mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 00:28:52 +00:00
main/disk: get OS data path only once, pass ref for [state/node]
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 140 additions and 118 deletions
@ -50,39 +50,25 @@ use log::*;
// create_new() | Write a default TOML Struct into the appropriate file (in OS data path)
// into_absolute_path() | Convert relative -> absolute path
pub fn get_os_data_path() -> Result<PathBuf, TomlError> {
pub fn get_gupax_data_path() -> Result<PathBuf, TomlError> {
// Get OS data folder
// Linux | $XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share | /home/alice/.local/state
// macOS | $HOME/Library/Application Support | /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support
// Windows | {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData} | C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming
let path = match dirs::data_dir() {
Some(path) => {
info!("OS | Data path ... OK");
None => { error!("OS | Data path ... FAIL"); return Err(TomlError::Path(PATH_ERROR.to_string())) },
// Create directory
pub fn get_file_path(file: File) -> Result<PathBuf, TomlError> {
let name = File::name(&file);
let mut path = match dirs::data_dir() {
// Linux | $XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share/gupax | /home/alice/.local/state/gupax
// macOS | $HOME/Library/Application Support/Gupax | /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/Gupax
// Windows | {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}\Gupax | C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\Gupax
match dirs::data_dir() {
Some(mut path) => {
info!("OS | Data path ... OK");
info!("OS | Data path ... OK ... {}", path.display());
None => { error!("Couldn't get OS PATH for data"); return Err(TomlError::Path(PATH_ERROR.to_string())) },
None => { error!("OS | Data path ... FAIL"); Err(TomlError::Path(PATH_ERROR.to_string())) },
pub fn create_gupax_dir(path: PathBuf) -> Result<(), TomlError> {
// Create directory
info!("{:?} | Path ... {}", file, path.display());
// Convert a [File] path to a [String]
@ -198,15 +184,14 @@ impl State {
// |_ Create a default file if not found
// 2. Deserialize [String] into a proper [Struct]
// |_ Attempt to merge if deserialization fails
pub fn get() -> Result<Self, TomlError> {
pub fn get(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Self, TomlError> {
// Read
let file = File::State;
let path = get_file_path(file)?;
let string = match read_to_string(file, &path) {
Ok(string) => string,
// Create
_ => {
match read_to_string(file, &path) {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(e) => return Err(e),
@ -218,17 +203,16 @@ impl State {
Ok(s) => Ok(s),
Err(e) => {
warn!("State | Attempting merge...");
Self::merge(string, path)
// Completely overwrite current [state.toml]
// with a new default version, and return [Self].
pub fn create_new() -> Result<Self, TomlError> {
pub fn create_new(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Self, TomlError> {
info!("State | Creating new default...");
let new = Self::new();
let path = get_file_path(File::State)?;
let string = match toml::ser::to_string(&new) {
Ok(o) => { info!("State | Serialization ... OK"); o },
Err(e) => { error!("State | Couldn't serialize default file: {}", e); return Err(TomlError::Serialize(e)) },
@ -239,9 +223,8 @@ impl State {
// Save [State] onto disk file [gupax.toml]
pub fn save(&mut self) -> Result<(), TomlError> {
pub fn save(&mut self, path: &PathBuf) -> Result<(), TomlError> {
info!("State | Saving to disk...");
let path = get_file_path(File::State)?;
// Convert path to absolute
self.gupax.absolute_p2pool_path = into_absolute_path(self.gupax.p2pool_path.clone())?;
self.gupax.absolute_xmrig_path = into_absolute_path(self.gupax.xmrig_path.clone())?;
@ -262,7 +245,7 @@ impl State {
// Take [String] as input, merge it with whatever the current [default] is,
// leaving behind old keys+values and updating [default] with old valid ones.
