2024-03-17 00:15:08 +00:00
use crate ::disk ::state ::XvbNode ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
use crate ::helper ::{ ProcessName , ProcessSignal , ProcessState } ;
use crate ::regex ::XMRIG_REGEX ;
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
use crate ::utils ::human ::HumanNumber ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
use crate ::utils ::sudo ::SudoState ;
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
use crate ::{ constants ::* , macros ::* } ;
2024-03-17 00:15:08 +00:00
use anyhow ::{ anyhow , Result } ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
use log ::* ;
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
use readable ::num ::Unsigned ;
use readable ::up ::Uptime ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
use serde ::{ Deserialize , Serialize } ;
2024-03-17 00:15:08 +00:00
use serde_json ::Value ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
use std ::path ::Path ;
use std ::{
fmt ::Write ,
path ::PathBuf ,
process ::Stdio ,
sync ::{ Arc , Mutex } ,
thread ,
time ::* ,
} ;
use super ::{ Helper , Process } ;
impl Helper {
#[ cold ]
#[ inline(never) ]
fn read_pty_xmrig (
output_parse : Arc < Mutex < String > > ,
output_pub : Arc < Mutex < String > > ,
reader : Box < dyn std ::io ::Read + Send > ,
) {
use std ::io ::BufRead ;
let mut stdout = std ::io ::BufReader ::new ( reader ) . lines ( ) ;
// Run a ANSI escape sequence filter for the first few lines.
let mut i = 0 ;
while let Some ( Ok ( line ) ) = stdout . next ( ) {
let line = strip_ansi_escapes ::strip_str ( line ) ;
if let Err ( e ) = writeln! ( lock! ( output_parse ) , " {} " , line ) {
error! ( " XMRig PTY Parse | Output error: {} " , e ) ;
if let Err ( e ) = writeln! ( lock! ( output_pub ) , " {} " , line ) {
error! ( " XMRig PTY Pub | Output error: {} " , e ) ;
if i > 20 {
break ;
} else {
i + = 1 ;
while let Some ( Ok ( line ) ) = stdout . next ( ) {
// println!("{}", line); // For debugging.
if let Err ( e ) = writeln! ( lock! ( output_parse ) , " {} " , line ) {
error! ( " XMRig PTY Parse | Output error: {} " , e ) ;
if let Err ( e ) = writeln! ( lock! ( output_pub ) , " {} " , line ) {
error! ( " XMRig PTY Pub | Output error: {} " , e ) ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMRig specific, most functions are very similar to P2Pool's
#[ cold ]
#[ inline(never) ]
// If processes are started with [sudo] on macOS, they must also
// be killed with [sudo] (even if I have a direct handle to it as the
// parent process...!). This is only needed on macOS, not Linux.
fn sudo_kill ( pid : u32 , sudo : & Arc < Mutex < SudoState > > ) -> bool {
// Spawn [sudo] to execute [kill] on the given [pid]
let mut child = std ::process ::Command ::new ( " sudo " )
. args ( [ " --stdin " , " kill " , " -9 " , & pid . to_string ( ) ] )
. stdin ( Stdio ::piped ( ) )
. spawn ( )
. unwrap ( ) ;
// Write the [sudo] password to STDIN.
let mut stdin = child . stdin . take ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
use std ::io ::Write ;
if let Err ( e ) = writeln! ( stdin , " {} \n " , lock! ( sudo ) . pass ) {
error! ( " Sudo Kill | STDIN error: {} " , e ) ;
// Return exit code of [sudo/kill].
child . wait ( ) . unwrap ( ) . success ( )
#[ cold ]
#[ inline(never) ]
// Just sets some signals for the watchdog thread to pick up on.
pub fn stop_xmrig ( helper : & Arc < Mutex < Self > > ) {
info! ( " XMRig | Attempting to stop... " ) ;
lock2! ( helper , xmrig ) . signal = ProcessSignal ::Stop ;
lock2! ( helper , xmrig ) . state = ProcessState ::Middle ;
#[ cold ]
#[ inline(never) ]
// The "restart frontend" to a "frontend" function.
