Add Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay project

This commit is contained in:
Rucknium 2023-01-19 18:48:18 +00:00
parent 886ddea42b
commit 10164c2f62
15 changed files with 1070 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
multi.chain <- list(
xmr = readRDS(""),
ltc = readRDS(""),
bch = readRDS(""),
doge = readRDS("")
for (i in names(multi.chain)) {
diff(sort(unique(canon.receive_time))) ]))
multi.chain.tx.eligiibility <- list()
for (i in c("P2Pool", names(multi.chain))) {
if (i == "P2Pool") {
block.template.update.adjustment <- multi.chain[["xmr"]][,
mean(diff(sort(unique(canon.receive_time))), na.rm = TRUE)]
multi.chain.tx.eligiibility[[i]] <- multi.chain[["xmr"]][ (is_p2pool),
.(coin = "P2Pool", block.template.update =
min(canon.block_receive_time - canon.receive_time -
block.template.update.adjustment, na.rm = TRUE) / 60), by = "block_height"]
# Removes transactions with no canon.receive_time. The nodes did not see
# those transactions before they appeared in a received block
# WARNING: Produces Infs when block has no transactions
} else {
block.template.update.adjustment <- multi.chain[[i]][,
mean(diff(sort(unique(canon.receive_time))), na.rm = TRUE)]
multi.chain.tx.eligiibility[[i]] <- multi.chain[[i]][,
.(coin = i, block.template.update =
min(canon.block_receive_time - canon.receive_time -
block.template.update.adjustment, na.rm = TRUE) / 60), by = "block_height"]
# Removes transactions with no canon.receive_time. The nodes did not see
# those transactions before they appeared in a received block
# WARNING: Produces Infs when block has no transactions
multi.chain.tx.eligiibility <- data.table::rbindlist(multi.chain.tx.eligiibility)
multi.chain.tx.eligiibility <- multi.chain.tx.eligiibility[is.finite(block.template.update), ]
multi.chain.tx.eligiibility <- multi.chain.tx.eligiibility[block.template.update < 0, block.template.update := 0]
multi.chain.tx.eligiibility[, coin := factor(coin, levels = c("doge", "bch", "ltc", "P2Pool", "xmr"),
labels = c("Dogecoin", "Bitcoin Cash", "Litecoin", "Monero (P2Pool only)", "Monero (all blocks)"))]
sum.stats <- function(x) {
r <- quantile(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95))
names(r) <- c("ymin", "lower", "middle", "upper", "ymax")
png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/coin-comparison-tx-eligibility-boxplot.png", width = 800, height = 200)
ggplot(multi.chain.tx.eligiibility, aes(y = coin, x = block.template.update)) +
stat_summary( = sum.stats, geom = "boxplot", position = "dodge", width = 0.75,
fill = c("#d9bd62", "#0AC18E", "#A6A9AA", "#FF6600", "#FF6600")) +
ggtitle("Boxplots of Time Between Transactions Entering the Mempool and\nBecoming Candidates for Blockchain Confirmation, by Coin") +
xlab(" Minutes") +
stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 3, color = "blue") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:10, expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) +
expand_limits(x = 0) +
theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.y = element_blank())
# "#0AC18E"
# "#A6A9AA"
# "#d9bd62"
# "#FF6600"
# Monero orange
png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/coin-comparison-tx-eligibility-barchart.png", width = 800, height = 200)
ggplot(multi.chain.tx.eligiibility, aes(y = coin, x = block.template.update)) +
ggtitle("Average Time Between Transactions Entering the Mempool and\nBecoming Candidates for Blockchain Confirmation, by Coin") +
xlab(" Minutes") +
stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "bar", col = "black",
fill = c("#d9bd62", "#0AC18E", "#A6A9AA", "#FF6600", "#FF6600"), width = 0.75) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:10, expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) +
expand_limits(x = 0) +
theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.y = element_blank())
multi.chain.tx.confirmation <- list()
for (i in names(multi.chain)) {
multi.chain.tx.confirmation[[i]] <- multi.chain[[i]][,
.(coin = i, confirm.delay =
(canon.block_receive_time - canon.receive_time) / 60)]
