2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
// Gupax - GUI Uniting P2Pool And XMRig
// Copyright (c) 2022 hinto-janaiyo
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
use crate ::{
Regexes ,
constants ::* ,
disk ::* ,
node ::*
} ;
use egui ::{
2022-11-16 19:40:25 +00:00
TextEdit , SelectableLabel , ComboBox , Label , Button , Color32 , RichText , Slider ,
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
TextStyle ::* ,
} ;
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
use std ::sync ::{ Arc , Mutex } ;
use regex ::Regex ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
use log ::* ;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
2022-10-15 19:15:27 +00:00
impl P2pool {
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
pub fn show ( & mut self , node_vec : & mut Vec < ( String , Node ) > , og : & Arc < Mutex < State > > , online : bool , ping : & Arc < Mutex < Ping > > , regex : & Regexes , width : f32 , height : f32 , ctx : & egui ::Context , ui : & mut egui ::Ui ) {
let text_edit = height / 22.0 ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
ui . group ( | ui | {
let height = height / SPACE ;
let width = width - SPACE ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
ui . style_mut ( ) . override_text_style = Some ( Monospace ) ;
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height * 3.0 ] , TextEdit ::multiline ( & mut " " . to_string ( ) ) ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , TextEdit ::hint_text ( TextEdit ::singleline ( & mut " " . to_string ( ) ) , r # "Type a command (e.g "help" or "status") and press Enter"# ) ) ;
} ) ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Args
if ! self . simple {
ui . group ( | ui | { ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
let width = ( width / 10.0 ) - SPACE ;
ui . style_mut ( ) . override_text_style = Some ( Monospace ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Label ::new ( " Command arguments: " ) ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ ui . available_width ( ) , text_edit ] , TextEdit ::hint_text ( TextEdit ::singleline ( & mut self . arguments ) , r # "--wallet <...> --host <...>"# ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_COMMAND ) ;
self . arguments . truncate ( 1024 ) ;
} ) } ) ;
ui . set_enabled ( self . arguments . is_empty ( ) ) ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address
ui . group ( | ui | {
let width = width - SPACE ;
ui . spacing_mut ( ) . text_edit_width = ( width ) - ( SPACE * 3.0 ) ;
ui . style_mut ( ) . override_text_style = Some ( Monospace ) ;
let text ;
let color ;
let len = format! ( " {:02} " , self . address . len ( ) ) ;
if self . address . is_empty ( ) {
text = format! ( " Monero Address [ {} /95] ➖ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::LIGHT_GRAY ;
} else if self . address . len ( ) = = 95 & & Regex ::is_match ( & regex . address , & self . address ) & & ! self . address . contains ( " 0 " ) & & ! self . address . contains ( " O " ) & & ! self . address . contains ( " l " ) {
text = format! ( " Monero Address [ {} /95] ✔ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 100 , 230 , 100 ) ;
} else {
text = format! ( " Monero Address [ {} /95] ❌ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 230 , 50 , 50 ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Label ::new ( RichText ::new ( text ) . color ( color ) ) ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , TextEdit ::hint_text ( TextEdit ::singleline ( & mut self . address ) , " 4... " ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_ADDRESS ) ;
self . address . truncate ( 95 ) ;
} ) ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
let height = ui . available_height ( ) ;
if self . simple {
// [Node]
let height = height / 6.0 ;
ui . spacing_mut ( ) . slider_width = width - 8.0 ;
ui . spacing_mut ( ) . icon_width = width / 25.0 ;
2022-11-16 21:07:49 +00:00
// [Auto-select] if we haven't already.
// Using [Arc<Mutex<Ping>>] as an intermediary here
// saves me the hassle of wrapping [state: State] completely
// and [.lock().unwrap()]ing it everywhere.