// Basically calls to kill the current xmrig, waits a little, then starts the below function in a a new thread, then exit.
pub fn restart_xmrig (
helper : & Arc < Mutex < Self > > ,
state : & crate ::disk ::state ::Xmrig ,
path : & Path ,
sudo : Arc < Mutex < SudoState > > ,
) {
info! ( " XMRig | Attempting to restart... " ) ;
lock2! ( helper , xmrig ) . signal = ProcessSignal ::Restart ;
lock2! ( helper , xmrig ) . state = ProcessState ::Middle ;
let helper = Arc ::clone ( helper ) ;
let state = state . clone ( ) ;
let path = path . to_path_buf ( ) ;
// This thread lives to wait, start xmrig then die.
thread ::spawn ( move | | {
while lock2! ( helper , xmrig ) . state ! = ProcessState ::Waiting {
warn! ( " XMRig | Want to restart but process is still alive, waiting... " ) ;
sleep! ( 1000 ) ;
// Ok, process is not alive, start the new one!
info! ( " XMRig | Old process seems dead, starting new one! " ) ;
Self ::start_xmrig ( & helper , & state , & path , sudo ) ;
} ) ;
info! ( " XMRig | Restart ... OK " ) ;
#[ cold ]
#[ inline(never) ]
pub fn start_xmrig (
helper : & Arc < Mutex < Self > > ,
state : & crate ::disk ::state ::Xmrig ,
path : & Path ,
sudo : Arc < Mutex < SudoState > > ,
) {
lock2! ( helper , xmrig ) . state = ProcessState ::Middle ;
let ( args , api_ip_port ) = Self ::build_xmrig_args_and_mutate_img ( helper , state , path ) ;
// Print arguments & user settings to console
crate ::disk ::print_dash ( & format! ( " XMRig | Launch arguments: {:#?} " , args ) ) ;
info! ( " XMRig | Using path: [{}] " , path . display ( ) ) ;
// Spawn watchdog thread
let process = Arc ::clone ( & lock! ( helper ) . xmrig ) ;
let gui_api = Arc ::clone ( & lock! ( helper ) . gui_api_xmrig ) ;
let pub_api = Arc ::clone ( & lock! ( helper ) . pub_api_xmrig ) ;
let path = path . to_path_buf ( ) ;
2024-03-16 15:43:51 +00:00
let token = state . token . clone ( ) ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
thread ::spawn ( move | | {
2024-03-16 15:43:51 +00:00
Self ::spawn_xmrig_watchdog (
process ,
gui_api ,
pub_api ,
args ,
path ,
sudo ,
api_ip_port ,
& token ,
) ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
} ) ;
#[ cold ]
#[ inline(never) ]
// Takes in some [State/Xmrig] and parses it to build the actual command arguments.
// Returns the [Vec] of actual arguments, and mutates the [ImgXmrig] for the main GUI thread
// It returns a value... and mutates a deeply nested passed argument... this is some pretty bad code...
pub fn build_xmrig_args_and_mutate_img (
helper : & Arc < Mutex < Self > > ,
state : & crate ::disk ::state ::Xmrig ,
path : & std ::path ::Path ,
) -> ( Vec < String > , String ) {
let mut args = Vec ::with_capacity ( 500 ) ;
let mut api_ip = String ::with_capacity ( 15 ) ;
let mut api_port = String ::with_capacity ( 5 ) ;
let path = path . to_path_buf ( ) ;
// The actual binary we're executing is [sudo], technically
// the XMRig path is just an argument to sudo, so add it.
