If the built-in compiled version of Gupax is the only version
getting compared when updating, an old Gupax instance will always
think there's a new version even if the user already updated and
the actual binaries are swapped. To prevent forcing users to
restart, the built-in compiled version gets compared as well as
the version stored in [Arc<Mutex<Version>>], which should get
updated in a successful Gupax update.
[og: State] is now completely wrapped in an [Arc<Mutex>] so that
when the update is done, it can [.lock()] the CURRENT runtime
settings of the user and save to [gupax.toml] instead of using an
old copy that was given to it at the beginning of the thread.
In practice, this means users can change settings around during
an update and the update finishing and saving to disk won't be
using their old settings, but the current ones. Wrapping all of
[og: State] within in [Arc<Mutex>] might be overkill compared to
message channels but [State] really is just a few [bool]'s, [u*],
and small [String]'s, so it's not much data.
To bypass a deadlock when comparing [og == state] every frame,
[og]'s struct fields get cloned every frame into separate
variables, then it gets compared. This is also pretty stupid, but
again, the data being cloned is so tiny that it doesn't seem to
slow anything down.