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synced 2025-03-24 08:09:05 +00:00
update description and translations for pay by mail info
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 81 additions and 37 deletions
@ -2920,7 +2920,7 @@ Failure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will r
In all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\n\
In all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\n\
If you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
If you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using Pay by Mail on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\
● XMR buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n\
● XMR buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n\
● XMR buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n\
● XMR buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n\
@ -2929,19 +2929,15 @@ payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that y
● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n\
● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n\
● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\
● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\
PBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\
Pay by Mail trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\
● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n\
● Pay by Mail trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n\
● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n\
● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any Pay by Mail dispute.\n\
● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n\
● Arbitrators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n\
● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n\
● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute.\n\
● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n\
● Reimbursement requests for any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\
● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n\
● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\
To be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\
If you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using Pay by Mail on Haveno.
If you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=Contact info
payment.payByMail.contact=Contact info
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
@ -1968,8 +1968,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Aktualizace účtu pro platbu kartou Ama
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Obchodování pomocí amerických poštovních poukázek (USPMO) na Haveno vyžaduje, abyste rozuměli následujícímu:\n\n- Kupující BTC musí před odesláním napsat jméno prodejce BTC do polí plátce i příjemce a pořídit fotografii USPMO a obálku s dokladem o sledování ve vysokém rozlišení.\n- Kupující BTC musí odeslat USPMO prodejci BTC s potvrzením dodávky.\n\nV případě, že je nutná mediace, nebo pokud dojde k obchodnímu sporu, budete povinni poslat fotografie mediátorovi Haveno nebo zástupci pro vrácení peněz spolu s pořadovým číslem USPMO, číslem pošty a částkou dolaru, aby mohli ověřit podrobnosti na webu US Post Office.\n\nNeposkytnutí požadovaných informací mediátorovi nebo arbitrovi bude mít za následek ztrátu případu sporu.\n\nVe všech sporných případech nese odesílatel USPMO 100% břemeno odpovědnosti za poskytnutí důkazů mediátorovi nebo arbitrovi.\n\nPokud těmto požadavkům nerozumíte, neobchodujte pomocí USPMO na Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Obchodování pomocí amerických poštovních poukázek (USPMO) na Haveno vyžaduje, abyste rozuměli následujícímu:\n\n- Kupující BTC musí před odesláním napsat jméno prodejce BTC do polí plátce i příjemce a pořídit fotografii USPMO a obálku s dokladem o sledování ve vysokém rozlišení.\n- Kupující BTC musí odeslat USPMO prodejci BTC s potvrzením dodávky.\n\nV případě, že je nutná mediace, nebo pokud dojde k obchodnímu sporu, budete povinni poslat fotografie mediátorovi Haveno nebo zástupci pro vrácení peněz spolu s pořadovým číslem USPMO, číslem pošty a částkou dolaru, aby mohli ověřit podrobnosti na webu US Post Office.\n\nNeposkytnutí požadovaných informací mediátorovi nebo arbitrovi bude mít za následek ztrátu případu sporu.\n\nVe všech sporných případech nese odesílatel USPMO 100% břemeno odpovědnosti za poskytnutí důkazů mediátorovi nebo arbitrovi.\n\nPokud těmto požadavkům nerozumíte, neobchodujte pomocí USPMO na Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=Kontaktní informace
payment.payByMail.contact=Kontaktní informace
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Obálka se jménem nebo pseudonymem by měla být adresována
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Obálka se jménem nebo pseudonymem by měla být adresována
payment.f2f.contact=Kontaktní informace
payment.f2f.contact=Kontaktní informace
@ -1968,8 +1968,25 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Amazon Geschenkkarte Konto updaten