// Before that though, add the ["--prompt"] flag and set it
// to emptyness so that it doesn't show up in the output.
if cfg! ( unix ) {
args . push ( r # "--prompt="# . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( " -- " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( path . display ( ) . to_string ( ) ) ;
// [Simple]
if state . simple {
// Build the xmrig argument
let rig = if state . simple_rig . is_empty ( ) {
} else {
state . simple_rig . clone ( )
} ; // Rig name
args . push ( " --url " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( " " . to_string ( ) ) ; // Local P2Pool (the default)
args . push ( " --threads " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( state . current_threads . to_string ( ) ) ; // Threads
args . push ( " --user " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( rig ) ; // Rig name
args . push ( " --no-color " . to_string ( ) ) ; // No color
args . push ( " --http-host " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( " " . to_string ( ) ) ; // HTTP API IP
args . push ( " --http-port " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( " 18088 " . to_string ( ) ) ; // HTTP API Port
if state . pause ! = 0 {
args . push ( " --pause-on-active " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( state . pause . to_string ( ) ) ;
} // Pause on active
* lock2! ( helper , img_xmrig ) = ImgXmrig {
threads : state . current_threads . to_string ( ) ,
url : " (Local P2Pool) " . to_string ( ) ,
} ;
api_ip = " " . to_string ( ) ;
api_port = " 18088 " . to_string ( ) ;
// [Advanced]
} else {
// Overriding command arguments
if ! state . arguments . is_empty ( ) {
// This parses the input and attempts to fill out
// the [ImgXmrig]... This is pretty bad code...
let mut last = " " ;
let lock = lock! ( helper ) ;
let mut xmrig_image = lock! ( lock . img_xmrig ) ;
for arg in state . arguments . split_whitespace ( ) {
match last {
" --threads " = > xmrig_image . threads = arg . to_string ( ) ,
" --url " = > xmrig_image . url = arg . to_string ( ) ,
" --http-host " = > {
api_ip = if arg = = " localhost " {
" " . to_string ( )
} else {
arg . to_string ( )
" --http-port " = > api_port = arg . to_string ( ) ,
_ = > ( ) ,
args . push ( if arg = = " localhost " {
" " . to_string ( )
} else {
arg . to_string ( )
} ) ;
last = arg ;
// Else, build the argument
} else {
// XMRig doesn't understand [localhost]
let ip = if state . ip = = " localhost " | | state . ip . is_empty ( ) {
" "
} else {
& state . ip
} ;
api_ip = if state . api_ip = = " localhost " | | state . api_ip . is_empty ( ) {
" " . to_string ( )
} else {
state . api_ip . to_string ( )
} ;
api_port = if state . api_port . is_empty ( ) {
" 18088 " . to_string ( )
} else {
state . api_port . to_string ( )
} ;
let url = format! ( " {} : {} " , ip , state . port ) ; // Combine IP:Port into one string
args . push ( " --user " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( state . address . clone ( ) ) ; // Wallet
args . push ( " --threads " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( state . current_threads . to_string ( ) ) ; // Threads
args . push ( " --rig-id " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( state . rig . to_string ( ) ) ; // Rig ID
args . push ( " --url " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( url . clone ( ) ) ; // IP/Port
args . push ( " --http-host " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( api_ip . to_string ( ) ) ; // HTTP API IP
args . push ( " --http-port " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( api_port . to_string ( ) ) ; // HTTP API Port
args . push ( " --no-color " . to_string ( ) ) ; // No color escape codes
if state . tls {
args . push ( " --tls " . to_string ( ) ) ;
} // TLS
if state . keepalive {
args . push ( " --keepalive " . to_string ( ) ) ;
} // Keepalive
if state . pause ! = 0 {
args . push ( " --pause-on-active " . to_string ( ) ) ;
args . push ( state . pause . to_string ( ) ) ;
} // Pause on active
* lock2! ( helper , img_xmrig ) = ImgXmrig {
url ,
threads : state . current_threads . to_string ( ) ,
} ;
2024-03-17 00:15:08 +00:00
args . push ( format! ( " --http-access-token= {} " , state . token ) ) ; // HTTP API Port
args . push ( " --http-no-restricted " . to_string ( ) ) ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
( args , format! ( " {} : {} " , api_ip , api_port ) )
// We actually spawn [sudo] on Unix, with XMRig being the argument.
#[ cfg(target_family = " unix " ) ]
fn create_xmrig_cmd_unix ( args : Vec < String > , path : PathBuf ) -> portable_pty ::CommandBuilder {
let mut cmd = portable_pty ::cmdbuilder ::CommandBuilder ::new ( " sudo " ) ;
cmd . args ( args ) ;
cmd . cwd ( path . as_path ( ) . parent ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
// Gupax should be admin on Windows, so just spawn XMRig normally.
