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synced 2025-03-23 07:38:51 +00:00
update translations: remove DAO from signature verification
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 8 additions and 17 deletions
@ -1119,9 +1119,7 @@ support.info.submitTxHex=Reserve transaction has been published with the followi
support.result.success=Transaction hex has been successfully submitted.
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=In case of a reimbursement request to the DAO you need to paste the summary message of the \
mediation and arbitration process in your reimbursement request on Github. To make this statement verifiable any user can \
check with this tool if the signature of the mediator or arbitrator matches the summary message.
support.sigCheck.popup.info=Paste the summary message of the arbitration process. With this tool, any user can check if the signature of the arbitrator matches the summary message.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Verify dispute result signature
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Summary message
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copy & paste summary message from dispute
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ support.filter=Hledat spory
support.filter.prompt=Zadejte ID obchodu, datum, onion adresu nebo údaje o účtu
support.sigCheck.button=Ověřit podpis
support.sigCheck.popup.info=V případě žádosti o vrácení peněz DAO musíte vložit souhrnnou zprávu procesu zprostředkování a rozhodčího řízení do své žádosti o vrácení peněz na Githubu. Aby bylo toto prohlášení ověřitelné, může každý uživatel pomocí tohoto nástroje zkontrolovat, zda se podpis mediátora nebo rozhodce shoduje se souhrnnou zprávou.
support.sigCheck.popup.info=Vložte souhrnnou zprávu procesu zprostředkování. S tímto nástrojem může každý uživatel zkontrolovat, zda se podpis zprostředkovatele shoduje se souhrnnou zprávou.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Ověřit podpis výsledku sporu
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Souhrnná zpráva
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Zkopírovat a vložit souhrnnou zprávu ze sporu
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ support.filter=Konflikte durchsuchen
support.filter.prompt=Tragen sie Handel ID, Datum, Onion Adresse oder Kontodaten
support.sigCheck.button=Signatur überprüfen
support.sigCheck.popup.info=Im Falle eines Vergütungsantrags an die DAO müssen Sie eine Zusammenfassung des Vermittlungs- und Schiedsverfahrens in Ihren Vergütungsantrags auf Github einfügen. Um diese Angabe überprüfbar zu machen, kann jeder Nutzer mit diesem Tool überprüfen, ob die Signatur des Vermittlers oder der Schiedsperson mit der Zusammenfassung übereinstimmt.
support.sigCheck.popup.info=Fügen Sie die Zusammenfassungsnachricht des Schiedsverfahrens ein. Mit diesem Tool kann jeder Benutzer überprüfen, ob die Unterschrift des Schiedsrichters mit der Zusammenfassungsnachricht übereinstimmt.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Signatur des Konfliktergebnisses überprüfen
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Zusammenfassende Nachricht
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Zusammenfassende Angaben aus dem Konflikt kopieren und einfügen
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ support.filter=Buscar disputas
support.filter.prompt=Introduzca ID de transacción, fecha, dirección onion o datos de cuenta.
support.sigCheck.button=Comprobar firma
support.sigCheck.popup.info=En caso de una solicitud de reembolso a la DAO, debe pegar el mensaje de resumen del proceso de mediación y arbitraje en su solicitud de reembolso en Github. Para que esta declaración sea verificable, cualquier usuario puede verificar con esta herramienta si la firma del mediador o árbitro coincide con el resumen del mensaje.
support.sigCheck.popup.info=Pegue el mensaje resumido del proceso de arbitraje. Con esta herramienta, cualquier usuario puede verificar si la firma del árbitro coincide con el mensaje resumido.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Verificar firma del resultado de la disputa
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Mensaje de resumen
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copie y pegue el mensaje de resumen de la disputa
@ -904,7 +904,6 @@ support.filter=Search disputes
support.filter.prompt=Enter trade ID, date, onion address or account data
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=In case of a reimbursement request to the DAO you need to paste the summary message of the mediation and arbitration process in your reimbursement request on Github. To make this statement verifiable any user can check with this tool if the signature of the mediator or arbitrator matches the summary message.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Verify dispute result signature
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Summary message
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copy & paste summary message from dispute
@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ support.filter=Chercher les litiges
support.filter.prompt=Saisissez l'ID du trade, la date, l'adresse "onion" ou les données du compte.