print(mean(multi.chain.tx.confirmation[[i]]$confirm.delay, na.rm = TRUE))
multi.chain.tx.confirmation <- data.table::rbindlist(multi.chain.tx.confirmation)
multi.chain.tx.confirmation <- multi.chain.tx.confirmation[!, ]
multi.chain.tx.confirmation <- multi.chain.tx.confirmation[confirm.delay < 0, confirm.delay := 0]
multi.chain.tx.confirmation[, coin := factor(coin, levels = c("doge", "bch", "ltc", "xmr"),
labels = c("Dogecoin", "Bitcoin Cash", "Litecoin", "Monero"))]
multi.chain.tx.confirmation[, as.list(summary(confirm.delay * 60)), by = "coin"]
# Summary stats of delay of confirmation time for each coin
sum.stats <- function(x) {
r <- quantile(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95))
names(r) <- c("ymin", "lower", "middle", "upper", "ymax")
png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/coin-comparison-tx-confirmation-boxplot.png", width = 800, height = 200)
ggplot(multi.chain.tx.confirmation, aes(y = coin, x = confirm.delay)) +
stat_summary( = sum.stats, geom = "boxplot", position = "dodge", width = 0.75,
fill = c("#d9bd62", "#0AC18E", "#A6A9AA", "#FF6600")) +
ggtitle("Boxplots of Time Between Transactions Entering the Mempool and\nBeing Confirmed on the Blockchain") +
xlab(" Minutes") +
stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 3, color = "blue") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:50, expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) +
expand_limits(x = 0) +
theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.y = element_blank())
png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/coin-comparison-tx-confirmation-barchart.png", width = 800, height = 200)
aes(y = coin, x = confirm.delay)) +
ggtitle("Average Time Between Transactions Entering the Mempool and\nBeing Confirmed on the Blockchain") +
xlab(" Minutes") +
stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "bar", col = "black",
fill = c("#d9bd62", "#0AC18E", "#A6A9AA", "#FF6600"), width = 0.75) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:50, expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) +
theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.y = element_blank())

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@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
data.dir <- ""
# Must have trailing "/"
data.begin.time <- as.integer(as.POSIXct("2022-12-21 18:00:00 UTC"))
data.end.time <- as.integer(as.POSIXct("2023-01-18 17:59:59 UTC"))
datasets <- c("", "")
coin.config <- list(
ltc = "",
bch = "",
doge = "")
tx.time.fn <- min
block.time.fn <- median
for (coin in c("ltc", "bch", "doge")) {
blockchain.conf.file <- coin.config[[coin]]
blockchain.config <- rbch::conrpc(blockchain.conf.file)
rpcport <- readLines(blockchain.conf.file)
rpcport <- rpcport[grepl("rpcport", rpcport) ]
if (length(rpcport) > 0) {
blockchain.config@url <- paste0("", gsub("[^0-9]", "", rpcport))
tx.pool <- c()
# Check that node is responding
while(length(tx.pool) == 0) {
tx.pool <- rbch::getrawmempool(blockchain.config)@result
blocks.collection <- list()
mempool.collection <- list()
for (i in datasets) {
coin.dir <- paste0(data.dir, i, "/", coin, "/")
coin.files <- list.files(coin.dir)
coin.files <- sort(coin.files, decreasing = TRUE)
blocks.collection[[i]] <- read.csv(paste0(coin.dir,
coin.files[grepl("block-archive.*csv", coin.files)][1]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mempool.collection[[i]] <- read.csv(paste0(coin.dir,
coin.files[grepl("mempool-archive.*csv", coin.files)][1]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
blocks.collection[[i]] <- blocks.collection[[i]][
blocks.collection[[i]]$block_receive_time %between% c(data.begin.time, data.end.time), ]
blocks.collection[[i]] <- blocks.collection[[i]][ blocks.collection[[i]]$block_height != 0, ]
mempool.collection[[i]] <- mempool.collection[[i]][
mempool.collection[[i]]$receive_time %between% c(data.begin.time, data.end.time), ]
colnames(blocks.collection[[i]])[colnames(blocks.collection[[i]]) != "block_hash"] <-
paste0(colnames(blocks.collection[[i]])[colnames(blocks.collection[[i]]) != "block_hash"], ".", i)