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
fn create_xmrig_cmd_windows ( args : Vec < String > , path : PathBuf ) -> portable_pty ::CommandBuilder {
let mut cmd = portable_pty ::cmdbuilder ::CommandBuilder ::new ( path . clone ( ) ) ;
cmd . args ( args ) ;
cmd . cwd ( path . as_path ( ) . parent ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
#[ cold ]
#[ inline(never) ]
// The XMRig watchdog. Spawns 1 OS thread for reading a PTY (STDOUT+STDERR), and combines the [Child] with a PTY so STDIN actually works.
// This isn't actually async, a tokio runtime is unfortunately needed because [Hyper] is an async library (HTTP API calls)
#[ tokio::main ]
#[ allow(clippy::await_holding_lock) ]
async fn spawn_xmrig_watchdog (
process : Arc < Mutex < Process > > ,
gui_api : Arc < Mutex < PubXmrigApi > > ,
pub_api : Arc < Mutex < PubXmrigApi > > ,
args : Vec < String > ,
path : std ::path ::PathBuf ,
sudo : Arc < Mutex < SudoState > > ,
mut api_ip_port : String ,
2024-03-16 15:43:51 +00:00
token : & str ,
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
) {
// 1a. Create PTY
debug! ( " XMRig | Creating PTY... " ) ;
let pty = portable_pty ::native_pty_system ( ) ;
let pair = pty
. openpty ( portable_pty ::PtySize {
rows : 100 ,
cols : 1000 ,
pixel_width : 0 ,
pixel_height : 0 ,
} )
. unwrap ( ) ;
// 1b. Create command
debug! ( " XMRig | Creating command... " ) ;
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
let cmd = Self ::create_xmrig_cmd_windows ( args , path ) ;
#[ cfg(target_family = " unix " ) ]
let cmd = Self ::create_xmrig_cmd_unix ( args , path ) ;
// 1c. Create child
debug! ( " XMRig | Creating child... " ) ;
let child_pty = arc_mut! ( pair . slave . spawn_command ( cmd ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
drop ( pair . slave ) ;
let mut stdin = pair . master . take_writer ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// 2. Input [sudo] pass, wipe, then drop.
if cfg! ( unix ) {
debug! ( " XMRig | Inputting [sudo] and wiping... " ) ;
// a) Sleep to wait for [sudo]'s non-echo prompt (on Unix).
// this prevents users pass from showing up in the STDOUT.
sleep! ( 3000 ) ;
if let Err ( e ) = writeln! ( stdin , " {} " , lock! ( sudo ) . pass ) {
error! ( " XMRig | Sudo STDIN error: {} " , e ) ;
} ;
SudoState ::wipe ( & sudo ) ;
// b) Reset GUI STDOUT just in case.