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Der Handel auf Haveno unter Verwendung von US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) setzt voraus, dass Sie Folgendes verstehen:\n\n- Der BTC-Käufer muss den Namen des BTC-Verkäufers sowohl in das Feld des Zahlers als auch in das Feld des Zahlungsempfängers eintragen und vor dem Versand ein hochauflösendes Foto des USPMO und des Umschlags mit dem Tracking-Nachweis machen.\n- BTC-Käufer müssen den USPMO mit Zustellbenachrichtigung an den BTC-Verkäufer schicken.\n\nFür den Fall, dass eine Mediation erforderlich ist oder es zu einem Handelskonflikt kommt, müssen Sie die Fotos zusammen mit der USPMO-Seriennummer, der Nummer des Postamtes und dem Dollarbetrag an den Haveno-Vermittler oder Rückerstattungsbeauftragten schicken, damit dieser die Angaben auf der Website der US-Post überprüfen kann.\n\nWenn Sie dem Vermittler oder der Schiedsperson die erforderlichen Informationen nicht zur Verfügung stellen, führt dies dazu, dass der Konflikt zu Ihrem Nachteil entschieden wird.\n\nIn allen Konfliktfällen trägt der USPMO-Absender 100% der Verantwortung für die Bereitstellung von Beweisen/Nachweisen für den Vermittler oder die Schiedsperson.\n\nWenn Sie diese Anforderungen nicht verstehen, handeln Sie bitte nicht auf Haveno unter Verwendung von USPMO.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Der Handel auf Haveno unter Verwendung von US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) setzt voraus, dass Sie Folgendes verstehen:\n\n- Der BTC-Käufer muss den Namen des BTC-Verkäufers sowohl in das Feld des Zahlers als auch in das Feld des Zahlungsempfängers eintragen und vor dem Versand ein hochauflösendes Foto des USPMO und des Umschlags mit dem Tracking-Nachweis machen.\n- BTC-Käufer müssen den USPMO mit Zustellbenachrichtigung an den BTC-Verkäufer schicken.\n\nFür den Fall, dass eine Mediation erforderlich ist oder es zu einem Handelskonflikt kommt, müssen Sie die Fotos zusammen mit der USPMO-Seriennummer, der Nummer des Postamtes und dem Dollarbetrag an den Haveno-Vermittler oder Rückerstattungsbeauftragten schicken, damit dieser die Angaben auf der Website der US-Post überprüfen kann.\n\nWenn Sie dem Vermittler oder der Schiedsperson die erforderlichen Informationen nicht zur Verfügung stellen, führt dies dazu, dass der Konflikt zu Ihrem Nachteil entschieden wird.\n\nIn allen Konfliktfällen trägt der USPMO-Absender 100% der Verantwortung für die Bereitstellung von Beweisen/Nachweisen für den Vermittler oder die Schiedsperson.\n\nWenn Sie diese Anforderungen nicht verstehen, handeln Sie bitte nicht auf Haveno unter Verwendung von USPMO.
payment.payByMail.info=Beim Bargeld per Post Handel auf Haveno, müssen Sie folgendes verstehen: \n\n● Der BTC Käufer sollte das Bargeld in einen manipulationssicheren Geldbeutel verpacken.\n● Der BTC Käufer sollte den Verpackungsprozess des Bargeldes filmen oder mit hochauflösenden Fotos dokumentieren. Die Adresse & Tracking Nummer sollen auf der Packung bereits angebracht sein.\n● Der BTC Käufer sollte das Bargeld mit Versandbestätigung und ausreichender Versicherung an den Verkäufer senden.\n● Der BTC Verkäufer sollte die Öffnung des Bargeld-Paketes so filmen, dass die Tracking Nummer des Senders im Video sichtbar ist.\n● Der Ersteller des Angebots muss spezielle Bedingungen oder Abmachungen im 'Zusätzliche Informationen'-Feld des Zahlungskontos eintragen.\n● Der Annehmer des Angebots akzeptiert die Bedingungen und Abmachungen des Ersteller des Angebots durch die Annahme des Angebots.\n\nBargeld per Post Trades benötigen die Ehrlichkeit und das Vertrauen beider Peers.\n\n● Bargeld per Post Trades haben weniger verifizierbare Handlungen als andere FIAT Trades. Das macht die Abwicklung von Konflikten viel schwerer.\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n● Versuchen Sie den Konflikt mit dem Handelspartner direkt über den Trader Chat zu lösen. Das ist der vielversprechendste Weg Konflikte bei solchen Trades zu lösen.\n● Mediatoren können den Fall untersuchen und einen Vorschlag machen aber es ist nicht garantiert, dass sie wirklich helfen können.\n● Wenn ein Mediator eingeschalten wurde und beide Peers den Vorschlag des Mediators ablehnen, werden die Gelder beider Peers zu einer Haveno Spendenadresse [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction] gesendet und der Trade ist somit abgeschlossen.\n● Wenn ein Trader den Vorschlag des Mediators ablehnt und eine Arbitration eröffnet, kann es zu einem Verlust der Trading- und der Deposit-Funds kommen.\n● Arbitratoren werden ihre Entscheidungen basierend auf den zur Verfügung gestellten Beweisen treffen. Deshalb sollten Sie die Abläufe von oben befolgen und dokumentieren um im Falle eines Konflikts Beweise zu haben. Bei Bargeld per Post Trades ist die Entscheidung des Arbitrators entscheidend.\n● Rückerstattungsanfragen, von verlorenen Funds durch einen Bargeld per Post Trade, über die DAO werden nicht berücksichtigt.\n\nUm sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Anforderungen bei Bargeld per Post Trades verstanden haben lesen Sie: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\nWenn Sie diese Anforderungen nicht verstehen, nutzen Sie die Haveno-Zahlungsmethode Bargeld per Post nicht.
