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synced 2025-03-26 09:08:54 +00:00
A [must_resize] and [ctx.is_pointer_over_area()] is now used to indicate we need a resizing. This makes it so when a user is resizing the width of Gupax, the heavy [init_text_styles()] func will only get called once when the user hovers over the GUI. The button size is also now set in that function so it doesn't have to be called in every separate tab.
384 lines
14 KiB
384 lines
14 KiB
// Gupax - GUI Uniting P2Pool And XMRig
// Copyright (c) 2022 hinto-janaiyo
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use crate::{
use egui::{
use regex::Regex;
use log::*;
impl Xmrig {
pub fn show(&mut self, pool_vec: &mut Vec<(String, Pool)>, regex: &Regexes, width: f32, height: f32, ctx: &egui::Context, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
let text_edit = height / 22.0;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console
ui.group(|ui| {
let height = height / 10.0;
let width = width - SPACE;
ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(Monospace);
ui.add_sized([width, height*3.5], TextEdit::multiline(&mut "".to_string()));
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], TextEdit::hint_text(TextEdit::singleline(&mut "".to_string()), r#"Type a command (e.g "help" or "status") and press Enter"#));
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Config
if !self.simple {
ui.group(|ui| { ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let width = (width/10.0) - SPACE;
ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(Monospace);
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new("Config file:"));
ui.add_sized([ui.available_width(), text_edit], TextEdit::hint_text(TextEdit::singleline(&mut self.config), r#"...config.json"#)).on_hover_text(XMRIG_CONFIG);
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address
ui.group(|ui| {
let width = width - SPACE;
ui.spacing_mut().text_edit_width = (width)-(SPACE*3.0);
ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(Monospace);
let text;
let color;
let len = format!("{:02}", self.address.len());
if self.address.is_empty() {
text = format!("Monero Address [{}/95] ➖", len);
color = LIGHT_GRAY;
} else if self.address.len() == 95 && Regex::is_match(®ex.address, &self.address) && ! self.address.contains('0') && ! self.address.contains('O') && ! self.address.contains('l') {
text = format!("Monero Address [{}/95] ✔", len);
color = GREEN;
} else {
text = format!("Monero Address [{}/95] ❌", len);
color = RED;
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new(RichText::new(text).color(color)));
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], TextEdit::hint_text(TextEdit::singleline(&mut self.address), "4...")).on_hover_text(XMRIG_ADDRESS);
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Threads
if self.simple { ui.add_space(SPACE); }
ui.vertical(|ui| {
let width = width/10.0;
ui.spacing_mut().icon_width = width / 25.0;
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
ui.spacing_mut().slider_width = width*8.35;
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new(format!("Threads [1-{}]:", self.max_threads)));
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Slider::new(&mut self.current_threads, 1..=self.max_threads)).on_hover_text(XMRIG_THREADS);
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] // Pause on active isn't supported on Linux
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
ui.spacing_mut().slider_width = width*7.7;
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new(format!("Pause on active [0-255]:")));
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Slider::new(&mut self.pause, 0..=255)).on_hover_text(format!("{} [{}] seconds.", XMRIG_PAUSE, self.pause));
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple
let height = ui.available_height();
if self.simple {
// ui.group(|ui|
// });
} else {
let _height = height / 10.0;
let width = ui.available_width() - 10.0;
let mut incorrect_input = false; // This will disable [Add/Delete] on bad input
// [Pool IP/Port]
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
ui.group(|ui| {
let width = width/10.0;
ui.vertical(|ui| {
ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(Monospace);
ui.spacing_mut().text_edit_width = width*3.32;