// Automatically overwrite current file.
pub fn merge(old: String) -> Result<Self, TomlError> {
pub fn merge(old: String, path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Self, TomlError> {
let default = match toml::ser::to_string(&Self::new()) {
Ok(string) => { info!("State | Default TOML parse ... OK"); string },
Err(err) => { error!("State | Couldn't parse default TOML into string"); return Err(TomlError::Serialize(err)) },
@ -272,7 +255,7 @@ impl State {
Err(err) => { error!("State | Couldn't merge default + old TOML"); return Err(TomlError::Merge(err)) },
// Attempt save
Self::save(&mut new)?;
Self::save(&mut new, path)?;
@ -348,15 +331,14 @@ impl Node {
// |_ Create a default file if not found
// 2. Deserialize [String] into a proper [Struct]
// |_ Attempt to merge if deserialization fails
pub fn get() -> Result<Vec<(String, Self)>, TomlError> {
pub fn get(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Vec<(String, Self)>, TomlError> {
// Read
let file = File::Node;
let path = get_file_path(file)?;
let string = match read_to_string(file, &path) {
Ok(string) => string,
// Create
_ => {
read_to_string(file, &path)?
@ -366,10 +348,9 @@ impl Node {
// Completely overwrite current [node.toml]
// with a new default version, and return [Vec<String, Self>].
pub fn create_new() -> Result<Vec<(String, Self)>, TomlError> {
pub fn create_new(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Vec<(String, Self)>, TomlError> {
info!("Node | Creating new default...");
let new = Self::new_vec();
let path = get_file_path(File::Node)?;
let string = Self::to_string(&Self::new_vec());
fs::write(&path, &string)?;
info!("Node | Write ... OK");
@ -377,9 +358,8 @@ impl Node {
// Save [Node] onto disk file [node.toml]
pub fn save(vec: &Vec<(String, Self)>) -> Result<(), TomlError> {
pub fn save(vec: &Vec<(String, Self)>, path: &PathBuf) -> Result<(), TomlError> {
info!("Node | Saving to disk...");
let path = get_file_path(File::Node)?;
let string = Self::to_string(vec);
match fs::write(path, string) {
Ok(_) => { info!("TOML save ... OK"); Ok(()) },
@ -439,7 +419,7 @@ const PATH_ERROR: &'static str = "PATH for state directory could not be not foun
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
const DIRECTORY: &'static str = r#"Gupax\"#;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
const DIRECTORY: &'static str = "com.github.hinto-janaiyo.gupax/";
const DIRECTORY: &'static str = "Gupax/";
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
const DIRECTORY: &'static str = "gupax/";
@ -25,8 +25,11 @@ use egui::{
use crate::constants::*;
use crate::disk::{Gupax,Version};
use crate::update::*;
use std::thread;
use std::sync::{Arc,Mutex};
use std::{
use log::*;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileWindow
@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ impl FileWindow {
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gupax
impl Gupax {
pub fn show(&mut self, og: &Arc<Mutex<State>>, state_ver: &Arc<Mutex<Version>>, update: &Arc<Mutex<Update>>, file_window: &Arc<Mutex<FileWindow>>, width: f32, height: f32, ctx: &egui::Context, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
pub fn show(&mut self, og: &Arc<Mutex<State>>, state_ver: &Arc<Mutex<Version>>, update: &Arc<Mutex<Update>>, file_window: &Arc<Mutex<FileWindow>>, state_path: &PathBuf, width: f32, height: f32, ctx: &egui::Context, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
// Update button + Progress bar
ui.group(|ui| {
// These are in unnecessary [ui.vertical()]'s
@ -75,6 +78,7 @@ impl Gupax {
let state_ver = Arc::clone(&state_ver);
let update = Arc::clone(&update);
let update_thread = Arc::clone(&update);
let state_path = state_path.clone();
thread::spawn(move|| {
info!("Spawning update thread...");
match Update::start(update_thread, og.clone(), state_ver.clone()) {
@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ impl Gupax {
_ => {
info!("Update | Saving state...");
match State::save(&mut og.lock().unwrap()) {
match State::save(&mut og.lock().unwrap(), &state_path) {
Ok(_) => info!("Update ... OK"),
Err(e) => {
warn!("Update | Saving state ... FAIL ... {}", e);
@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ use env_logger::{Builder,WriteStyle};
use regex::Regex;
// std
use std::io::Write;
use std::process::exit;
use std::sync::{Arc,Mutex};
use std::{thread,env};
use std::time::Instant;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::{
// Modules
mod ferris;
@ -93,6 +95,8 @@ pub struct App {