payment.payByMail.info=Der Handel über Pay by Mail auf Haveno erfordert, dass Sie Folgendes verstehen:\n\
- Der XMR-Käufer sollte das Bargeld in einem manipulationssicheren Geldbeutel verpacken.\n\
- Der XMR-Käufer sollte den Verpackungsprozess des Bargeldes filmen oder hochauflösende Fotos davon machen, auf denen die Adresse und die Tracking-Nummer bereits auf der Verpackung angebracht sind.\n\
- Der XMR-Käufer sollte das Bargeldpaket mit Zustellbestätigung und angemessener Versicherung an den XMR-Verkäufer senden.\n\
- Der XMR-Verkäufer sollte die Öffnung des Pakets filmen und sicherstellen, dass die vom Absender bereitgestellte Tracking-Nummer im Video sichtbar ist.\n\
- Der Angebotsersteller muss spezielle Bedingungen oder Vereinbarungen im Feld 'Zusätzliche Informationen' des Zahlungskontos angeben.\n\
- Der Angebotsempfänger erklärt sich damit einverstanden, die Bedingungen und Vereinbarungen des Angebotserstellers zu akzeptieren, indem er das Angebot annimmt.\n\
Pay by Mail Trades legen die Verantwortung, ehrlich zu handeln, klar auf beide Parteien.\n\
- Pay by Mail Trades haben weniger überprüfbare Handlungen als andere traditionelle Trades. Dies erschwert die Bearbeitung von Streitfällen erheblich.\n\
- Versuchen Sie, Streitigkeiten direkt mit Ihrem Handelspartner über den Trader-Chat zu lösen. Dies ist Ihr vielversprechendster Weg, um jeden Pay by Mail Streitfall zu lösen.\n\
- Schiedsrichter können Ihren Fall prüfen und einen Vorschlag machen, aber es ist NICHT garantiert, dass sie helfen werden.\n\
- Schiedsrichter treffen eine Entscheidung auf Grundlage der ihnen vorgelegten Beweise. Bitte befolgen und dokumentieren Sie daher die oben genannten Prozesse, um im Falle eines Streitfalls Beweise zu haben.\n\
- Rückerstattungsanfragen für verlorene Gelder, die aus Pay By Mail Trades zu Haveno resultieren, werden NICHT berücksichtigt.\n\
Wenn Sie diese Anforderungen nicht verstehen, handeln Sie nicht über Pay by Mail auf Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name oder Pseudonym Umschlag sollten adressiert werden an
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name oder Pseudonym Umschlag sollten adressiert werden an
@ -1968,7 +1968,24 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Actualizar cuenta Tarjeta regalo Amazon
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Los intercambios usando US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) en Haveno requiere que entienda lo siguiente:\n\n- Los compradores de BTC deben escribir la dirección del vendedor en los campos de "Payer" y "Payee" y tomar una foto en alta resolución de la USPMO y del sobre con la prueba de seguimiento antes de enviar.\n- Los compradores de BTC deben enviar la USPMO con confirmación de entrega.\n\nEn caso de que sea necesaria la mediación, se requerirá al comprador que entregue las fotos al mediador o agente de devolución de fondos, junto con el número de serie de la USPMO, número de oficina postal, y la cantidad de USD, para que puedan verificar los detalles en la web de US Post Office.\n\nNo entregar la información requerida al Mediador o Árbitro resultará en pérdida del caso de disputa. \n\nEn todos los casos de disputa, el emisor de la USPMO tiene el 100% de responsabilidad en aportar la evidencia al Mediador o Árbitro.