# Gupax - WORK IN PROGRESS  **Gupax** (*guh-picks*) is a cross-platform GUI for mining [**Monero**](https://github.com/monero-project/monero) on [**P2Pool**](https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool), using [**XMRig**](https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig). ## Contents * [What is Monero, P2Pool, XMRig, and Gupax?](##what-is-monero-p2pool-xmrig-and-gupax) * [Community Monero Nodes](#community-monero-nodes) * [Demo](#Demo) * [Implementation](#Implementation) * [Planned](#Planned) * [Goals](#Goals) * [Build](#Build) ## What is Monero, P2Pool, XMRig, and Gupax? **Monero** is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency. The **[Monero GUI](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui)** software lets you run a **Monero node** (among other things). A Monero node connects you to other peers and lets you download Monero's [blockchain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain). But you already knew all of this, right? ***[More info here.](https://github.com/monero-project/monero)*** --- **P2Pool** is software that lets you create/join **decentralized peer-to-peer Monero mining pools.** P2Pool as a concept was [first developed for Bitcoin](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/P2Pool) but was [never fully realized](https://github.com/p2pool/p2pool) due to many limitations. These limitations were fixed when SChernykh rewrote P2Pool from scratch for Monero. P2Pool combines the best of solo mining and traditional pool mining: * ***It's decentralized:*** There's no central server that can be shutdown or pool admin that controls your hashrate * ***It's permissionless:*** It's peer-to-peer so there's no one to decide who can and cannot mine on the pool * ***It's trustless:*** Funds are never in custody, all pool blocks pay out to miners directly and immediately * **0% transaction fee, 0 payout fee, immediate ~0.0003 XMR minimum payout** ***[More info here.](https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool)*** --- **XMRig** is an optimized miner which lets you **mine Monero at higher speeds.** Both Monero and P2Pool have built in miners but XMRig is quite faster than both of them. Due to issues like [anti-virus flagging](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/3829#issuecomment-1018191461), it is not feasible to integrate XMRig directly into Monero or P2Pool, however, XMRig is still freely available for anyone to download. The issue is: you have to manually set it up yourself. ***[More info here.](https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig)*** --- **Gupax** is a GUI that helps with configuring, updating, and managing P2Pool & XMRig (both originally CLI-only). ***Recap:*** 1. **XMRig** mines to **P2Pool** which fetchs blocks from a **Monero node** 2. **Monero GUI** runs the ***Monero node*** 3. **Gupax** runs ***P2Pool/XMRig***  With Monero GUI managing the Monero node on one side and Gupax managing P2Pool/XMRig on the other, it is (hopefully) very easy for anyone to start mining Monero at **max hashrate in a decentralized, permissionless, and trustless manner**. ## Community Monero Nodes | Name | IP/Domain | RPC Port | |----------------|----------------------------------|----------| | C3pool | node.c3pool.com | 18081 | | Cake | xmr-node.cakewallet.com | 18081 | | CakeEu | xmr-node-eu.cakewallet.com | 18081 | | CakeUk | xmr-node-uk.cakewallet.com | 18081 | | CakeUs | xmr-node-usa-east.cakewallet.com | 18081 | | Feather1 | selsta1.featherwallet.net | 18081 | | Feather2 | selsta2.featherwallet.net | 18081 | | MajesticBankIs | node.majesticbank.is | 18089 | | MajesticBankSu | node.majesticbank.su | 18089 | | Monerujo | nodex.monerujo.io | 18081 | | Rino | node.community.rino.io | 18081 | | Seth | node.sethforprivacy.com | 18089 | | Singapore | singapore.node.xmr | 18081 | | SupportXmr | node.supportxmr.com | 18081 | | SupportXmrIr | node.supportxmr.ir | 18089 | | XmrVsBeast | p2pmd.xmrvsbeast.com | 18081 | *Note: All have ZMQ port on 18083* ## Demo https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/101352116/194763334-d8e936c9-a71e-474e-ac65-3a339b96a9d2.mp4 <details> <summary>Click me to load images!</summary>      </details> ## Implementation - **OS:** Gupax will be tested for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Maybe the BSDs - **Docs:** All Gupax usage will have documentation on GitHub; General P2Pool/XMRig info will also be included - **Packaging:** Gupax will be packaged in a bundled zip/tar that includes P2Pool/XMRig, and as a standalone binary that expects you to bring your own P2Pool/XMRig. Both will be the same binary, only difference being the first will include all necessary components. Maybe an installer as well - **Efficiency:** The context for Gupax is a ***mining*** machine, it would be too ironic if it impacted the hashrate performance, and so, Gupax uses the very lightweight [Rust egui library](https://github.com/emilk/egui). By default egui is an "immediate mode" GUI, meaning frames are rendered 60x/sec. This is turned off in Gupax so frames are only rendered upon user interaction. This allows for a fast and lightweight GUI. For context, it uses around 5x less CPU when switching around tabs compared to Monero GUI ## Planned - **Community Node:** An option to use a trusted community Monero node instead of your own. At a small privacy cost, this allows users to immediately start mining on P2Pool without downloading the entire chain - **Update:** Built-in update/upgrader for Gupax/P2Pool/XMRig and an (opt-in) auto-updater that runs at startup - **Config:** All the basic configurations you would expect with P2Pool/XMRig (main, mini, peers, thread count, etc) - **Status:** Status tab displaying mining statistics using P2Pool & XMRig's APIs ## Goals **Gupax is:** * A simple GUI solution to P2Pool mining with max hashrate * External mining software so Monero GUI isn't plagued with anti-virus issues * Fast/lightweight because the context for this software is a ***mining*** computer **Gupax is not:** * A Monero node/wallet ## Build ``` cargo build --release ``` On macOS, if you want the binary to have an icon in `Finder`, you must install [`cargo-bundle`](https://github.com/burtonageo/cargo-bundle) and compile with: ``` cargo bundle --release ``` The `build.rs` file in the repo root sets the icon in `File Explorer` for Windows. The taskbar icon & App frame icon (for all OS's) get set at runtime using pre-compiled bytes in [`src/constants.rs`](https://github.com/hinto-janaiyo/gupax/blob/main/src/constants.rs) from [`images`](https://github.com/hinto-janaiyo/gupax/blob/main/images).