resolution: Vec2, // Frame resolution
os: &'static str, // OS
os_data_path: PathBuf, // OS data path (e.g: ~/.local/share/gupax)
state_path: PathBuf, // State file path
node_path: PathBuf, // Node file path
version: &'static str, // Gupax version
name_version: String, // [Gupax vX.X.X]
img: Images, // Custom Struct holding pre-compiled bytes of [Images]
@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ impl App {
fn new() -> Self {
info!("Initializing App Struct...");
let app = Self {
let mut app = Self {
tab: Tab::default(),
ping: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Ping::new())),
width: 1280.0,
@ -128,68 +132,82 @@ impl App {
xmrig: false,
no_startup: false,
now: Instant::now(),
exe: "".to_string(),
dir: "".to_string(),
exe: String::new(),
dir: String::new(),
resolution: Vec2::new(1280.0, 720.0),
os: OS,
os_data_path: PathBuf::new(),
state_path: PathBuf::new(),
node_path: PathBuf::new(),
name_version: format!("Gupax {}", GUPAX_VERSION),
img: Images::new(),
regex: Regexes::new(),
// Apply arg state
let mut app = parse_args(app);
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- App init data that *could* panic
let mut panic = String::new();
// Get exe path
app.exe = match get_exe() {
Ok(exe) => exe,
Err(err) => { panic_main(err.to_string()); exit(1); },
Err(e) => { panic = format!("get_exe(): {}", e); app.error_state.set(panic.clone(), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit); String::new() },
// Get exe directory path
app.dir = match get_exe_dir() {
Ok(dir) => dir,
Err(err) => { panic_main(err.to_string()); exit(1); },
Err(e) => { panic = format!("get_exe_dir(): {}", e); app.error_state.set(panic.clone(), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit); String::new() },
// Get OS data path
app.os_data_path = match get_os_data_path() {
app.os_data_path = match get_gupax_data_path() {
Ok(dir) => dir,
Err(err) => { panic_main(err.to_string()); exit(1); },
Err(e) => { panic = format!("get_os_data_path(): {}", e); app.error_state.set(panic.clone(), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit); PathBuf::new() },
// Set [state.toml/node.toml] path
app.state_path = app.os_data_path.clone();
app.node_path = app.os_data_path.clone();
// Apply arg state
// It's not safe to [--reset] if any of the previous variables
// are unset (null path), so make sure we just abort if the [panic] String contains something.
let mut app = parse_args(app, panic);
// Read disk state
use TomlError::*;
app.state = match State::get() {
app.state = match State::get(&app.state_path) {
Ok(toml) => toml,
Err(err) => {
error!("State ... {}", err);
match err {
Io(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Path(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Serialize(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Deserialize(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Merge(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Error, ErrorButtons::ResetState),
Io(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Path(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Serialize(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Deserialize(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Merge(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Error, ErrorButtons::ResetState),
app.og = Arc::new(Mutex::new(app.state.clone()));
// Read node list
app.og_node_vec = match Node::get() {
app.og_node_vec = match Node::get(&app.node_path) {
Ok(toml) => toml,
Err(err) => {
error!("Node ... {}", err);
match err {
Io(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Path(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Serialize(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Deserialize(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Merge(e) => app.error_state.set(true, format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Error, ErrorButtons::ResetState),
Io(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Path(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Serialize(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Deserialize(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Merge(e) => app.error_state.set(format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Error, ErrorButtons::ResetState),
app.node_vec = app.og_node_vec.clone();
let mut og = app.og.lock().unwrap(); // Lock [og]
// Handle max threads
og.xmrig.max_threads = num_cpus::get();
@ -259,10 +277,20 @@ impl ErrorState {
// Convenience function to set the [App] error state
