// Gupax - GUI Uniting P2Pool And XMRig // // Copyright (c) 2022 hinto-janaiyo // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . use serde_derive::{Serialize,Deserialize}; use std::time::{Instant,Duration}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::error::Error; use std::thread; use egui::Color32; use rand::Rng; use log::*; // Community Monerod nodes. All of these have ZMQ on 18083. // Adding/removing nodes will need changes to pretty // much all the code in this file, and the code that // handles the actual Enum selector in the P2Pool tab. pub const C3POOL: &'static str = "node.c3pool.com:18081"; pub const CAKE: &'static str = "xmr-node.cakewallet.com:18081"; pub const CAKE_EU: &'static str = "xmr-node-eu.cakewallet.com:18081"; pub const CAKE_UK: &'static str = "xmr-node-uk.cakewallet.com:18081"; pub const CAKE_US: &'static str = "xmr-node-usa-east.cakewallet.com:18081"; pub const MONERUJO: &'static str = "nodex.monerujo.io:18081"; pub const RINO: &'static str = "node.community.rino.io:18081"; pub const SELSTA: &'static str = "selsta1.featherwallet.net:18081"; pub const SETH: &'static str = "node.sethforprivacy.com:18089"; pub const SUPPORTXMR: &'static str = "node.supportxmr.com:18081"; pub const SUPPORTXMR_IR: &'static str = "node.supportxmr.ir:18081"; pub const XMRVSBEAST: &'static str = "p2pmd.xmrvsbeast.com:18081"; pub const NODE_IPS: [&'static str; 12] = [ C3POOL,CAKE,CAKE_EU,CAKE_UK,CAKE_US,MONERUJO,RINO, SELSTA,SETH,SUPPORTXMR,SUPPORTXMR_IR,XMRVSBEAST, ]; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct NodeStruct { c3pool: Data, cake: Data, cake_eu: Data, cake_uk: Data, cake_us: Data, monerujo: Data, rino: Data, selsta: Data, seth: Data, supportxmr: Data, supportxmr_ir: Data, xmrvsbeast: Data, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Data { pub ms: u128, pub color: Color32, pub id: NodeEnum, pub ip: &'static str, } #[derive(Copy,Clone,Eq,PartialEq,Debug,Deserialize,Serialize)] pub enum NodeEnum { C3pool, Cake, CakeEu, CakeUk, CakeUs, Monerujo, Rino, Selsta, Seth, SupportXmr, SupportXmrIr, XmrVsBeast, } impl std::fmt::Display for NodeEnum { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:#?}", self) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PingResult { pub nodes: NodeStruct, pub fastest: NodeEnum, } use crate::NodeEnum::*; impl NodeStruct { pub fn default() -> Self { let ms = 0; let color = Color32::GRAY; Self { c3pool: Data { ms, color, id: C3pool, ip: C3POOL, }, cake: Data { ms, color, id: Cake, ip: CAKE, }, cake_eu: Data { ms, color, id: CakeEu, ip: CAKE_EU, }, cake_uk: Data { ms, color, id: CakeUk, ip: CAKE_UK, }, cake_us: Data { ms, color, id: CakeUs, ip: CAKE_US, }, monerujo: Data { ms, color, id: Monerujo, ip: MONERUJO, }, rino: Data { ms, color, id: Rino, ip: RINO, }, selsta: Data { ms, color, id: Selsta, ip: SELSTA, }, seth: Data { ms, color, id: Seth, ip: SETH, }, supportxmr: Data { ms, color, id: SupportXmr, ip: SUPPORTXMR, }, supportxmr_ir: Data { ms, color, id: SupportXmrIr, ip: SUPPORTXMR_IR, }, xmrvsbeast: Data { ms, color, id: XmrVsBeast, ip: XMRVSBEAST, }, } } // This is for pinging the community nodes to // find the fastest/slowest one for the user. // The process: // - Send [get_info] JSON-RPC requests over HTTP // - To prevent fingerprinting, randomly send [1-5] calls // - Measure each request in milliseconds as [u128] // - Timeout on requests over 5 seconds // - Calculate average time // - Add data to appropriate struct // - Sort fastest to lowest // - Return [PingResult(NodeStruct, NodeEnum)] (data and fastest node) // // This is done linearly since per IP since // multi-threading might affect performance. // // <300ms = GREEN // <1000ms = YELLOW // >1000ms = RED // timeout = BLACK // default = GRAY pub fn ping() -> PingResult { info!("Starting community node pings..."); let mut nodes = NodeStruct::default(); let mut get_info = HashMap::new(); get_info.insert("jsonrpc", "2.0"); get_info.insert("id", "0"); get_info.insert("method", "get_info"); let mut vec: Vec<(u128, NodeEnum)> = Vec::new(); let fastest = false; let timeout_sec = Duration::from_millis(5000); for ip in NODE_IPS.iter() { let id = match *ip { C3POOL => C3pool, CAKE => Cake, CAKE_EU => CakeEu, CAKE_UK => CakeUk, CAKE_US => CakeUs, MONERUJO => Monerujo, RINO => Rino, SELSTA => Selsta, SETH => Seth, SUPPORTXMR => SupportXmr, SUPPORTXMR_IR => SupportXmrIr, // XMRVSBEAST => XmrVsBeast, _ => XmrVsBeast, }; let mut timeout = false; let mut mid = Duration::new(0, 0); let max = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1..5); for i in 1..=max { let client = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::new(); let client = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::timeout(client, timeout_sec); let client = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::build(client).unwrap(); let http = "http://".to_owned() + &**ip + "/json_rpc"; let now = Instant::now(); match client.post(http).json(&get_info).send() { Ok(r) => mid += now.elapsed(), Err(err) => { error!("Timeout on [{:#?}: {}] (over 5 seconds)", id, ip); mid += timeout_sec; timeout = true; }, }; } let ms = mid.as_millis() / 3; vec.push((ms, id)); info!("{}ms ... {} calls ... {}", ms, max, ip); let color: Color32; if timeout == true { color = Color32::BLACK } else if ms >= 1000 { color = Color32::LIGHT_RED } else if ms >= 300 { color = Color32::LIGHT_YELLOW } else { color = Color32::LIGHT_GREEN } match id { C3pool => { nodes.c3pool.ms = ms; nodes.c3pool.color = color; }, Cake => { nodes.cake.ms = ms; nodes.cake.color = color; }, CakeEu => { nodes.cake_eu.ms = ms; nodes.cake_eu.color = color; }, CakeUk => { nodes.cake_uk.ms = ms; nodes.cake_uk.color = color; }, CakeUs => { nodes.cake_us.ms = ms; nodes.cake_us.color = color; }, Monerujo => { nodes.monerujo.ms = ms; nodes.monerujo.color = color; }, Rino => { nodes.rino.ms = ms; nodes.rino.color = color; }, Selsta => { nodes.selsta.ms = ms; nodes.selsta.color = color; }, Seth => { nodes.seth.ms = ms; nodes.seth.color = color; }, SupportXmr => { nodes.supportxmr.ms = ms; nodes.supportxmr.color = color; }, SupportXmrIr => { nodes.supportxmr_ir.ms = ms; nodes.supportxmr_ir.color = color; }, XmrVsBeast => { nodes.xmrvsbeast.ms = ms; nodes.xmrvsbeast.color = color; }, } } let mut best_ms: u128 = vec[0].0; let mut fastest: NodeEnum = vec[0].1; for (ms, id) in vec.iter() { if ms < &best_ms { fastest = *id; best_ms = *ms; } } // These values have weird behavior. // The values don't update if not printed beforehand, // so the match below on [fastest] gets funky. info!("Fastest node ... {:#?} @ {:#?}ms", fastest, best_ms); info!("Community node ping ... OK"); PingResult { nodes, fastest, } } }