// This gradle file contains tasks to install and clean dao-setup files downloaded from
//          https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/raw/master/docs/dao-setup.zip
// These tasks are not run by the default build, but they can can be run during a full
// or partial builds, or by themselves.
// To run a full Bisq clean build, test, and install dao-setup files:
//      ./gradlew clean build :apitest:installDaoSetup
// To install or re-install dao-setup file only:
//      ./gradlew :apitest:installDaoSetup -x test
// To clean installed dao-setup files:
//      ./gradlew :apitest:cleanDaoSetup -x test
// The :apitest subproject will not run on Windows, and these tasks have not been
// tested on Windows.
def buildResourcesDir = project(":apitest").buildDir.path + '/resources/main'

// This task requires ant in the system $PATH.
task installDaoSetup(dependsOn: 'cleanDaoSetup') {
    doLast {
        println "Installing dao-setup directories in build dir $buildResourcesDir ..."
        def src = 'https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/raw/master/docs/dao-setup.zip'
        def destfile = project.rootDir.path + '/apitest/src/main/resources/dao-setup.zip'
        def url = new URL(src)
        def f = new File(destfile)
        if (f.exists()) {
            println "File $destfile already exists, skipping download."
        } else {
            if (!f.parentFile.exists())
                mkdir "$buildResourcesDir"

            println "Downloading $url to $buildResourcesDir ..."
            url.withInputStream { i -> f.withOutputStream { it << i } }

        // We need an ant task for unzipping the dao-setup.zip file.
        println "Unzipping $destfile to $buildResourcesDir ..."
        ant.unzip(src: 'src/main/resources/dao-setup.zip',
                dest: 'src/main/resources',
                overwrite: "true") {
            // Warning: overwrite: "true" does not work if empty dirs exist, so the
            // cleanDaoSetup task should be run before trying to re-install fresh
            // dao-setup files.
            patternset() {
                include(name: '**')
                exclude(name: '**/bitcoin.conf') // installed at runtime with correct blocknotify script path
                exclude(name: '**/blocknotify')  // installed from src/main/resources to allow port configs
            mapper(type: "identity")

        // Copy files from unzip target dir 'dao-setup' to build/resources/main.
        def daoSetupSrc = project.rootDir.path + '/apitest/src/main/resources/dao-setup'
        def daoSetupDest = buildResourcesDir + '/dao-setup'
        println "Copying $daoSetupSrc to $daoSetupDest ..."
        copy {
            from daoSetupSrc
            into daoSetupDest

        // Move dao-setup files from build/resources/main/dao-setup to build/resources/main
        file(buildResourcesDir + '/dao-setup/Bitcoin-regtest')
                .renameTo(file(buildResourcesDir + '/Bitcoin-regtest'))
        file(buildResourcesDir + '/dao-setup/bisq-XMR_STAGENET_Alice_dao')
                .renameTo(file(buildResourcesDir + '/bisq-XMR_STAGENET_Alice_dao'))
        file(buildResourcesDir + '/dao-setup/bisq-XMR_STAGENET_Bob_dao')
                .renameTo(file(buildResourcesDir + '/bisq-XMR_STAGENET_Bob_dao'))
        delete file(buildResourcesDir + '/dao-setup')

task cleanDaoSetup {
    doLast {
        // When re-installing dao-setup files before re-running tests, the bitcoin
        // datadir and dao-setup dirs have to be cleaned first.  This task allows
        // you to re-install dao-setup files and re-run tests without having to
        // re-compile any code.
        println "Deleting dao-setup directories in build dir $buildResourcesDir ..."
        delete file(buildResourcesDir + '/Bitcoin-regtest')
        delete file(buildResourcesDir + '/bisq-XMR_STAGENET_Seed_2002')
        delete file(buildResourcesDir + '/bisq-XMR_STAGENET_Arb_dao')
        delete file(buildResourcesDir + '/bisq-XMR_STAGENET_Alice_dao')
        delete file(buildResourcesDir + '/bisq-XMR_STAGENET_Bob_dao')