# Create Haveno network quick start guide These instructions describe how to quickly start a public Haveno network running on Monero's main network from your local machine, which is useful for demonstration and testing. For a more robust and decentralized deployment to VPS for reliable uptime, see the [deployment guide](./deployment-guide.md). ## Clone and build Haveno ``` git clone https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno.git cd haveno git checkout master make clean && make ``` ## Start a Monero node In a new terminal window, run `make monerod` to start and sync a Monero node on mainnet. Seed nodes and arbitrators require a local, unrestricted Monero node for performance and functionality. ## Start and register seed nodes In a new terminal window, run: `make seednode`. The seed node's onion address will print to the screen (denoted by `Hidden service`). Record the seed node's URL to xmr_mainnet.seednodes with port 1002. For example, `4op7nzb65z4xg2taqmt2uhih7uwi3ya25yx5bvskbkjisnq7rwepzvad.onion:1002`. In a new terminal window, run: `make seednode2`. The seed node's onion address will print to the screen (denoted by `Hidden service`). Record the seed node's URL to xmr_mainnet.seednodes with port 1003. For example, `abwyc7ccjq4oyiej5z3dpwupzql34nnedaft5jc5l2dbocko7naosrjqd.onion:1003`. Stop both seed nodes. ## Register public key(s) for various roles Run `./gradlew generateKeypairs`. A list of public/private keypairs will print to the screen which can be used for different roles like arbitration, sending private notifications, etc. For demonstration, we can use the first generated public/private keypair for all roles, but you can customize as desired. Hardcode the public key(s) in these files: - [AlertManager.java](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/1bf83ecb8baa06b6bfcc30720f165f20b8f77025/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/alert/AlertManager.java#L111) - [ArbitratorManager.java](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/1bf83ecb8baa06b6bfcc30720f165f20b8f77025/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/support/dispute/arbitration/arbitrator/ArbitratorManager.java#L81) - [FilterManager.java](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/1bf83ecb8baa06b6bfcc30720f165f20b8f77025/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/filter/FilterManager.java#L117) - [PrivateNotificationManager.java](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/mainnet_placeholders/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/alert/PrivateNotificationManager.java#L110) ## Start the seed nodes Rebuild for the previous changes to the source code to take effect: `make skip-tests`. In a new terminal window, run: `make seednode`. In a new terminal window, run: `make seednode2`. ## Start and register the arbitrator In a new terminal window, run: `make arbitrator-desktop-mainnet`. Ignore the error about not receiving a filter object. Go to the `Account` tab and then press `ctrl + r`. A prompt will open asking to enter the key to register the arbitrator. Enter your private key. ## Set a network filter on mainnet On mainnet, the p2p network is expected to have a filter object for offers, onions, currencies, payment methods, etc. To set the network's filter object: 1. Enter `ctrl + f` in the arbitrator or other Haveno instance to open the Filter window. 2. Enter a developer private key from the previous steps and click "Add Filter" to register. ## Other configuration ### Set the network's release date Set the network's approximate release date by setting `RELEASE_DATE` in HavenoUtils.java. This will prevent posting sell offers which no buyers can take before any buyer accounts are signed and aged, while the network bootstraps. After a period (default 60 days), the limit is lifted and sellers can post offers exceeding unsigned buy limits, but they will receive an informational warning for an additional period (default 6 months after release). The defaults can be adjusted with the related constants in HavenoUtils.java. ### Optionally configure trade fees Trade fees can be configured in HavenoUtils.java. The maker and taker fee percents can be adjusted. Set `ARBITRATOR_ASSIGNS_TRADE_FEE_ADDRESS` to `true` for the arbitrator to assign the trade fee address, which defaults to their own wallet. Otherwise set `ARBITRATOR_ASSIGNS_TRADE_FEE_ADDRESS` to `false` and set the XMR address in `getGlobalTradeFeeAddress()` to collect all trade fees to a single address (e.g. a multisig wallet shared among network administrators). ### Optionally start a price node The price node is separated from Haveno and is run as a standalone service. To deploy a pricenode on both TOR and clearnet, see the instructions on the repository: https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-pricenode. After the price node is built and deployed, add the price node to `DEFAULT_NODES` in [ProvidersRepository.java](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/3cdd88b56915c7f8afd4f1a39e6c1197c2665d63/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/provider/ProvidersRepository.java#L50). ## Review all local changes For comparison, placeholders to run on mainnet are marked [here on this branch](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/tree/mainnet_placeholders). ## Start users for testing Optionally set `--ignoreLocalXmrNode` to `true` in Makefile for the user applications to use public nodes and ignore the locally running Monero node, in order test real network conditions. Start user1: `make user1-desktop-mainnet`. Start user2: `make user2-desktop-mainnet`. Test trades among the users and arbitrator over Monero's mainnet. ## Share your git repository for others to test To share your network for others to use, commit your local changes and share your *git repository's URL*. It is not sufficient to share only your seed node addresses, because their application must be built with the same public keys and other configuration to work properly. For actual trades, a [more robust VPS setup](./deployment-guide.md) should be used. ## Build the installers for distribution If you want to build the installers for distribution, first change `XMR_STAGENET` to `XMR_MAINNET` in [package.gradle](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/1bf83ecb8baa06b6bfcc30720f165f20b8f77025/desktop/package/package.gradle#L278). Then [follow instructions](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/desktop/package/README.md) to build the installers for distribution. Alternatively, the installers are built automatically by GitHub.