debug! ( " XMRig | Clearing GUI output... " ) ;
lock! ( gui_api ) . output . clear ( ) ;
// 3. Set process state
debug! ( " XMRig | Setting process state... " ) ;
let mut lock = lock! ( process ) ;
lock . state = ProcessState ::NotMining ;
lock . signal = ProcessSignal ::None ;
lock . start = Instant ::now ( ) ;
let reader = pair . master . try_clone_reader ( ) . unwrap ( ) ; // Get STDOUT/STDERR before moving the PTY
drop ( lock ) ;
// 4. Spawn PTY read thread
debug! ( " XMRig | Spawning PTY read thread... " ) ;
let output_parse = Arc ::clone ( & lock! ( process ) . output_parse ) ;
let output_pub = Arc ::clone ( & lock! ( process ) . output_pub ) ;
thread ::spawn ( move | | {
Self ::read_pty_xmrig ( output_parse , output_pub , reader ) ;
} ) ;
let output_parse = Arc ::clone ( & lock! ( process ) . output_parse ) ;
let output_pub = Arc ::clone ( & lock! ( process ) . output_pub ) ;
let client : hyper ::Client < hyper ::client ::HttpConnector > =
hyper ::Client ::builder ( ) . build ( hyper ::client ::HttpConnector ::new ( ) ) ;
let start = lock! ( process ) . start ;
let api_uri = {
if ! api_ip_port . ends_with ( '/' ) {
api_ip_port . push ( '/' ) ;
" http:// " . to_owned ( ) + & api_ip_port + XMRIG_API_URI
} ;
info! ( " XMRig | Final API URI: {} " , api_uri ) ;
// Reset stats before loop
* lock! ( pub_api ) = PubXmrigApi ::new ( ) ;
* lock! ( gui_api ) = PubXmrigApi ::new ( ) ;
// 5. Loop as watchdog
info! ( " XMRig | Entering watchdog mode... woof! " ) ;
loop {
// Set timer
let now = Instant ::now ( ) ;
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | ----------- Start of loop ----------- " ) ;
// Check if the process secretly died without us knowing :)
if let Ok ( Some ( code ) ) = lock! ( child_pty ) . try_wait ( ) {
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | Process secretly died on us! Getting exit status... " ) ;
let exit_status = match code . success ( ) {
true = > {
lock! ( process ) . state = ProcessState ::Dead ;
" Successful "
false = > {
lock! ( process ) . state = ProcessState ::Failed ;
" Failed "
} ;
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
let uptime = Uptime ::from ( start . elapsed ( ) ) ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
info! (
" XMRig | Stopped ... Uptime was: [{}], Exit status: [{}] " ,
uptime , exit_status
) ;
if let Err ( e ) = writeln! (
lock! ( gui_api ) . output ,
" {} \n XMRig stopped | Uptime: [{}] | Exit status: [{}] \n {} \n \n \n \n " ,
uptime ,
exit_status ,
) {
error! (
" XMRig Watchdog | GUI Uptime/Exit status write failed: {} " ,
) ;
lock! ( process ) . signal = ProcessSignal ::None ;
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | Secret dead process reap OK, breaking " ) ;
break ;
// Stop on [Stop/Restart] SIGNAL
let signal = lock! ( process ) . signal ;
if signal = = ProcessSignal ::Stop | | signal = = ProcessSignal ::Restart {
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | Stop/Restart SIGNAL caught " ) ;
// macOS requires [sudo] again to kill [XMRig]
if cfg! ( target_os = " macos " ) {
// If we're at this point, that means the user has
// entered their [sudo] pass again, after we wiped it.
// So, we should be able to find it in our [Arc<Mutex<SudoState>>].
Self ::sudo_kill ( lock! ( child_pty ) . process_id ( ) . unwrap ( ) , & sudo ) ;
// And... wipe it again (only if we're stopping full).
// If we're restarting, the next start will wipe it for us.
if signal ! = ProcessSignal ::Restart {
SudoState ::wipe ( & sudo ) ;
} else if let Err ( e ) = lock! ( child_pty ) . kill ( ) {
error! ( " XMRig Watchdog | Kill error: {} " , e ) ;
let exit_status = match lock! ( child_pty ) . wait ( ) {
Ok ( e ) = > {
let mut process = lock! ( process ) ;
if e . success ( ) {
if process . signal = = ProcessSignal ::Stop {
process . state = ProcessState ::Dead ;
" Successful "
} else {
if process . signal = = ProcessSignal ::Stop {
process . state = ProcessState ::Failed ;
" Failed "
_ = > {
let mut process = lock! ( process ) ;
if process . signal = = ProcessSignal ::Stop {
process . state = ProcessState ::Failed ;
" Unknown Error "
} ;
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
let uptime = Uptime ::from ( start . elapsed ( ) ) ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
info! (
" XMRig | Stopped ... Uptime was: [{}], Exit status: [{}] " ,
uptime , exit_status
) ;
if let Err ( e ) = writeln! (
lock! ( gui_api ) . output ,
" {} \n XMRig stopped | Uptime: [{}] | Exit status: [{}] \n {} \n \n \n \n " ,
uptime ,
exit_status ,
) {
error! (
" XMRig Watchdog | GUI Uptime/Exit status write failed: {} " ,
) ;
let mut process = lock! ( process ) ;
match process . signal {
ProcessSignal ::Stop = > process . signal = ProcessSignal ::None ,
ProcessSignal ::Restart = > process . state = ProcessState ::Waiting ,
_ = > ( ) ,
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | Stop/Restart SIGNAL done, breaking " ) ;
break ;
// Check vector of user input
let mut lock = lock! ( process ) ;
if ! lock . input . is_empty ( ) {
let input = std ::mem ::take ( & mut lock . input ) ;
for line in input {
if line . is_empty ( ) {
continue ;
debug! (
" XMRig Watchdog | User input not empty, writing to STDIN: [{}] " ,
) ;
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
if let Err ( e ) = write! ( stdin , " {} \r \n " , line ) {
error! ( " XMRig Watchdog | STDIN error: {} " , e ) ;
#[ cfg(target_family = " unix " ) ]
if let Err ( e ) = writeln! ( stdin , " {} " , line ) {
error! ( " XMRig Watchdog | STDIN error: {} " , e ) ;
// Flush.
