
292 lines
9.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Must install:
# install.packages(c("data.table", "RCurl", "RJSONIO", "future", "future.apply", "parallelly", "lubridate"))
current.height <- NA
# current.height should be the most recent height that you want to collect data for
block.heights <- 1220516:current.height
# 1220516 is hard fork height that allowed the first RingCT transactions
# https://github.com/monero-project/monero#scheduled-softwarenetwork-upgrades
url.rpc <- ""
# Set the IP address and port of your node. Should usually be ""
# Modified from TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl function
xmr.rpc <- function(
url.rpc = "",
method = "",
params = list(),
userpwd = "",
num.as.string = FALSE,
nonce.as.string = FALSE,
keep.trying.rpc = FALSE,
curl = RCurl::getCurlHandle(),
json.ret <- RJSONIO::toJSON(
jsonrpc = "2.0",
id = "0",
method = method,
params = params
), digits = 50
rcp.ret <- tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(url.rpc,
.opts = list(
userpwd = userpwd,
postfields = json.ret,
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19267261/timeout-while-reading-csv-file-from-url-in-r
curl = curl
), error = function(e) {NULL})
if (keep.trying.rpc && length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
while (length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
rcp.ret <- tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(url.rpc,
.opts = list(
userpwd = userpwd,
postfields = json.ret,
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19267261/timeout-while-reading-csv-file-from-url-in-r
curl = curl
), error = function(e) {NULL})
if (is.null(rcp.ret)) {
stop("Cannot connect to monerod. Is monerod running?")
if (num.as.string) {
rcp.ret <- gsub("(: )([-0123456789.]+)([,\n\r])", "\\1\"\\2\"\\3", rcp.ret )
if (nonce.as.string & ! num.as.string) {
rcp.ret <- gsub("(\"nonce\": )([-0123456789.]+)([,\n\r])", "\\1\"\\2\"\\3", rcp.ret )
RJSONIO::fromJSON(rcp.ret, asText = TRUE) # , simplify = FALSE
n.workers <- min(floor(parallelly::availableCores()/2), 32L)
future::plan(future::multisession(workers = n.workers))
options(future.globals.maxSize= 8000*1024^2)
# Randomize block heights to make processing time more uniform between parallel processes
block.heights <- split(block.heights, sample(cut(block.heights, n.workers)))
# First randomly put heights into list elements (split() will sort them ascendingly in each list element)
block.heights <- lapply(block.heights, sample)
# Then order the heights randomly within each list element
block.heights <- unname(block.heights)
returned <- future.apply::future_lapply(block.heights, function(block.heights) {
handle <- RCurl::getCurlHandle()
return.data <- vector("list", length(block.heights))
for (height.iter in seq_along(block.heights)) {
height <- block.heights[height.iter]
block.data <- xmr.rpc(url.rpc = paste0(url.rpc, "/json_rpc"),
method = "get_block",
params = list(height = height ),
keep.trying.rpc = TRUE,
curl = handle)$result
txs.to.collect <- c(block.data$miner_tx_hash, block.data$tx_hashes)
rcp.ret <- tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(paste0(url.rpc, "/get_transactions"),
.opts = list(
postfields = paste0('{"txs_hashes":["', paste0(txs.to.collect, collapse = '","'), '"],"decode_as_json":true}'),
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
curl = handle
), error = function(e) {NULL})
if (length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
while (length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
rcp.ret <- tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(paste0(url.rpc, "/get_transactions"),
.opts = list(
postfields = paste0('{"txs_hashes":["', paste0(txs.to.collect, collapse = '","'), '"],"decode_as_json":true}'),
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
curl = handle
), error = function(e) {NULL})
rcp.ret <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(rcp.ret, asText = TRUE)
output.index.collected <- vector("list", length(txs.to.collect))
rings.collected <- vector("list", length(txs.to.collect) - 1)
for (i in seq_along(txs.to.collect)) {
tx.json <- tryCatch(
RJSONIO::fromJSON(rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$as_json, asText = TRUE),
error = function(e) {NULL} )
if (is.null(tx.json)) {
# stop()
cat(paste0("tx: ", i, " block: ", height, "\n"), file = "~/RingCT-problems.txt", append = TRUE)
output.amounts <- sapply(tx.json$vout, FUN = function(x) {x$amount})
tx_size_bytes <- ifelse(i == 1,
nchar(rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$pruned_as_hex) / 2,
nchar(rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$as_hex) / 2)
# Coinbase has special structure
# Reference:
# https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-dev/20221231
# https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8691
# https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8311
tx_fee <- ifelse(i == 1 || is.null(tx.json$rct_signatures), NA, tx.json$rct_signatures$txnFee)
