// Gupax - GUI Uniting P2Pool And XMRig // // Copyright (c) 2022 hinto-janaiyo // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // This file represents the "helper" thread, which is the full separate thread // that runs alongside the main [App] GUI thread. It exists for the entire duration // of Gupax so that things can be handled without locking up the GUI thread. // // This thread is a continual 1 second loop, collecting available jobs on the // way down and (if possible) asynchronously executing them at the very end. // // The main GUI thread will interface with this thread by mutating the Arc's // found here, e.g: User clicks [Start P2Pool] -> Arc is set // indicating to this thread during its loop: "I should start P2Pool!", e.g: // // match p2pool.lock().unwrap().signal { // ProcessSignal::Start => start_p2pool(), // ... // } // // This also includes all things related to handling the child processes (P2Pool/XMRig): // piping their stdout/stderr/stdin, accessing their APIs (HTTP + disk files), etc. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import use std::{ sync::{Arc,Mutex}, path::PathBuf, process::Command, time::*, thread, }; use crate::constants::*; use log::*; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Helper] Struct // A meta struct holding all the data that gets processed in this thread pub struct Helper { pub instant: Instant, // Gupax start as an [Instant] pub human_time: HumanTime, // Gupax uptime formatting for humans pub p2pool: Process, // P2Pool process state pub xmrig: Process, // XMRig process state pub pub_api_p2pool: PubP2poolApi, // P2Pool API state (for GUI thread) pub pub_api_xmrig: PubXmrigApi, // XMRig API state (for GUI thread) priv_api_p2pool: PrivP2poolApi, // For "watchdog" thread priv_api_xmrig: PrivXmrigApi, // For "watchdog" thread } // Impl found at the very bottom of this file. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Process] Struct // This holds all the state of a (child) process. // The main GUI thread will use this to display console text, online state, etc. pub struct Process { name: ProcessName, // P2Pool or XMRig? state: ProcessState, // The state of the process (alive, dead, etc) signal: ProcessSignal, // Did the user click [Start/Stop/Restart]? start: Instant, // Start time of process uptime: HumanTime, // Human readable process uptime output: String, // This is the process's stdout + stderr stdin: Option, // A handle to the process's STDIN // STDIN Problem: // - User can input many many commands in 1 second // - The process loop only processes every 1 second // - If there is only 1 [String] holding the user input, // the user could overwrite their last input before // the loop even has a chance to process their last command // STDIN Solution: // - When the user inputs something, push it to a [Vec] // - In the process loop, loop over every [Vec] element and // send each one individually to the process stdin input: Vec, } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Process] Impl impl Process { pub fn new(name: ProcessName, args: String, path: PathBuf) -> Self { let now = Instant::now(); Self { name, state: ProcessState::Dead, signal: ProcessSignal::None, start: now, uptime: HumanTime::into_human(now.elapsed()), stdin: Option::None, // P2Pool log level 1 produces a bit less than 100,000 lines a day. // Assuming each line averages 80 UTF-8 scalars (80 bytes), then this // initial buffer should last around a week (56MB) before resetting. output: String::with_capacity(56_000_000), input: vec![String::new()], } } // Borrow a [&str], return an owned split collection pub fn parse_args(args: &str) -> Vec { args.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect() } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Process*] Enum #[derive(Copy,Clone,Eq,PartialEq,Debug)] pub enum ProcessState { Alive, // Process is online, GREEN! Dead, // Process is dead, BLACK! Failed, // Process is dead AND exited with a bad code, RED! // Process is starting up, YELLOW! // Really, processes start instantly, this just accounts for the delay // between the main thread and this threads 1 second event loop. Starting, } #[derive(Copy,Clone,Eq,PartialEq,Debug)] pub enum ProcessSignal { None, Start, Stop, Restart, } #[derive(Copy,Clone,Eq,PartialEq,Debug)] pub enum ProcessName { P2pool, Xmrig, } impl std::fmt::Display for ProcessState { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:#?}", self) } } impl std::fmt::Display for ProcessSignal { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:#?}", self) } } impl std::fmt::Display for ProcessName { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:#?}", self) } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [HumanTime] // This converts a [std::time::Duration] into something more readable. // Used for uptime display purposes: [7 years, 8 months, 15 days, 23 hours, 35 minutes, 1 second] // Code taken from [https://docs.rs/humantime/] and edited to remove sub-second time, change spacing and some words. use std::time::Duration; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct HumanTime(Duration); impl HumanTime { pub fn into_human(d: Duration) -> HumanTime { HumanTime(d) } fn plural(f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter, started: &mut bool, name: &str, value: u64) -> std::fmt::Result { if value > 0 { if *started { f.write_str(" ")?; } } write!