support.sigCheck.button=Vérifier la signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=Dans le cas d'une demande de remboursement au DAO vous devez copier-coller le message résumant la médiation et le processus de jugement dans votre demande de remboursement sur Github. Pour que cette information soit vérifiable, n'importe quel utilisateur peut vérifier avec cet outil si la signature du médiateur ou de l'arbitre correspond à celle du résumé.
support.sigCheck.popup.info=Collez le message récapitulatif du processus d'arbitrage. Avec cet outil, n'importe quel utilisateur peut vérifier si la signature de l'arbitre correspond au message récapitulatif.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Vérifier la signature du résultat du litige
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Message de résumé
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copiez et collez le message résumant le litige
@ -904,7 +904,6 @@ support.filter=Search disputes
support.filter.prompt=Inserisci ID commerciale, data, indirizzo onion o dati dell'account
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=In case of a reimbursement request to the DAO you need to paste the summary message of the mediation and arbitration process in your reimbursement request on Github. To make this statement verifiable any user can check with this tool if the signature of the mediator or arbitrator matches the summary message.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Verify dispute result signature
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Summary message
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copy & paste summary message from dispute
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ support.filter=係争を検索
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
@ -907,7 +907,6 @@ support.filter=Search disputes
support.filter.prompt=Insira ID da negociação. data. endereço onion ou dados da conta
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=In case of a reimbursement request to the DAO you need to paste the summary message of the mediation and arbitration process in your reimbursement request on Github. To make this statement verifiable any user can check with this tool if the signature of the mediator or arbitrator matches the summary message.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Verify dispute result signature
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Summary message
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copy & paste summary message from dispute
@ -904,7 +904,6 @@ support.filter=Search disputes
support.filter.prompt=Insira o ID do negócio, data, endereço onion ou dados da conta
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=In case of a reimbursement request to the DAO you need to paste the summary message of the mediation and arbitration process in your reimbursement request on Github. To make this statement verifiable any user can check with this tool if the signature of the mediator or arbitrator matches the summary message.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Verify dispute result signature
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Summary message
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copy & paste summary message from dispute
@ -904,7 +904,6 @@ support.filter=Search disputes
support.filter.prompt=Введите идентификатор сделки, дату, onion-адрес или данные учётной записи
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=In case of a reimbursement request to the DAO you need to paste the summary message of the mediation and arbitration process in your reimbursement request on Github. To make this statement verifiable any user can check with this tool if the signature of the mediator or arbitrator matches the summary message.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Verify dispute result signature
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Summary message
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copy & paste summary message from dispute
@ -904,7 +904,6 @@ support.filter=Search disputes
support.filter.prompt=Enter trade ID, date, onion address or account data
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=In case of a reimbursement request to the DAO you need to paste the summary message of the mediation and arbitration process in your reimbursement request on Github. To make this statement verifiable any user can check with this tool if the signature of the mediator or arbitrator matches the summary message.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Verify dispute result signature
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Summary message
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copy & paste summary message from dispute
@ -906,7 +906,6 @@ support.filter=Search disputes
support.filter.prompt=Nhập ID giao dịch, ngày tháng, địa chỉ onion hoặc dữ liệu tài khoản
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=In case of a reimbursement request to the DAO you need to paste the summary message of the mediation and arbitration process in your reimbursement request on Github. To make this statement verifiable any user can check with this tool if the signature of the mediator or arbitrator matches the summary message.
support.sigCheck.popup.header=Verify dispute result signature
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.label=Summary message
support.sigCheck.popup.msg.prompt=Copy & paste summary message from dispute
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ support.filter=查找纠纷
support.filter.prompt=输入 交易 ID、日期、洋葱地址或账户信息
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=如果向在 DAO 发送赔偿请求,您需要在 Github 上粘贴您的赔偿请求中的调解和仲裁过程的摘要消息。要使此声明可验证,任何用户都可以使用此工具检查调解或仲裁人员的签名是否与摘要消息匹配。
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ support.filter=查找糾紛
support.filter.prompt=輸入 交易 ID、日期、洋葱地址或賬户信息
support.sigCheck.button=Check signature
support.sigCheck.popup.info=如果向在 DAO 發送賠償請求,您需要在 Github 上粘貼您的賠償請求中的調解和仲裁過程的摘要消息。要使此聲明可驗證,任何用户都可以使用此工具檢查調解或仲裁人員的簽名是否與摘要消息匹配。
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