script.args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) stopifnot(length(script.args) == 2 && grepl("(bch)|(ltc)|(doge)", script.args[1], = TRUE)) <- tolower(script.args[1]) blockchain.conf.file <- script.args[2] blockchain.config <- rbch::conrpc(blockchain.conf.file) rpcport <- readLines(blockchain.conf.file) rpcport <- rpcport[grepl("rpcport", rpcport) ] if (length(rpcport) > 0) { blockchain.config@url <- paste0("", gsub("[^0-9]", "", rpcport)) } tx.pool <- c() # Check that node is responding while(length(tx.pool) == 0) { tx.pool <- rbch::getrawmempool(blockchain.config)@result Sys.sleep(1) } con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), paste0(, "-mempool-archive.db")) DBI::dbExecute(con, "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;") # export-csv.R can read while collect-archive.R writes # while (TRUE) { compute.time <- system.time({ tx.pool <- rbch::getrawmempool(blockchain.config)@result bestblockhash <- rbch::getbestblockhash(blockchain.config)@result block.header <- rbch::getblockheader(blockchain.config, bestblockhash)@result block_receive_time <- round(Sys.time()) # One second time resolution if (length(tx.pool) > 0) { txs <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(tx.pool)) if ( != "ltc") { for (i in seq_along(tx.pool)) { txs[[i]] <- data.table::data.table( id_hash = names(tx.pool)[i], fee = tx.pool[[i]]$fee, weight = tx.pool[[i]]$size, receive_time = tx.pool[[i]]$time) } } else { for (i in seq_along(tx.pool)) { txs[[i]] <- data.table::data.table( id_hash = names(tx.pool)[i], fee = tx.pool[[i]]$fee, weight = tx.pool[[i]]$vsize, receive_time = tx.pool[[i]]$time) } } txs <- data.table::rbindlist(txs) tx.statement <- DBI::dbSendQuery(con, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO txs VALUES (:id_hash,:fee,:weight,:receive_time)") # "IGNORE" prevents the same txs from being inserted more than once DBI::dbBind(tx.statement, params = txs) DBI::dbClearResult(tx.statement) blocks <- data.table::data.table( block_hash = block.header$hash, prev_block_hash = block.header$previousblockhash, block_height = block.header$height, block_timestamp = block.header$time, block_receive_time = as.character(as.numeric(block_receive_time)) ) block.statement <- DBI::dbSendQuery(con, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO blocks VALUES (:block_hash,:prev_block_hash,:block_height,:block_timestamp,:block_receive_time)") # "IGNORE" prevents the same blocks from being inserted more than once DBI::dbBind(block.statement, params = blocks) DBI::dbClearResult(block.statement) } }) print(compute.time["elapsed"]) Sys.sleep(max(c(0, 1 - compute.time["elapsed"]))) # Should poll once per second unless data processing takes more than one second. In # that case, polls as frequently as possible. }