// Two atomic bools = enough to represent this data
if self . auto_select {
let mut ping = ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// If we haven't auto_selected yet, auto-select and turn it off
if ping . auto_selected = = false {
self . node = ping . fastest ;
ping . auto_selected = true ;
drop ( ping ) ;
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
ui . vertical ( | ui | {
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
// [Ping List]
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
let id = self . node ;
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
let ip = enum_to_ip ( id ) ;
let mut ms = 0 ;
let mut color = Color32 ::LIGHT_GRAY ;
2022-11-16 21:07:49 +00:00
if ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) . pinged {
for data in ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) . nodes . iter ( ) {
if data . id = = id {
ms = data . ms ;
color = data . color ;
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
let text = RichText ::new ( format! ( " ⏺ {} ms | {} | {} " , ms , id , ip ) ) . color ( color ) ;
2022-11-16 21:07:49 +00:00
ComboBox ::from_id_source ( " community_nodes " ) . selected_text ( RichText ::text_style ( text , Monospace ) ) . show_ui ( ui , | ui | {
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
for data in ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) . nodes . iter ( ) {
let ms = crate ::node ::format_ms ( data . ms ) ;
let id = crate ::node ::format_enum ( data . id ) ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
let text = RichText ::text_style ( RichText ::new ( format! ( " ⏺ {} | {} | {} " , ms , id , data . ip ) ) . color ( data . color ) , Monospace ) ;
ui . selectable_value ( & mut self . node , data . id , text ) ;
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
ui . add_space ( 5.0 ) ;
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
let width = ( width / 2.0 ) - 4.0 ;
// [Select fastest node]
if ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , Button ::new ( " Select fastest node " ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_SELECT_FASTEST ) . clicked ( ) {
2022-11-16 21:07:49 +00:00
if ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) . pinged {
self . node = ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) . fastest ;
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
2022-11-16 21:07:49 +00:00
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
// [Ping Button]
ui . set_enabled ( ! ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) . pinging ) ;
if ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , Button ::new ( " Ping community nodes " ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_PING ) . clicked ( ) {
2022-11-20 19:20:25 +00:00
Ping ::spawn_thread ( & ping , & og ) ;
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
} } ) ;
ui . vertical ( | ui | {
let height = height / 2.0 ;
let pinging = ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) . pinging ;
ui . set_enabled ( pinging ) ;
let prog = ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) . prog . round ( ) ;
let msg = RichText ::text_style ( RichText ::new ( format! ( " {} ... {} % " , ping . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) . msg , prog ) ) , Monospace ) ;
let height = height / 1.25 ;
ui . add_space ( 5.0 ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , Label ::new ( msg ) ) ;
ui . add_space ( 5.0 ) ;
if pinging {
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , egui ::Spinner ::new ( ) . size ( height ) ) ;
} else {
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , egui ::Label ::new ( " ... " ) ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , egui ::ProgressBar ::new ( prog . round ( ) / 100.0 ) ) ;
ui . add_space ( 5.0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
ui . group ( | ui | {
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
2022-11-11 04:42:57 +00:00
let width = ( width / 2.0 ) - ( SPACE * 1.75 ) ;
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
// [Auto-node] + [Auto-select]
let mut style = ( * ctx . style ( ) ) . clone ( ) ;
style . spacing . icon_width_inner = height / 1.5 ;
style . spacing . icon_width = height ;
style . spacing . icon_spacing = 20.0 ;
ctx . set_style ( style ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , egui ::Checkbox ::new ( & mut self . auto_select , " Auto-select " ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_AUTO_SELECT ) ;
ui . separator ( ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , egui ::Checkbox ::new ( & mut self . auto_node , " Auto-node " ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_AUTO_NODE ) ;
} ) } ) ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
} else {
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
let mut incorrect_input = false ; // This will disable [Add/Delete] on bad input
// [Monero node IP/RPC/ZMQ]
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
ui . group ( | ui | {
let width = width / 10.0 ;
ui . vertical ( | ui | {
ui . style_mut ( ) . override_text_style = Some ( Monospace ) ;
ui . spacing_mut ( ) . text_edit_width = width * 3.32 ;
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
let text ;
let color ;
let len = format! ( " {:02} " , self . name . len ( ) ) ;