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let text;
let color;
let len = format!("{:02}", self.name.len());
if self.name.is_empty() {
text = format!("Name [ {}/30 ]➖", len);
color = LIGHT_GRAY;
incorrect_input = true;
} else if Regex::is_match(®ex.name, &self.name) {
text = format!("Name [ {}/30 ]✔", len);
color = GREEN;
} else {
text = format!("Name [ {}/30 ]❌", len);
color = RED;
incorrect_input = true;
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new(RichText::new(text).color(color)));
ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.name).on_hover_text(XMRIG_NAME);
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let text;
let color;
let len = format!("{:03}", self.ip.len());
if self.ip.is_empty() {
text = format!(" IP [{}/255]➖", len);
color = LIGHT_GRAY;
incorrect_input = true;
} else if self.ip == "localhost" || Regex::is_match(®ex.ipv4, &self.ip) || Regex::is_match(®ex.domain, &self.ip) {
text = format!(" IP [{}/255]✔", len);
color = GREEN;
} else {
text = format!(" IP [{}/255]❌", len);
color = RED;
incorrect_input = true;
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new(RichText::new(text).color(color)));
ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.ip).on_hover_text(XMRIG_IP);
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let text;
let color;
let len = self.port.len();
if self.port.is_empty() {
text = format!("Port [ {}/5 ]➖", len);
color = LIGHT_GRAY;
incorrect_input = true;
} else if Regex::is_match(®ex.port, &self.port) {
text = format!("Port [ {}/5 ]✔", len);
color = GREEN;
} else {
text = format!("Port [ {}/5 ]❌", len);
color = RED;
incorrect_input = true;
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new(RichText::new(text).color(color)));
ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.port).on_hover_text(XMRIG_PORT);
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let text;
let color;
let len = format!("{:02}", self.rig.len());
if self.rig.is_empty() {
text = format!(" Rig [ {}/30 ]➖", len);
color = LIGHT_GRAY;
} else if Regex::is_match(®ex.name, &self.name) {
text = format!(" Rig [ {}/30 ]✔", len);
color = GREEN;
} else {
text = format!(" Rig [ {}/30 ]❌", len);
color = RED;
incorrect_input = true;
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new(RichText::new(text).color(color)));
ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.rig).on_hover_text(XMRIG_RIG);
ui.vertical(|ui| {
let width = ui.available_width();
// [Manual node selection]
ui.spacing_mut().slider_width = width - 8.0;
ui.spacing_mut().icon_width = width / 25.0;
// [Ping List]
let text = RichText::new(format!("{}. {}", self.selected_index+1, self.selected_name));
ComboBox::from_id_source("manual_pool").selected_text(RichText::text_style(text, Monospace)).show_ui(ui, |ui| {
let mut n = 0;
for (name, pool) in pool_vec.iter() {
let text = RichText::text_style(RichText::new(format!("{}. {}\n RIG: {}\n IP: {}\n PORT: {}\n", n+1, name, pool.rig, pool.ip, pool.port)), Monospace);
if ui.add(SelectableLabel::new(self.selected_name == *name, text)).clicked() {
self.selected_index = n;
let pool = pool.clone();
self.selected_name = name.clone();
self.selected_rig = pool.rig.clone();
self.selected_ip = pool.ip.clone();
self.selected_port = pool.port.clone();
self.name = name.clone();
self.rig = pool.rig;
self.ip = pool.ip;
self.port = pool.port;
n += 1;
// [Add/Save]
let pool_vec_len = pool_vec.len();
let mut exists = false;
let mut save_diff = true;
let mut existing_index = 0;
for (name, pool) in pool_vec.iter() {
if *name == self.name {
exists = true;
if self.rig == pool.rig && self.ip == pool.ip && self.port == pool.port {
save_diff = false;
existing_index += 1;
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let text = if exists { LIST_SAVE } else { LIST_ADD };
let text = format!("{}\n Currently selected pool: {}. {}\n Current amount of pools: {}/1000", text, self.selected_index+1, self.selected_name, pool_vec_len);
// If the pool already exists, show [Save] and mutate the already existing pool
if exists {
ui.set_enabled(!incorrect_input && save_diff);
if ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Button::new("Save")).on_hover_text(text).clicked() {
let pool = Pool {
rig: self.rig.clone(),
ip: self.ip.clone(),
port: self.port.clone(),
pool_vec[existing_index].1 = pool;
info!("Node | S | [index: {}, name: \"{}\", rig: \"{}\", ip: \"{}\", pool: {}]", existing_index+1, self.name, self.rig, self.ip, self.port);
// Else, add to the list
} else {
ui.set_enabled(!incorrect_input && pool_vec_len < 1000);
if ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Button::new("Add")).on_hover_text(text).clicked() {
let pool = Pool {
rig: self.rig.clone(),
ip: self.ip.clone(),
port: self.port.clone(),
pool_vec.push((self.name.clone(), pool));
self.selected_index = pool_vec_len;
self.selected_name = self.name.clone();
self.selected_rig = self.rig.clone();
self.selected_ip = self.ip.clone();
self.selected_port = self.port.clone();
info!("Node | A | [index: {}, name: \"{}\", rig: \"{}\", ip: \"{}\", port: {}]", pool_vec_len, self.name, self.rig, self.ip, self.port);
// [Delete]
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
ui.set_enabled(pool_vec_len > 1);
let text = format!("{}\n Currently selected pool: {}. {}\n Current amount of pools: {}/1000", LIST_DELETE, self.selected_index+1, self.selected_name, pool_vec_len);
if ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Button::new("Delete")).on_hover_text(text).clicked() {
let new_name;
let new_pool;
match self.selected_index {
0 => {
new_name = pool_vec[1].0.clone();
new_pool = pool_vec[1].1.clone();
_ => {
self.selected_index -= 1;
new_name = pool_vec[self.selected_index].0.clone();
new_pool = pool_vec[self.selected_index].1.clone();
self.selected_name = new_name.clone();
self.selected_rig = new_pool.rig.clone();
self.selected_ip = new_pool.ip.clone();
self.selected_port = new_pool.port.clone();
self.name = new_name;
self.rig = new_pool.rig;
self.ip = new_pool.ip;
self.port = new_pool.port;
info!("Node | D | [index: {}, name: \"{}\", rig: \"{}\", ip: \"{}\", port: {}]", self.selected_index, self.selected_name, self.selected_rig, self.selected_ip, self.selected_port);
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
ui.set_enabled(!self.name.is_empty() || !self.ip.is_empty() || !self.port.is_empty());
if ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Button::new("Clear")).on_hover_text(LIST_CLEAR).clicked() {
// [HTTP API IP/Port] + [TLS + Keepalive]
ui.group(|ui| { ui.horizontal(|ui| {
ui.vertical(|ui| {
let width = width/10.0;
ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(Monospace);
ui.spacing_mut().text_edit_width = width*2.39;
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let text;
let color;
let len = format!("{:03}", self.api_ip.len());
if self.api_ip.is_empty() {
text = format!("HTTP API IP [{}/255]➖", len);
color = LIGHT_GRAY;
incorrect_input = true;
} else if self.api_ip == "localhost" || Regex::is_match(®ex.ipv4, &self.api_ip) || Regex::is_match(®ex.domain, &self.api_ip) {
text = format!("HTTP API IP [{}/255]✔", len);
color = GREEN;
} else {
text = format!("HTTP API IP [{}/255]❌", len);
color = RED;
incorrect_input = true;
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new(RichText::new(text).color(color)));
ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.api_ip).on_hover_text(XMRIG_API_IP);
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let text;
let color;
let len = self.api_port.len();
if self.api_port.is_empty() {
text = format!("HTTP API Port [ {}/5 ]➖", len);
color = LIGHT_GRAY;
incorrect_input = true;
} else if Regex::is_match(®ex.port, &self.api_port) {
text = format!("HTTP API Port [ {}/5 ]✔", len);
color = GREEN;
} else {
text = format!("HTTP API Port [ {}/5 ]❌", len);
color = RED;
incorrect_input = true;
ui.add_sized([width, text_edit], Label::new(RichText::new(text).color(color)));
ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.api_port).on_hover_text(XMRIG_API_PORT);
ui.vertical(|ui| {
// TLS/Keepalive
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let width = (ui.available_width()/2.0)-11.0;
let height = text_edit*2.0;
// let mut style = (*ctx.style()).clone();
// style.spacing.icon_width_inner = width / 8.0;
// style.spacing.icon_width = width / 6.0;
// style.spacing.icon_spacing = 20.0;
// ctx.set_style(style);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.tls, "TLS Connection")).on_hover_text(XMRIG_TLS);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.keepalive, "Keepalive")).on_hover_text(XMRIG_KEEPALIVE);