colnames(mempool.collection[[i]])[colnames(mempool.collection[[i]]) != "id_hash"] <-
paste0(colnames(mempool.collection[[i]])[colnames(mempool.collection[[i]]) != "id_hash"], ".", i)
blocks <- blocks.collection[[ datasets[1] ]]
mempool <- mempool.collection[[ datasets[1] ]]
for (i in datasets[-1]) {
blocks <- merge(blocks, blocks.collection[[i]], all = TRUE)
mempool <- merge(mempool, mempool.collection[[i]], all = TRUE)
mempool$canon.receive_time <- apply(mempool[, grepl("receive_time[.]", colnames(mempool))], 1,
function(x) {tx.time.fn(x, na.rm = TRUE)} )
blocks$canon.block_receive_time <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_receive_time[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1,
function(x) {block.time.fn(x, na.rm = TRUE)} )
mempool$canon.fee <- apply(mempool[, grepl("fee[.]", colnames(mempool))], 1,
function(x) {unique(x[!])} )
mempool$canon.weight <- apply(mempool[, grepl("weight[.]", colnames(mempool))], 1,
function(x) {unique(x[!])} )
check.block.heights.duplicated <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))], 2,
function(x) {sum(duplicated(x, incomparables = NA))})
# Check if there are "duplicate" heights, i.e. two block hashes with the same height,
# which would suggest blockchain re-orgs
stopifnot(all(check.block.heights.duplicated == 0))
check.block.heights.unique <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1,
function(x) {uniqueN(x, na.rm = TRUE)})
# Check if there are any differences in block height between same block hashes,
# which would suggest blockchain re-orgs
stopifnot(all(check.block.heights.unique == 1))
blocks$block_height <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1,
function(x) {unique(na.omit(x), incomparables = NA)})
block_height.unique <- na.omit(unique(unlist(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))])))
all.blocks <- min(block_height.unique[block_height.unique > 0]):max(block_height.unique)
# min():max() since some blocks are "skipped"
# Need to have positive since rarely block height is corrupted in RPC response
# to "0" <- vector("list", length(all.blocks))
for (i in seq_along(all.blocks)) {
blockhash <- rbch::getblockhash(blockchain.config, height = all.blocks[i])@result
if (coin == "doge") { <- rbch::rpcpost(blockchain.config, "getblock", plist = list(blockhash, TRUE))@result
tx_hashes <- unlist($tx)
} else { <- rbch::getblock(blockchain.config, blockhash, verbosity = "l1")@result
tx_hashes <- unlist($tx)
block_reward <- rbch::getrawtransaction(blockchain.config, tx_hashes[1],
verbose = TRUE)@result$vout[[1]]$value
if (coin == "ltc") {
tx_hashes <- tx_hashes[(-1) * 1:2]
# Remove first transaction since it is the coinbase
# Remove second LTC transaction since it is the MWEB transaction
} else {
tx_hashes <- tx_hashes[-1]
if (length(tx_hashes) > 1) {[[i]] <- data.table::data.table(
block_height = all.blocks[i],
id_hash = tx_hashes,
block_num_txes = length(tx_hashes),
block_reward = block_reward
} else {[[i]] <- data.table::data.table(
block_height = all.blocks[i],
id_hash = "<NO_TXS_IN_BLOCK>",
block_num_txes = 0L,
block_reward = block_reward
if (all.blocks[i] %% 1000 == 0) {
cat("Block", all.blocks[i], "processed\n")
} <- data.table::rbindlist(
blocks.filled <- merge(data.table(block_height = all.blocks),
blocks[, c("block_height", "canon.block_receive_time")], all = TRUE)
blocks.filled$canon.block_receive_time <- zoo::na.locf(blocks.filled$canon.block_receive_time, fromLast = TRUE) <- merge(blocks.filled, <- merge(, mempool, by = "id_hash", all = TRUE)
receive_time.unique <- na.omit(sort(unique($canon.receive_time)))
block_receive_time.unique <- na.omit(sort(unique($canon.block_receive_time)))
earliest.confirm <- vector("list", length(block_receive_time.unique) - 1)
for (i in seq_along(earliest.confirm)) {
receive_time.confirm = receive_time.unique[
(receive_time.unique + 1) %between%
c(block_receive_time.unique[i] - 1, block_receive_time.unique[i + 1])
if (length(receive_time.confirm) > 0) {
earliest.confirm[[i]] <- data.table(
earliest.possible.confirmation.time = block_receive_time.unique[i + 1],
