2024-04-21 17:29:52 +02:00

539 lines
22 KiB

// Gupax - GUI Uniting P2Pool And XMRig
// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 hinto-janai
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// This file represents the "helper" thread, which is the full separate thread
// that runs alongside the main [App] GUI thread. It exists for the entire duration
// of Gupax so that things can be handled without locking up the GUI thread.
// This thread is a continual 1 second loop, collecting available jobs on the
// way down and (if possible) asynchronously executing them at the very end.
// The main GUI thread will interface with this thread by mutating the Arc<Mutex>'s
// found here, e.g: User clicks [Stop P2Pool] -> Arc<Mutex<ProcessSignal> is set
// indicating to this thread during its loop: "I should stop P2Pool!", e.g:
// if lock!(p2pool).signal == ProcessSignal::Stop {
// stop_p2pool(),
// }
// This also includes all things related to handling the child processes (P2Pool/XMRig):
// piping their stdout/stderr/stdin, accessing their APIs (HTTP + disk files), etc.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
use crate::helper::{
p2pool::{ImgP2pool, PubP2poolApi},
xmrig::{ImgXmrig, PubXmrigApi},
use crate::{constants::*, disk::gupax_p2pool_api::GupaxP2poolApi, human::*, macros::*};
use log::*;
use std::path::Path;
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use self::xvb::{nodes::XvbNode, PubXvbApi};
pub mod p2pool;
pub mod tests;
pub mod xmrig;
pub mod xvb;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constants
// The max amount of bytes of process output we are willing to
// hold in memory before it's too much and we need to reset.
const MAX_GUI_OUTPUT_BYTES: usize = 500_000;
// Just a little leeway so a reset will go off before the [String] allocates more memory.
// Some constants for generating hashrate/difficulty.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Helper] Struct
// A meta struct holding all the data that gets processed in this thread
pub struct Helper {
pub instant: Instant, // Gupax start as an [Instant]
pub uptime: HumanTime, // Gupax uptime formatting for humans
pub pub_sys: Arc<Mutex<Sys>>, // The public API for [sysinfo] that the [Status] tab reads from
pub p2pool: Arc<Mutex<Process>>, // P2Pool process state
pub xmrig: Arc<Mutex<Process>>, // XMRig process state
pub xvb: Arc<Mutex<Process>>, // XvB process state
pub gui_api_p2pool: Arc<Mutex<PubP2poolApi>>, // P2Pool API state (for GUI thread)
pub gui_api_xmrig: Arc<Mutex<PubXmrigApi>>, // XMRig API state (for GUI thread)
pub gui_api_xvb: Arc<Mutex<PubXvbApi>>, // XMRig API state (for GUI thread)
pub img_p2pool: Arc<Mutex<ImgP2pool>>, // A static "image" of the data P2Pool started with
pub img_xmrig: Arc<Mutex<ImgXmrig>>, // A static "image" of the data XMRig started with
pub_api_p2pool: Arc<Mutex<PubP2poolApi>>, // P2Pool API state (for Helper/P2Pool thread)
pub_api_xmrig: Arc<Mutex<PubXmrigApi>>, // XMRig API state (for Helper/XMRig thread)
pub_api_xvb: Arc<Mutex<PubXvbApi>>, // XvB API state (for Helper/XvB thread)
pub gupax_p2pool_api: Arc<Mutex<GupaxP2poolApi>>, //
// The communication between the data here and the GUI thread goes as follows:
// [GUI] <---> [Helper] <---> [Watchdog] <---> [Private Data only available here]
// Both [GUI] and [Helper] own their separate [Pub*Api] structs.
// Since P2Pool & XMRig will be updating their information out of sync,
// it's the helpers job to lock everything, and move the watchdog [Pub*Api]s
// on a 1-second interval into the [GUI]'s [Pub*Api] struct, atomically.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Sys {
pub gupax_uptime: String,
pub gupax_cpu_usage: String,
pub gupax_memory_used_mb: String,
pub system_cpu_model: String,
pub system_memory: String,
pub system_cpu_usage: String,
impl Sys {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
gupax_uptime: "0 seconds".to_string(),
gupax_cpu_usage: "???%".to_string(),
gupax_memory_used_mb: "??? megabytes".to_string(),
system_cpu_usage: "???%".to_string(),
system_memory: "???GB / ???GB".to_string(),
system_cpu_model: "???".to_string(),
impl Default for Sys {
fn default() -> Self {
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Process] Struct
// This holds all the state of a (child) process.
