**Monerod-GUI** is a desktop application that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for installing, updating, and interacting with the Monero daemon (`monerod`). This tool simplifies the process of managing a full Monero node, enabling users to run, configure, and monitor `monerod` without needing to use the command line.
*Install dependencies with npm (used by Electron renderer process):*
``` bash
npm install
There is an issue with `yarn` and `node_modules` when the application is built by the packager. Please use `npm` as dependencies manager.
If you want to generate Angular components with Angular-cli , you **MUST** install `@angular/cli` in npm global context.
Please follow [Angular-cli documentation](https://github.com/angular/angular-cli) if you had installed a previous version of `angular-cli`.
``` bash
npm install -g @angular/cli
*Install NodeJS dependencies with npm (used by Electron main process):*
``` bash
cd app/
npm install
Why two package.json ? This project follow [Electron Builder two package.json structure](https://www.electron.build/tutorials/two-package-structure) in order to optimize final bundle and be still able to use Angular `ng add` feature.
## To build for development
- **in a terminal window** -> npm start
Voila! You can use your Angular + Electron app in a local development environment with hot reload!
The application code is managed by `app/main.ts`. In this sample, the app runs with a simple Angular App (http://localhost:4200), and an Electron window. \
The Angular component contains an example of Electron and NodeJS native lib import. \
You can disable "Developer Tools" by commenting `win.webContents.openDevTools();` in `app/main.ts`.
[VsCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/) debug configuration is available! In order to use it, you need the extension [Debugger for Chrome](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome).
Then set some breakpoints in your application's source code.
Finally from VsCode press **Ctrl+Shift+D** and select **Application Debug** and press **F5**.
Please note that Hot reload is only available in Renderer process.