pub fn set(&mut self, error: bool, msg: impl Into<String>, ferris: ErrorFerris, buttons: ErrorButtons) {
// Convenience function to enable the [App] error state
pub fn set(&mut self, msg: impl Into<String>, ferris: ErrorFerris, buttons: ErrorButtons) {
if self.error {
// If a panic error is already set, return
if self.ferris == ErrorFerris::Panic { return }
// If we shouldn't be overriding the current error, return
match self.buttons {
ErrorButtons::YesNo => (), // Not important
ErrorButtons::Okay => (), // Not important
_ => return, // Overwrite, Quits, etc
*self = Self {
error: true,
msg: msg.into(),
@ -433,6 +461,7 @@ fn init_auto(app: &App) {
let state_ver = Arc::clone(&app.state.version);
let update = Arc::clone(&app.update);
let update_thread = Arc::clone(&app.update);
let state_path = app.state_path.clone();
thread::spawn(move|| {
info!("Spawning update thread...");
match Update::start(update_thread, og.clone(), state_ver.clone()) {
@ -442,7 +471,7 @@ fn init_auto(app: &App) {
_ => {
info!("Update | Saving state...");
match State::save(&mut og.lock().unwrap()) {
match State::save(&mut og.lock().unwrap(), &state_path) {
Ok(_) => info!("Update ... OK"),
Err(e) => {
warn!("Update | Saving state ... FAIL ... {}", e);
@ -472,41 +501,47 @@ fn init_auto(app: &App) {
fn reset_state() -> Result<(), TomlError> {
fn reset_state(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<(), TomlError> {
info!("Resetting [state.toml]...");
match State::create_new() {
match State::create_new(path) {
Ok(_) => { info!("Resetting [state.toml] ... OK"); Ok(()) },
Err(e) => { error!("Resetting [state.toml] ... FAIL ... {}", e); Err(e) },
fn reset_nodes() -> Result<(), TomlError> {
fn reset_nodes(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<(), TomlError> {
info!("Resetting [node.toml]...");
match Node::create_new() {
match Node::create_new(path) {
Ok(_) => { info!("Resetting [node.toml] ... OK"); Ok(()) },
Err(e) => { error!("Resetting [node.toml] ... FAIL ... {}", e); Err(e) },
fn reset() {
fn reset(path: &PathBuf, state: &PathBuf, node: &PathBuf) {
let mut code = 0;
match reset_state() {
// Attempt to remove directory first
info!("OS data path ... {}", path.display());
match std::fs::remove_dir_all(path) {
Ok(_) => info!("Removing OS data path ... OK"),
Err(e) => { error!("Removing OS data path ... FAIL ... {}", e); code = 1; },
match reset_state(state) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => code = 1,
match reset_nodes() {
match reset_nodes(node) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => code = 1,
match code {
0 => println!("\nGupax files were reset successfully."),
_ => println!("\nGupax files reset FAILED."),
0 => println!("\nGupax reset ... OK"),
_ => println!("\nGupax reset ... FAIL"),
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc functions
fn parse_args(mut app: App) -> App {
fn parse_args<S: Into<String>>(mut app: App, panic: S) -> App {
info!("Parsing CLI arguments...");
let mut args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() == 1 { info!("No args ... OK"); return app } else { args.remove(0); info!("Args ... {:?}", args); }
@ -522,14 +557,21 @@ fn parse_args(mut app: App) -> App {
_ => (),
// Abort on panic
let panic = panic.into();
if ! panic.is_empty() {
info!("[Gupax error] {}", panic);
// Everything else
for arg in args {
match arg.as_str() {
"--nodes" => { info!("Printing node list..."); print_disk_file(File::Node); }
"--state" => { info!("Printing state..."); print_disk_file(File::State); }
"--reset-state" => if let Ok(()) = reset_state() { exit(0) } else { exit(1) },
"--reset-nodes" => if let Ok(()) = reset_nodes() { exit(0) } else { exit(1) },
"--reset-all" => reset(),
"--state" => { info!("Printing state..."); print_disk_file(&app.state_path); }
"--nodes" => { info!("Printing node list..."); print_disk_file(&app.node_path); }
"--reset-state" => if let Ok(()) = reset_state(&app.state_path) { exit(0) } else { exit(1) },
"--reset-nodes" => if let Ok(()) = reset_nodes(&app.node_path) { exit(0) } else { exit(1) },
"--reset-all" => reset(&app.os_data_path, &app.state_path, &app.node_path),
"--no-startup" => app.no_startup = true,
_ => { eprintln!("[Gupax error] Invalid option: [{}]\nFor help, use: [--help]", arg); exit(1); },
@ -541,7 +583,7 @@ fn parse_args(mut app: App) -> App {
pub fn get_exe() -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
match std::env::current_exe() {
Ok(path) => { Ok(path.display().to_string()) },
Err(err) => { error!("Couldn't get exe basepath PATH"); return Err(err) },