\n\nSi no entiende estos requerimientos, no comercie usando USPMO en Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Los intercambios usando US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) en Haveno requiere que entienda lo siguiente:\n\n- Los compradores de BTC deben escribir la dirección del vendedor en los campos de "Payer" y "Payee" y tomar una foto en alta resolución de la USPMO y del sobre con la prueba de seguimiento antes de enviar.\n- Los compradores de BTC deben enviar la USPMO con confirmación de entrega.\n\nEn caso de que sea necesaria la mediación, se requerirá al comprador que entregue las fotos al mediador o agente de devolución de fondos, junto con el número de serie de la USPMO, número de oficina postal, y la cantidad de USD, para que puedan verificar los detalles en la web de US Post Office.\n\nNo entregar la información requerida al Mediador o Árbitro resultará en pérdida del caso de disputa. \n\nEn todos los casos de disputa, el emisor de la USPMO tiene el 100% de responsabilidad en aportar la evidencia al Mediador o Árbitro.\n\nSi no entiende estos requerimientos, no comercie usando USPMO en Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Comerciar usando efectivo por correo (PBM) en Haveno requiere que entienda lo siguiente:\n\n● El comprador de BTC debe empaquetar el efectivo en una bolsa de efectivo a prueba de manipulación.\n● El comprador de BTC debe filmar o tomar fotos de alta resolución del empaquetado junto con la dirección y el número de seguimiento ya añadido al paquete.\n● El comprador de BTC debe enviar el paquete de efectivo al vendedor con la confirmación de entrega y un seguro apropiado.\n● El vendedor de BTC debe filmar la apertura del paquete, asegurándose de que el número de seguimiento entregado por el emisor es visible en todo el video.\n● El creador de la oferta debe especificar cualquier términos o condiciones especiales en el campo 'Información adicional' de la cuenta de pago.\n● Al tomar la oferta, el tomador indica estar de acuredo con los términos y condiciones del tomador.\n\nLos intercambios PBM responsabilizan a ambos pares de actuar honestamente.\n\n● Los intercambios PBM tienen menos acciones verificables que otrosintrecambios de fiat. Esto hace más complicado manejar disputas.\n● Intente a resolver las disputas directamente con su par utilizando el chat de intercambio. Esta es la ruta más prometedora.\n● Los mediadores pueden considerar su caso y hacer una sugerencia, pero no está garantizado que vayan a ayudar.\n● Si se solicita mediación, y si algún par rechaza la sugerencia de mediación, los fondos de ambos pares se enviarán a la dirección de 'donación' de Haveno[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], y el intercambio concluirá.\n● Si un comerciante rechaza la sugerencia de mediación y abre arbitraje, podría llevar a la pérdida de todos los fondos, de intercambio y depósitos de seguridad.\n● El árbitro tomará una decisión basada en la evidencia entregada. Por tanto, por favor siga y documente el proceso indicado arriba para tener evidencia en caso de disputa.\n● Las solicitudes de reembolso de fondos perdidos resultantes de PBM en la DAO no serán considerados.\n\nAsegúrese de que entiende los requerimientos de los intercambios PBM leyendo: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nSi no entiende estos requisitos, no intercambie usando PBM.