// The main GUI thread will use this to display console text, online state, etc.
pub struct Process {
pub name: ProcessName, // P2Pool or XMRig?
pub state: ProcessState, // The state of the process (alive, dead, etc)
pub signal: ProcessSignal, // Did the user click [Start/Stop/Restart]?
// STDIN Problem:
// - User can input many many commands in 1 second
// - The process loop only processes every 1 second
// - If there is only 1 [String] holding the user input,
// the user could overwrite their last input before
// the loop even has a chance to process their last command
// STDIN Solution:
// - When the user inputs something, push it to a [Vec]
// - In the process loop, loop over every [Vec] element and
// send each one individually to the process stdin
pub input: Vec<String>,
// The below are the handles to the actual child process.
// [Simple] has no STDIN, but [Advanced] does. A PTY (pseudo-terminal) is
// required for P2Pool/XMRig to open their STDIN pipe.
// child: Option<Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn portable_pty::Child + Send + std::marker::Sync>>>>, // STDOUT/STDERR is combined automatically thanks to this PTY, nice
// stdin: Option<Box<dyn portable_pty::MasterPty + Send>>, // A handle to the process's MasterPTY/STDIN
// This is the process's private output [String], used by both [Simple] and [Advanced].
// "parse" contains the output that will be parsed, then tossed out. "pub" will be written to
// the same as parse, but it will be [swap()]'d by the "helper" thread into the GUIs [String].
// The "helper" thread synchronizes this swap so that the data in here is moved there
// roughly once a second. GUI thread never touches this.
output_parse: Arc<Mutex<String>>,
output_pub: Arc<Mutex<String>>,
// Start time of process.
start: std::time::Instant,
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Process] Impl
impl Process {
pub fn new(name: ProcessName, _args: String, _path: PathBuf) -> Self {
Self {
state: ProcessState::Dead,
signal: ProcessSignal::None,
start: Instant::now(),
// stdin: Option::None,
// child: Option::None,
output_parse: arc_mut!(String::with_capacity(500)),
output_pub: arc_mut!(String::with_capacity(500)),
input: vec![String::new()],
// Convenience functions
pub fn is_alive(&self) -> bool {
self.state == ProcessState::Alive
|| self.state == ProcessState::Middle
|| self.state == ProcessState::Syncing
|| self.state == ProcessState::Retry
|| self.state == ProcessState::NotMining
|| self.state == ProcessState::OfflineNodesAll
pub fn is_waiting(&self) -> bool {
self.state == ProcessState::Middle || self.state == ProcessState::Waiting
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Process*] Enum
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ProcessState {
Alive, // Process is online, GREEN!
Dead, // Process is dead, BLACK!
Failed, // Process is dead AND exited with a bad code, RED!
Middle, // Process is in the middle of something ([re]starting/stopping), YELLOW!
Waiting, // Process was successfully killed by a restart, and is ready to be started again, YELLOW!
// Only for P2Pool and XvB, ORANGE.
// XvB: Xmrig or P2pool are not alive
// XvB: if requests for stats fail, retry state to retry every minutes
// Only for XMRig and XvB, ORANGE.
// XvB: token or address are invalid even if syntax correct
// XvB: if node of XvB become unusable (ex: offline).
impl Default for ProcessState {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ProcessSignal {
impl Default for ProcessSignal {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ProcessName {
impl std::fmt::Display for ProcessState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:#?}", self)
impl std::fmt::Display for ProcessSignal {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:#?}", self)
impl std::fmt::Display for ProcessName {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match *self {
ProcessName::P2pool => write!(f, "P2Pool"),
ProcessName::Xmrig => write!(f, "XMRig"),
ProcessName::Xvb => write!(f, "XvB"),
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Helper]
impl Helper {
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Functions
pub fn new(
instant: std::time::Instant,
pub_sys: Arc<Mutex<Sys>>,
p2pool: Arc<Mutex<Process>>,
xmrig: Arc<Mutex<Process>>,
xvb: Arc<Mutex<Process>>,
gui_api_p2pool: Arc<Mutex<PubP2poolApi>>,
gui_api_xmrig: Arc<Mutex<PubXmrigApi>>,
gui_api_xvb: Arc<Mutex<PubXvbApi>>,
img_p2pool: Arc<Mutex<ImgP2pool>>,
img_xmrig: Arc<Mutex<ImgXmrig>>,
gupax_p2pool_api: Arc<Mutex<GupaxP2poolApi>>,
) -> Self {
Self {
uptime: HumanTime::into_human(instant.elapsed()),
pub_api_p2pool: arc_mut!(PubP2poolApi::new()),
pub_api_xmrig: arc_mut!(PubXmrigApi::new()),
pub_api_xvb: arc_mut!(PubXvbApi::new()),
// These are created when initializing [App], since it needs a handle to it as well
// Reset output if larger than max bytes.