if self . name . is_empty ( ) {
text = format! ( " Name [ {} /30 ]➖ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::LIGHT_GRAY ;
incorrect_input = true ;
} else if Regex ::is_match ( & regex . name , & self . name ) {
text = format! ( " Name [ {} /30 ]✔ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 100 , 230 , 100 ) ;
} else {
text = format! ( " Name [ {} /30 ]❌ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 230 , 50 , 50 ) ;
incorrect_input = true ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Label ::new ( RichText ::new ( text ) . color ( color ) ) ) ;
ui . text_edit_singleline ( & mut self . name ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_NAME ) ;
self . name . truncate ( 30 ) ;
} ) ;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
let text ;
let color ;
let len = format! ( " {:03} " , self . ip . len ( ) ) ;
if self . ip . is_empty ( ) {
text = format! ( " IP [ {} /255]➖ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::LIGHT_GRAY ;
incorrect_input = true ;
} else if self . ip = = " localhost " | | Regex ::is_match ( & regex . ipv4 , & self . ip ) | | Regex ::is_match ( & regex . domain , & self . ip ) {
text = format! ( " IP [ {} /255]✔ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 100 , 230 , 100 ) ;
} else {
text = format! ( " IP [ {} /255]❌ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 230 , 50 , 50 ) ;
incorrect_input = true ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Label ::new ( RichText ::new ( text ) . color ( color ) ) ) ;
ui . text_edit_singleline ( & mut self . ip ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_NODE_IP ) ;
self . ip . truncate ( 255 ) ;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
} ) ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
let text ;
let color ;
let len = self . rpc . len ( ) ;
if self . rpc . is_empty ( ) {
text = format! ( " RPC [ {} /5 ]➖ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::LIGHT_GRAY ;
incorrect_input = true ;
} else if Regex ::is_match ( & regex . port , & self . rpc ) {
text = format! ( " RPC [ {} /5 ]✔ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 100 , 230 , 100 ) ;
} else {
text = format! ( " RPC [ {} /5 ]❌ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 230 , 50 , 50 ) ;
incorrect_input = true ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Label ::new ( RichText ::new ( text ) . color ( color ) ) ) ;
ui . text_edit_singleline ( & mut self . rpc ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_RPC_PORT ) ;
self . rpc . truncate ( 5 ) ;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
} ) ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
let text ;
let color ;
let len = self . zmq . len ( ) ;
if self . zmq . is_empty ( ) {
text = format! ( " ZMQ [ {} /5 ]➖ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::LIGHT_GRAY ;
incorrect_input = true ;
} else if Regex ::is_match ( & regex . port , & self . zmq ) {
text = format! ( " ZMQ [ {} /5 ]✔ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 100 , 230 , 100 ) ;
} else {
text = format! ( " ZMQ [ {} /5 ]❌ " , len ) ;
color = Color32 ::from_rgb ( 230 , 50 , 50 ) ;
incorrect_input = true ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Label ::new ( RichText ::new ( text ) . color ( color ) ) ) ;
ui . text_edit_singleline ( & mut self . zmq ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_ZMQ_PORT ) ;
self . zmq . truncate ( 5 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
ui . vertical ( | ui | {
let width = ui . available_width ( ) ;
ui . add_space ( 1.0 ) ;
// [Manual node selection]
ui . spacing_mut ( ) . slider_width = width - 8.0 ;
ui . spacing_mut ( ) . icon_width = width / 25.0 ;
// [Ping List]
cargo/tor/p2pool: clean deps, warn macos arti, fix node overflow
Cargo: Cleanup unused dependencies, enable some build optimizations
Tor: Arti doesn't seem to work on macOS
Even a bare Arti+Hyper request doesn't seem to work, so it's
probably not something to do with Gupax. A lot of issues only
seem to popup in a VM (OpenGL, TLS) even though on bare metal
Gupax runs fine, so Tor might work fine on real macOS but I don't
have real macOS to test it. VM macOS can't create a circuit, so,
disable by default and add a warning that it's unstable.
P2Pool: Let selected_index start at 0, and only +1 when printing
to the user, this makes the overflow math when adding/deleting a
lot more simple because selected_index will match the actual index
of the node vector
2022-11-21 22:16:31 +00:00
let text = RichText ::new ( format! ( " {} . {} " , self . selected_index + 1 , self . selected_name ) ) ;
2022-11-16 21:07:49 +00:00
ComboBox ::from_id_source ( " manual_nodes " ) . selected_text ( RichText ::text_style ( text , Monospace ) ) . show_ui ( ui , | ui | {
cargo/tor/p2pool: clean deps, warn macos arti, fix node overflow
Cargo: Cleanup unused dependencies, enable some build optimizations
Tor: Arti doesn't seem to work on macOS
Even a bare Arti+Hyper request doesn't seem to work, so it's
probably not something to do with Gupax. A lot of issues only
seem to popup in a VM (OpenGL, TLS) even though on bare metal
Gupax runs fine, so Tor might work fine on real macOS but I don't
have real macOS to test it. VM macOS can't create a circuit, so,
disable by default and add a warning that it's unstable.
