# install.packages("rbch") # install.packages("data.table") # install.packages("future.apply") library(rbch) library(data.table) library(future.apply) is.dogecoin <- FALSE blockchain.conf.file <- "" # Input filepath for your {blockchain}.conf file data.dir <- "" # Input data directory here, with trailing "/" current.block.height <- NA_integer_ # current.block.height <- rbch::getblockchaininfo(blockchain.config)@result$blocks n.threads <- min(c(6, parallelly::availableCores())) # Recommended no more than 6 threads since all threads query the single blockchain daemon process. dir.create(paste0(data.dir, "tx_graphs")) blockchain.config <- rbch::conrpc(blockchain.conf.file) rpcport <- readLines(blockchain.conf.file) rpcport <- rpcport[grepl("rpcport", rpcport) ] if (length(rpcport) > 0) { blockchain.config@url <- paste0("", gsub("[^0-9]", "", rpcport)) } cut.seq <- seq(20, current.block.height, by = 20) cut.seq <- c(-1, cut.seq, current.block.height) heights.to.process <- 0:current.block.height heights.to.process <- split(heights.to.process, cut(heights.to.process, unique(cut.seq))) future::plan(future::multiprocess(workers = n.threads)) for (height.set in heights.to.process) { extracted.txs <- future.apply::future_lapply(height.set, function(iter.block.height) { if (iter.block.height %% 1000 == 0) { cat(iter.block.height, base::date(), "\n") } block.hash <- rbch::getblockhash(blockchain.config, iter.block.height) if( ! is.dogecoin) { block.data <- rbch::getblock(blockchain.config, blockhash = block.hash@result, verbosity = "l2") # Argument verbose = 2 gives full transaction data raw.txs.ls <- block.data@result$tx } else { block.data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0("http://localhost:22555/rest/block/", block.hash@result, ".json"), simplifyVector = FALSE) raw.txs.ls <- block.data$tx } coinbase.tx <- raw.txs.ls[[1]] value <- vector("numeric", length(coinbase.tx$vout) ) for (j in seq_along(coinbase.tx$vout)) { value[j] <- coinbase.tx$vout[[j]]$value } outgoing.coinbase <- data.table(txid = coinbase.tx$txid, position = seq_along(coinbase.tx$vout), value = value, block_height = iter.block.height, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) coinbase.return.value <- list(incoming = data.table(txid = character(0), origin.txid = character(0), origin.position = numeric(0), block_height = integer(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), outgoing = outgoing.coinbase) if ( length(raw.txs.ls) < 2) { return(list(coinbase.return.value)) } # No incoming txs for coinbase-only # Results of this lapply below are returned return.value <- lapply(2:length(raw.txs.ls), function(iter) { # Start at 2 since the first tx is the coinbase tx latest.tx <- raw.txs.ls[[iter]] # addresses <- vector("character", length(latest.tx$vout) ) value <- vector("numeric", length(latest.tx$vout) ) for (j in seq_along(latest.tx$vout)) { extracted.address <- latest.tx$vout[[j]]$scriptPubKey$addresses if (length(extracted.address) > 1) { extracted.address <- list(paste0(sort(unlist(extracted.address)), collapse = "|")) # sort() so that the address order is always the same } stopifnot(length(extracted.address[[1]]) <= 1) if (length(extracted.address) == 0) {next} # addresses[j] <- extracted.address[[1]] value[j] <- latest.tx$vout[[j]]$value } outgoing <- data.table(txid = latest.tx$txid, # address = addresses, position = seq_along(latest.tx$vout), value = value, block_height = iter.block.height, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) origin.txid <- vector("character", length(latest.tx$vin) ) origin.position <- vector("numeric", length(latest.tx$vin) ) for (j in seq_along(latest.tx$vin)) { extracted.address <- latest.tx$vin[[j]]$txid stopifnot(length(extracted.address) <= 1) stopifnot(length(extracted.address[[1]]) <= 1) if (length(extracted.address) == 0) {next} origin.txid[j] <- latest.tx$vin[[j]]$txid origin.position[j] <- latest.tx$vin[[j]]$vout + 1 } incoming <- data.table(txid = latest.tx$txid, origin.txid = origin.txid, origin.position = origin.position, block_height = iter.block.height, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) list(incoming = incoming, outgoing = outgoing) }) return.value[[length(return.value) + 1]] <- coinbase.return.value # Note that this means that coinbase txs are now "last in the block" return.value }) print(object.size(extracted.txs), units = "Mb") extracted.txs <- unlist(extracted.txs, recursive = FALSE) incoming <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(extracted.txs, function(x) { x[[1]] }) ) outgoing <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(extracted.txs, function(x) { x[[2]] }) ) rm(extracted.txs) saveRDS(list(incoming = incoming, outgoing = outgoing), file = paste0(data.dir, "tx_graphs/tx_graph_height_", paste0(formatC(range(height.set), width = 7, flag = "0"), collapse = "_to_"), ".rds"), compress = FALSE) rm(incoming) rm(outgoing) }