payment.payByMail.info=Comerciar utilizando Pay by Mail en Haveno requiere que comprendas lo siguiente:\n\
● El comprador de XMR debe empaquetar el efectivo en una bolsa de efectivo a prueba de manipulaciones.\n\
● El comprador de XMR debe filmar o tomar fotos de alta resolución del proceso de empaquetado del efectivo con la dirección y el número de seguimiento ya colocados en el paquete.\n\
● El comprador de XMR debe enviar el paquete de efectivo al vendedor de XMR con Confirmación de Entrega y el seguro adecuado.\n\
● El vendedor de XMR debe filmar la apertura del paquete, asegurándose de que el número de seguimiento proporcionado por el remitente sea visible en el video.\n\
● El creador de la oferta debe indicar cualquier término o condición especial en el campo 'Información Adicional' de la cuenta de pago.\n\
● El tomador de la oferta acepta los términos y condiciones del creador de la oferta al aceptar la oferta.\n\
Las transacciones Pay by Mail colocan la responsabilidad de actuar honestamente directamente en ambos participantes.\n\
● Las transacciones Pay by Mail tienen acciones menos verificables que otros intercambios tradicionales. Esto dificulta mucho más la gestión de disputas.\n\
● Intenta resolver las disputas directamente con tu par utilizando el chat de trader. Esta es tu ruta más prometedora para resolver cualquier disputa de Pay by Mail.\n\
● Los árbitros pueden considerar tu caso y hacer una sugerencia, pero NO están garantizados para ayudar.\n\
● Los árbitros tomarán una decisión basada en la evidencia proporcionada. Por lo tanto, sigue y documenta los procesos anteriores para contar con evidencia en caso de disputa.\n\
● Las solicitudes de reembolso por fondos perdidos como resultado de intercambios Pay By Mail en Haveno NO serán consideradas.\n\
Si no comprendes estos requisitos, no realices intercambios utilizando Pay by Mail en Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=Información de contacto
payment.payByMail.contact=Información de contacto
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=El sobre con nombre o pseudónimo debería ser dirigido a
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=El sobre con nombre o pseudónimo debería ser dirigido a
@ -1965,8 +1965,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=اطلاعات تماس
payment.payByMail.contact=اطلاعات تماس
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.f2f.contact=اطلاعات تماس
payment.f2f.contact=اطلاعات تماس
@ -1969,7 +1969,24 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Mettre à jour le compte des cartes cade
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Pour échanger US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) sur Haveno, vous devez comprendre les termes suivants: \n\n- L'acheteur BTC doit écrire le nom du vendeur BTC dans les champs expéditeur et bénéficiaire, et prendre une photo à haute résolution de USPMO et de l'enveloppe avec une preuve de suivi avant l'envoi. \n\n- L'acheteur BTC doit envoyer USPMO avec la confirmation de livraison au vendeur BTC. \n\nSi une médiation est nécessaire, ou s'il y a un différend de transaction, vous devrez envoyer la photo avec le numéro USPMO, le numéro du bureau de poste et le montant de la transaction au médiateur Haveno ou à l'agent de remboursement afin qu'ils puissent vérifier les détails sur le site web de la poste américaine. \n\nSi vous ne fournissez pas les données de transaction requises, vous perdrez directement dans le différend. \n\nDans tous les cas de litige, l'expéditeur de l'USPMO assume à 100% la responsabilité lors de la fourniture de preuves / certification au médiateur ou à l'arbitre. \n\nSi vous ne comprenez pas ces exigences, veuillez ne pas échanger USPMO sur Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Pour échanger US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) sur Haveno, vous devez comprendre les termes suivants: \n\n- L'acheteur BTC doit écrire le nom du vendeur BTC dans les champs expéditeur et bénéficiaire, et prendre une photo à haute résolution de USPMO et de l'enveloppe avec une preuve de suivi avant l'envoi. \n\n- L'acheteur BTC doit envoyer USPMO avec la confirmation de livraison au vendeur BTC. \n\nSi une médiation est nécessaire, ou s'il y a un différend de transaction, vous devrez envoyer la photo avec le numéro USPMO, le numéro du bureau de poste et le montant de la transaction au médiateur Haveno ou à l'agent de remboursement afin qu'ils puissent vérifier les détails sur le site web de la poste américaine. \n\nSi vous ne fournissez pas les données de transaction requises, vous perdrez directement dans le différend. \n\nDans tous les cas de litige, l'expéditeur de l'USPMO assume à 100% la responsabilité lors de la fourniture de preuves / certification au médiateur ou à l'arbitre. \n\nSi vous ne comprenez pas ces exigences, veuillez ne pas échanger USPMO sur Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Le trading en pay-by-mail (PBM) sur Haveno nécessite que vous compreniez ce qui suit:\n\n● L'acheteur de BTC doit emballer l'argent liquide dans un sac d'argent inviolable.\n● L'acheteur de BTC doit filmer ou prendre des photos haute résolution du processus d'emballage en espèces avec l'adresse et le numéro de suivi déjà apposés sur l'emballage.\n● L'acheteur de BTC doit envoyer le colis en espèces au vendeur BTC avec une confirmation de livraison et une assurance appropriée.\n● Le vendeur de BTC doit filmer l'ouverture du colis, en s'assurant que le numéro de suivi fourni par l'expéditeur est visible dans la vidéo.\n● Le maker de l'offre doit indiquer toutes les conditions particulières dans le champ «Informations supplémentaires» du compte de paiement.\n● Le preneur de l'offre accepte les conditions générales du maker en acceptant l'offre.\n\nLes transactions PBM imposent la responsabilité d'agir honnêtement pour les deux pairs.\n\n● Les transactions PBM ont des actions moins vérifiables que les autres transactions Fiat. Cela rend la gestion des litiges beaucoup plus difficile.\n● Essayez de résoudre les litiges directement avec votre pair en utilisant le chat de trade. C'est la voie la plus prometteuse pour résoudre tout litige PBM.\n● Les médiateurs peuvent examiner votre cas et faire une suggestion, mais il n'est PAS garanti qu'ils puissent vous aider.\n● Si un médiateur est engagé et si un des pair rejette la suggestion du médiateur, les fonds des deux pairs seront envoyés à une adresse de «don» Haveno [LIEN:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], et le trade sera effectivement terminé.\n● Si un commerçant rejette une suggestion de médiation et ouvre un arbitrage, cela pourrait entraîner une perte à la fois des fonds de négociation et du dépôt.\n● Les arbitres prendront une décision sur la base des preuves qui leur auront été fournies. Par conséquent, veuillez suivre et rédiger un document sur les processus ci-dessus pour avoir des preuves en cas de litige. Pour les transactions Pay by Mail, la décision des arbitres est définitive.\n● Les demandes de remboursement de fonds perdus résultant de transactions Pay By Mail avec le Haveno DAO ne seront PAS prises en compte.\n\nPour être sûr de bien comprendre les exigences des transactions en espèces par courrier, veuillez consulter:[LIEN:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nSi vous ne comprenez pas ces exigences, n'échangez pas en utilisant PBM sur Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Effectuer un échange en utilisant Pay by Mail sur Haveno nécessite que vous compreniez ce qui suit :\n\
● L'acheteur de Monero doit emballer l'argent liquide dans un sac d'argent inviolable.\n\
● L'acheteur de Monero doit filmer ou prendre des photos haute résolution du processus d'emballage en espèces avec l'adresse et le numéro de suivi déjà apposés sur l'emballage.\n\
● L'acheteur de Monero doit envoyer le colis en espèces au vendeur Monero avec une confirmation de livraison et une assurance appropriée.\n\