// This will also append a message showing it was reset.
fn check_reset_gui_output(output: &mut String, name: ProcessName) {
let len = output.len();
"{} Watchdog | Output is nearing {} bytes, resetting!",
let text = format!("{}\n{} GUI log is exceeding the maximum: {} bytes!\nI've reset the logs for you!\n{}\n\n\n\n", HORI_CONSOLE, name, MAX_GUI_OUTPUT_BYTES, HORI_CONSOLE);
debug!("{} Watchdog | Resetting GUI output ... OK", name);
} else {
"{} Watchdog | GUI output reset not needed! Current byte length ... {}",
name, len
// Read P2Pool/XMRig's API file to a [String].
fn path_to_string(
path: &Path,
name: ProcessName,
) -> std::result::Result<String, std::io::Error> {
match std::fs::read_to_string(path) {
Ok(s) => Ok(s),
Err(e) => {
warn!("{} API | [{}] read error: {}", name, path.display(), e);
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "helper"
#[inline(always)] // called once
fn update_pub_sys_from_sysinfo(
sysinfo: &sysinfo::System,
pub_sys: &mut Sys,
pid: &sysinfo::Pid,
helper: &Helper,
max_threads: usize,
) {
let gupax_uptime = helper.uptime.to_string();
let cpu = &sysinfo.cpus()[0];
let gupax_cpu_usage = format!(
sysinfo.process(*pid).unwrap().cpu_usage() / (max_threads as f32)
let gupax_memory_used_mb =
HumanNumber::from_u64(sysinfo.process(*pid).unwrap().memory() / 1_000_000);
let gupax_memory_used_mb = format!("{} megabytes", gupax_memory_used_mb);
let system_cpu_model = format!("{} ({}MHz)", cpu.brand(), cpu.frequency());
let system_memory = {
let used = (sysinfo.used_memory() as f64) / 1_000_000_000.0;
let total = (sysinfo.total_memory() as f64) / 1_000_000_000.0;
format!("{:.3} GB / {:.3} GB", used, total)
let system_cpu_usage = {
let mut total: f32 = 0.0;
for cpu in sysinfo.cpus() {
total += cpu.cpu_usage();
format!("{:.2}%", total / (max_threads as f32))
*pub_sys = Sys {
// The "helper" thread. Syncs data between threads here and the GUI.
pub fn spawn_helper(
helper: &Arc<Mutex<Self>>,
mut sysinfo: sysinfo::System,
pid: sysinfo::Pid,
max_threads: usize,
) {
// The ordering of these locks is _very_ important. They MUST be in sync with how the main GUI thread locks stuff
// or a deadlock will occur given enough time. They will eventually both want to lock the [Arc<Mutex>] the other
// thread is already locking. Yes, I figured this out the hard way, hence the vast amount of debug!() messages.
// Example of different order (BAD!):
// GUI Main -> locks [p2pool] first
// Helper -> locks [gui_api_p2pool] first
// GUI Status Tab -> tries to lock [gui_api_p2pool] -> CAN'T
// Helper -> tries to lock [p2pool] -> CAN'T
// These two threads are now in a deadlock because both
// are trying to access locks the other one already has.
// The locking order here must be in the same chronological
// order as the main GUI thread (top to bottom).
let helper = Arc::clone(helper);
let lock = lock!(helper);
let p2pool = Arc::clone(&lock.p2pool);
let xmrig = Arc::clone(&lock.xmrig);
let xvb = Arc::clone(&lock.xvb);
let pub_sys = Arc::clone(&lock.pub_sys);
let gui_api_p2pool = Arc::clone(&lock.gui_api_p2pool);
let gui_api_xmrig = Arc::clone(&lock.gui_api_xmrig);
let gui_api_xvb = Arc::clone(&lock.gui_api_xvb);
let pub_api_p2pool = Arc::clone(&lock.pub_api_p2pool);
let pub_api_xmrig = Arc::clone(&lock.pub_api_xmrig);
let pub_api_xvb = Arc::clone(&lock.pub_api_xvb);
let sysinfo_cpu = sysinfo::CpuRefreshKind::everything();
let sysinfo_processes = sysinfo::ProcessRefreshKind::new().with_cpu();
thread::spawn(move || {
info!("Helper | Hello from helper thread! Entering loop where I will spend the rest of my days...");
// Begin loop
loop {
// 1. Loop init timestamp
let start = Instant::now();
debug!("Helper | ----------- Start of loop -----------");
// Ignore the invasive [debug!()] messages on the right side of the code.
