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synced 2025-03-12 09:31:15 +00:00
Co-authored-by: Alva Swanson <alvasw@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: andyheko <haoen.ko@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Bisq GitHub Admin <51445974+bisq-github-admin-3@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: BtcContributor <79100296+BtcContributor@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: cd2357 <cd2357@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: chimp1984 <chimp1984@gmx.com> Co-authored-by: Chris Beams <chris@beams.io> Co-authored-by: Christoph Atteneder <christoph.atteneder@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Devin Bileck <603793+devinbileck@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: ghubstan <36207203+ghubstan@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Huey <hueydane@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jakub Loucký <jakub.loucky@outlook.cz> Co-authored-by: jmacxx <47253594+jmacxx@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: KanoczTomas <tomas.kanocz@cnl.sk> Co-authored-by: m52go <735155+m52go@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Marcus0x <marcus0x@xrhodium.org> Co-authored-by: MarnixCroes <93143998+MarnixCroes@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Martin Harrigan <martinharrigan@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: MwithM <50149324+MwithM@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: sqrrm <sqrrm@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Stan <36207203+ghubstan@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Stephan Oeste <emzy@emzy.de> Co-authored-by: Steven Barclay <stejbac@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: WAT <shiido.it@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: wiz <j@wiz.biz> Co-authored-by: xyzmaker123 <84982606+xyzmaker123@users.noreply.github.com>
119 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable file
119 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable file
#! /bin/bash
# Demonstrates a way to always keep one offer in the market, using the API CLI with a local regtest bitcoin node.
# Alice creates an offer, waits for Bob to take it, and completes the trade protocol with him. Then Alice
# creates a new offer...
# Stop the script by entering ^C.
# A country code argument is used to create a country based face to face payment account for the simulated offer.
# Prerequisites:
# - Linux or OSX with bash, Java 11-15 (JDK language compatibility 11), and bitcoin-core (v0.19 - v22).
# - Bisq must be fully built with apitest dao setup files installed.
# Build command: `./gradlew clean build :apitest:installDaoSetup`
# - All supporting nodes must be run locally, in dev/dao/regtest mode:
# bitcoind, seednode, arbdaemon, alicedaemon, bobdaemon
# These should be run using the apitest harness. From the root project dir, run:
# `$ ./bisq-apitest --apiPassword=xyz --supportingApps=bitcoind,seednode,arbdaemon,alicedaemon,bobdaemon --shutdownAfterTests=false`
# - Only regtest btc can be bought or sold with the test payment account.
# Usage:
# This script must be run from the root of the project, e.g.:
# `$ apitest/scripts/rolling-offer-simulation.sh -d buy -c us -m 2.00 -a 0.125`
# Script options: -d <direction> -c <country-code> (-m <mkt-price-margin(%)> || -f <fixed-price>) -a <amount(btc)>
# Example:
# Create a buy/usd offer to sell 0.1 btc at 2% above market price, using a US face to face payment account:
# `$ apitest/scripts/rolling-offer-simulation.sh -d sell -c us -m 2.00 -a 0.1`
APP_BASE_NAME=$(basename "$0")
APP_HOME=$(pwd -P)
source "$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/trade-simulation-env.sh"
source "$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/trade-simulation-utils.sh"
parseopts "$@"
printdate "Started $APP_BASE_NAME with parameters:"
showcreatepaymentacctsteps "Alice" "$ALICE_PORT"
CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$ALICE_PORT createpaymentacct --payment-account-form=$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/$F2F_ACCT_FORM"
printdate "ALICE CLI: $CMD"
CMD_OUTPUT=$(createpaymentacct "$CMD")
echo "$CMD_OUTPUT"
export ALICE_ACCT_ID=$(getnewpaymentacctid "$CMD_OUTPUT")
export CURRENCY_CODE=$(getnewpaymentacctcurrency "$CMD_OUTPUT")
printdate "Alice's F2F payment-account-id: $ALICE_ACCT_ID, currency-code: $CURRENCY_CODE"
exitoncommandalert $?
printdate "Bob creates his F2F payment account."
CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$BOB_PORT createpaymentacct --payment-account-form=$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/$F2F_ACCT_FORM"
printdate "BOB CLI: $CMD"
CMD_OUTPUT=$(createpaymentacct "$CMD")
echo "$CMD_OUTPUT"
export BOB_ACCT_ID=$(getnewpaymentacctid "$CMD_OUTPUT")
export CURRENCY_CODE=$(getnewpaymentacctcurrency "$CMD_OUTPUT")
printdate "Bob's F2F payment-account-id: $BOB_ACCT_ID, currency-code: $CURRENCY_CODE"
exitoncommandalert $?
while : ; do
printdate "ALICE $ALICE_ROLE: Creating $DIRECTION $CURRENCY_CODE offer with payment acct $ALICE_ACCT_ID."
exitoncommandalert $?
printdate "Current Market Price: $CURRENT_PRICE"
CMD=$(gencreateoffercommand "$ALICE_PORT" "$ALICE_ACCT_ID")
printdate "ALICE CLI: $CMD"
OFFER_ID=$(createoffer "$CMD")
exitoncommandalert $?
printdate "ALICE $ALICE_ROLE: Created offer with id: $OFFER_ID."
sleeptraced 3
# Show Alice's new offer.
printdate "ALICE $ALICE_ROLE: Looking at her new $DIRECTION $CURRENCY_CODE offer."
CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$ALICE_PORT getoffer --offer-id=$OFFER_ID"
printdate "ALICE CLI: $CMD"
exitoncommandalert $?
echo "$OFFER"
sleeptraced 3
# Generate some btc blocks.
printdate "Generating btc blocks after publishing Alice's offer."
genbtcblocks 3 2
RANDOM_WAIT=$(echo $[$RANDOM % 10 + 1])
printdate "Bob will take Alice's offer in $RANDOM_WAIT seconds..."
sleeptraced "$RANDOM_WAIT"
exitoncommandalert $?
exit 0