use std::process::exit; use clap::crate_authors; use clap::crate_description; use clap::crate_name; use clap::crate_version; use clap::Parser; use clap::Subcommand; use log::debug; use log::info; use log::warn; use crate::app::App; use crate::miscs::print_disk_file; use crate::miscs::print_gupax_p2pool_api; use crate::resets::reset; use crate::resets::reset_gupax_p2pool_api; use crate::resets::reset_nodes; use crate::resets::reset_pools; use crate::resets::reset_state; #[derive(Parser)] #[command(name = crate_name!())] #[command(author = crate_authors!())] #[command(version = crate_version!())] #[command(about = crate_description!(), long_about = None)] #[command(next_line_help = true)] #[group(required = false, multiple = false)] pub struct Cli { #[command(subcommand)] pub info: Option, } #[derive(Subcommand)] pub enum GupaxxData { #[command(about = "Print Gupaxx state")] State, #[command(about = "Print the manual node list")] Nodes, #[command(about = "Print the P2Pool payout log, payout count, and total XMR mined")] Payouts, #[command(about = "Reset all Gupaxxstate (your settings)")] ResetState, #[command(about = "Reset the manual node list in the [P2Pool] tab")] ResetNodes, #[command(about = "Reset the manual pool list in the [XMRig] tab")] ResetPools, #[command(about = "Reset the permanent P2Pool stats that appear in the [Status] tab")] ResetPayouts, #[command(about = "Reset all Gupaxx state (your settings)")] ResetAll, #[command( about = "Disable all auto-startup settings for this instance (auto-update, auto-ping, etc)", name = "no-startup" )] Nostartup, } // #[cold] // #[inline(never)] pub fn parse_args>(mut app: App, args: Cli, panic: S) -> App { info!("Parsing CLI arguments..."); // Abort on panic let panic = panic.into(); if !panic.is_empty() { warn!("[Gupax error] {}", panic); exit(1); } if let Some(arg) = { match arg { GupaxxData::State => { debug!("Printing state..."); print_disk_file(&app.state_path); exit(0); } GupaxxData::Nodes => { debug!("Printing node list..."); print_disk_file(&app.node_path); exit(0); } GupaxxData::Payouts => { debug!("Printing payouts...\n"); print_gupax_p2pool_api(&app.gupax_p2pool_api); exit(0); } GupaxxData::ResetState => { if let Ok(()) = reset_state(&app.state_path) { println!("\nState reset ... OK"); exit(0); } else { eprintln!("\nState reset ... FAIL"); exit(1) } } GupaxxData::ResetNodes => { if let Ok(()) = reset_nodes(&app.node_path) { println!("\nNode reset ... OK"); exit(0) } else { eprintln!("\nNode reset ... FAIL"); exit(1) } } GupaxxData::ResetPools => { if let Ok(()) = reset_pools(&app.pool_path) { println!("\nPool reset ... OK"); exit(0) } else { eprintln!("\nPool reset ... FAIL"); exit(1) } } GupaxxData::ResetPayouts => { if let Ok(()) = reset_gupax_p2pool_api(&app.gupax_p2pool_api_path) { println!("\nGupaxP2poolApi reset ... OK"); exit(0) } else { eprintln!("\nGupaxP2poolApi reset ... FAIL"); exit(1) } } GupaxxData::ResetAll => reset( &app.os_data_path, &app.state_path, &app.node_path, &app.pool_path, &app.gupax_p2pool_api_path, ), GupaxxData::Nostartup => app.no_startup = true, } } app }