Err(err) => { error!("Couldn't get absolute Gupax PATH"); return Err(err) },
@ -572,11 +614,7 @@ pub fn clean_dir() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
// Print disk files to console
fn print_disk_file(file: File) {
let path = match get_file_path(file) {
Ok(path) => path,
Err(e) => { error!("{}", e); exit(1); },
fn print_disk_file(path: &PathBuf) {
match std::fs::read_to_string(&path) {
Ok(string) => { print!("{}", string); exit(0); },
Err(e) => { error!("{}", e); exit(1); },
@ -652,7 +690,7 @@ fn main() {
impl eframe::App for App {
fn on_close_event(&mut self) -> bool {
if self.state.gupax.ask_before_quit {
self.error_state.set(true, "", ErrorFerris::Oops, ErrorButtons::StayQuit);
self.error_state.set("", ErrorFerris::Oops, ErrorButtons::StayQuit);
} else {
@ -749,36 +787,36 @@ impl eframe::App for App {
// [Yes/No] buttons
ResetState => {
if ui.add_sized([width, height/2.0], egui::Button::new("Yes")).clicked() {
match reset_state() {
match reset_state(&self.state_path) {
Ok(_) => {
match State::get() {
match State::get(&self.state_path) {
Ok(s) => {
self.state = s;
self.og = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self.state.clone()));
self.error_state.set(true, "State read OK", ErrorFerris::Happy, ErrorButtons::Okay);
self.error_state.set("State read OK", ErrorFerris::Happy, ErrorButtons::Okay);
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(true, format!("State read fail: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(format!("State read fail: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(true, format!("State reset fail: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(format!("State reset fail: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
if esc || ui.add_sized([width, height/2.0], egui::Button::new("No")).clicked() { self.error_state = ErrorState::new() }
ResetNode => {
if ui.add_sized([width, height/2.0], egui::Button::new("Yes")).clicked() {
match reset_nodes() {
match reset_nodes(&self.node_path) {
Ok(_) => {
match Node::get() {
match Node::get(&self.node_path) {
Ok(s) => {
self.node_vec = s;
self.og_node_vec = self.node_vec.clone();
self.error_state.set(true, "Node read OK", ErrorFerris::Happy, ErrorButtons::Okay);
self.error_state.set("Node read OK", ErrorFerris::Happy, ErrorButtons::Okay);
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(true, format!("Node read fail: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(format!("Node read fail: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(true, format!("Node reset fail: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(format!("Node reset fail: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Panic, ErrorButtons::Quit),
if esc || ui.add_sized([width, height/2.0], egui::Button::new("No")).clicked() { self.error_state = ErrorState::new() }
@ -867,7 +905,7 @@ impl eframe::App for App {
self.node_vec = self.og_node_vec.clone();
if ui.add_sized([width, height], egui::Button::new("Save")).on_hover_text("Save changes").clicked() {
match self.state.save() {
match State::save(&mut self.state, &self.state_path) {
Ok(_) => {
let mut og = self.og.lock().unwrap();
og.gupax = self.state.gupax.clone();
@ -875,12 +913,12 @@ impl eframe::App for App {
og.xmrig = self.state.xmrig.clone();
Err(e) => {
self.error_state.set(true, format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Error, ErrorButtons::Okay);
self.error_state.set(format!("State file: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Error, ErrorButtons::Okay);
match Node::save(&self.og_node_vec) {
match Node::save(&self.og_node_vec, &self.node_path) {
Ok(_) => self.og_node_vec = self.node_vec.clone(),
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(true, format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Error, ErrorButtons::Okay),
Err(e) => self.error_state.set(format!("Node list: {}", e), ErrorFerris::Error, ErrorButtons::Okay),
@ -979,7 +1017,7 @@ impl eframe::App for App {
Status::show(self, self.width, self.height, ctx, ui);
Tab::Gupax => {
Gupax::show(&mut self.state.gupax, &self.og, &self.state.version, &self.update, &self.file_window, self.width, self.height, ctx, ui);
Gupax::show(&mut self.state.gupax, &self.og, &self.state.version, &self.update, &self.file_window, &self.state_path, self.width, self.height, ctx, ui);
Tab::P2pool => {
P2pool::show(&mut self.state.p2pool, &mut self.node_vec, &self.og, self.p2pool, &self.ping, &self.regex, self.width, self.height, ctx, ui);
Reference in a new issue