P2Pool: Let selected_index start at 0, and only +1 when printing
to the user, this makes the overflow math when adding/deleting a
lot more simple because selected_index will match the actual index
of the node vector
2022-11-21 22:16:31 +00:00
let mut n = 0 ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
for ( name , node ) in node_vec . iter ( ) {
cargo/tor/p2pool: clean deps, warn macos arti, fix node overflow
Cargo: Cleanup unused dependencies, enable some build optimizations
Tor: Arti doesn't seem to work on macOS
Even a bare Arti+Hyper request doesn't seem to work, so it's
probably not something to do with Gupax. A lot of issues only
seem to popup in a VM (OpenGL, TLS) even though on bare metal
Gupax runs fine, so Tor might work fine on real macOS but I don't
have real macOS to test it. VM macOS can't create a circuit, so,
disable by default and add a warning that it's unstable.
P2Pool: Let selected_index start at 0, and only +1 when printing
to the user, this makes the overflow math when adding/deleting a
lot more simple because selected_index will match the actual index
of the node vector
2022-11-21 22:16:31 +00:00
let text = RichText ::text_style ( RichText ::new ( format! ( " {} . {} \n IP: {} \n RPC: {} \n ZMQ: {} " , n + 1 , name , node . ip , node . rpc , node . zmq ) ) , Monospace ) ;
2022-11-16 02:19:30 +00:00
if ui . add ( SelectableLabel ::new ( self . selected_name = = * name , text ) ) . clicked ( ) {
self . selected_index = n ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
let node = node . clone ( ) ;
2022-11-16 02:19:30 +00:00
self . selected_name = name . clone ( ) ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
self . selected_ip = node . ip . clone ( ) ;
self . selected_rpc = node . rpc . clone ( ) ;
self . selected_zmq = node . zmq . clone ( ) ;
self . name = name . clone ( ) ;
self . ip = node . ip ;
self . rpc = node . rpc ;
self . zmq = node . zmq ;
2022-11-16 02:19:30 +00:00
n + = 1 ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
} ) ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
// [Add/Save]
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
let node_vec_len = node_vec . len ( ) ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
let mut exists = false ;
let mut save_diff = true ;
let mut existing_index = 0 ;
for ( name , node ) in node_vec . iter ( ) {
if * name = = self . name {
exists = true ;
if self . ip = = node . ip & & self . rpc = = node . rpc & & self . zmq = = node . zmq {
save_diff = false ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
existing_index + = 1 ;
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
let text ;
if exists { text = P2POOL_SAVE } else { text = P2POOL_ADD }
cargo/tor/p2pool: clean deps, warn macos arti, fix node overflow
Cargo: Cleanup unused dependencies, enable some build optimizations
Tor: Arti doesn't seem to work on macOS
Even a bare Arti+Hyper request doesn't seem to work, so it's
probably not something to do with Gupax. A lot of issues only
seem to popup in a VM (OpenGL, TLS) even though on bare metal
Gupax runs fine, so Tor might work fine on real macOS but I don't
have real macOS to test it. VM macOS can't create a circuit, so,
disable by default and add a warning that it's unstable.
P2Pool: Let selected_index start at 0, and only +1 when printing
to the user, this makes the overflow math when adding/deleting a
lot more simple because selected_index will match the actual index
of the node vector
2022-11-21 22:16:31 +00:00
let text = format! ( " {} \n Currently selected node: {} . {} \n Current amount of nodes: {} /1000 " , text , self . selected_index + 1 , self . selected_name , node_vec_len ) ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
// If the node already exists, show [Save] and mutate the already existing node
if exists {
2022-11-20 02:20:28 +00:00
ui . set_enabled ( ! incorrect_input & & save_diff ) ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
if ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Button ::new ( " Save " ) ) . on_hover_text ( text ) . clicked ( ) {
let node = Node {
ip : self . ip . clone ( ) ,
rpc : self . rpc . clone ( ) ,
zmq : self . zmq . clone ( ) ,
} ;
cargo/tor/p2pool: clean deps, warn macos arti, fix node overflow
Cargo: Cleanup unused dependencies, enable some build optimizations
Tor: Arti doesn't seem to work on macOS
Even a bare Arti+Hyper request doesn't seem to work, so it's
probably not something to do with Gupax. A lot of issues only
seem to popup in a VM (OpenGL, TLS) even though on bare metal
Gupax runs fine, so Tor might work fine on real macOS but I don't
have real macOS to test it. VM macOS can't create a circuit, so,
disable by default and add a warning that it's unstable.
