library(ggplot2) library(data.table) library(Cairo) library(fixest) xmr.blockchain <- readRDS("") block.template.update.adjustment <- xmr.blockchain[, mean(diff(sort(unique(canon.receive_time))), na.rm = TRUE)] p2pool.confirm.delay <- xmr.blockchain[Pool == "P2Pool", .(block.template.update = min(canon.block_receive_time - canon.receive_time - block.template.update.adjustment, na.rm = TRUE) ), by = c("block_height")]$block.template.update # Removes transactions with no canon.receive_time. The nodes did not see # those transactions before they appeared in a received block # WARNING: Produces Infs when block has no transactions mean.p2pool.confirm.delay <- mean(p2pool.confirm.delay[is.finite(p2pool.confirm.delay)]) receive_time.unique <- sort(unique(xmr.blockchain$canon.receive_time)) receive_time.unique <- receive_time.unique[is.finite(receive_time.unique)] block_receive_time.unique <- sort(unique(xmr.blockchain$canon.block_receive_time)) block_receive_time.unique <- block_receive_time.unique[is.finite(block_receive_time.unique)] p2pool.sim.confirm <- vector("list", length(block_receive_time.unique) - 1) for (i in seq_along(p2pool.sim.confirm)) { receive_time.confirm = receive_time.unique[ (receive_time.unique + 1 + mean.p2pool.confirm.delay) %between% c(block_receive_time.unique[i] - 1, block_receive_time.unique[i + 1]) ] if (length(receive_time.confirm) > 0) { p2pool.sim.confirm[[i]] <- data.table( p2pool.sim.confirm.time = block_receive_time.unique[i + 1], canon.receive_time = receive_time.confirm ) } else { p2pool.sim.confirm[[i]] <- data.table( p2pool.sim.confirm.time = integer(0), canon.receive_time = integer(0) ) } } p2pool.sim.confirm <- data.table::rbindlist(p2pool.sim.confirm) xmr.blockchain <- merge(xmr.blockchain, p2pool.sim.confirm, by = "canon.receive_time", all.x = TRUE) xmr.blockchain[, mean(canon.block_receive_time - p2pool.sim.confirm.time, na.rm = TRUE)] block.reward <- unique(xmr.blockchain[, .(block_reward, Pool, is_p2pool)]) block.reward[, mean(block_reward, na.rm = TRUE) / 1e12, by = "Pool"] block.reward[, mean(block_reward, na.rm = TRUE) / 1e12, by = "is_p2pool"] block.reward[, (mean(block_reward[is_p2pool], na.rm = TRUE) - mean(block_reward[!is_p2pool], na.rm = TRUE) )/ 1e12] block.reward[, Pool := relevel(factor(Pool), "other")] summary(feols(I(block_reward/1e12) ~ Pool, data = block.reward), vcov = "hetero") # Check statistical significance block.num.txs <- unique(xmr.blockchain[, .(block_num_txes, Pool, is_p2pool)]) block.num.txs[, mean(block_num_txes, na.rm = TRUE), by = "Pool"] block.num.txs[, mean(block_num_txes, na.rm = TRUE), by = "is_p2pool"] block.num.txs[, (mean(block_num_txes[is_p2pool], na.rm = TRUE) - mean(block_num_txes[!is_p2pool], na.rm = TRUE) )] block.num.txs[, Pool := relevel(factor(Pool), "other")] summary(feols(block_num_txes ~ Pool, data = block.num.txs), vcov = "hetero") # Check statistical significance block.template.update.adjustment <- xmr.blockchain[, mean(diff(sort(unique(canon.receive_time))))] print(block.template.update.adjustment) xmr.tx.eligiibility <- xmr.blockchain[, .(block.template.update = min(canon.block_receive_time - canon.receive_time - block.template.update.adjustment, na.rm = TRUE) / 60), by = c("block_height", "Pool")] # Removes transactions with no canon.receive_time. The nodes did not see # those transactions before they appeared in a received block # WARNING: Produces Infs when block has no transactions xmr.tx.eligiibility <- xmr.tx.eligiibility[is.finite(block.template.update), ] xmr.tx.eligiibility[block.template.update < 0, block.template.update := 0] sum.stats <- function(x) { r <- quantile(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95)) names(r) <- c("ymin", "lower", "middle", "upper", "ymax") r } # png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/pool-comparison-tx-eligibility-boxplot.png", width = 800, height = 400) ggplot(xmr.tx.eligiibility, aes(y = Pool, x = block.template.update)) + stat_summary( = sum.stats, geom = "boxplot", position = "dodge", width = 0.75, fill = "#FF6600") + ggtitle("Boxplots of Time Between Transactions Entering the Mempool and\nBecoming Candidates for Blockchain Confirmation, by Mining Pool") + xlab(" Minutes") + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 3, color = "blue") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:10, expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) + expand_limits(x = 0) + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(size = 20), axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.y = element_blank()) png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/pool-comparison-tx-eligibility-barchart.png", width = 800, height = 400) ggplot(xmr.tx.eligiibility, aes(y = Pool, x = block.template.update)) + ggtitle("Average Time Between Transactions Entering the Mempool and\nBecoming Candidates for Blockchain Confirmation, by Mining Pool") + xlab(" Minutes") + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "bar", col = "black", fill = "#FF6600", width = 0.75) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:10, expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) + expand_limits(x = 0) + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(size = 20), axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.y = element_blank()) prev.block.time <- unique(xmr.blockchain[, .(block_height, canon.block_receive_time)]) setorder(prev.block.time, block_height) prev.block.time[, canon.prev.block_receive_time := shift(canon.block_receive_time, type = "lag")] xmr.blockchain <- merge(xmr.blockchain, prev.block.time[, .(block_height, canon.prev.block_receive_time)], by = "block_height") prev.block.summary <- xmr.blockchain[, .(elapsed = (max(canon.receive_time, na.rm = TRUE) - unique(canon.prev.block_receive_time)) / 60), by = c("block_height", "Pool")] # max() will produce -Inf if there are no txs in the block prev.block.summary[! is.finite(elapsed), elapsed := 0] # elapsed will be NA if the block contains no transactions. Therefore, # the amount of time that has elapsed between last block and this block's # block template is assumed to be zero. line.frame <- seq(0, 10, by = 0.01) png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/mining-pool-behavior-histogram.png", width = 800, height = 800) plot.xlim <- c(-1, 8.5) ggplot(prev.block.summary, aes(elapsed)) + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y), data = data.frame(x = line.frame, y = dexp(line.frame, rate = 0.5))) + geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), bins = diff(plot.xlim) * 60, fill = "#FF6600FF") + ggtitle("Density Histogram of Age of Youngest Transaction in a Mined Block Minus\nAge of Previous Mined Block, by Mining Pool") + xlab(" Minutes") + ylab ("Density") + facet_wrap(~ Pool, ncol = 3, scales = "free_y") + coord_cartesian(xlim = plot.xlim) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = -1:10) + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20), axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15), strip.text = element_text(size = 15))