● Le vendeur de Monero doit filmer l'ouverture du colis, en s'assurant que le numéro de suivi fourni par l'expéditeur est visible dans la vidéo.\n\
● Le créateur de l'offre doit indiquer toutes les conditions particulières dans le champ « Informations supplémentaires » du compte de paiement.\n\
● Le preneur de l'offre accepte les conditions générales du créateur de l'offre en acceptant l'offre.\n\
Les transactions Pay by Mail imposent la responsabilité d'agir honnêtement pour les deux pairs.\n\
● Les transactions Pay by Mail ont des actions moins vérifiables que les autres transactions Fiat. Cela rend la gestion des litiges beaucoup plus difficile.\n\
● Essayez de résoudre les litiges directement avec votre pair en utilisant le chat de trade. C'est la voie la plus prometteuse pour résoudre tout litige Pay by Mail.\n\
● Les médiateurs peuvent examiner votre cas et faire une suggestion, mais il n'est PAS garanti qu'ils puissent vous aider.\n\
● Les médiateurs prendront une décision sur la base des preuves qui leur auront été fournies. Par conséquent, veuillez suivre et rédiger un document sur les processus ci-dessus pour avoir des preuves en cas de litige. Pour les transactions Pay by Mail, la décision des médiateurs est définitive.\n\
● Les demandes de remboursement de fonds perdus résultant de transactions Pay By Mail vers Haveno ne seront PAS prises en compte.\n\
Si vous ne comprenez pas ces exigences, n'échangez pas en utilisant Pay by Mail sur Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=information de contact
payment.payByMail.contact=information de contact
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Nom ou nym à qui l'enveloppe devrait être addressée
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Nom ou nym à qui l'enveloppe devrait être addressée
@ -1966,8 +1966,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=Informazioni di contatto
payment.payByMail.contact=Informazioni di contatto
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.f2f.contact=Informazioni di contatto
payment.f2f.contact=Informazioni di contatto
@ -1968,7 +1968,24 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.payByMail.info=Havenoで、郵送で現金(PBM)を利用してトレードするには、以下を理解する必要があります:\n● BTC買い手は現金を開封明示機構のある袋に入れるべき。\n● 送り先住所とトラッキング番号が袋に貼ってある状態で、包装過程の動画あるいはHD写真を取るべき。\n● 配達確認と保険を掛けて、BTC買い手はBTC売り手に袋を送るべき。\n● BTC売り手は送り手にもらったトラッキング番号が見えるように、袋の開梱の動画を撮影するべき。\n● オファーのメイカーは支払いアカウントの「追加情報」フィールドに特別な契約条件を述べるべき。\n● テイカーはオファーを受けることによってその契約条件に同意することを示す。\n\nPBMでトレードする場合では、正直に行動する責任は完全にトレードピアのみに負わされます。\n\n● 他の法定通貨トレードと比べて、CBTトレードには検証可能な行動は少ない。つまり、係争は処理しにくい。\n● 係争が発生した場合、取引者チャットで解決する方が一番効果的です。\n● 調停者が問題を検討し提案できますが、問題を解決できること保障されるものではない。\n● 調停者は取り組まれる場合、何れのトレードピアが調停者の提案を拒否したら両方のピアの資金はHavenoの寄付アドレス [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction] まで送られ、トレードは事実上に終了されることになります。\n● 1人の取引者が調停者の提案を拒否して仲裁を開始したら、両方のトレードピアのトレードとデポジット金額両方は失われる可能性があります。\n● 調停人は提供される証拠に基づいて決定を下すので、前もって係争の場合の準備として、以上のトレードプロセスを記録して下さい。郵送で現金トレードの場合、調停人の決定は最終的なものです。\n● 郵送で現金トレードから失われた金額はHavenoのDAOから払い戻しできませんので、払い戻しリクエストは否定されます。\n\n以上の要件を十分に理解することを断言するため、Wikiを参照して下さい:[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nこれらの要件を理解していない場合は、HavenoでPBMを利用してトレードしないで下さい。
payment.payByMail.info=Havenoを利用したPay by Mailでの取引には、以下を理解する必要があります:\n\
● XMRの買い手は現金を封がれた袋に入れる必要があります。\n\
● XMRの買い手は、送り先の住所とトラッキング番号が包装に貼られた状態で、現金の包装プロセスをビデオ撮影したり、高解像度の写真を撮影する必要があります。\n\
● XMRの買い手は、配達確認と適切な保険をつけて、現金のパッケージをXMRの売り手に送らなければなりません。\n\
● XMRの売り手は、パッケージを開封する様子をビデオに撮影し、送り手が提供したトラッキング番号がビデオで見えるようにする必要があります。\n\
● オファーの作成者は、支払いアカウントの「追加情報」フィールドに特別な条件を記述する必要があります。\n\
● オファーを受けることで、オファーの作成者の条件に同意するものとします。\n\
Pay by Mail取引は、正直に行動する責任を両者に完全に負わせます。\n\
● 他の伝統的な取引に比べて、Pay by Mail取引には検証可能なアクションが少ないため、紛争の処理が難しくなります。\n\
● 紛争は直接取引者同士でトレーダーチャットを使用して解決しようとしてください。これがPay by Mail紛争を解決するための最も有望な方法です。\n\
● 仲裁人はあなたのケースを考慮し提案することができますが、彼らが助けることを保証するものではありません。\n\
● 仲裁人は彼らに提供された証拠に基づいて判断を下します。したがって、紛争の場合は上記のプロセスに従い、証拠を取ってください。\n\
