTO_DIFF_SIZE].m_timestamp;
if (elapsed_time > AUTO_DIFF_TARGET_TIME * 5) {
// More than 500% effort, reduce the auto diff by 1/8 every time until the share is found
client->m_autoDiff.lo = std::max<uint64_t>(client->m_autoDiff.lo - client->m_autoDiff.lo / 8, MIN_DIFF);
target = std::max(target, client->m_autoDiff.target());
else {
// Not enough shares from the client yet, cut diff in half every 16 seconds
const uint64_t num_halvings = (cur_time - client->m_connectedTime) / 16;
constexpr uint64_t max_target = (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() / MIN_DIFF) + 1;
for (uint64_t i = 0; (i < num_halvings) && (target < max_target); ++i) {
target *= 2;
target = std::min<uint64_t>(target, max_target);
uint32_t job_id;
MutexLock lock3(client->m_jobsLock);
job_id = ++client->m_perConnectionJobId;
job_id = client->m_perConnectionJobId++;
StratumClient::SavedJob& saved_job = client->m_jobs[job_id % array_size(&StratumClient::m_jobs)];
StratumClient::SavedJob& saved_job = client->m_jobs[job_id % StratumClient::JOBS_SIZE];
saved_job.job_id = job_id;
saved_job.extra_nonce = extra_nonce;
saved_job.template_id = data->m_templateId;
@ -667,26 +776,23 @@ void StratumServer::update_hashrate_data(uint64_t hashes, uint64_t timestamp)
void StratumServer::on_share_found(uv_work_t* req)
SubmittedShare* share = reinterpret_cast<SubmittedShare*>(req->data);
if (share->m_highEnoughDifficulty) {
StratumClient* client = share->m_client;
StratumServer* server = share->m_server;
p2pool* pool = server->m_pool;
uint64_t target = share->m_target;
if (target >= TARGET_4_BYTES_LIMIT) {
target = (target >> 32) << 32;
uint64_t rem;
const uint64_t hashes = (target > 1) ? udiv128(1, 0, target, &rem) : 0;
const uint64_t target = share->m_target;
const uint64_t hashes = share->m_hashes;
if (pool->stopped()) {
LOGWARN(0, "p2pool is shutting down, but a share was found. Trying to process it anyway!");
if (share->m_sidechainDifficulty.check_pow(share->m_resultHash)) {
if (share->m_highEnoughDifficulty) {
uint8_t blob[128];
uint64_t height;
difficulty_type difficulty;
@ -736,7 +842,7 @@ void StratumServer::on_share_found(uv_work_t* req)
const uint64_t value = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(share->m_resultHash.h + HASH_SIZE - sizeof(uint64_t));
if (LIKELY(value < target)) {
const uint64_t timestamp = seconds_since_epoch();
const uint64_t timestamp = share->m_timestamp;
server->update_hashrate_data(hashes, timestamp);
share->m_result = SubmittedShare::Result::OK;
@ -750,16 +856,11 @@ void StratumServer::on_share_found(uv_work_t* req)
void StratumServer::on_after_share_found(uv_work_t* req, int /*status*/)
SubmittedShare* share = reinterpret_cast<SubmittedShare*>(req->data);
if (share->m_highEnoughDifficulty) {
MutexLock lock(share->m_server->m_submittedSharesPoolLock);
ON_SCOPE_LEAVE([share]() { share->m_server->m_submittedSharesPool.push_back(share); });
StratumClient* client = share->m_client;
StratumServer* server = share->m_server;
@ -809,15 +910,13 @@ StratumServer::StratumClient::StratumClient()
, m_perConnectionJobId(0)
, m_connectedTime(0)
, m_jobs{}
, m_autoDiffData{}
, m_autoDiffWindowHashes(0)
, m_autoDiffIndex(0)
, m_customDiff{}
, m_autoDiff{}
, m_customUser{}
void StratumServer::StratumClient::reset()
@ -826,9 +925,16 @@ void StratumServer::StratumClient::reset()
m_rpcId = 0;
m_perConnectionJobId = 0;
m_connectedTime = 0;
memset(m_jobs, 0, sizeof(m_jobs));
for (int i = 0; i < JOBS_SIZE; ++i) {
m_jobs[i].job_id = 0;
m_autoDiffWindowHashes = 0;
m_autoDiffIndex = 0;
m_customDiff = {};
memset(m_customUser, 0, sizeof(m_customUser));
m_autoDiff = {};
m_customUser[0] = '\0';
bool StratumServer::StratumClient::on_connect()
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public:
struct StratumClient : public Client
FORCEINLINE ~StratumClient() {}
static Client* allocate() { return new StratumClient(); }
@ -55,16 +55,28 @@ public:
uint32_t m_perConnectionJobId;
uint64_t m_connectedTime;
uv_mutex_t m_jobsLock;
enum {
struct SavedJob {
uint32_t job_id;
uint32_t extra_nonce;
uint32_t template_id;
uint64_t target;
} m_jobs[4];
} m_jobs[JOBS_SIZE];
struct AutoDiffData {
uint16_t m_timestamp;
uint16_t m_hashes;
} m_autoDiffData[AUTO_DIFF_SIZE];
uint64_t m_autoDiffWindowHashes;
uint32_t m_autoDiffIndex;
difficulty_type m_customDiff;
difficulty_type m_autoDiff;
char m_customUser[32];
@ -79,11 +91,13 @@ public:
void print_stratum_status() const;
void update_auto_diff(StratumClient* client, const uint64_t timestamp, const uint64_t hashes);
static void on_share_found(uv_work_t* req);
static void on_after_share_found(uv_work_t* req, int status);
p2pool* m_pool;
bool m_autoDiff;
struct BlobsData
@ -123,6 +137,9 @@ private:
uint64_t m_target;
hash m_resultHash;
difficulty_type m_sidechainDifficulty;
uint64_t m_timestamp;
uint64_t m_hashes;
bool m_highEnoughDifficulty;
enum class Result {
@ -133,7 +150,6 @@ private:
} m_result;
uv_mutex_t m_submittedSharesPoolLock;
std::vector<SubmittedShare*> m_submittedSharesPool;
struct HashrateData
Reference in a new issue