canon.receive_time = receive_time.confirm
} else {
earliest.confirm[[i]] <- data.table(
earliest.possible.confirmation.time = integer(0),
canon.receive_time = integer(0)
earliest.confirm <- data.table::rbindlist(earliest.confirm) <- merge(, earliest.confirm, by = "canon.receive_time", all = TRUE)
max.receive_time.range <- apply([,
grepl("^receive_time[.]", colnames(, with = FALSE], 1,
function(x) {diff(range(x))})
cat(paste0(coin, " max.receive_time.range\n"))
cat("Summary stats:\n")
print(quantile(max.range, probs = sort(c(0.05, 0.95, (0:10)/10)), na.rm = TRUE))
saveRDS(, paste0(coin, "-blockchain-data.rds"))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
xmr.blockchain <- readRDS("")
block.template.update.adjustment <- xmr.blockchain[,
mean(diff(sort(unique(canon.receive_time))), na.rm = TRUE)]
p2pool.confirm.delay <- xmr.blockchain[Pool == "P2Pool",
.(block.template.update =
min(canon.block_receive_time - canon.receive_time -
block.template.update.adjustment, na.rm = TRUE) ),
by = c("block_height")]$block.template.update
# Removes transactions with no canon.receive_time. The nodes did not see
# those transactions before they appeared in a received block
# WARNING: Produces Infs when block has no transactions
mean.p2pool.confirm.delay <- mean(p2pool.confirm.delay[is.finite(p2pool.confirm.delay)])
receive_time.unique <- sort(unique(xmr.blockchain$canon.receive_time))
receive_time.unique <- receive_time.unique[is.finite(receive_time.unique)]
block_receive_time.unique <- sort(unique(xmr.blockchain$canon.block_receive_time))
block_receive_time.unique <- block_receive_time.unique[is.finite(block_receive_time.unique)]
p2pool.sim.confirm <- vector("list", length(block_receive_time.unique) - 1)
for (i in seq_along(p2pool.sim.confirm)) {
receive_time.confirm = receive_time.unique[
(receive_time.unique + 1 + mean.p2pool.confirm.delay) %between%
c(block_receive_time.unique[i] - 1, block_receive_time.unique[i + 1])
if (length(receive_time.confirm) > 0) {
p2pool.sim.confirm[[i]] <- data.table(
p2pool.sim.confirm.time = block_receive_time.unique[i + 1],
canon.receive_time = receive_time.confirm
} else {
p2pool.sim.confirm[[i]] <- data.table(
p2pool.sim.confirm.time = integer(0),
canon.receive_time = integer(0)
p2pool.sim.confirm <- data.table::rbindlist(p2pool.sim.confirm)
xmr.blockchain <- merge(xmr.blockchain, p2pool.sim.confirm, by = "canon.receive_time", all.x = TRUE)
xmr.blockchain[, mean(canon.block_receive_time - p2pool.sim.confirm.time, na.rm = TRUE)]
block.reward <- unique(xmr.blockchain[, .(block_reward, Pool, is_p2pool)])
block.reward[, mean(block_reward, na.rm = TRUE) / 1e12, by = "Pool"]
block.reward[, mean(block_reward, na.rm = TRUE) / 1e12, by = "is_p2pool"]
block.reward[, (mean(block_reward[is_p2pool], na.rm = TRUE) -
mean(block_reward[!is_p2pool], na.rm = TRUE) )/ 1e12]
block.reward[, Pool := relevel(factor(Pool), "other")]
summary(feols(I(block_reward/1e12) ~ Pool, data = block.reward), vcov = "hetero")
# Check statistical significance
block.num.txs <- unique(xmr.blockchain[, .(block_num_txes, Pool, is_p2pool)])
block.num.txs[, mean(block_num_txes, na.rm = TRUE), by = "Pool"]
block.num.txs[, mean(block_num_txes, na.rm = TRUE), by = "is_p2pool"]
block.num.txs[, (mean(block_num_txes[is_p2pool], na.rm = TRUE) -
mean(block_num_txes[!is_p2pool], na.rm = TRUE) )]
block.num.txs[, Pool := relevel(factor(Pool), "other")]
summary(feols(block_num_txes ~ Pool, data = block.num.txs), vcov = "hetero")
# Check statistical significance
block.template.update.adjustment <- xmr.blockchain[,
xmr.tx.eligiibility <- xmr.blockchain[,
.(block.template.update =
min(canon.block_receive_time - canon.receive_time -
block.template.update.adjustment, na.rm = TRUE) / 60),
by = c("block_height", "Pool")]
# Removes transactions with no canon.receive_time. The nodes did not see
# those transactions before they appeared in a received block
# WARNING: Produces Infs when block has no transactions
xmr.tx.eligiibility <- xmr.tx.eligiibility[is.finite(block.template.update), ]
xmr.tx.eligiibility[block.template.update < 0, block.template.update := 0]
sum.stats <- function(x) {
r <- quantile(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95))
names(r) <- c("ymin", "lower", "middle", "upper", "ymax")
png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/pool-comparison-tx-eligibility-boxplot.png", width = 800, height = 400)
ggplot(xmr.tx.eligiibility, aes(y = Pool, x = block.template.update)) +
stat_summary( = sum.stats, geom = "boxplot", position = "dodge", width = 0.75,
fill = "#FF6600") +
ggtitle("Boxplots of Time Between Transactions Entering the Mempool and\nBecoming Candidates for Blockchain Confirmation, by Mining Pool") +
xlab(" Minutes") +
stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 3, color = "blue") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:10, expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) +
expand_limits(x = 0) +
theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.y = element_blank())
png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/pool-comparison-tx-eligibility-barchart.png", width = 800, height = 400)
ggplot(xmr.tx.eligiibility, aes(y = Pool, x = block.template.update)) +
ggtitle("Average Time Between Transactions Entering the Mempool and\nBecoming Candidates for Blockchain Confirmation, by Mining Pool") +
xlab(" Minutes") +
stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "bar", col = "black", fill = "#FF6600", width = 0.75) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:10, expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) +
expand_limits(x = 0) +
theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.y = element_blank())
prev.block.time <- unique(xmr.blockchain[, .(block_height, canon.block_receive_time)])
setorder(prev.block.time, block_height)
prev.block.time[, canon.prev.block_receive_time := shift(canon.block_receive_time, type = "lag")]
xmr.blockchain <- merge(xmr.blockchain,
prev.block.time[, .(block_height, canon.prev.block_receive_time)], by = "block_height")
prev.block.summary <- xmr.blockchain[,
.(elapsed = (max(canon.receive_time, na.rm = TRUE) - unique(canon.prev.block_receive_time)) / 60),
by = c("block_height", "Pool")]
# max() will produce -Inf if there are no txs in the block
prev.block.summary[! is.finite(elapsed), elapsed := 0]
# elapsed will be NA if the block contains no transactions. Therefore,
# the amount of time that has elapsed between last block and this block's
# block template is assumed to be zero.
line.frame <- seq(0, 10, by = 0.01)
png("Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/images/mining-pool-behavior-histogram.png", width = 800, height = 800)
plot.xlim <- c(-1, 8.5)
ggplot(prev.block.summary, aes(elapsed)) +
geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y), data = data.frame(x = line.frame, y = dexp(line.frame, rate = 0.5))) +
geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), bins = diff(plot.xlim) * 60, fill = "#FF6600FF") +
ggtitle("Density Histogram of Age of Youngest Transaction in a Mined Block Minus\nAge of Previous Mined Block, by Mining Pool") +
xlab(" Minutes") +
ylab ("Density") +
facet_wrap(~ Pool, ncol = 3, scales = "free_y") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = plot.xlim) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = -1:10) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
axis.text = element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15), strip.text = element_text(size = 15))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
txs <- cumsum(rexp(50))
# Transaction arrival can be modeled as a Poisson process. The time interval
# between arrival of transactions are independent exponential random variables
txs <- txs/txs[length(txs)]
# ideal
blk.geom.ideal <- list(
col = "red",
text = "Block mined\nby red pool",
tx0 = 0,
tx1 = 0.4,
block = 0.4
col = "blue",
text = "Block mined\nby blue pool",
tx0 = 0.4,
tx1 = 0.7,
block = 0.7
col = "darkgreen",
text = "Block mined\nby green pool",
tx0 = 0.7,
tx1 = 0.9,
block = 0.9
col = "purple",
text = "Block mined\nby purple pool",
tx0 = 0.9,
tx1 = 1.2,
block = 1.2
col = "brown",
text = "Block mined\nby brown pool",
tx0 = 0.9,
tx1 = 1.2,
block = 1.5
# centralized pool
blk.geom.pool <- list(
col = "red",
text = "Block mined\nby red pool",
tx0 = 0,
tx1 = 0.25,
block = 0.4
col = "blue",
text = "Block mined\nby blue pool",
tx0 = 0.25,
tx1 = 0.4,
block = 0.7
col = "darkgreen",
text = "Block mined\nby green pool",
tx0 = 0.4,
tx1 = 0.7,
block = 0.9
col = "purple",
text = "Block mined\nby purple pool",
tx0 = 0.7,
tx1 = 0.9,
block = 1.2
col = "brown",
text = "Block mined\nby brown pool",
tx0 = 0.9,
tx1 = 1.2,
block = 1.5
# p2pool
blk.geom.p2pool <- list(
col = "red",
text = "Block mined\nby red pool",
tx0 = 0,
tx1 = 0.25,
block = 0.4
col = "#FF6600FF", # Monero orange
text = "Block mined\nby p2pool",
tx0 = 0.25,
tx1 = 0.67,
block = 0.7
col = "darkgreen",
text = "Block mined\nby green pool",
tx0 = 0.67,
tx1 = 0.7,
block = 0.9
col = "purple",
text = "Block mined\nby purple pool",
tx0 = 0.7,
tx1 = 0.9,
block = 1.2
col = "brown",
text = "Block mined\nby brown pool",
tx0 = 0.9,
tx1 = 1.2,
block = 1.5
blk.geoms <- list(blk.geom.ideal, blk.geom.pool, blk.geom.p2pool)
filenames <- c(
plot.titles <- c(
"Ideal Case",
"Pool Delay Case",
"Mixed P2Pool and Pool Delay Case"
for (diagram in 1:3) {
blk.geom <- blk.geoms[[diagram]]
png(filenames[diagram], width = 600, height = 200)
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(txs, rep(0, length(txs)),
pch = 20, cex = 0.25,
bty = "n", axes = FALSE,
frame.plot = FALSE, xaxt = "n", ann = FALSE, yaxt = "n",
ylim = c(-0.35, 0.20), xlim = c(0, 1))
abline(h = -0.1)
text(0.5, 0.18, labels = paste0("Monero Transactions Included in a Block: ",
plot.titles[diagram]), cex = 1.2)
text(0.5, 0.1, labels = "Time")
lines(c(0.15, 0.47), c(0.1, 0.1))
arrows(0.53, 0.1, 0.85, 0.1)
text(0.1, -0.3, labels = "")
ellipse.bounds <- function(x0, x1) {
list(center = mean(c(x0, x1)), width = 0.5 * diff(c(x0, x1)))
for ( i in seq_along(blk.geom)) {
ellipse.bds <- ellipse.bounds(blk.geom[[i]]$tx0, blk.geom[[i]]$tx1)
plotrix::draw.ellipse(ellipse.bds$center, 0,
ellipse.bds$width, c(0.025),
border = blk.geom[[i]]$col) <- txs[txs %between% c(blk.geom[[i]]$tx0, blk.geom[[i]]$tx1)]
points(blk.geom[[i]]$block, -0.1, pch = 15, col = blk.geom[[i]]$col)
text(blk.geom[[i]]$block, -0.15, col = blk.geom[[i]]$col, cex = 1, pos = 1,
labels = paste0(blk.geom[[i]]$text, ".\n\nAverage tx\nconfirm delay: ",
round(10 * mean(blk.geom[[i]]$block -, 1)))
lines(c(ellipse.bds$center, blk.geom[[i]]$block), c(-0.025, -0.1), col = blk.geom[[i]]$col)
lines(c(blk.geom[[i]]$tx1, blk.geom[[i]]$block), c(0, -0.1), col = blk.geom[[i]]$col)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
data.dir <- ""
# Must have trailing "/"
data.begin.time <- as.integer(as.POSIXct("2022-12-21 18:00:00 UTC"))
data.end.time <- as.integer(as.POSIXct("2023-01-18 17:59:59 UTC"))
p2pool <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mining.pool.labels.dir <- ""
datasets <- c("", "", "", "", "")
tx.time.fn <- median
block.time.fn <- median
mining.pool.labels.files <- list.files(mining.pool.labels.dir, full.names = TRUE)
mining.pool.labels <- list()
for (i in mining.pool.labels.files) {
mining.pool.labels[[i]] <- read.csv(i, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
orphaned.blocks <- c(
mining.pool.labels[[i]] <- mining.pool.labels[[i]][
! mining.pool.labels[[i]]$Id %in% orphaned.blocks, ]
# Remove known orphaned blocks
mining.pool.labels[[i]] <- unique(mining.pool.labels[[i]][, c("Height", "Pool")])
stopifnot( ! any(duplicated(mining.pool.labels[[i]]$Height)))
mining.pool.labels <-, mining.pool.labels)
mining.pool.labels <- unique(mining.pool.labels)
rownames(mining.pool.labels) <- NULL
stopifnot( ! any(duplicated(mining.pool.labels$Height)))
blocks.collection <- list()
mempool.collection <- list()
for (i in datasets) {
xmr.dir <- paste0(data.dir, i, "/xmr/")
xmr.files <- list.files(xmr.dir)
xmr.files <- sort(xmr.files, decreasing = TRUE)
blocks.collection[[i]] <- read.csv(paste0(xmr.dir,
xmr.files[grepl("block-archive.*csv", xmr.files)][1]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mempool.collection[[i]] <- read.csv(paste0(xmr.dir,
xmr.files[grepl("mempool-archive.*csv", xmr.files)][1]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
blocks.collection[[i]] <- blocks.collection[[i]][
blocks.collection[[i]]$block_receive_time %between% c(data.begin.time, data.end.time), ]
blocks.collection[[i]] <- blocks.collection[[i]][ blocks.collection[[i]]$block_height != 0, ]
mempool.collection[[i]] <- mempool.collection[[i]][
mempool.collection[[i]]$receive_time %between% c(data.begin.time, data.end.time), ]
colnames(blocks.collection[[i]])[colnames(blocks.collection[[i]]) != "block_hash"] <-
paste0(colnames(blocks.collection[[i]])[colnames(blocks.collection[[i]]) != "block_hash"], ".", i)
colnames(mempool.collection[[i]])[colnames(mempool.collection[[i]]) != "id_hash"] <-
paste0(colnames(mempool.collection[[i]])[colnames(mempool.collection[[i]]) != "id_hash"], ".", i)
blocks <- blocks.collection[[ datasets[1] ]]
mempool <- mempool.collection[[ datasets[1] ]]
for (i in datasets[-1]) {
blocks <- merge(blocks, blocks.collection[[i]], all = TRUE)
mempool <- merge(mempool, mempool.collection[[i]], all = TRUE)
mempool$canon.receive_time <- apply(mempool[, grepl("receive_time[.]", colnames(mempool))], 1,
function(x) {tx.time.fn(x, na.rm = TRUE)} )
blocks$canon.block_receive_time <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_receive_time[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1,
function(x) {block.time.fn(x, na.rm = TRUE)} )
mempool$canon.fee <- apply(mempool[, grepl("fee[.]", colnames(mempool))], 1,
function(x) {unique(x[!])} )
# Fee is part of the data hashed for the transaction ID, so there should
# never be more than one unique fee for a given tx ID. Source:
# Section 7.4.1 of Zero to Monero 2.0
mempool$canon.weight <- apply(mempool[, grepl("weight[.]", colnames(mempool))], 1,
function(x) {unique(x[!])} )
# Weight is implicitly part of the data hashed for the transaction ID, so there should
# never be more than one unique weight for a given tx ID. Source:
check.block.heights.duplicated <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))], 2,
function(x) {sum(duplicated(x, incomparables = NA))})
# Check if there are "duplicate" heights, i.e. two block hashes with the same height,
# which would suggest blockchain re-orgs
stopifnot(all(check.block.heights.duplicated == 0))
check.block.heights.unique <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1,
function(x) {uniqueN(x, na.rm = TRUE)})
# Check if there are any differences in block height between same block hashes,
# which would suggest blockchain re-orgs
stopifnot(all(check.block.heights.unique == 1))
blocks$block_height <- apply(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1,
function(x) {unique(na.omit(x), incomparables = NA)})
block_height.unique <- na.omit(unique(unlist(blocks[, grepl("block_height[.]", colnames(blocks))])))
all.blocks <- min(block_height.unique[block_height.unique > 0]):max(block_height.unique)
# min():max() since some blocks are "skipped"
# Need to have positive since rarely block height is corrupted in RPC response
# to "0"
# Modified from TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl function
xmr.rpc <- function(
url.rpc = "",
method = "",
params = list(),
userpwd = "", = FALSE, = FALSE,
keep.trying.rpc = FALSE,
curl = RCurl::getCurlHandle(),
json.ret <- RJSONIO::toJSON(
jsonrpc = "2.0",
id = "0",
method = method,
params = params
), digits = 50
rcp.ret <- tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(url.rpc,
.opts = list(
userpwd = userpwd,
postfields = json.ret,
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
curl = curl
), error = function(e) {NULL})
if (keep.trying.rpc && length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
while (length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
rcp.ret <- tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(url.rpc,
.opts = list(
userpwd = userpwd,
postfields = json.ret,
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
curl = curl
), error = function(e) {NULL})
if (is.null(rcp.ret)) {
stop("Cannot connect to monerod. Is monerod running?")
if ( {
rcp.ret <- gsub("(: )([-0123456789.]+)([,\n\r])", "\\1\"\\2\"\\3", rcp.ret )
if ( & ! {
rcp.ret <- gsub("(\"nonce\": )([-0123456789.]+)([,\n\r])", "\\1\"\\2\"\\3", rcp.ret )
RJSONIO::fromJSON(rcp.ret, asText = TRUE) # , simplify = FALSE
curl.handle <- RCurl::getCurlHandle() <- vector("list", length(all.blocks))
for (i in seq_along(all.blocks)) { <- xmr.rpc(method = "get_block",
params = list(height = all.blocks[i]), curl = curl.handle)$result
if (length($tx_hashes) > 0) {[[i]] <- data.table::data.table(
block_height = all.blocks[i],
id_hash =$tx_hashes,
block_num_txes =$block_header$num_txes,
block_reward =$block_header$reward
} else {[[i]] <- data.table::data.table(
block_height = all.blocks[i],
id_hash = "<NO_TXS_IN_BLOCK>",
block_num_txes =$block_header$num_txes,
block_reward =$block_header$reward
if (all.blocks[i] %% 1000 == 0) {
cat("Block", all.blocks[i], "processed\n")
} <- data.table::rbindlist(
blocks.filled <- merge(data.table(block_height = all.blocks),
blocks[, c("block_height", "canon.block_receive_time")], all = TRUE)
blocks.filled$canon.block_receive_time <- zoo::na.locf(blocks.filled$canon.block_receive_time, fromLast = TRUE) <- merge(blocks.filled, <- merge(, mempool, by = "id_hash", all = TRUE)
receive_time.unique <- na.omit(sort(unique($canon.receive_time)))
block_receive_time.unique <- na.omit(sort(unique($canon.block_receive_time)))
earliest.confirm <- vector("list", length(block_receive_time.unique) - 1)
for (i in seq_along(earliest.confirm)) {
receive_time.confirm = receive_time.unique[
(receive_time.unique + 1) %between%
c(block_receive_time.unique[i] - 1, block_receive_time.unique[i + 1])
if (length(receive_time.confirm) > 0) {
earliest.confirm[[i]] <- data.table(
earliest.possible.confirmation.time = block_receive_time.unique[i + 1],
canon.receive_time = receive_time.confirm
} else {
earliest.confirm[[i]] <- data.table(
earliest.possible.confirmation.time = integer(0),
canon.receive_time = integer(0)
earliest.confirm <- data.table::rbindlist(earliest.confirm) <- merge(, earliest.confirm, by = "canon.receive_time", all = TRUE)
# Monero-specific data: <- merge(, p2pool[, c("block_height", "is_p2pool")], by = "block_height", all.x = TRUE)
colnames(mining.pool.labels)[colnames(mining.pool.labels) == "Height"] <- "block_height" <- merge(, mining.pool.labels[, c("block_height", "Pool")], by = "block_height", all.x = TRUE)[, Pool := "other"][(is_p2pool), Pool := "P2Pool"]
max.receive_time.range <- apply([,
grepl("^receive_time[.]", colnames(, with = FALSE], 1,
function(x) {diff(range(x))})
cat("xmr max.receive_time.range\n")
cat("Summary stats:\n")
print(quantile(max.receive_time.range, probs = sort(c(0.05, 0.95, (0:10)/10)), na.rm = TRUE))
max.block.receive_time.range <- apply(blocks[,
grepl("^block_receive_time[.]", colnames(blocks))], 1,
function(x) {diff(range(x))})
cat("xmr max.block.receive_time.range\n")
cat("Summary stats:\n")
print(quantile(max.block.receive_time.range, probs = sort(c(0.05, 0.95, (0:10)/10)), na.rm = TRUE))
saveRDS(, "")