# missing non-RingCT tx fee
is.mordinal <-
height >= 2838965 &&
length(tx.json$vout) == 2 &&
i > 1 && # not the first tx, which is the coinbase tx
length(tx.json$extra) > 44 &&
tx.json$extra[45] == 16
# With "&&", evaluates each expression sequentially until it is false (if ever). Then stops.
# If all are TRUE, then returns true.
output.index.collected[[i]] <- data.table(
block_height = height,
block_timestamp = block.data$block_header$timestamp,
block_size = block.data$block_size,
block_reward = block.data$reward,
tx_num = i,
tx_hash = txs.to.collect[i],
tx_version = tx.json$version,
tx_fee = tx_fee,
tx_size_bytes = tx_size_bytes,
output_num = seq_along(rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$output_indices),
output_index = rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$output_indices,
output_amount = output.amounts,
output_unlock_time = tx.json$unlock_time,
is_mordinal = is.mordinal)
if (i == 1L) { next }
# Skip first tx since it is the coinbase and has no inputs
tx_hash <- txs.to.collect[i]
rings <- vector("list", length(tx.json$vin))
for (j in seq_along(tx.json$vin)) {
rings[[j]] <- data.table(
tx_hash = tx_hash,
input_num = j,
input_amount = tx.json$vin[[j]]$key$amount,
key_offset_num = seq_along(tx.json$vin[[j]]$key$key_offsets),
key_offsets = tx.json$vin[[j]]$key$key_offsets
rings.collected[[i-1]] <- rbindlist(rings)
output.index.collected <- data.table::rbindlist(output.index.collected)
rings.collected <- rbindlist(rings.collected)
return.data[[height.iter]] <- list(
output.index.collected = output.index.collected,
rings.collected = rings.collected)
} )
returned.temp <- vector("list", length(returned))
for (i in seq_along(returned)) {
returned.temp[[i]] <- list(
output.index.collected = rbindlist(lapply(returned[[i]],
FUN = function(y) { y$output.index.collected })),
rings.collected = rbindlist(lapply(returned[[i]],
FUN = function(y) { y$rings.collected }))
returned.temp <- list(
output.index.collected = rbindlist(lapply(returned.temp,
FUN = function(y) { y$output.index.collected })),
rings.collected = rbindlist(lapply(returned.temp,
FUN = function(y) { y$rings.collected }))
output.index <- returned.temp$output.index.collected
returned.temp$output.index.collected <- NULL
rings <- returned.temp$rings.collected
setorder(rings, tx_hash, input_num, key_offset_num)
rings[, output_index := cumsum(key_offsets), by = c("tx_hash", "input_num")]
rings <- merge(rings, unique(output.index[, .(tx_hash, block_height, block_timestamp)]), by = "tx_hash")
setnames(rings, c("block_height", "block_timestamp"),
c("block_height_ring", "block_timestamp_ring"))
output.index[, output_amount_for_index := ifelse(tx_num == 1, 0, output_amount)]
output.index <- output.index[ !(tx_num == 1 & tx_version == 1), ]
# Remove coinbase outputs that are ineligible for use in a RingCT ring
# See https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-dev/20230323#c224570
xmr.rings <- merge(rings, output.index[, .(block_height, block_timestamp, tx_num, output_num,
output_index, output_amount, output_amount_for_index, output_unlock_time, is_mordinal)],
# only dont need tx_hash column from output.index
by.x = c("input_amount", "output_index"),
by.y = c("output_amount_for_index", "output_index")) #, all = TRUE)
xmr.rings <- xmr.rings[input_amount == 0, ]
# Remove non-RingCT rings
xmr.rings[, num_times_referenced := .N, by = "output_index"]
output.index.date <- unique(output.index[, .(block_timestamp = block_timestamp)])
output.index.date[, block_date := as.Date(as.POSIXct(block_timestamp, origin = "1970-01-01"))]
output.index <- merge(output.index, output.index.date)
# speed improvement by splitting and then merging