P2Pool: Let selected_index start at 0, and only +1 when printing
to the user, this makes the overflow math when adding/deleting a
lot more simple because selected_index will match the actual index
of the node vector
2022-11-21 22:16:31 +00:00
node_vec [ existing_index ] . 1 = node ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
info! ( " Node | S | [index: {}, name: \" {} \" , ip: \" {} \" , rpc: {}, zmq: {}] " , existing_index + 1 , self . name , self . ip , self . rpc , self . zmq ) ;
// Else, add to the list
} else {
ui . set_enabled ( ! incorrect_input & & node_vec_len < 1000 ) ;
if ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Button ::new ( " Add " ) ) . on_hover_text ( text ) . clicked ( ) {
let node = Node {
ip : self . ip . clone ( ) ,
rpc : self . rpc . clone ( ) ,
zmq : self . zmq . clone ( ) ,
} ;
node_vec . push ( ( self . name . clone ( ) , node ) ) ;
cargo/tor/p2pool: clean deps, warn macos arti, fix node overflow
Cargo: Cleanup unused dependencies, enable some build optimizations
Tor: Arti doesn't seem to work on macOS
Even a bare Arti+Hyper request doesn't seem to work, so it's
probably not something to do with Gupax. A lot of issues only
seem to popup in a VM (OpenGL, TLS) even though on bare metal
Gupax runs fine, so Tor might work fine on real macOS but I don't
have real macOS to test it. VM macOS can't create a circuit, so,
disable by default and add a warning that it's unstable.
P2Pool: Let selected_index start at 0, and only +1 when printing
to the user, this makes the overflow math when adding/deleting a
lot more simple because selected_index will match the actual index
of the node vector
2022-11-21 22:16:31 +00:00
self . selected_index = ( node_vec_len ) ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
self . selected_name = self . name . clone ( ) ;
self . selected_ip = self . ip . clone ( ) ;
self . selected_rpc = self . rpc . clone ( ) ;
self . selected_zmq = self . zmq . clone ( ) ;
cargo/tor/p2pool: clean deps, warn macos arti, fix node overflow
Cargo: Cleanup unused dependencies, enable some build optimizations
Tor: Arti doesn't seem to work on macOS
Even a bare Arti+Hyper request doesn't seem to work, so it's
probably not something to do with Gupax. A lot of issues only
seem to popup in a VM (OpenGL, TLS) even though on bare metal
Gupax runs fine, so Tor might work fine on real macOS but I don't
have real macOS to test it. VM macOS can't create a circuit, so,
disable by default and add a warning that it's unstable.
P2Pool: Let selected_index start at 0, and only +1 when printing
to the user, this makes the overflow math when adding/deleting a
lot more simple because selected_index will match the actual index
of the node vector
2022-11-21 22:16:31 +00:00
info! ( " Node | A | [index: {}, name: \" {} \" , ip: \" {} \" , rpc: {}, zmq: {}] " , node_vec_len , self . name , self . ip , self . rpc , self . zmq ) ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
} ) ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
// [Delete]
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
ui . set_enabled ( node_vec_len > 1 ) ;
cargo/tor/p2pool: clean deps, warn macos arti, fix node overflow
Cargo: Cleanup unused dependencies, enable some build optimizations
Tor: Arti doesn't seem to work on macOS
Even a bare Arti+Hyper request doesn't seem to work, so it's
probably not something to do with Gupax. A lot of issues only
seem to popup in a VM (OpenGL, TLS) even though on bare metal
Gupax runs fine, so Tor might work fine on real macOS but I don't
have real macOS to test it. VM macOS can't create a circuit, so,
disable by default and add a warning that it's unstable.
P2Pool: Let selected_index start at 0, and only +1 when printing
to the user, this makes the overflow math when adding/deleting a
lot more simple because selected_index will match the actual index
of the node vector
2022-11-21 22:16:31 +00:00
let text = format! ( " {} \n Currently selected node: {} . {} \n Current amount of nodes: {} /1000 " , P2POOL_DELETE , self . selected_index + 1 , self . selected_name , node_vec_len ) ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
if ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Button ::new ( " Delete " ) ) . on_hover_text ( text ) . clicked ( ) {
cargo/tor/p2pool: clean deps, warn macos arti, fix node overflow
Cargo: Cleanup unused dependencies, enable some build optimizations
Tor: Arti doesn't seem to work on macOS
Even a bare Arti+Hyper request doesn't seem to work, so it's
probably not something to do with Gupax. A lot of issues only
seem to popup in a VM (OpenGL, TLS) even though on bare metal
Gupax runs fine, so Tor might work fine on real macOS but I don't
have real macOS to test it. VM macOS can't create a circuit, so,
disable by default and add a warning that it's unstable.
