Gupax is a GUI for mining [**Monero**]( on [**P2Pool**](, using [**XMRig**](
**To see a 3-minute video guide on how to set-up Gupax: [click here.](#Guide)**
[]( []( [](
## Contents
* [What is Monero/P2Pool/XMRig/Gupax?](#what-is-monerop2poolxmriggupax)
* [Guide](#Guide)
* [Simple](#Simple)
- [Status](#Status)
- [Gupax](#Gupax)
- [P2Pool](#P2Pool)
- [XMRig](#XMRig)
* [Advanced](#Advanced)
- [Verifying](#Verifying)
- [Running a Local Monero Node](#running-a-local-monero-node)
- [Command Line](#Command-Line)
- [Key Shortcuts](#Key-Shortcuts)
- [Resolution](#Resolution)
- [Tor/Arti](#TorArti)
- [Logs](#Logs)
- [Disk](#Disk)
- [Swapping P2Pool/XMRig](#Swapping-P2PoolXMRig)
- [Status](#Status-1)
- [Gupax](#Gupax-1)
- [P2Pool](#P2Pool-1)
- [XMRig](#XMRig-1)
* [Connections](#Connections)
* [Remote Monero Nodes](#remote-monero-nodes)
* [Build](#Build)
- [General Info](#General-Info)
- [Linux](#Linux)
- [Building for a distribution](#building-for-a-distribution)
- [macOS](#macOS)
- [Windows](#Windows)
* [License](#License)
* [FAQ](#FAQ)
- [Where are updates downloaded from?](#where-are-updates-downloaded-from)
- [P2Pool connection errors](#p2pool-connection-errors)
- [Can I quit mid-update?](#can-i-quit-mid-update)
- [Bundled vs Standalone](#bundled-vs-standalone)
- [How much memory does Gupax use?](#how-much-memory-does-gupax-use)
- [How is sudo handled? (on macOS/Linux)](#how-is-sudo-handled-on-macoslinux)
- [Why does Gupax need to be Admin? (on Windows)](#why-does-gupax-need-to-be-admin-on-windows)
## What is Monero/P2Pool/XMRig/Gupax?
[**`Monero`**]( is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency.
[Monero GUI]( allows you to run a Monero node (among other things).
[**`P2Pool`**]( allows you to create/join decentralized peer-to-peer Monero mining pools.
P2Pool as a concept was [first developed for Bitcoin]( although [failed to stay relevent for various reasons](
In late 2021, [`SChernykh`]( rewrote P2Pool from scratch for Monero.
P2Pool combines the best of solo mining and traditional pool mining:
* **It's decentralized:** There's no central server that can be shutdown or pool admin that controls your hashrate
* **It's permissionless:** It's peer-to-peer so there's no one to decide who can and cannot mine on the pool
* **It's trustless:** Funds are never in custody, all pool blocks pay out to miners directly and immediately
* **0% transaction fee, 0 payout fee, immediate ~0.0003 XMR minimum payout**
[**`XMRig`**]( is an optimized miner that can mine Monero.
Both Monero and P2Pool have built in miners but XMRig is quite faster than both of them. Due to issues like [anti-virus flagging](, it is not feasible to integrate XMRig directly into Monero.
[**`Gupax`**]( is a GUI that helps manage P2Pool & XMRig (both originally CLI-only).
**`XMRig`** mines to **`P2Pool`**
**`P2Pool`** fetchs blocks from a **`Monero node`**
**`Monero GUI`** runs the **`Monero node`**
**`Gupax`** runs **`P2Pool/XMRig`**
By default, Gupax will use a [Remote Monero Node](#remote-monero-nodes) so you don't have to run [your own Monero node](#running-a-local-monero-node) to start mining on P2Pool.
## Guide
1. [Download the bundled version of Gupax](
2. Extract
3. Launch Gupax
4. Input your Monero address in the `P2Pool` tab
5. Select a [`Remote Monero Node`](#remote-monero-nodes) (or run your own local [Monero Node](#running-a-local-monero-node))
6. Start P2Pool
7. Start XMRig
You are now mining to your own instance of P2Pool, welcome to the world of decentralized peer-to-peer mining!
1. In the Monero GUI, go to `Settings`
2. Go to the `Node` tab
3. Enable `Local node`
4. Enter `--zmq-pub=tcp://` into `Daemon startup flags`
5. [(Optionally)]( enter `--disable-dns-checkpoints --enable-dns-blocklist` into `Daemon startup flags`
After syncing the blockchain, you will now have your own Monero node.
The 4th step enables `ZMQ`, which is extra Monero node functionality that is needed for P2Pool to work correctly.
The 5th step:
- `--disable-dns-checkpoints` avoids periodical lag when DNS is updated (it's not needed when mining)
- `--enable-dns-blocklist` bans known bad nodes
[For more detailed information on configuring a Monero node, click here.](
### Command Line
By default, Gupax has `auto-update` & `auto-ping` enabled. This can only be turned off in the GUI which causes a chicken-and-egg problem.
To get around this, start Gupax with `--no-startup`. This will disable all `auto` features for that instance.