(f, "{}{}", value, name)?; if value > 1 { f.write_str("s")?; } *started = true; Ok(()) } } impl std::fmt::Display for HumanTime { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { let secs = self.0.as_secs(); if secs == 0 { f.write_str("0s")?; return Ok(()); } let years = secs / 31_557_600; // 365.25d let ydays = secs % 31_557_600; let months = ydays / 2_630_016; // 30.44d let mdays = ydays % 2_630_016; let days = mdays / 86400; let day_secs = mdays % 86400; let hours = day_secs / 3600; let minutes = day_secs % 3600 / 60; let seconds = day_secs % 60; let ref mut started = false; Self::plural(f, started, " year", years)?; Self::plural(f, started, " month", months)?; Self::plural(f, started, " day", days)?; Self::plural(f, started, " hour", hours)?; Self::plural(f, started, " minute", minutes)?; Self::plural(f, started, " second", seconds)?; Ok(()) } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public P2Pool API // GUI thread interfaces with this. pub struct PubP2poolApi { } impl PubP2poolApi { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private P2Pool API // This is the data the "watchdog" threads mutate. // It matches directly to P2Pool's [local/stats] JSON API file (excluding a few stats). // P2Pool seems to initialize all stats at 0 (or 0.0), so no [Option] wrapper seems needed. #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct PrivP2poolApi { hashrate_15m: u128, hashrate_1h: u128, hashrate_24h: u128, shares_found: u128, average_effort: f64, current_effort: f64, connections: u16, // No one will have more than 65535 connections... right? } impl PrivP2poolApi { fn new() -> Self { Self { hashrate_15m: 0, hashrate_1h: 0, hashrate_24h: 0, shares_found: 0, average_effort: 0.0, current_effort: 0.0, connections: 0, } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public XMRig API pub struct PubXmrigApi { } impl PubXmrigApi { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private XMRig API // This matches to some JSON stats in the HTTP call [summary], // e.g: [wget -qO- localhost:18085/1/summary]. // XMRig doesn't initialize stats at 0 (or 0.0) and instead opts for [null] // which means some elements need to be wrapped in an [Option] or else serde will [panic!]. #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct PrivXmrigApi { worker_id: String, resources: Resources, connection: Connection, hashrate: Hashrate, } impl PrivXmrigApi { fn new() -> Self { Self { worker_id: String::new(), resources: Resources::new(), connection: Connection::new(), hashrate: Hashrate::new(), } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Resources { load_average: [Option; 3], } impl Resources { fn new() -> Self { Self { load_average: [Some(0.0), Some(0.0), Some(0.0)], } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Connection { pool: String, ping: u32, diff: u128, accepted: u128, rejected: u128, } impl Connection { fn new() -> Self { Self { pool: String::new(), ping: 0, diff: 0, accepted: 0, rejected: 0, } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Hashrate { total: [Option; 3], } impl Hashrate { fn new() -> Self { Self { total: [Some(0.0), Some(0.0), Some(0.0)], } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Helper] use tokio::io::{BufReader,AsyncBufReadExt}; impl Helper { pub fn new(instant: std::time::Instant) -> Self { Self { instant, human_time: HumanTime::into_human(instant.elapsed()), p2pool: Process::new(ProcessName::P2pool, String::new(), PathBuf::new()), xmrig: Process::new(ProcessName::Xmrig, String::new(), PathBuf::new()), pub_api_p2pool: PubP2poolApi::new(), pub_api_xmrig: PubXmrigApi::new(), priv_api_p2pool: PrivP2poolApi::new(), priv_api_xmrig: PrivXmrigApi::new(), } } // Intermediate function that spawns the helper thread. pub fn spawn_helper(helper: &Arc>) { let helper = Arc::clone(helper); thread::spawn(move || { Self::helper(helper); }); } // The tokio runtime that blocks while async reading both STDOUT/STDERR // Cheaper than spawning 2 OS threads just to read 2 pipes (...right? :D) #[tokio::main] async fn read_stdout_stderr(stdout: tokio::process::ChildStdout, stderr: tokio::process::ChildStderr) { // Create STDOUT pipe job let stdout_job = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut stdout_reader = BufReader::new(stdout).lines(); while let Ok(Some(line)) = stdout_reader.next_line().await { println!("{}", line); } }); // Create STDERR pipe job let stderr_job = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut stderr_reader = BufReader::new(stderr).lines(); while let Ok(Some(line)) = stderr_reader.next_line().await { println!("{}", line); } }); // Block and read both until they are closed (automatic when process dies) tokio::join![stdout_job, stderr_job]; } // The "helper" loop // [helper] = Actual Arc // [h] = Temporary lock that gets dropped // [jobs] = Vector of async jobs ready to go // #[tokio::main] pub fn helper(helper: Arc>) { // Begin loop loop { // 1. Create "jobs" vector holding async tasks // let jobs: Vec>> = vec![]; // 2. Loop init timestamp let start = Instant::now(); // 3. Spawn child processes (if signal found) let h = helper.lock().unwrap(); if let ProcessSignal::Start = h.p2pool.signal { // Start outer thread, start inner stdout/stderr pipe, loop in outer thread for stdin/signal/etc if !h.p2pool.input.is_empty() { // Process STDIN } } drop(h); let h = helper.lock().unwrap(); if let ProcessSignal::Start = h.xmrig.signal { // Start outer thread, start inner stdout/stderr pipe, loop in outer thread for stdin/signal/etc if !h.xmrig.input.is_empty() { // Process STDIN } } drop(h); // 4. Collect P2Pool API task (if alive) let h = helper.lock().unwrap(); if let ProcessState::Alive = h.p2pool.state { } // 5. Collect XMRig HTTP API task (if alive) if let ProcessState::Alive = h.xmrig.state { } drop(h); // 6. Execute all async tasks // for job in jobs { // job.await; // } // 7. Set Gupax/P2Pool/XMRig uptime let mut h = helper.lock().unwrap(); h.human_time = HumanTime::into_human(h.instant.elapsed()); drop(h); // 8. Calculate if we should sleep or not. // If we should sleep, how long? let elapsed = start.elapsed().as_millis(); if elapsed < 1000 { // Casting from u128 to u64 should be safe here, because [elapsed] // is less than 1000, meaning it can fit into a u64 easy. std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis((1000-elapsed) as u64)); } // 9. End loop } } }