// Gupax - GUI Uniting P2Pool And XMRig // // Copyright (c) 2022 hinto-janaiyo // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . use crate::State; use egui::{ TextEdit, TextStyle::Monospace, Checkbox,ProgressBar,Spinner,Button,Label,Slider, SelectableLabel, RichText, Vec2, }; use crate::{ constants::*, disk::Gupax, update::*, ErrorState, Restart, Tab, }; use std::{ thread, sync::{Arc,Mutex}, path::Path, }; use log::*; use serde::{Serialize,Deserialize}; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileWindow // Struct for writing/reading the path state. // The opened file picker is started in a new // thread so main() needs to be in sync. pub struct FileWindow { thread: bool, // Is there already a FileWindow thread? picked_p2pool: bool, // Did the user pick a path for p2pool? picked_xmrig: bool, // Did the user pick a path for xmrig? p2pool_path: String, // The picked p2pool path xmrig_path: String, // The picked p2pool path } impl FileWindow { pub fn new() -> Arc> { Arc::new(Mutex::new(Self { thread: false, picked_p2pool: false, picked_xmrig: false, p2pool_path: String::new(), xmrig_path: String::new(), })) } } #[derive(Debug,Clone)] pub enum FileType { P2pool, Xmrig, } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratio Lock // Enum for the lock ratio in the advanced tab. #[derive(Clone,Copy,Eq,PartialEq,Debug,Deserialize,Serialize)] pub enum Ratio { Width, Height, None, } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gupax impl Gupax { pub fn show(&mut self, og: &Arc>, state_path: &Path, update: &Arc>, file_window: &Arc>, error_state: &mut ErrorState, restart: &Arc>, width: f32, height: f32, frame: &mut eframe::Frame, ctx: &egui::Context, ui: &mut egui::Ui) { // Update button + Progress bar ui.group(|ui| { // These are in unnecessary [ui.vertical()]'s // because I need to use [ui.set_enabled]s, but I can't // find a way to use a [ui.xxx()] with [ui.add_sized()]. // I have to pick one. This one seperates them though. let height = if self.simple { height/5.0 } else { height/10.0 }; let width = width - SPACE; let updating = *update.lock().unwrap().updating.lock().unwrap(); ui.vertical(|ui| { ui.set_enabled(!updating); if ui.add_sized([width, height], Button::new("Check for updates")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_UPDATE).clicked() { Update::spawn_thread(og, &self, state_path, update, error_state, restart); } }); ui.vertical(|ui| { ui.set_enabled(updating); let prog = *update.lock().unwrap().prog.lock().unwrap(); let msg = format!("{}\n{}{}", *update.lock().unwrap().msg.lock().unwrap(), prog, "%"); ui.add_sized([width, height*1.4], Label::new(RichText::text_style(RichText::new(msg), Monospace))); let height = height/2.0; if updating { ui.add_sized([width, height], Spinner::new().size(height)); } else { ui.add_sized([width, height], Label::new("...")); } ui.add_sized([width, height], ProgressBar::new(update.lock().unwrap().prog.lock().unwrap().round() / 100.0)); }); }); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.group(|ui| { let width = (width - SPACE*7.5)/4.0; let height = height/10.0; ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.auto_update, "Auto-update")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_AUTO_UPDATE); ui.separator(); ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.update_via_tor, "Update via Tor")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_UPDATE_VIA_TOR); ui.separator(); ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.ask_before_quit, "Ask before quit")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_ASK_BEFORE_QUIT); ui.separator(); ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.save_before_quit, "Save before quit")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_SAVE_BEFORE_QUIT); }); }); if self.simple { return } // P2Pool/XMRig binary path selection ui.add_space(SPACE); ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(Monospace); let height = height/28.0; let text_edit = (ui.available_width()/10.0)-SPACE; ui.horizontal(|ui| { if self.p2pool_path.is_empty() { ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new("P2Pool Binary Path ➖").color(LIGHT_GRAY))); } else { match crate::disk::into_absolute_path(self.p2pool_path.clone()) { Ok(path) => { if path.is_file() { ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new("P2Pool Binary Path ✔").color(GREEN))) } else { ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new("P2Pool Binary Path ❌").color(RED))) } }, _ => ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new("P2Pool Binary Path ❌").color(RED))), }; } ui.spacing_mut().text_edit_width = ui.available_width() - SPACE; ui.set_enabled(!file_window.lock().unwrap().thread); if ui.button("Open").on_hover_text(GUPAX_SELECT).clicked() { Self::spawn_file_window_thread(file_window, FileType::P2pool); } ui.add_sized([ui.available_width()-SPACE, height], TextEdit::hint_text(TextEdit::singleline(&mut self.p2pool_path), GUPAX_PATH_P2POOL)); }); ui.horizontal(|ui| { if self.xmrig_path.is_empty() { ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new(" XMRig Binary Path ➖").color(LIGHT_GRAY))); } else { match crate::disk::into_absolute_path(self.xmrig_path.clone()) { Ok(path) => { if path.is_file() { ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new(" XMRig Binary Path ✔").color(GREEN))) } else { ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new(" XMRig Binary Path ❌").color(RED))) } }, _ => ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new(" XMRig Binary Path ❌").color(RED))), }; } ui.spacing_mut().text_edit_width = ui.available_width() - SPACE; ui.set_enabled(!file_window.lock().unwrap().thread); if ui.button("Open").on_hover_text(GUPAX_SELECT).clicked() { Self::spawn_file_window_thread(file_window, FileType::Xmrig); } ui.add_sized([ui.available_width()-SPACE, height], TextEdit::hint_text(TextEdit::singleline(&mut self.xmrig_path), GUPAX_PATH_XMRIG)); }); let mut guard = file_window.lock().unwrap(); if guard.picked_p2pool { self.p2pool_path = guard.p2pool_path.clone(); guard.picked_p2pool = false; } if guard.picked_xmrig { self.xmrig_path = guard.xmrig_path.clone(); guard.picked_xmrig = false; } drop(guard); // Gupax App resolution sliders ui.vertical(|ui| { let width = width/10.0; ui.spacing_mut().icon_width = width / 25.0; ui.spacing_mut().slider_width = width*7.6; match self.ratio { Ratio::None => (), Ratio::Width => { let width = self.selected_width as f64; let _height = self.selected_height as f64; let height = (width / 1.333).round(); self.selected_height = height as u16; }, Ratio::Height => { let _width = self.selected_width as f64; let height = self.selected_height as f64; let width = (height * 1.333).round(); self.selected_width = width as u16; }, } ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.set_enabled(self.ratio != Ratio::Height); ui.add_sized([width, height], Label::new(format!(" Width [{}-{}]:", APP_MIN_WIDTH as u16, APP_MAX_WIDTH as u16))); ui.add_sized([width, height], Slider::new(&mut self.selected_width, APP_MIN_WIDTH as u16..=APP_MAX_WIDTH as u16)).on_hover_text(GUPAX_WIDTH); }); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.set_enabled(self.ratio != Ratio::Width); ui.add_sized([width, height], Label::new(format!("Height [{}-{}]:", APP_MIN_HEIGHT as u16, APP_MAX_HEIGHT as u16))); ui.add_sized([width, height], Slider::new(&mut self.selected_height, APP_MIN_HEIGHT as u16..=APP_MAX_HEIGHT as u16)).on_hover_text(GUPAX_HEIGHT); }); }); ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(egui::TextStyle::Button); // Width/Height locks ui.group(|ui| { let height = ui.available_height()/4.0; ui.horizontal(|ui| { use Ratio::*; let width = (width/4.0)-(SPACE*1.5); if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.ratio == Width, "Lock to width")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_LOCK_WIDTH).clicked() { self.ratio = Width; } ui.separator(); if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.ratio == Height, "Lock to height")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_LOCK_HEIGHT).clicked() { self.ratio = Height; } ui.separator(); if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.ratio == None, "No lock")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_NO_LOCK).clicked() { self.ratio = None; } if ui.add_sized([width, height], Button::new("Set")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_SET).clicked() { frame.set_window_size(Vec2::new(self.selected_width as f32, self.selected_height as f32)); } })}); // Saved [Tab] ui.group(|ui| { let height = ui.available_height()/2.0; let width = (width/5.0)-(SPACE*1.8); ui.horizontal(|ui| { if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.tab == Tab::About, "About")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_ABOUT).clicked() { self.tab = Tab::About; } ui.separator(); if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.tab == Tab::Status, "Status")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_STATUS).clicked() { self.tab = Tab::Status; } ui.separator(); if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.tab == Tab::Gupax, "Gupax")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_GUPAX).clicked() { self.tab = Tab::Gupax; } ui.separator(); if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.tab == Tab::P2pool, "P2Pool")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_P2POOL).clicked() { self.tab = Tab::P2pool; } ui.separator(); if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.tab == Tab::Xmrig, "XMRig")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_XMRIG).clicked() { self.tab = Tab::Xmrig; } })}); } fn spawn_file_window_thread(file_window: &Arc>, file_type: FileType) { use FileType::*; let name = match file_type { P2pool => "P2Pool", Xmrig => "XMRig", }; let file_window = file_window.clone(); file_window.lock().unwrap().thread = true; thread::spawn(move|| { match rfd::FileDialog::new().set_title(&format!("Select {} Binary for Gupax", name)).pick_file() { Some(path) => { info!("Gupax | Path selected for {} ... {}", name, path.display()); match file_type { P2pool => { file_window.lock().unwrap().p2pool_path = path.display().to_string(); file_window.lock().unwrap().picked_p2pool = true; }, Xmrig => { file_window.lock().unwrap().xmrig_path = path.display().to_string(); file_window.lock().unwrap().picked_xmrig = true; }, }; }, None => info!("Gupax | No path selected for {}", name), }; file_window.lock().unwrap().thread = false; }); } }