import { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, screen, dialog, Tray, Menu, MenuItemConstructorOptions, IpcMainInvokeEvent, Notification, NotificationConstructorOptions, clipboard, powerMonitor, WebContents, HandlerDetails, Event, WebContentsWillNavigateEventParams } from 'electron'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import { AppMainProcess, MonerodProcess } from './process'; import { BatteryUtils, FileUtils, NetworkUtils } from './utils'; app.setName('Monero Daemon'); if (process.platform === 'win32') { app.setAppUserModelId(; } let win: BrowserWindow | null = null; let isHidden: boolean = false; let isQuitting: boolean = false; const separator: string = os.platform() == 'win32' ? '\\' : '/'; const appApp = `${separator}app${separator}app`; const appSrc = `${separator}app${separator}src`; const _app = `${separator}app`; const _src = `${separator}src`; const dirname = (__dirname.endsWith(appApp) ? __dirname.replace(appApp, appSrc) : __dirname.endsWith(_app) ? __dirname.replace(_app, _src) : __dirname); console.log('dirname: ' + dirname); //let monerodProcess: ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams | null = null; let monerodProcess: MonerodProcess | null = null; const iconRelPath: string = 'assets/icons/monero-symbol-on-white-480.png'; //const wdwIcon = `${dirname}/${iconRelPath}`; const wdwIcon = path.join(dirname, iconRelPath); let tray: Tray; let trayMenu: Menu; // #region Window function updateTrayMenu(): void { tray.setContextMenu(trayMenu); } function setTrayItemEnabled(id: string, enabled: boolean): void { const item = trayMenu.getMenuItemById(id); if (!item) { throw new Error(`Item not found: ${id}`); } item.enabled = enabled; updateTrayMenu(); } function createTrayMenuTemplate(): MenuItemConstructorOptions[] { return [ { id: "startDaemon", label: "Start", toolTip: "Start Daemon", click: () => { win?.webContents.send('on-tray-start-daemon'); } }, { id: "stopDaemon", label: "Stop", toolTip: "Stop Daemon", click: () => { win?.webContents.send('on-tray-stop-daemon'); } }, { id: "startSync", label: "Start Sync", toolTip: "Start Daemon Sync", click: () => { win?.webContents.send('on-tray-start-sync'); } }, { id: "stopSync", label: "Stop Sync", toolTip: "Stop Daemon Sync", click: () => { win?.webContents.send('on-tray-stop-sync'); } }, { id: "quitDaemon", label: "Quit", toolTip: "Quit Daemon", click: () => { win?.webContents.send('on-tray-quit-daemon'); } } ] } function createTray(): Tray { const trayMenuTemplate = createTrayMenuTemplate(); const tray = new Tray(wdwIcon); trayMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(trayMenuTemplate); tray.setToolTip('Monero Daemon'); tray.setContextMenu(trayMenu); tray.on('click', (event) => { if (isHidden) { win?.show(); isHidden = false; } else { win?.hide(); isHidden = true; } }); return tray; } async function createWindow(): Promise { const size = screen.getPrimaryDisplay().workAreaSize; tray = createTray(); // Create the browser window. win = new BrowserWindow({ x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height, webPreferences: { preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'), nodeIntegration: false, allowRunningInsecureContent: (AppMainProcess.serve), contextIsolation: true, devTools: !app.isPackaged, sandbox: true, defaultFontSize: process.platform == 'win32' ? 12 : 16, defaultMonospaceFontSize: process.platform == 'win32' ? 11 : 13 }, show: false, autoHideMenuBar: true, icon: wdwIcon }); isHidden = AppMainProcess.startMinized; if (!app.isPackaged) win.webContents.openDevTools(); if (AppMainProcess.serve) { const debug = require('electron-debug'); debug(); require('electron-reloader')(module); win.loadURL('http://localhost:4200'); } else { // Path when running electron executable let pathIndex = './index.html'; if (fs.existsSync(path.join(dirname, '../dist/index.html'))) { // Path when running electron in local folder pathIndex = '../dist/index.html'; } const url = new URL(path.join('file:', dirname, pathIndex)); console.log(`Main window url: ${url}`); await win.loadURL(url.href); } win.on('close', (event) => { if (!isQuitting) { event.preventDefault(); win?.hide(); isHidden = true; //event.returnValue = false; } return false; }); // Emitted when the window is closed. win.on('closed', () => { // Dereference the window object, usually you would store window // in an array if your app supports multi windows, this is the time // when you should delete the corresponding element. win = null; }); return win; } const createSplashWindow = async (): Promise => { console.log("createSplashWindow()"); const window = new BrowserWindow({ width: 480, height: 480, transparent: true, frame: false, alwaysOnTop: true, show: false, icon: wdwIcon, minimizable: false, maximizable: false, fullscreen: false, fullscreenable: false, movable: false, resizable: false, closable: true, center: true }); // Path when running electron executable let pathIndex = './splash.html'; if (fs.existsSync(path.join(dirname, '../dist/splash.html'))) { // Path when running electron in local folder pathIndex = '../dist/splash.html'; } if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(dirname, pathIndex))) { console.error("createSplashScreen(): path doesn't exists: " + path.join(dirname, pathIndex)); window.close(); return undefined; } const indexPath = path.join('file:', dirname, pathIndex); const url = new URL(indexPath); await window.loadURL(url.href); await new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => {; resolve(); }, 400); }); return window; } // #endregion // #region WiFi async function isWifiConnected() { let connected: boolean = false; try { connected = await NetworkUtils.isConnectedToWiFi(); } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); connected = false; } win?.webContents.send('is-wifi-connected-result', connected); } // #endregion // #region monerod async function getMonerodVersion(monerodFilePath: string): Promise { const proc = new MonerodProcess({ monerodCmd: monerodFilePath, isExe: true }); try { console.log("Before proc.getVersion()"); const version = await proc.getVersion(); console.log("After proc.getVersion()"); win?.webContents.send('monero-version', version); } catch(error: any) { const err = (error instanceof Error) ? error.message : `${error}`; win?.webContents.send('monero-version-error', err); } } async function checkValidMonerodPath(monerodPath: string): Promise { const valid = await MonerodProcess.isValidMonerodPath(monerodPath); win?.webContents.send('on-check-valid-monerod-path', valid); } async function startMoneroDaemon(commandOptions: string[]): Promise { const monerodPath = commandOptions.shift(); if (!monerodPath) { const error = `Invalid monerod path provided: ${monerodPath}`; win?.webContents.send('monero-stderr', error); throw new Error("Invalid monerod path provided"); } if (monerodProcess != null) { const error: string = 'Monero daemon already started'; win?.webContents.send('monero-stderr', error); throw new Error("Monerod already started"); } commandOptions.push('--non-interactive'); const monerodProc = new MonerodProcess({ monerodCmd: monerodPath, flags: commandOptions, isExe: true }); monerodProc.onStdOut((data) => { win?.webContents.send('monero-stdout', `${data}`); }); monerodProc.onStdErr((data) => { win?.webContents.send('monero-stderr', `${data}`); }); monerodProc.onError((err: Error) => { win?.webContents.send('monero-stderr', `${err.message}`); }); monerodProc.onClose((_code: number | null) => { const code = _code != null ? _code : -Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; const msg = `Process monerod ${} exited with code: ${code}`; console.log(msg); win?.webContents.send('monero-stdout', msg); win?.webContents.send('monero-close', code); monerodProcess = null; }); monerodProcess = null; monerodProcess = monerodProc; try { await monerodProcess.start(); win?.webContents.send('monerod-started', true); } catch(error: any) { win?.webContents.send('monerod-started', false); } return monerodProcess; } async function monitorMonerod(): Promise { if (!monerodProcess) { win?.webContents.send('on-monitor-monerod-error', 'Monerod not running'); return; } try { const stats = await monerodProcess.getStats(); win?.webContents.send('on-monitor-monerod', stats); } catch(error: any) { let message: string; if (error instanceof Error) { message = error.message; } else { message = `${error}`; } win?.webContents.send('on-monitor-monerod-error', message); } } // #endregion // #region Download Utils async function downloadAndVerifyHash(hashUrl: string, fileName: string, filePath: string): Promise { const hashFileName = await FileUtils.downloadFile(hashUrl, app.getPath('temp'), () => {}); const hashFilePath = `${app.getPath('temp')}/${hashFileName}`; const hashContent = fs.readFileSync(hashFilePath, 'utf8'); const hashLines = hashContent.split('\n'); let expectedHash: string | null = null; for (const line of hashLines) { const match = line.match(/^(\w+)\s+(\S+)/); if (match && match[2] === fileName) { expectedHash = match[1]; break; } } if (!expectedHash) { throw new Error('Hash not found for the downloaded file.'); } // Verifica l'hash del file scaricato return await FileUtils.checkFileHash(`${filePath}/${fileName}`, expectedHash); }; // Funzione per verificare l'hash del file // #endregion function showNotification(options?: NotificationConstructorOptions): void { if (!options) { return; } if (!options.icon) { options.icon = wdwIcon; } new Notification(options).show(); } function showSecurityWarning(msg: string): void { if (win) { dialog.showMessageBoxSync(win, { type: 'warning', title: 'Security Warning', message: msg }); } else { dialog.showErrorBox('Security Warning', msg); } console.warn(msg); } try { // This method will be called when Electron has finished // initialization and is ready to create browser