● Pay By Mail取引によって失われた資金の払い戻しリクエストはHavenoでは考慮されません。\n\
これらの要件が理解できない場合は、HavenoでのPay by Mail取引を行わないでください。
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
@ -1974,8 +1974,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=Informações para contato
payment.payByMail.contact=Informações para contato
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.f2f.contact=Informações para contato
payment.f2f.contact=Informações para contato
@ -1964,8 +1964,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=Informação de contacto
payment.payByMail.contact=Informação de contacto
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.f2f.contact=Informação de contacto
payment.f2f.contact=Informação de contacto
@ -1966,8 +1966,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=Контактная информация
payment.payByMail.contact=Контактная информация
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.f2f.contact=Контактная информация
payment.f2f.contact=Контактная информация
@ -1966,8 +1966,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
@ -1968,8 +1968,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Haveno mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact=thông tin liên hệ
payment.payByMail.contact=thông tin liên hệ
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.f2f.contact=thông tin liên hệ
payment.f2f.contact=thông tin liên hệ
@ -1972,8 +1972,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=在 Haveno 上交易 US Postal Money Orders (USPMO)您必须理解下述条款:\n\n- BTC 买方必须在发送方和收款人字段中都写上 BTC 卖方的名称,并在发送之前对 USPMO 和信封进行高分辨率照片拍照,并带有跟踪证明。\n- BTC 买方必须将 USPMO 连同交货确认书一起发送给 BTC 卖方。\n\n如果需要调解,或有交易纠纷,您将需要将照片连同 USPMO 编号,邮局编号和交易金额一起发送给 Haveno 调解员或退款代理,以便他们进行验证美国邮局网站上的详细信息。\n\n如未能提供要求的交易数据将在纠纷中直接判负\n\n在所有争议案件中,USPMO 发送方在向调解人或仲裁员提供证据/证明时承担 100% 的责任。\n\n如果您不理解这些要求,请不要在 Haveno 上使用 USPMO 进行交易。
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=在 Haveno 上交易 US Postal Money Orders (USPMO)您必须理解下述条款:\n\n- BTC 买方必须在发送方和收款人字段中都写上 BTC 卖方的名称,并在发送之前对 USPMO 和信封进行高分辨率照片拍照,并带有跟踪证明。\n- BTC 买方必须将 USPMO 连同交货确认书一起发送给 BTC 卖方。\n\n如果需要调解,或有交易纠纷,您将需要将照片连同 USPMO 编号,邮局编号和交易金额一起发送给 Haveno 调解员或退款代理,以便他们进行验证美国邮局网站上的详细信息。\n\n如未能提供要求的交易数据将在纠纷中直接判负\n\n在所有争议案件中,USPMO 发送方在向调解人或仲裁员提供证据/证明时承担 100% 的责任。\n\n如果您不理解这些要求,请不要在 Haveno 上使用 USPMO 进行交易。
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
@ -1966,8 +1966,6 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=在 Haveno 上交易 US Postal Money Orders (USPMO)您必須理解下述條款:\n\n- BTC 買方必須在發送方和收款人字段中都寫上 BTC 賣方的名稱,並在發送之前對 USPMO 和信封進行高分辨率照片拍照,並帶有跟蹤證明。\n- BTC 買方必須將 USPMO 連同交貨確認書一起發送給 BTC 賣方。\n\n如果需要調解,或有交易糾紛,您將需要將照片連同 USPMO 編號,郵局編號和交易金額一起發送給 Haveno 調解員或退款代理,以便他們進行驗證美國郵局網站上的詳細信息。\n\n如未能提供要求的交易數據將在糾紛中直接判負\n\n在所有爭議案件中,USPMO 發送方在向調解人或仲裁員提供證據/證明時承擔 100% 的責任。\n\n如果您不理解這些要求,請不要在 Haveno 上使用 USPMO 進行交易。
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=在 Haveno 上交易 US Postal Money Orders (USPMO)您必須理解下述條款:\n\n- BTC 買方必須在發送方和收款人字段中都寫上 BTC 賣方的名稱,並在發送之前對 USPMO 和信封進行高分辨率照片拍照,並帶有跟蹤證明。\n- BTC 買方必須將 USPMO 連同交貨確認書一起發送給 BTC 賣方。\n\n如果需要調解,或有交易糾紛,您將需要將照片連同 USPMO 編號,郵局編號和交易金額一起發送給 Haveno 調解員或退款代理,以便他們進行驗證美國郵局網站上的詳細信息。\n\n如未能提供要求的交易數據將在糾紛中直接判負\n\n在所有爭議案件中,USPMO 發送方在向調解人或仲裁員提供證據/證明時承擔 100% 的責任。\n\n如果您不理解這些要求,請不要在 Haveno 上使用 USPMO 進行交易。
payment.payByMail.info=Trading using pay-by-mail (PBM) on Haveno requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nPBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● PBM trades have less verifiable actions than other traditional trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any PBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Haveno 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Pay by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Pay By Mail trades to Haveno will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of pay-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using PBM on Haveno.
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
payment.payByMail.contact.prompt=Name or nym envelope should be addressed to
Reference in a new issue