Instead of saving P2Pool payout logs as they are, they are now
(de)serialized in the same [Display] format, e.g:
<DATE> <TIME> | <12_DOT_FLOAT> XMR | Block <BLOCK>
2022-09-31 12:53:52.8683 | 0.166122683521 XMR | Block 2,713,512
The parsing functions were updated to be able to read both raw
log lines and the new above format.
General cleanup and optimizations. Some functions are fixed,
some were turned into [const fn], and other small stuff like
[AtomicUnit] using a [u64] instead of a [u128]
user_p2pool_percent = The percent of hashrate the user accounts for
relative to all of P2Pool's hashrate.
user_monero_percent = The percent of hashrate the user accounts for
relative to all of Monero's hashrate.
This adds all necessary functions/conversions/serde/tests for the
new APIs. It also includes the actual reads inside the watchdog loop.
Every loop, [tick] will increment by 1. At [60], the watchdog
will attempt to read and parse the [network] & [pool] APIs.
Since the loop is [900ms], this means this will occur around
every 54 seconds. [tick] gets reset upon successful read/parsing.