// Copyright (c) 2018-2020, The Monero Project // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/command_line.h" // monero/src/ #include "common/expect.h" // monero/src/ #include "common/util.h" // monero/src/ #include "config.h" #include "cryptonote_config.h" // monero/src/ #include "db/storage.h" #include "options.h" #include "rest_server.h" #include "scanner.h" #undef MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY #define MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "lws" namespace { struct options : lws::options { const command_line::arg_descriptor daemon_rpc; const command_line::arg_descriptor> rest_servers; const command_line::arg_descriptor rest_ssl_key; const command_line::arg_descriptor rest_ssl_cert; const command_line::arg_descriptor rest_threads; const command_line::arg_descriptor scan_threads; const command_line::arg_descriptor> access_controls; const command_line::arg_descriptor external_bind; const command_line::arg_descriptor create_queue_max; const command_line::arg_descriptor rates_interval; const command_line::arg_descriptor log_level; static std::string get_default_zmq() { static constexpr const char base[] = "tcp://"; switch (lws::config::network) { case cryptonote::TESTNET: return base + std::to_string(config::testnet::ZMQ_RPC_DEFAULT_PORT); case cryptonote::STAGENET: return base + std::to_string(config::stagenet::ZMQ_RPC_DEFAULT_PORT); case cryptonote::MAINNET: default: break; } return base + std::to_string(config::ZMQ_RPC_DEFAULT_PORT); } options() : lws::options() , daemon_rpc{"daemon", "://
: of a monerod ZMQ RPC", get_default_zmq()} , rest_servers{"rest-server", "[(https|http)://
:] for incoming connections, multiple declarations allowed"} , rest_ssl_key{"rest-ssl-key", " to PEM formatted SSL key for https REST server", ""} , rest_ssl_cert{"rest-ssl-certificate", " to PEM formatted SSL certificate (chains supported) for https REST server", ""} , rest_threads{"rest-threads", "Number of threads to process REST connections", 1} , scan_threads{"scan-threads", "Maximum number of threads for account scanning", boost::thread::hardware_concurrency()} , access_controls{"access-control-origin", "Specify a whitelisted HTTP control origin domain"} , external_bind{"confirm-external-bind", "Allow listening for external connections", false} , create_queue_max{"create-queue-max", "Set pending create account requests maximum", 10000} , rates_interval{"exchange-rate-interval", "Retrieve exchange rates in minute intervals from cryptocompare.com if greater than 0", 0} , log_level{"log-level", "Log level [0-4]", 1} {} void prepare(boost::program_options::options_description& description) const { static constexpr const char rest_default[] = ""; lws::options::prepare(description); command_line::add_arg(description, daemon_rpc); description.add_options()(rest_servers.name, boost::program_options::value>()->default_value({rest_default}, rest_default), rest_servers.description); command_line::add_arg(description, rest_ssl_key); command_line::add_arg(description, rest_ssl_cert); command_line::add_arg(description, rest_threads); command_line::add_arg(description, scan_threads); command_line::add_arg(description, access_controls); command_line::add_arg(description, external_bind); command_line::add_arg(description, create_queue_max); command_line::add_arg(description, rates_interval); command_line::add_arg(description, log_level); } }; struct program { std::string db_path; std::vector rest_servers; lws::rest_server::configuration rest_config; std::string daemon_rpc; std::chrono::minutes rates_interval; std::size_t scan_threads; unsigned create_queue_max; }; void print_help(std::ostream& out) { boost::program_options::options_description description{"Options"}; options{}.prepare(description); out << "Usage: [options]" << std::endl; out << description; } boost::optional get_program(int argc, char** argv) { namespace po = boost::program_options; const options opts{}; po::variables_map args{}; { po::options_description description{"Options"}; opts.prepare(description); po::store( po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(description).run(), args ); po::notify(args); } if (command_line::get_arg(args, command_line::arg_help)) { print_help(std::cout); return boost::none; } opts.set_network(args); // do this first, sets global variable :/ mlog_set_log_level(command_line::get_arg(args, opts.log_level)); program prog{ command_line::get_arg(args, opts.db_path), command_line::get_arg(args, opts.rest_servers), lws::rest_server::configuration{ {command_line::get_arg(args, opts.rest_ssl_key), command_line::get_arg(args, opts.rest_ssl_cert)}, command_line::get_arg(args, opts.access_controls), command_line::get_arg(args, opts.rest_threads), command_line::get_arg(args, opts.external_bind) }, command_line::get_arg(args, opts.daemon_rpc), std::chrono::minutes{command_line::get_arg(args, opts.rates_interval)}, command_line::get_arg(args, opts.scan_threads), command_line::get_arg(args, opts.create_queue_max), }; prog.rest_config.threads = std::max(std::size_t(1), prog.rest_config.threads); prog.scan_threads = std::max(std::size_t(1), prog.scan_threads); if (command_line::is_arg_defaulted(args, opts.daemon_rpc)) prog.daemon_rpc = options::get_default_zmq(); return prog; } void run(program prog) { std::signal(SIGINT, [] (int) { lws::scanner::stop(); }); boost::filesystem::create_directories(prog.db_path); auto disk = lws::db::storage::open(prog.db_path.c_str(), prog.create_queue_max); auto ctx = lws::rpc::context::make(std::move(prog.daemon_rpc), prog.rates_interval); MINFO("Using monerod ZMQ RPC at " << ctx.daemon_address()); auto client = lws::scanner::sync(disk.clone(), ctx.connect().value()).value(); lws::rest_server server{epee::to_span(prog.rest_servers), disk.clone(), std::move(client), std::move(prog.rest_config)}; for (const std::string& address : prog.rest_servers) MINFO("Listening for REST clients at " << address); // blocks until SIGINT lws::scanner::run(std::move(disk), std::move(ctx), prog.scan_threads); } } // anonymous int main(int argc, char** argv) { tools::on_startup(); // if it throws, don't use MERROR just print default msg try { boost::optional prog; try { prog = get_program(argc, argv); } catch (std::exception const& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl; print_help(std::cerr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (prog) run(std::move(*prog)); } catch (std::exception const& e) { MERROR(e.what()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (...) { MERROR("Unknown exception"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }