Gupax is a GUI for mining [**Monero**]( on [**P2Pool**](, using [**XMRig**](
To see a 3-minute video guide on how to set-up Gupax: [click here.](#Guide)
[]( [](
## Contents
* [What is Monero/P2Pool/XMRig/Gupax?](#what-is-monerop2poolxmriggupax)
* [Guide](#Guide)
* [Simple](#Simple)
- [Status](#Status)
- [Gupax](#Gupax)
- [P2Pool](#P2Pool)
- [XMRig](#XMRig)
* [Advanced](#Advanced)
- [Verifying](#Verifying)
- [Running a Local Monero node](#running-a-local-monero-node)
- [Command Line](#Command-Line)
- [Key Shortcuts](#Key-Shortcuts)
- [Tor](#Tor)
- [Logs](#Logs)
- [Disk](#Disk)
- [Swapping P2Pool/XMRig](#Swapping-P2PoolXMRig)
- [Status](#Status-1)
- [Gupax](#Gupax-1)
- [P2Pool](#P2Pool-1)
- [XMRig](#XMRig-1)
* [Connections](#Connections)
* [Remote Monero nodes](#remote-monero-nodes)
* [Build](#Build)
- [General Info](#General-Info)
- [Linux](#Linux)
- [Building for a distribution](#building-for-a-distribution)
- [macOS](#macOS)
- [Windows](#Windows)
* [License](#License)
* [FAQ](#FAQ)
- [System requirements](#system-requirements)
- [Gupax does not start](#gupax-does-not-start)
- [Where are updates downloaded from?](#where-are-updates-downloaded-from)
- [P2Pool connection errors](#p2pool-connection-errors)
- [Can I quit mid-update?](#can-i-quit-mid-update)
- [Bundled vs Standalone](#bundled-vs-standalone)
- [How much memory does Gupax use?](#how-much-memory-does-gupax-use)
- [How is sudo handled? (on macOS/Linux)](#how-is-sudo-handled-on-macoslinux)
- [Why does Gupax need to be Admin? (on Windows)](#why-does-gupax-need-to-be-admin-on-windows)
## What is Monero/P2Pool/XMRig/Gupax?
[**`Monero`**]( is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency.
[Monero GUI]( allows you to run a Monero node, among other things.
[**`P2Pool`**]( allows you to create/join decentralized peer-to-peer Monero mining pools.
P2Pool as a concept was [first developed for Bitcoin]( although [failed to stay relevant for various reasons](
In late 2021, [`SChernykh`]( rewrote P2Pool from scratch for Monero.
P2Pool combines the best of solo mining and traditional pool mining:
* **It's decentralized:** There's no central server that can be shutdown or pool admin that controls your hashrate
* **It's permissionless:** It's peer-to-peer so there's no one to decide who can and cannot mine on the pool
* **It's trustless:** Funds are never in custody, all pool blocks pay out to miners directly and immediately
* **0% transaction fee, 0 payout fee, immediate ~0.00027 XMR minimum payout**
[**`XMRig`**]( is an optimized miner that can mine Monero.
Both Monero and P2Pool have built in miners but XMRig is faster than both of them. Due to issues like [anti-virus flagging](, it is not feasible to integrate XMRig directly into Monero.
[**`Gupax`**]( is a GUI that helps manage P2Pool & XMRig which are both CLI-only.
**`XMRig`** mines to **`P2Pool`**
**`P2Pool`** fetches blocks from a **`Monero node`**
**`Monero GUI`** runs the **`Monero node`**
**`Gupax`** runs **`P2Pool/XMRig`**
By default, Gupax will use a [Remote Monero node](#remote-monero-nodes) so you don't have to run [your own Monero node](#running-a-local-monero-node) to start mining on P2Pool.
## Guide
1. [Download the bundled version of Gupax](
2. Extract
3. Launch Gupax
4. Input your Monero address in the `P2Pool` tab
5. Select a [`Remote Monero node`](#remote-monero-nodes) (or run your own local [Monero node](#running-a-local-monero-node))
6. Start P2Pool
7. Start XMRig
You are now mining to your own instance of P2Pool, welcome to the world of decentralized peer-to-peer mining!
1. In the Monero GUI, go to `Settings`
2. Go to the `Node` tab
3. Enable `Local node`
4. Enter `--zmq-pub=tcp://` into `Daemon startup flags`
5. [(Optionally)]( enter `--disable-dns-checkpoints --enable-dns-blocklist` into `Daemon startup flags`
6. Start and fully sync node
The 4th step enables `ZMQ`, which is extra Monero node functionality that is needed for P2Pool to work correctly.
The 5th step:
- `--disable-dns-checkpoints` avoids periodical lag when DNS is updated (it's not needed when mining)
- `--enable-dns-blocklist` bans known bad nodes
### Command Line
By default, Gupax has `auto-update` & `auto-ping` enabled. This can only be turned off in the GUI. To get around this, start Gupax with `--no-startup`. This will disable all `auto` features for that instance.
USAGE: ./gupax [--flag]
--help Print this help message
--version Print version and build info
--state Print Gupax state
--nodes Print the manual node list
--payouts Print the P2Pool payout log, payout count, and total XMR mined
--no-startup Disable all auto-startup settings for this instance (auto-update, auto-ping, etc)
--reset-state Reset all Gupax state (your settings)
--reset-nodes Reset the manual node list in the [P2Pool] tab
--reset-pools Reset the manual pool list in the [XMRig] tab
--reset-payouts Reset the permanent P2Pool stats that appear in the [Status] tab
--reset-all Reset the state, manual node list, manual pool list, and P2Pool stats
### Key Shortcuts
| Key shortcuts |
| F11 | Fullscreen |
| Escape | Quit screen |
| Up | Start/Restart |
| Down | Stop |
| Z | Left Tab |
| X | Right Tab |
| C | Left Submenu |
| V | Right Submenu |
| S | Save |
| R | Reset |
### Tor
By default, Gupax updates via Tor. In particular, it uses [`Arti`](, the official Rust implementation of Tor.
Arti saves state/cache about the Tor network (circuits, guards, etc) for later reuse onto the disk:
| OS | Data Folder |
| Windows | `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\torproject\Arti\data` |
| macOS | `/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/org.torproject.Arti` |
| Linux | `/home/USER/.local/share/arti` |
| OS | Data Folder |
| Windows | `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\torproject\Arti\cache` |
| macOS | `/Users/USER/Library/Caches/org.torproject.Arti` |
| Linux | `/home/USER/.cache/arti` |
### Disk
Long-term state is saved onto the disk in the "OS data folder", using the [TOML]( format. If not found, default files will be created.
Given a slightly corrupted `state.toml` file, Gupax will attempt to merge it with a new default one. This will most likely happen if the internal data structure of `state.toml` is changed in the future (e.g: removing an outdated setting). The node/pool database cannot be merged.
If Gupax can't read/write to disk at all, or if there are any other big issues, it will show an unrecoverable error screen.
| OS | Data Folder | Example |
| Windows | `{FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}` | `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Gupax` |
| macOS | `$HOME`/Library/Application Support | `/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Gupax` |
| Linux | `$XDG_DATA_HOME` or `$HOME`/.local/share | `/home/USER/.local/share/gupax` |
The current files saved to disk:
* `state.toml` Gupax state/settings
* `node.toml` The manual node database used for P2Pool advanced
* `pool.toml` The manual pool database used for XMRig advanced
* `p2pool/` The Gupax-P2Pool API files
### Logs
There are multiple log filter levels but by default, `INFO` and above are enabled.
To view more detailed console debug information, start Gupax with the environment variable `RUST_LOG` set to a log level:
RUST_LOG=(trace|debug|info|warn|error) ./gupax
For example:
RUST_LOG=debug ./gupax
- `ERROR`: has gone wrong and that something will probably break
- `WARN`: something has gone wrong, but things will be fine
- `INFO`: general info about what Gupax (the GUI thread) is currently doing
- `DEBUG`: much more verbose and include what EVERY thread is doing (not just the main GUI thread)
- `TRACE`: insanely verbose and shows very low-level logs
### Swapping P2Pool/XMRig
If you want to use your own `P2Pool/XMRig` binaries you can:
- Edit the PATH in `Gupax Advanced` to point at the new binaries
- Change the binary itself
By default, Gupax will look for `P2Pool/XMRig` in folders next to itself:
├─ Gupax.exe
├─ P2Pool\
│ ├─ p2pool.exe
├─ XMRig\
├─ xmrig.exe
macOS (Gupax is packaged as an `.app` on macOS):
├─ gupax
├─ p2pool/
│ ├─ p2pool
├─ xmrig/
├─ xmrig
├─ gupax
├─ p2pool/
│ ├─ p2pool
├─ xmrig/
├─ xmrig
### Status
The `[P2Pool]` submenu in this tab reads/writes to a file-based API in a folder called `p2pool` located in the [Gupax OS data directory:](#Disk)
| File | Purpose | Specific Data Type |
| `log` | Formatted payout lines extracted from P2Pool | Basically a `String` that needs to be parsed correctly
| `payout` | The total amount of payouts received via P2Pool & Gupax | `u64`
| `xmr` | The total amount of XMR mined via P2Pool & Gupax | Atomic Units represented with a `u64`
The `log` file contains formatted payout lines extracted from your P2Pool: