library(data.table) data.dir <- "" # Must have trailing "/" data.begin.time <- as.integer(as.POSIXct("2022-12-21 18:00:00 UTC")) data.end.time <- as.integer(as.POSIXct("2023-01-18 17:59:59 UTC")) p2pool <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) mining.pool.labels.dir <- "" datasets <- c("", "", "", "", "") tx.time.fn <- median block.time.fn <- median mining.pool.labels.files <- list.files(mining.pool.labels.dir, full.names = TRUE) mining.pool.labels <- list() for (i in mining.pool.labels.files) { mining.pool.labels[[i]] <- read.csv(i, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) orphaned.blocks <- c( "e2936a6f13f9d5e98fd70def38a58db4af86488016edf5a34249f1c1b70ef1c7", "d64488e574ea237e9f6c803717d2b93271b86f6bc3d374f3922cf317e8ea4fe7" ) mining.pool.labels[[i]] <- mining.pool.labels[[i]][ ! mining.pool.labels[[i]]$Id %in% orphaned.blocks, ] # Remove known orphaned blocks mining.pool.labels[[i]] <- unique(mining.pool.labels[[i]][, c("Height", "Pool")]) stopifnot( ! any(duplicated(mining.pool.labels[[i]]$Height))) } mining.pool.labels <-, mining.pool.labels) mining.pool.labels <- unique(mining.pool.labels) rownames(mining.pool.labels) <- NULL stopifnot( ! any(duplicated(mining.pool.labels$Height))) blocks.collection <- list() mempool.collection <- list() for (i in datasets) { xmr.dir <- paste0(data.dir, i, "/xmr/") xmr.files <- list.files(xmr.dir) xmr.files <- sort(xmr.files, decreasing = TRUE) blocks.collection[[i]] <- read.csv(paste0(xmr.dir, xmr.files[grepl("block-archive.*csv", xmr.files)][1]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) mempool.collection[[i]] <- read.csv(paste0(xmr.dir, xmr.files[grepl("mempool-archive.*csv", xmr.files)][1]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) blocks.collection[[i]] <- blocks.collection[[i]][ blocks.collection[[i]]$block_receive_time %between% c(data.begin.time, data.end.time), ] blocks.collection[[i]] <- blocks.collection[[i]][ blocks.collection[[i]]$block_height != 0, ] mempool.collection[[i]] <- mempool.collection[[i]][ mempool.collection[[i]]$receive_time %between% c(data.begin.time, data.end.time), ] colnames(blocks.collection[[i]])[colnames(blocks.collection[[i]]) != "block_hash"] <- paste0(colnames(blocks.collection[[i]])[colnames(blocks.collection[[i]]) != "block_hash"], ".", i) colnames(mempool.collection[[i]])[colnames(mempool.collection[[i]]) != "id_hash"] <- paste0(colnames(mempool.collection[[i]])[colnames(mempool.collection[[i]]) != "id_hash"], ".", i) } blocks <- blocks.collection[[ datasets[1] ]] mempool <- mempool.collection[[ datasets[1] ]] for (i in datasets[-1]) { blocks <- merge(blocks, blocks.collection[[i]], all = TRUE) mempool <- merge(mempool, mempool.collection[[i]], all = TRUE) } mempool$canon.receive_time <- apply(mempool[, grepl("receive_time[.]", colnames(mempool))], 1, function(x) {tx.time.fn(x, na.rm = TRUE)} ) blocks$canon.block_receive_time <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_receive_time[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1, function(x) {block.time.fn(x, na.rm = TRUE)} ) mempool$canon.fee <- apply(mempool[, grepl("fee[.]", colnames(mempool))], 1, function(x) {unique(x[!])} ) # Fee is part of the data hashed for the transaction ID, so there should # never be more than one unique fee for a given tx ID. Source: # Section 7.4.1 of Zero to Monero 2.0 mempool$canon.weight <- apply(mempool[, grepl("weight[.]", colnames(mempool))], 1, function(x) {unique(x[!])} ) # Weight is implicitly part of the data hashed for the transaction ID, so there should # never be more than one unique weight for a given tx ID. Source: # check.block.heights.duplicated <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))], 2, function(x) {sum(duplicated(x, incomparables = NA))}) # Check if there are "duplicate" heights, i.e. two block hashes with the same height, # which would suggest blockchain re-orgs stopifnot(all(check.block.heights.duplicated == 0)) check.block.heights.unique <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1, function(x) {uniqueN(x, na.rm = TRUE)}) # Check if there are any differences in block height between same block hashes, # which would suggest blockchain re-orgs stopifnot(all(check.block.heights.unique == 1)) blocks$block_height <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1, function(x) {unique(na.omit(x), incomparables = NA)}) block_height.unique <- na.omit(unique(unlist(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))]))) all.blocks <- min(block_height.unique[block_height.unique > 0]):max(block_height.unique) # min():max() since some blocks are "skipped" # Need to have positive since rarely block height is corrupted in RPC response # to "0" # Modified from TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl function xmr.rpc <- function( url.rpc = "", method = "", params = list(), userpwd = "", = FALSE, = FALSE, keep.trying.rpc = FALSE, curl = RCurl::getCurlHandle(), ... ){ json.ret <- RJSONIO::toJSON( list( jsonrpc = "2.0", id = "0", method = method, params = params ), digits = 50 ) rcp.ret <- tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(url.rpc, .opts = list( userpwd = userpwd, postfields = json.ret, httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json') # ), curl = curl ), error = function(e) {NULL}) if (keep.trying.rpc && length(rcp.ret) == 0) { while (length(rcp.ret) == 0) { rcp.ret <- tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(url.rpc, .opts = list( userpwd = userpwd, postfields = json.ret, httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json') # ), curl = curl ), error = function(e) {NULL}) } } if (is.null(rcp.ret)) { stop("Cannot connect to monerod. Is monerod running?") } if ( { rcp.ret <- gsub("(: )([-0123456789.]+)([,\n\r])", "\\1\"\\2\"\\3", rcp.ret ) } if ( & ! { rcp.ret <- gsub("(\"nonce\": )([-0123456789.]+)([,\n\r])", "\\1\"\\2\"\\3", rcp.ret ) } RJSONIO::fromJSON(rcp.ret, asText = TRUE) # , simplify = FALSE } curl.handle <- RCurl::getCurlHandle() <- vector("list", length(all.blocks)) for (i in seq_along(all.blocks)) { <- xmr.rpc(method = "get_block", params = list(height = all.blocks[i]), curl = curl.handle)$result if (length($tx_hashes) > 0) {[[i]] <- data.table::data.table( block_height = all.blocks[i], id_hash =$tx_hashes, block_num_txes =$block_header$num_txes, block_reward =$block_header$reward ) } else {[[i]] <- data.table::data.table( block_height = all.blocks[i], id_hash = "", block_num_txes =$block_header$num_txes, block_reward =$block_header$reward ) } if (all.blocks[i] %% 1000 == 0) { cat("Block", all.blocks[i], "processed\n") } } <- data.table::rbindlist( blocks.filled <- merge(data.table(block_height = all.blocks), blocks[, c("block_height", "canon.block_receive_time")], all = TRUE) blocks.filled$canon.block_receive_time <- zoo::na.locf(blocks.filled$canon.block_receive_time, fromLast = TRUE) <- merge(blocks.filled, <- merge(, mempool, by = "id_hash", all = TRUE) receive_time.unique <- na.omit(sort(unique($canon.receive_time))) block_receive_time.unique <- na.omit(sort(unique($canon.block_receive_time))) earliest.confirm <- vector("list", length(block_receive_time.unique) - 1) for (i in seq_along(earliest.confirm)) { receive_time.confirm = receive_time.unique[ (receive_time.unique + 1) %between% c(block_receive_time.unique[i] - 1, block_receive_time.unique[i + 1]) ] if (length(receive_time.confirm) > 0) { earliest.confirm[[i]] <- data.table( earliest.possible.confirmation.time = block_receive_time.unique[i + 1], canon.receive_time = receive_time.confirm ) } else { earliest.confirm[[i]] <- data.table( earliest.possible.confirmation.time = integer(0), canon.receive_time = integer(0) ) } } earliest.confirm <- data.table::rbindlist(earliest.confirm) <- merge(, earliest.confirm, by = "canon.receive_time", all = TRUE) # Monero-specific data: <- merge(, p2pool[, c("block_height", "is_p2pool")], by = "block_height", all.x = TRUE) colnames(mining.pool.labels)[colnames(mining.pool.labels) == "Height"] <- "block_height" <- merge(, mining.pool.labels[, c("block_height", "Pool")], by = "block_height", all.x = TRUE)[, Pool := "other"][(is_p2pool), Pool := "P2Pool"] max.receive_time.range <- apply([, grepl("^receive_time[.]", colnames(, with = FALSE], 1, function(x) {diff(range(x))}) cat("xmr max.receive_time.range\n") cat("Summary stats:\n") print(summary(max.receive_time.range)) cat("Quantiles:\n") print(quantile(max.receive_time.range, probs = sort(c(0.05, 0.95, (0:10)/10)), na.rm = TRUE)) max.block.receive_time.range <- apply(blocks[, grepl("^block_receive_time[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1, function(x) {diff(range(x))}) cat("xmr max.block.receive_time.range\n") cat("Summary stats:\n") print(summary(max.block.receive_time.range)) cat("Quantiles:\n") print(quantile(max.block.receive_time.range, probs = sort(c(0.05, 0.95, (0:10)/10)), na.rm = TRUE)) saveRDS(, "")