USAGE: ./gupax [--flag]
--help Print this help message
--version Print version and build info
--state Print Gupax state
--nodes Print the manual node list
--payouts Print the P2Pool payout log, payout count, and total XMR mined
--no-startup Disable all auto-startup settings for this instance (auto-update, auto-ping, etc)
--reset-state Reset all Gupax state (your settings)
--reset-nodes Reset the manual node list in the [P2Pool] tab
--reset-pools Reset the manual pool list in the [XMRig] tab
--reset-payouts Reset the permanent P2Pool stats that appear in the [Status] tab
--reset-all Reset the state, manual node list, manual pool list, and P2Pool stats
--ferris Print an extremely cute crab
### Key Shortcuts
The letter keys (Z/X/C/V/S/R) will only work if nothing is in focus, i.e, you _are not_ editing a text box.
An ALT+F4 will also trigger the exit confirm screen (if enabled).
| Key shortcuts |
| F11 | Fullscreen |
| Escape | Quit screen |
| Up | Start/Restart |
| Down | Stop |
| Z | Left Tab |
| X | Right Tab |
| C | Left Submenu |
| V | Right Submenu |
| S | Save |
| R | Reset |
### Resolution
The default resolution of Gupax is `1280x960` which is a `4:3` aspect ratio.
This can be changed by dragging the corner of the window itself or by using the resolution sliders in the `Gupax Advanced` tab. After a resolution change, Gupax will fade-in/out of black and will take a second to resize all the UI elements to scale correctly to the new resolution.
If you have changed your OS's pixel scaling, you may need to resize Gupax to see all UI correctly.
The minimum window size is: `640x480`
The maximum window size is: `3840x2160`
Fullscreen mode can also be entered by pressing `F11`.
### Tor/Arti
By default, Gupax updates via Tor. In particular, it uses [`Arti`](, the official Rust implementation of Tor.
Instead of bootstrapping onto the Tor network every time, Arti saves state/cache about the Tor network (circuits, guards, etc) for later reuse onto the disk:
| OS | Data Folder |
| Windows | `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\torproject\Arti\data` |
| macOS | `/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/org.torproject.Arti` |
| Linux | `/home/USER/.local/share/arti` |
| OS | Data Folder |
| Windows | `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\torproject\Arti\cache` |
| macOS | `/Users/USER/Library/Caches/org.torproject.Arti` |
| Linux | `/home/USER/.cache/arti` |
### Disk
Long-term state is saved onto the disk in the "OS data folder", using the [TOML]( format. If not found, default files will be created.
Given a slightly corrupted `state.toml` file, Gupax will attempt to merge it with a new default one. This will most likely happen if the internal data structure of `state.toml` is changed in the future (e.g: removing an outdated setting). The node/pool database cannot be merged.
If Gupax can't read/write to disk at all, or if there are any other big issues, it will show an unrecoverable error screen.
| OS | Data Folder | Example |
| Windows | `{FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}` | `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Gupax` |
| macOS | `$HOME`/Library/Application Support | `/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Gupax` |
| Linux | `$XDG_DATA_HOME` or `$HOME`/.local/share | `/home/USER/.local/share/gupax` |
The current files saved to disk:
* `state.toml` Gupax state/settings
* `node.toml` The manual node database used for P2Pool advanced
* `pool.toml` The manual pool database used for XMRig advanced
* `p2pool/` The Gupax-P2Pool API files
### Logs
Gupax has console logs that show with increasing detail, what exactly it is is doing.
There are multiple log filter levels but by default, `INFO` and above are enabled.
To view more detailed console debug information, start Gupax with the environment variable `RUST_LOG` set to a log level like so:
RUST_LOG=(trace|debug|info|warn|error) ./gupax
For example:
RUST_LOG=debug ./gupax
In general:
- `ERROR` means something has gone wrong and that something will probably break
- `WARN` means something has gone wrong, but things will be fine
- `INFO` logs are general info about what Gupax (the GUI thread) is currently doing
- `DEBUG` logs are much more verbose and include what EVERY thread is doing (not just the main GUI thread)
- `TRACE` logs are insanely verbose and shows very low-level logs
### Swapping P2Pool/XMRig
If you want to use your own `P2Pool/XMRig` binaries you can:
- Edit the PATH in `Gupax Advanced` to point at the new binaries
- Change the binary itself
By default, Gupax will look for `P2Pool/XMRig` in folders next to itself:
├─ Gupax.exe
├─ P2Pool\
│ ├─ p2pool.exe
├─ XMRig\
├─ xmrig.exe
macOS (Gupax is packaged as an `.app` on macOS):
├─ gupax
├─ p2pool/
│ ├─ p2pool
├─ xmrig/
├─ xmrig
├─ gupax
├─ p2pool/
│ ├─ p2pool
├─ xmrig/
├─ xmrig
### Status
The `[P2Pool]` submenu in this tab reads/writes to a file-based API in a folder called `p2pool` located in the [Gupax OS data directory:](#Disk)
| File | Purpose | Specific Data Type |
| `log` | Formatted payout lines extracted from P2Pool | Basically a `String` that needs to be parsed correctly
| `payout` | The total amount of payouts received via P2Pool & Gupax | `u64`
| `xmr` | The total amount of XMR mined via P2Pool & Gupax | Atomic Units represented with a `u64`
The `log` file contains formatted payout lines extracted from your P2Pool: