@startuml hide circle hide members entity "Light Wallet client" as Client { * e.g. MyMonero app, OpenMonero html, etc. } show Client fields package "monero-lws" <> { entity "monero-lws-daemon" as MoneroLWSDaemon { * implements light wallet server REST API * takes addresses and view keys and scans for transactions in real-time } show MoneroLWSDaemon fields entity "monero-lws-admin" as MoneroLWSAdmin { * admin uses this program to perform various administrative tasks managing the server, such as accept or reject requests to add an address to the server } show MoneroLWSAdmin fields entity "monero-lws database" as MoneroLWSdb { * uses LMDB, which reads/writes from/to files on the host machine by default } show MoneroLWSdb fields MoneroLWSDaemon -up-> MoneroLWSdb MoneroLWSAdmin -up-> MoneroLWSdb } entity monerod { * running Monero daemon } show monerod fields entity "Exchange rate API provider (optional)" as ExchangeRateProvider { * currently cryptocompare.com * disabled by default } show ExchangeRateProvider fields Client -right-> MoneroLWSDaemon MoneroLWSDaemon -down-> monerod MoneroLWSDaemon -down-> ExchangeRateProvider @enduml