windows. // Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs. // Added 400 ms to fix the black background issue while using transparent window. More detais at app.on('ready', () => { Menu.setApplicationMenu(null); const gotInstanceLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock(); if (!gotInstanceLock) { dialog.showErrorBox('', 'Another instance of Monerod GUI is running'); app.quit(); return; } setTimeout(async () => { const splash = await createSplashWindow(); await createWindow(); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { setTimeout(() => { if (splash) splash.close(); if (!AppMainProcess.startMinized) { win?.show(); win?.maximize(); } resolve(); }, 2600); } catch(error: any) { reject(error); } }); }, 400); }); // Quit when all windows are closed. app.on('window-all-closed', () => { // On OS X it is common for applications and their menu bar // to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { app.quit(); } }); app.on('activate', async () => { // On OS X it's common to re-create a window in the app when the // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open. if (win === null) { await createWindow(); } }); app.on('before-quit', () => { isQuitting = true; }); // #region Security app.on('web-contents-created', (event, webContents: WebContents) => { webContents.setWindowOpenHandler((details: HandlerDetails) => { const msg = `Prevented unsafe content: ${details.url}`; showSecurityWarning(msg); console.warn(details); return { action: 'deny' }; }); webContents.on('will-navigate', (event: Event, navigationUrl: string) => { event.preventDefault(); const msg = `Prevented unsage window navigation to ${navigationUrl}`; showSecurityWarning(msg); }); }); // #endregion ipcMain.handle('is-on-battery-power', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { const onBattery = await BatteryUtils.isOnBatteryPower(); win?.webContents.send('on-is-on-battery-power', onBattery); }); powerMonitor.on('on-ac', () => win?.webContents.send('on-ac')); powerMonitor.on('on-battery', () => win?.webContents.send('on-battery')); ipcMain.handle('is-auto-launched', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { win?.webContents.send('on-is-auto-launched', AppMainProcess.autoLaunched); }); ipcMain.handle('quit', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { isQuitting = true; if (monerodProcess) { await monerodProcess.stop(); } tray.destroy(); win?.close(); win?.destroy(); app.quit(); }); ipcMain.handle('start-monerod', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, configFilePath: string[]) => { startMoneroDaemon(configFilePath); }) ipcMain.handle('get-monero-version', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, configFilePath: string) => { getMonerodVersion(configFilePath); }); // Gestione IPC ipcMain.handle('download-monerod', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, downloadUrl: string, destination: string) => { try { //const fileName = path.basename(downloadUrl); //const filePath = path.join(destination, fileName); const hashUrl = ''; // Inizializza il progresso event.sender.send('download-progress', { progress: 0, status: 'Starting download' }); win?.setProgressBar(0, { mode: 'normal' }); // Scarica il file Monero const fileName = await FileUtils.downloadFile(downloadUrl, destination, (progress) => { win?.setProgressBar(progress, { mode: 'normal' }); event.sender.send('download-progress', { progress, status: 'Downloading' }); }); // Scarica e verifica l'hash event.sender.send('download-progress', { progress: 100, status: 'Verifying hash' }); win?.setProgressBar(100, { mode: 'indeterminate' }); await downloadAndVerifyHash(hashUrl, fileName, destination); // Estrai il file const fPath = `${destination}/${fileName}`; event.sender.send('download-progress', { progress: 100, status: 'Extracting' }); const extractedDir = await FileUtils.extract(fPath, destination); event.sender.send('download-progress', { progress: 100, status: 'Download and extraction completed successfully' }); event.sender.send('download-progress', { progress: 200, status: os.platform() == 'win32' ? extractedDir : `${destination}/${extractedDir}` }); win?.setProgressBar(100, { mode: 'none' }); } catch (error) { event.sender.send('download-progress', { progress: 0, status: `${error}` }); win?.setProgressBar(0, { mode: 'error' }); } }); ipcMain.handle('download-file', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, url: string, destination: string) => { try { event.sender.send('download-file-progress', { progress: 0, status: 'Starting download' }); const fileName = await FileUtils.downloadFile(url, destination, (progress) => { win?.setProgressBar(progress, { mode: 'normal' }); event.sender.send('download-file-progress', { progress, status: 'Downloading' }); }); win?.setProgressBar(0, { mode: 'none' }); event.sender.send('download-file-complete', `${destination}${separator}${fileName}`); } catch(error: any) { console.error(error); event.sender.send('download-file-error', `${error}`); } }); ipcMain.handle('read-file', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, filePath: string) => { fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8', (err, data) => { if (err != null) { win?.webContents.send('on-read-file-error', `${err}`); return; } win?.webContents.send('on-read-file', data); }); }); ipcMain.handle('save-file', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, defaultPath: string, content: string) => { if (!win) { return; } const result = await dialog.showSaveDialog(win, { title: 'Save File', defaultPath: defaultPath, properties: [ 'showOverwriteConfirmation' ] }); if (result.canceled) { win.webContents.send('on-save-file', ''); return; } try { fs.writeFileSync(result.filePath, content); win.webContents.send('on-save-file', result.filePath); } catch(error: any) { win.webContents.send('on-save-file-error', `${error}`); } }); ipcMain.handle('select-file', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, extensions?: string[]) => { if (!win) { return; } const result = await dialog.showOpenDialog(win, { title: 'Select File', filters: extensions ? [{ name: 'filter', extensions: extensions }] : [], properties: ['openFile'] }); const path = result.canceled ? null : result.filePaths[0]; win.webContents.send('selected-file', path ? `${path}` : ''); }); ipcMain.handle('select-folder', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { if (!win) { return; } const result = await dialog.showOpenDialog(win, { title: 'Select Folder', properties: ['openDirectory'], // Specifica che vogliamo solo cartelle }); const path = result.canceled ? null : result.filePaths[0]; win.webContents.send('selected-folder', path ? `${path}` : ''); }); ipcMain.handle('get-path', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, path: 'home' | 'appData' | 'userData' | 'sessionData' | 'temp' | 'exe' | 'module' | 'desktop' | 'documents' | 'downloads' | 'music' | 'pictures' | 'videos' | 'recent' | 'logs' | 'crashDumps') => { win?.webContents.send('on-get-path', app.getPath(path)); }); ipcMain.handle('is-wifi-connected', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { isWifiConnected(); }); ipcMain.handle('get-os-type', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { win?.webContents.send('got-os-type', { platform: os.platform(), arch: os.arch() }); }) ipcMain.handle('monitor-monerod', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { monitorMonerod(); }); ipcMain.handle('check-valid-monerod-path', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, path: string) => { checkValidMonerodPath(path); }) ipcMain.handle('show-notification', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, options?: NotificationConstructorOptions) => { showNotification(options); }); // #region Auto Launch ipcMain.handle('is-auto-launch-enabled', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { const enabled = await AppMainProcess.isAutoLaunchEnabled(); win?.webContents.send('on-is-auto-launch-enabled', enabled); }); ipcMain.handle('enable-auto-launch', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, minimized: boolean) => { try { await AppMainProcess.enableAutoLaunch(minimized); win?.webContents.send('on-enable-auto-launch-success'); } catch(error: any) { const err = (error instanceof Error) ? error.message : `${error}`; win?.webContents.send('on-enable-auto-launch-error', err); } }); ipcMain.handle('get-battery-level', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { win?.webContents.send('on-get-battery-level', await BatteryUtils.getLevel()); }); ipcMain.handle('disable-auto-launch', async (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { try { await AppMainProcess.disableAutoLaunch(); win?.webContents.send('on-disable-auto-launch-success'); } catch(error: any) { const err = (error instanceof Error) ? error.message : `${error}`; win?.webContents.send('on-disable-auto-launch-error', err); } }); // #endregion ipcMain.handle('show-error-box', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, title: string, content: string) => { if (win) { dialog.showMessageBoxSync(win, { message: content, type: 'error', title: title != '' ? title : 'Error' }); return; } dialog.showErrorBox(title, content); }); ipcMain.handle('set-tray-item-enabled', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, id: string, enabled: boolean) => { setTrayItemEnabled(id, enabled); }); ipcMain.handle('set-tray-tool-tip', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, toolTip: string) => { tray.setToolTip(toolTip); }); ipcMain.handle('is-portable', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent) => { win?.webContents.send('on-is-portable', AppMainProcess.isPortable); }); ipcMain.handle('copy-to-clipboard', (event: IpcMainInvokeEvent, content: string) => { clipboard.writeText(content, "selection"); }); } catch (e: any) { // Catch Error console.error(e); dialog.showErrorBox('', `${e}`); app.quit(); }