P2Pool: Let selected_index start at 0, and only +1 when printing
to the user, this makes the overflow math when adding/deleting a
lot more simple because selected_index will match the actual index
of the node vector
2022-11-21 22:16:31 +00:00
let new_name ;
let new_node ;
match self . selected_index {
0 = > {
new_name = node_vec [ 1 ] . 0. clone ( ) ;
new_node = node_vec [ 1 ] . 1. clone ( ) ;
node_vec . remove ( 0 ) ;
_ = > {
node_vec . remove ( self . selected_index ) ;
self . selected_index = self . selected_index - 1 ;
new_name = node_vec [ self . selected_index ] . 0. clone ( ) ;
new_node = node_vec [ self . selected_index ] . 1. clone ( ) ;
} ;
2022-11-19 18:03:33 +00:00
self . selected_name = new_name . clone ( ) ;
self . selected_ip = new_node . ip . clone ( ) ;
self . selected_rpc = new_node . rpc . clone ( ) ;
self . selected_zmq = new_node . zmq . clone ( ) ;
self . name = new_name ;
self . ip = new_node . ip ;
self . rpc = new_node . rpc ;
self . zmq = new_node . zmq ;
info! ( " Node | D | [index: {}, name: \" {} \" , ip: \" {} \" , rpc: {}, zmq: {}] " , self . selected_index , self . selected_name , self . selected_ip , self . selected_rpc , self . selected_zmq ) ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
} ) ;
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
ui . set_enabled ( ! self . name . is_empty ( ) | | ! self . ip . is_empty ( ) | | ! self . rpc . is_empty ( ) | | ! self . zmq . is_empty ( ) ) ;
if ui . add_sized ( [ width , text_edit ] , Button ::new ( " Clear " ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_CLEAR ) . clicked ( ) {
self . name . clear ( ) ;
self . ip . clear ( ) ;
self . rpc . clear ( ) ;
self . zmq . clear ( ) ;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
ui . add_space ( 5.0 ) ;
// [Main/Mini]
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
let height = height / 3.0 ;
ui . group ( | ui | { ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
let width = ( width / 4.0 ) - SPACE ;
let height = height + 6.0 ;
if ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , SelectableLabel ::new ( self . mini = = false , " P2Pool Main " ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_MAIN ) . clicked ( ) { self . mini = false ; }
if ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , SelectableLabel ::new ( self . mini = = true , " P2Pool Mini " ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_MINI ) . clicked ( ) { self . mini = true ; }
} ) } ) ;
// [Out/In Peers] + [Log Level]
ui . group ( | ui | { ui . vertical ( | ui | {
let text = ( ui . available_width ( ) / 10.0 ) - SPACE ;
let width = ( text * 8.0 ) - SPACE ;
let height = height / 3.0 ;
ui . style_mut ( ) . spacing . slider_width = width / 1.2 ;
ui . style_mut ( ) . spacing . interact_size . y = height ;
ui . style_mut ( ) . override_text_style = Some ( Name ( " MonospaceSmall " . into ( ) ) ) ;
// ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(Monospace);
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
ui . add_sized ( [ text , height ] , Label ::new ( " Out peers [10-450]: " ) ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , Slider ::new ( & mut self . out_peers , 10 ..= 450 ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_OUT ) ;
ui . add_space ( ui . available_width ( ) - 4.0 ) ;
} ) ;
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
ui . add_sized ( [ text , height ] , Label ::new ( " In peers [10-450]: " ) ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , Slider ::new ( & mut self . in_peers , 10 ..= 450 ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_IN ) ;
} ) ;
ui . horizontal ( | ui | {
ui . add_sized ( [ text , height ] , Label ::new ( " Log level [0-6]: " ) ) ;
ui . add_sized ( [ width , height ] , Slider ::new ( & mut self . log_level , 0 ..= 6 ) ) . on_hover_text ( P2POOL_LOG ) ;
} ) ;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
} ) } ) ;
2022-11-14 02:56:25 +00:00
} ) ;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
2022-11-11 02:20:31 +00:00
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00