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2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
// Gupax - GUI Uniting P2Pool And XMRig
// Copyright (c) 2022 hinto-janaiyo
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
2022-11-16 19:40:25 +00:00
use crate::State;
use egui::{
2022-11-24 04:03:56 +00:00
use crate::{
2022-11-27 03:26:32 +00:00
2022-11-27 03:26:32 +00:00
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
use std::{
2022-11-24 04:03:56 +00:00
use log::*;
use serde::{Serialize,Deserialize};
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileWindow
// Struct for writing/reading the path state.
// The opened file picker is started in a new
// thread so main() needs to be in sync.
pub struct FileWindow {
thread: bool, // Is there already a FileWindow thread?
picked_p2pool: bool, // Did the user pick a path for p2pool?
picked_xmrig: bool, // Did the user pick a path for xmrig?
p2pool_path: String, // The picked p2pool path
xmrig_path: String, // The picked p2pool path
impl FileWindow {
pub fn new() -> Arc<Mutex<Self>> {
Arc::new(Mutex::new(Self {
thread: false,
picked_p2pool: false,
picked_xmrig: false,
p2pool_path: String::new(),
xmrig_path: String::new(),
pub enum FileType {
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratio Lock
// Enum for the lock ratio in the advanced tab.
pub enum Ratio {
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gupax
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
impl Gupax {
2022-12-14 03:41:05 +00:00
pub fn show(&mut self, og: &Arc<Mutex<State>>, state_path: &Path, update: &Arc<Mutex<Update>>, file_window: &Arc<Mutex<FileWindow>>, error_state: &mut ErrorState, restart: &Arc<Mutex<Restart>>, width: f32, height: f32, frame: &mut eframe::Frame, _ctx: &egui::Context, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
// Update button + Progress bar
debug!("Gupax Tab | Rendering [Update] button + progress bar");|ui| {
// These are in unnecessary [ui.vertical()]'s
// because I need to use [ui.set_enabled]s, but I can't
// find a way to use a [] with [ui.add_sized()].
// I have to pick one. This one seperates them though.
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
let height = if self.simple { height/5.0 } else { height/10.0 };
let width = width - SPACE;
let updating = *update.lock().unwrap().updating.lock().unwrap();
ui.vertical(|ui| {
// If [Gupax] is being built for a Linux distro,
// disable built-in updating completely.
#[cfg(feature = "distro")]
#[cfg(feature = "distro")]
ui.add_sized([width, height], Button::new("Updates are disabled")).on_disabled_hover_text(DISTRO_NO_UPDATE);
#[cfg(not(feature = "distro"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "distro"))]
if ui.add_sized([width, height], Button::new("Check for updates")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_UPDATE).clicked() {
2022-12-14 03:41:05 +00:00
Update::spawn_thread(og, self, state_path, update, error_state, restart);
ui.vertical(|ui| {
let prog = *update.lock().unwrap().prog.lock().unwrap();
let msg = format!("{}\n{}{}", *update.lock().unwrap().msg.lock().unwrap(), prog, "%");
ui.add_sized([width, height*1.4], Label::new(RichText::text_style(RichText::new(msg), Monospace)));
let height = height/2.0;
2022-10-28 19:45:13 +00:00
if updating {
ui.add_sized([width, height], Spinner::new().size(height));
2022-10-28 19:45:13 +00:00
} else {
ui.add_sized([width, height], Label::new("..."));
2022-10-28 19:45:13 +00:00
ui.add_sized([width, height], ProgressBar::new(update.lock().unwrap().prog.lock().unwrap().round() / 100.0));
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
debug!("Gupax Tab | Rendering bool buttons");
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
ui.horizontal(|ui| {|ui| {
let width = (width - SPACE*12.0)/6.0;
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
let height = height/10.0;
ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(egui::TextStyle::Small);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.update_via_tor, "Update via Tor")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_UPDATE_VIA_TOR);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.auto_update, "Auto-Update")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_AUTO_UPDATE);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.auto_p2pool, "Auto-P2Pool")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_AUTO_P2POOL);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.auto_xmrig, "Auto-XMRig")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_AUTO_XMRIG);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.ask_before_quit, "Ask before quit")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_ASK_BEFORE_QUIT);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Checkbox::new(&mut self.save_before_quit, "Save before quit")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_SAVE_BEFORE_QUIT);
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
if self.simple { return }
debug!("Gupax Tab | Rendering P2Pool/XMRig path selection");
// P2Pool/XMRig binary path selection
ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(Monospace);
let height = height/28.0;
let text_edit = (ui.available_width()/10.0)-SPACE;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
if self.p2pool_path.is_empty() {
ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new("P2Pool Binary Path ").color(LIGHT_GRAY))).on_hover_text(P2POOL_PATH_EMPTY);
} else if !Self::path_is_file(&self.p2pool_path) {
ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new("P2Pool Binary Path ❌").color(RED))).on_hover_text(P2POOL_PATH_NOT_FILE);
} else if !crate::update::check_p2pool_path(&self.p2pool_path) {
ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new("P2Pool Binary Path ❌").color(RED))).on_hover_text(P2POOL_PATH_NOT_VALID);
} else {
ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new("P2Pool Binary Path ✔").color(GREEN))).on_hover_text(P2POOL_PATH_OK);
2022-10-28 19:45:13 +00:00
ui.spacing_mut().text_edit_width = ui.available_width() - SPACE;
2022-11-18 03:45:57 +00:00
if ui.button("Open").on_hover_text(GUPAX_SELECT).clicked() {
2022-11-24 04:03:56 +00:00
Self::spawn_file_window_thread(file_window, FileType::P2pool);
2022-12-16 03:35:49 +00:00
ui.add_sized([ui.available_width()-SPACE, height], TextEdit::singleline(&mut self.p2pool_path)).on_hover_text(GUPAX_PATH_P2POOL);
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
if self.xmrig_path.is_empty() {
ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new(" XMRig Binary Path ").color(LIGHT_GRAY))).on_hover_text(XMRIG_PATH_EMPTY);
} else if !Self::path_is_file(&self.xmrig_path) {
ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new(" XMRig Binary Path ❌").color(RED))).on_hover_text(XMRIG_PATH_NOT_FILE);
} else if !crate::update::check_xmrig_path(&self.xmrig_path) {
ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new(" XMRig Binary Path ❌").color(RED))).on_hover_text(XMRIG_PATH_NOT_VALID);
} else {
ui.add_sized([text_edit, height], Label::new(RichText::new(" XMRig Binary Path ✔").color(GREEN))).on_hover_text(XMRIG_PATH_OK);
2022-10-28 19:45:13 +00:00
ui.spacing_mut().text_edit_width = ui.available_width() - SPACE;
if ui.button("Open").on_hover_text(GUPAX_SELECT).clicked() {
2022-11-24 04:03:56 +00:00
Self::spawn_file_window_thread(file_window, FileType::Xmrig);
2022-12-16 03:35:49 +00:00
ui.add_sized([ui.available_width()-SPACE, height], TextEdit::singleline(&mut self.xmrig_path)).on_hover_text(GUPAX_PATH_XMRIG);
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
let mut guard = file_window.lock().unwrap();
if guard.picked_p2pool { self.p2pool_path = guard.p2pool_path.clone(); guard.picked_p2pool = false; }
if guard.picked_xmrig { self.xmrig_path = guard.xmrig_path.clone(); guard.picked_xmrig = false; }
// Gupax App resolution sliders
debug!("Gupax Tab | Rendering resolution sliders");
ui.vertical(|ui| {
let width = width/10.0;
ui.spacing_mut().icon_width = width / 25.0;
ui.spacing_mut().slider_width = width*7.6;
match self.ratio {
Ratio::None => (),
Ratio::Width => {
let width = self.selected_width as f64;
2022-11-24 04:03:56 +00:00
let _height = self.selected_height as f64;
let height = (width / 1.333).round();
self.selected_height = height as u16;
Ratio::Height => {
2022-11-24 04:03:56 +00:00
let _width = self.selected_width as f64;
let height = self.selected_height as f64;
let width = (height * 1.333).round();
self.selected_width = width as u16;
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
ui.set_enabled(self.ratio != Ratio::Height);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Label::new(format!(" Width [{}-{}]:", APP_MIN_WIDTH as u16, APP_MAX_WIDTH as u16)));
ui.add_sized([width, height], Slider::new(&mut self.selected_width, APP_MIN_WIDTH as u16..=APP_MAX_WIDTH as u16)).on_hover_text(GUPAX_WIDTH);
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
ui.set_enabled(self.ratio != Ratio::Width);
ui.add_sized([width, height], Label::new(format!("Height [{}-{}]:", APP_MIN_HEIGHT as u16, APP_MAX_HEIGHT as u16)));
ui.add_sized([width, height], Slider::new(&mut self.selected_height, APP_MIN_HEIGHT as u16..=APP_MAX_HEIGHT as u16)).on_hover_text(GUPAX_HEIGHT);
ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(egui::TextStyle::Button);
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
// Width/Height locks|ui| {
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
let height = ui.available_height()/4.0;
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
use Ratio::*;
let width = (width/4.0)-(SPACE*1.5);
if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.ratio == Width, "Lock to width")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_LOCK_WIDTH).clicked() { self.ratio = Width; }
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.ratio == Height, "Lock to height")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_LOCK_HEIGHT).clicked() { self.ratio = Height; }
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new(self.ratio == None, "No lock")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_NO_LOCK).clicked() { self.ratio = None; }
if ui.add_sized([width, height], Button::new("Set")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_SET).clicked() {
frame.set_window_size(Vec2::new(self.selected_width as f32, self.selected_height as f32));
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
// Saved [Tab]
debug!("Gupax Tab | Rendering [Tab] selector");
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00|ui| {
let height = ui.available_height()/1.85;
let width = (width/5.0)-(SPACE*1.93);
helper: p2pool - connect major [Helper] APIs to GUI thread Lots of stuff in this commit: 1. Implement [Start/Stop/Restart] and make it not possible for the GUI to interact with that UI if [Helper] is doing stuff. This prevents the obviously bad situation where [Helper] is in the middle of spawning P2Pool, but the user is still allowed to start it again, which would spawn another P2Pool. The main GUI matches on the state and disables the appropriate UI so the user can't do this. 2. Sync P2Pool's [Priv] and [Pub] output so that the GUI thread is only rendering it once a second. All of Gupax also refreshes at least once a second now as well. 3. Match the [ProcessState] with some colors in the GUI 4. GUI thread no longer directly starts/stops/restarts a process. It will call a function in [Helper] that acts as a proxy. 5. The tokio [async_spawn_p2pool_watchdog()] function that was a clone of the PTY version (but had async stuff) and all of the related functions like the async STDOUT/STDERR reader is now completely gone. It doesn't make sense to write the same code twice, both [Simple] and [Advanced] will have a PTY, only difference being the [Simple] UI won't have an input box. 6. P2Pool's exit code is now examined, either success or failure 7. Output was moved into it's own [Arc<Mutex>]. This allows for more efficient writing/reading since before I had to lock all of [Helper], which caused some noticable deadlocks in the GUI. 8. New [tab] field in [State<Gupax>], and GUI option to select the tab that Gupax will start on.
2022-12-06 03:33:35 +00:00
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new( == Tab::About, "About")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_ABOUT).clicked() { = Tab::About; }
if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new( == Tab::Status, "Status")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_STATUS).clicked() { = Tab::Status; }
if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new( == Tab::Gupax, "Gupax")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_GUPAX).clicked() { = Tab::Gupax; }
if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new( == Tab::P2pool, "P2Pool")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_P2POOL).clicked() { = Tab::P2pool; }
if ui.add_sized([width, height], SelectableLabel::new( == Tab::Xmrig, "XMRig")).on_hover_text(GUPAX_TAB_XMRIG).clicked() { = Tab::Xmrig; }
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00
// Checks if a path is a valid path to a file.
pub fn path_is_file(path: &str) -> bool {
let path = path.to_string();
match crate::disk::into_absolute_path(path) {
2022-12-14 03:41:05 +00:00
Ok(path) => path.is_file(),
_ => false,
fn spawn_file_window_thread(file_window: &Arc<Mutex<FileWindow>>, file_type: FileType) {
use FileType::*;
let name = match file_type {
P2pool => "P2Pool",
Xmrig => "XMRig",
let file_window = file_window.clone();
file_window.lock().unwrap().thread = true;
thread::spawn(move|| {
match rfd::FileDialog::new().set_title(&format!("Select {} Binary for Gupax", name)).pick_file() {
Some(path) => {
info!("Gupax | Path selected for {} ... {}", name, path.display());
match file_type {
P2pool => { file_window.lock().unwrap().p2pool_path = path.display().to_string(); file_window.lock().unwrap().picked_p2pool = true; },
Xmrig => { file_window.lock().unwrap().xmrig_path = path.display().to_string(); file_window.lock().unwrap().picked_xmrig = true; },
None => info!("Gupax | No path selected for {}", name),
file_window.lock().unwrap().thread = false;
2022-10-01 16:58:22 +00:00