if let Err ( e ) = stdin . flush ( ) {
error! ( " XMRig Watchdog | STDIN flush error: {} " , e ) ;
// Check if logs need resetting
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | Attempting GUI log reset check " ) ;
let mut lock = lock! ( gui_api ) ;
Self ::check_reset_gui_output ( & mut lock . output , ProcessName ::Xmrig ) ;
// Always update from output
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | Starting [update_from_output()] " ) ;
PubXmrigApi ::update_from_output (
& pub_api ,
& output_pub ,
& output_parse ,
start . elapsed ( ) ,
& process ,
) ;
// Send an HTTP API request
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | Attempting HTTP API request... " ) ;
2024-03-16 15:43:51 +00:00
if let Ok ( priv_api ) =
PrivXmrigApi ::request_xmrig_api ( client . clone ( ) , & api_uri , token ) . await
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | HTTP API request OK, attempting [update_from_priv()] " ) ;
PubXmrigApi ::update_from_priv ( & pub_api , priv_api ) ;
} else {
warn! (
" XMRig Watchdog | Could not send HTTP API request to: {} " ,
) ;
// Sleep (only if 900ms hasn't passed)
let elapsed = now . elapsed ( ) . as_millis ( ) ;
// Since logic goes off if less than 1000, casting should be safe
if elapsed < 900 {
let sleep = ( 900 - elapsed ) as u64 ;
debug! (
" XMRig Watchdog | END OF LOOP - Sleeping for [{}]ms... " ,
) ;
sleep! ( sleep ) ;
} else {
debug! ( " XMRig Watchdog | END OF LOOP - Not sleeping! " ) ;
// 5. If loop broke, we must be done here.
info! ( " XMRig Watchdog | Watchdog thread exiting... Goodbye! " ) ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ImgXmrig]
#[ derive(Debug, Clone) ]
pub struct ImgXmrig {
pub threads : String ,
pub url : String ,
impl Default for ImgXmrig {
fn default ( ) -> Self {
Self ::new ( )
impl ImgXmrig {
pub fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
threads : " ??? " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " ??? " . to_string ( ) ,
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public XMRig API
#[ derive(Debug, Clone) ]
pub struct PubXmrigApi {
pub output : String ,
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
pub uptime : Duration ,
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
pub worker_id : String ,
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
pub resources : String ,
pub hashrate : String ,
pub diff : String ,
pub accepted : String ,
pub rejected : String ,
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
pub hashrate_raw : f32 ,
2024-03-17 00:15:08 +00:00
pub hashrate_raw_15m : f32 ,
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
impl Default for PubXmrigApi {
fn default ( ) -> Self {
Self ::new ( )
impl PubXmrigApi {
pub fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
output : String ::new ( ) ,
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
uptime : Duration ::from_secs ( 0 ) ,
worker_id : UNKNOWN_DATA . to_string ( ) ,
resources : UNKNOWN_DATA . to_string ( ) ,
hashrate : UNKNOWN_DATA . to_string ( ) ,
diff : UNKNOWN_DATA . to_string ( ) ,
accepted : UNKNOWN_DATA . to_string ( ) ,
rejected : UNKNOWN_DATA . to_string ( ) ,
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
hashrate_raw : 0.0 ,
2024-03-17 00:15:08 +00:00
hashrate_raw_15m : 0.0 ,
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
#[ inline ]
pub ( super ) fn combine_gui_pub_api ( gui_api : & mut Self , pub_api : & mut Self ) {
let output = std ::mem ::take ( & mut gui_api . output ) ;
let buf = std ::mem ::take ( & mut pub_api . output ) ;
* gui_api = Self {
output ,
.. std ::mem ::take ( pub_api )
} ;
if ! buf . is_empty ( ) {
gui_api . output . push_str ( & buf ) ;
// This combines the buffer from the PTY thread [output_pub]
// with the actual [PubApiXmrig] output field.
pub ( super ) fn update_from_output (
public : & Arc < Mutex < Self > > ,
output_parse : & Arc < Mutex < String > > ,
output_pub : & Arc < Mutex < String > > ,
elapsed : std ::time ::Duration ,
process : & Arc < Mutex < Process > > ,
) {
// 1. Take the process's current output buffer and combine it with Pub (if not empty)
let mut output_pub = lock! ( output_pub ) ;
let mut public = lock! ( public ) ;
if ! output_pub . is_empty ( ) {
public . output . push_str ( & std ::mem ::take ( & mut * output_pub ) ) ;
// Update uptime
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
public . uptime = elapsed ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
// 2. Check for "new job"/"no active...".
let mut output_parse = lock! ( output_parse ) ;
if XMRIG_REGEX . new_job . is_match ( & output_parse ) {
lock! ( process ) . state = ProcessState ::Alive ;
} else if XMRIG_REGEX . not_mining . is_match ( & output_parse ) {
lock! ( process ) . state = ProcessState ::NotMining ;
// 3. Throw away [output_parse]
output_parse . clear ( ) ;
drop ( output_parse ) ;
// Formats raw private data into ready-to-print human readable version.
fn update_from_priv ( public : & Arc < Mutex < Self > > , private : PrivXmrigApi ) {
let mut public = lock! ( public ) ;
let hashrate_raw = match private . hashrate . total . first ( ) {
Some ( Some ( h ) ) = > * h ,
_ = > 0.0 ,
} ;
2024-03-17 00:15:08 +00:00
let hashrate_raw_15m = match private . hashrate . total . last ( ) {
Some ( Some ( h ) ) = > * h ,
_ = > 0.0 ,
} ;
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
* public = Self {
worker_id : private . worker_id ,
2024-03-15 20:40:27 +00:00
resources : HumanNumber ::from_load ( private . resources . load_average ) . to_string ( ) ,
hashrate : HumanNumber ::from_hashrate ( private . hashrate . total ) . to_string ( ) ,
diff : Unsigned ::from ( private . connection . diff as usize ) . to_string ( ) ,
accepted : Unsigned ::from ( private . connection . accepted as usize ) . to_string ( ) ,
rejected : Unsigned ::from ( private . connection . rejected as usize ) . to_string ( ) ,
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
hashrate_raw ,
2024-03-17 00:15:08 +00:00
hashrate_raw_15m ,
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
.. std ::mem ::take ( & mut * public )
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private XMRig API
// This matches to some JSON stats in the HTTP call [summary],
// e.g: [wget -qO- localhost:18085/1/summary].
// XMRig doesn't initialize stats at 0 (or 0.0) and instead opts for [null]
// which means some elements need to be wrapped in an [Option] or else serde will [panic!].
#[ derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone) ]
pub ( super ) struct PrivXmrigApi {
worker_id : String ,
resources : Resources ,
connection : Connection ,
hashrate : Hashrate ,
impl PrivXmrigApi {
fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
worker_id : String ::new ( ) ,
resources : Resources ::new ( ) ,
connection : Connection ::new ( ) ,
hashrate : Hashrate ::new ( ) ,
#[ inline ]
// Send an HTTP request to XMRig's API, serialize it into [Self] and return it
async fn request_xmrig_api (
client : hyper ::Client < hyper ::client ::HttpConnector > ,
api_uri : & str ,
2024-03-16 15:43:51 +00:00
token : & str ,
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
) -> std ::result ::Result < Self , anyhow ::Error > {
let request = hyper ::Request ::builder ( )
. method ( " GET " )
2024-03-16 15:43:51 +00:00
. header ( " Authorization " , [ " Bearer " , token ] . concat ( ) )
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
. uri ( api_uri )
. body ( hyper ::Body ::empty ( ) ) ? ;
let response = tokio ::time ::timeout (
std ::time ::Duration ::from_millis ( 500 ) ,
client . request ( request ) ,
. await ? ;
let body = hyper ::body ::to_bytes ( response ? . body_mut ( ) ) . await ? ;
Ok ( serde_json ::from_slice ::< Self > ( & body ) ? )
2024-03-17 00:15:08 +00:00
// #[inline]
// // Replace config with new node
pub async fn update_xmrig_config (
client : & hyper ::Client < hyper ::client ::HttpConnector > ,
api_uri : & str ,
token : & str ,
node : XvbNode ,
address : & str ,
) -> Result < ( ) > {
// get config
let request = hyper ::Request ::builder ( )
. method ( " GET " )
. header ( " Authorization " , [ " Bearer " , token ] . concat ( ) )
. uri ( api_uri )
. body ( hyper ::Body ::empty ( ) ) ? ;
let response = tokio ::time ::timeout (
std ::time ::Duration ::from_millis ( 500 ) ,
client . request ( request ) ,
. await ? ;
let body = hyper ::body ::to_bytes ( response ? . body_mut ( ) ) . await ? ;
// deserialize to json
let mut config = serde_json ::from_slice ::< Value > ( & body ) ? ;
// modify node configuration
* config
. pointer_mut ( " /pools/0/url " )
. ok_or_else ( | | anyhow! ( " pools/0/url does not exist in xmrig config " ) ) ? =
node . url ( ) . into ( ) ;
* config
. pointer_mut ( " /pools/0/user " )
. ok_or_else ( | | anyhow! ( " pools/0/user does not exist in xmrig config " ) ) ? =
node . user ( & address ) . into ( ) ;
* config
. pointer_mut ( " /pools/0/tls " )
. ok_or_else ( | | anyhow! ( " pools/0/tls does not exist in xmrig config " ) ) ? =
node . tls ( ) . into ( ) ;
* config
. pointer_mut ( " /pools/0/keepalive " )
. ok_or_else ( | | anyhow! ( " pools/0/keepalive does not exist in xmrig config " ) ) ? =
node . keepalive ( ) . into ( ) ;
// reconstruct body from new config
let body = hyper ::body ::Body ::from ( config . to_string ( ) ) ;
// send new config
let request = hyper ::Request ::builder ( )
. method ( " PUT " )
. header ( " Authorization " , [ " Bearer " , token ] . concat ( ) )
. uri ( api_uri )
. body ( body ) ? ;
tokio ::time ::timeout (
std ::time ::Duration ::from_millis ( 500 ) ,
client . request ( request ) ,
. await ? ? ;
anyhow ::Ok ( ( ) )
2024-03-03 07:31:22 +00:00
#[ derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy) ]
struct Resources {
load_average : [ Option < f32 > ; 3 ] ,
impl Resources {
fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
load_average : [ Some ( 0.0 ) , Some ( 0.0 ) , Some ( 0.0 ) ] ,
#[ derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone) ]
struct Connection {
diff : u128 ,
accepted : u128 ,
rejected : u128 ,
impl Connection {
fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
diff : 0 ,
accepted : 0 ,
rejected : 0 ,
#[ derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy) ]
struct Hashrate {
total : [ Option < f32 > ; 3 ] ,
impl Hashrate {
fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self {
total : [ Some ( 0.0 ) , Some ( 0.0 ) , Some ( 0.0 ) ] ,