// Gupax - GUI Uniting P2Pool And XMRig // // Copyright (c) 2022 hinto-janaiyo // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constants // The locale numbers are formatting in is English, which looks like: [1,000] pub const LOCALE: num_format::Locale = num_format::Locale::en; pub const ZERO_SECONDS: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(0); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [HumanTime] // This converts a [std::time::Duration] into something more readable. // Used for uptime display purposes: [7 years, 8 months, 15 days, 23 hours, 35 minutes, 1 second] // Code taken from [https://docs.rs/humantime/] and edited to remove sub-second time, change spacing and some words. use std::time::Duration; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct HumanTime(Duration); impl Default for HumanTime { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl HumanTime { pub const fn new() -> HumanTime { HumanTime(ZERO_SECONDS) } pub const fn into_human(d: Duration) -> HumanTime { HumanTime(d) } pub const fn from_u64(u: u64) -> HumanTime { HumanTime(Duration::from_secs(u)) } fn plural(f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter, started: &mut bool, name: &str, value: u64) -> std::fmt::Result { if value > 0 { if *started { f.write_str(", ")?; } write!(f, "{} {}", value, name)?; if value > 1 { f.write_str("s")?; } *started = true; } Ok(()) } } impl std::fmt::Display for HumanTime { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { let secs = self.0.as_secs(); if secs == 0 { f.write_str("0 seconds")?; return Ok(()); } let years = secs / 31_557_600; // 365.25d let ydays = secs % 31_557_600; let months = ydays / 2_630_016; // 30.44d let mdays = ydays % 2_630_016; let days = mdays / 86400; let day_secs = mdays % 86400; let hours = day_secs / 3600; let minutes = day_secs % 3600 / 60; let seconds = day_secs % 60; let started = &mut false; Self::plural(f, started, "year", years)?; Self::plural(f, started, "month", months)?; Self::plural(f, started, "day", days)?; Self::plural(f, started, "hour", hours)?; Self::plural(f, started, "minute", minutes)?; Self::plural(f, started, "second", seconds)?; Ok(()) } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [HumanNumber] // Human readable numbers. // Float | [1234.57] -> [1,234] | Casts as u64/u128, adds comma // Unsigned | [1234567] -> [1,234,567] | Adds comma // Percent | [99.123] -> [99.12%] | Truncates to 2 after dot, adds percent // Percent | [0.001] -> [0%] | Rounds down, removes redundant zeros // Hashrate | [123.0, 311.2, null] -> [123, 311, ???] | Casts, replaces null with [???] // CPU Load | [12.0, 11.4, null] -> [12.0, 11.4, ???] | No change, just into [String] form #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct HumanNumber(String); impl std::fmt::Display for HumanNumber { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", &self.0) } } impl HumanNumber { pub fn unknown() -> Self { Self("???".to_string()) } pub fn to_percent(f: f32) -> Self { if f < 0.01 { Self("0%".to_string()) } else { Self(format!("{:.2}%", f)) } } pub fn to_percent_3_point(f: f32) -> Self { Self(format!("{:.3}%", f)) } pub fn to_percent_no_fmt(f: f32) -> Self { Self(format!("{}%", f)) } pub fn from_f32(f: f32) -> Self { let mut buf = num_format::Buffer::new(); buf.write_formatted(&(f as u64), &LOCALE); Self(buf.as_str().to_string()) } pub fn from_f64(f: f64) -> Self { let mut buf = num_format::Buffer::new(); buf.write_formatted(&(f as u128), &LOCALE); Self(buf.as_str().to_string()) } pub fn from_u16(u: u16) -> Self { let mut buf = num_format::Buffer::new(); buf.write_formatted(&u, &LOCALE); Self(buf.as_str().to_string()) } pub fn from_u32(u: u32) -> Self { let mut buf = num_format::Buffer::new(); buf.write_formatted(&u, &LOCALE); Self(buf.as_str().to_string()) } pub fn from_u64(u: u64) -> Self { let mut buf = num_format::Buffer::new(); buf.write_formatted(&u, &LOCALE); Self(buf.as_str().to_string()) } pub fn from_u128(u: u128) -> Self { let mut buf = num_format::Buffer::new(); buf.write_formatted(&u, &LOCALE); Self(buf.as_str().to_string()) } pub fn from_hashrate(array: [Option; 3]) -> Self { let mut string = "[".to_string(); let mut buf = num_format::Buffer::new(); let mut n = 0; for i in array { match i { Some(f) => { let f = f as u128; buf.write_formatted(&f, &LOCALE); string.push_str(buf.as_str()); string.push_str(" H/s"); }, None => string.push_str("??? H/s"), } if n != 2 { string.push_str(", "); n += 1; } else { string.push(']'); break } } Self(string) } pub fn from_load(array: [Option; 3]) -> Self { let mut string = "[".to_string(); let mut n = 0; for i in array { match i { Some(f) => string.push_str(format!("{:.2}", f).as_str()), None => string.push_str("???"), } if n != 2 { string.push_str(", "); n += 1; } else { string.push(']'); break } } Self(string) } // [1_000_000] -> [1.000 MH/s] pub fn from_u64_to_megahash_3_point(hash: u64) -> Self { let hash = (hash as f64)/1_000_000.0; let hash = format!("{:.3} MH/s", hash); Self(hash) } // [1_000_000_000] -> [1.000 GH/s] pub fn from_u64_to_gigahash_3_point(hash: u64) -> Self { let hash = (hash as f64)/1_000_000_000.0; let hash = format!("{:.3} GH/s", hash); Self(hash) } pub fn from_f64_12_point(f: f64) -> Self { let f = format!("{:.12}", f); Self(f) } pub fn from_f64_no_fmt(f: f64) -> Self { let f = format!("{}", f); Self(f) } pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { self.0.as_str() } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESTS #[cfg(test)] mod test { #[test] fn human_number() { use crate::human::HumanNumber; assert!(HumanNumber::to_percent(0.001).to_string() == "0%"); assert!(HumanNumber::to_percent(12.123123123123).to_string() == "12.12%"); assert!(HumanNumber::to_percent_3_point(0.001).to_string() == "0.001%"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_hashrate([Some(123.1), Some(11111.1), None]).to_string() == "[123 H/s, 11,111 H/s, ??? H/s]"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_hashrate([None, Some(1.123), Some(123123.312)]).to_string() == "[??? H/s, 1 H/s, 123,123 H/s]"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_load([Some(123.1234), Some(321.321), None]).to_string() == "[123.12, 321.32, ???]"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_load([None, Some(4321.43), Some(1234.1)]).to_string() == "[???, 4321.43, 1234.10]"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_f32(123_123.123123123).to_string() == "123,123"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_f64(123_123_123.123123123123123).to_string() == "123,123,123"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u16(1_000).to_string() == "1,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u16(65_535).to_string() == "65,535"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u32(65_536).to_string() == "65,536"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u32(100_000).to_string() == "100,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u32(1_000_000).to_string() == "1,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u32(10_000_000).to_string() == "10,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u32(100_000_000).to_string() == "100,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u32(1_000_000_000).to_string() == "1,000,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u32(4_294_967_295).to_string() == "4,294,967,295"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64(4_294_967_296).to_string() == "4,294,967,296"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64(10_000_000_000).to_string() == "10,000,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64(100_000_000_000).to_string() == "100,000,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64(1_000_000_000_000).to_string() == "1,000,000,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64(10_000_000_000_000).to_string() == "10,000,000,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64(100_000_000_000_000).to_string() == "100,000,000,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64(1_000_000_000_000_000).to_string() == "1,000,000,000,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64(10_000_000_000_000_000).to_string() == "10,000,000,000,000,000"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64(18_446_744_073_709_551_615).to_string() == "18,446,744,073,709,551,615"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u128(18_446_744_073_709_551_616).to_string() == "18,446,744,073,709,551,616"); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u128(100_000_000_000_000_000_000).to_string() == "100,000,000,000,000,000,000"); assert_eq!( HumanNumber::from_u128(340_282_366_920_938_463_463_374_607_431_768_211_455).to_string(), "340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,455", ); assert!(HumanNumber::from_u64_to_gigahash_3_point(1_000_000_000).to_string() == "1.000 GH/s"); } #[test] fn human_time() { use crate::human::HumanTime; use std::time::Duration; assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(0)).to_string() == "0 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(1)).to_string() == "1 second"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(2)).to_string() == "2 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(59)).to_string() == "59 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(60)).to_string() == "1 minute"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(61)).to_string() == "1 minute, 1 second"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(62)).to_string() == "1 minute, 2 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(120)).to_string() == "2 minutes"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(121)).to_string() == "2 minutes, 1 second"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(122)).to_string() == "2 minutes, 2 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(179)).to_string() == "2 minutes, 59 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(3599)).to_string() == "59 minutes, 59 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(3600)).to_string() == "1 hour"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(3601)).to_string() == "1 hour, 1 second"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(3602)).to_string() == "1 hour, 2 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(3660)).to_string() == "1 hour, 1 minute"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(3720)).to_string() == "1 hour, 2 minutes"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(86399)).to_string() == "23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(86400)).to_string() == "1 day"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(86401)).to_string() == "1 day, 1 second"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(86402)).to_string() == "1 day, 2 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(86460)).to_string() == "1 day, 1 minute"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(86520)).to_string() == "1 day, 2 minutes"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(90000)).to_string() == "1 day, 1 hour"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(93600)).to_string() == "1 day, 2 hours"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(604799)).to_string() == "6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(604800)).to_string() == "7 days"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(2630016)).to_string() == "1 month"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(3234815)).to_string() == "1 month, 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(5260032)).to_string() == "2 months"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(31557600)).to_string() == "1 year"); assert!(HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(63115200)).to_string() == "2 years"); assert_eq!( HumanTime::into_human(Duration::from_secs(18446744073709551615)).to_string(), "584542046090 years, 7 months, 15 days, 17 hours, 5 minutes, 3 seconds", ); } }