// The reason why they are there are so that it's extremely easy to track
// down the culprit of an [Arc<Mutex>] deadlock. I know, they're ugly.
// 2. Lock... EVERYTHING!
let mut lock = lock!(helper);
debug!("Helper | Locking (1/11) ... [helper]");
let p2pool = lock!(p2pool);
debug!("Helper | Locking (2/11) ... [p2pool]");
let xmrig = lock!(xmrig);
debug!("Helper | Locking (3/11) ... [xmrig]");
let xvb = lock!(xvb);
debug!("Helper | Locking (4/11) ... [xvb]");
let mut lock_pub_sys = lock!(pub_sys);
debug!("Helper | Locking (5/11) ... [pub_sys]");
let mut gui_api_p2pool = lock!(gui_api_p2pool);
debug!("Helper | Locking (6/11) ... [gui_api_p2pool]");
let mut gui_api_xmrig = lock!(gui_api_xmrig);
debug!("Helper | Locking (7/11) ... [gui_api_xmrig]");
let mut gui_api_xvb = lock!(gui_api_xvb);
debug!("Helper | Locking (8/11) ... [gui_api_xvb]");
let mut pub_api_p2pool = lock!(pub_api_p2pool);
debug!("Helper | Locking (9/11) ... [pub_api_p2pool]");
let mut pub_api_xmrig = lock!(pub_api_xmrig);
debug!("Helper | Locking (10/11) ... [pub_api_xmrig]");
let mut pub_api_xvb = lock!(pub_api_xvb);
debug!("Helper | Locking (11/11) ... [pub_api_xvb]");
// Calculate Gupax's uptime always.
lock.uptime = HumanTime::into_human(lock.instant.elapsed());
// If [P2Pool] is alive...
if p2pool.is_alive() {
debug!("Helper | P2Pool is alive! Running [combine_gui_pub_api()]");
PubP2poolApi::combine_gui_pub_api(&mut gui_api_p2pool, &mut pub_api_p2pool);
} else {
debug!("Helper | P2Pool is dead! Skipping...");
// If [XMRig] is alive...
if xmrig.is_alive() {
debug!("Helper | XMRig is alive! Running [combine_gui_pub_api()]");
PubXmrigApi::combine_gui_pub_api(&mut gui_api_xmrig, &mut pub_api_xmrig);
} else {
debug!("Helper | XMRig is dead! Skipping...");
// If [XvB] is alive...
if xvb.is_alive() {
debug!("Helper | XvB is alive! Running [combine_gui_pub_api()]");
PubXvbApi::combine_gui_pub_api(&mut gui_api_xvb, &mut pub_api_xvb);
} else {
debug!("Helper | XvB is dead! Skipping...");
// 2. Selectively refresh [sysinfo] for only what we need (better performance).
debug!("Helper | Sysinfo refresh (1/3) ... [cpu]");
debug!("Helper | Sysinfo refresh (2/3) ... [processes]");
debug!("Helper | Sysinfo refresh (3/3) ... [memory]");
debug!("Helper | Sysinfo OK, running [update_pub_sys_from_sysinfo()]");
&mut lock_pub_sys,
// 3. Drop... (almost) EVERYTHING... IN REVERSE!
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (1/11) ... [pub_sys]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (2/11) ... [xvb]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (3/11) ... [xmrig]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (4/11) ... [p2pool]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (5/11) ... [pub_api_xvb]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (6/11) ... [pub_api_xmrig]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (7/11) ... [pub_api_p2pool]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (8/11) ... [gui_api_xvb]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (9/11) ... [gui_api_xmrig]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (10/11) ... [gui_api_p2pool]");
debug!("Helper | Unlocking (11/11) ... [helper]");
// 4. Calculate if we should sleep or not.
// If we should sleep, how long?
let elapsed = start.elapsed().as_millis();
if elapsed < 1000 {
// Casting from u128 to u64 should be safe here, because [elapsed]
// is less than 1000, meaning it can fit into a u64 easy.
let sleep = (1000 - elapsed) as u64;
debug!("Helper | END OF LOOP - Sleeping for [{}]ms...", sleep);
} else {
debug!("Helper | END OF LOOP - Not sleeping!");
// 5. End loop