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synced 2025-03-21 14:38:44 +00:00
271 lines
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271 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2024 The Monero Project
#include "CoinsModel.h"
#include "libwalletqt/rows/CoinsInfo.h"
#include "Coins.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "utils/ColorScheme.h"
#include "utils/Icons.h"
#include "utils/Utils.h"
#include "libwalletqt/WalletManager.h"
#include <QBrush>
CoinsModel::CoinsModel(QObject *parent, Coins *coins)
: QAbstractTableModel(parent)
, m_coins(coins)
connect(m_coins, &Coins::refreshStarted, this, &CoinsModel::startReset);
connect(m_coins, &Coins::refreshFinished, this, &CoinsModel::endReset);
void CoinsModel::startReset(){
void CoinsModel::endReset(){
Coins * CoinsModel::coins() const {
return m_coins;
int CoinsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid()) {
return 0;
} else {
return m_coins->count();
int CoinsModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid()) {
return 0;
return ModelColumn::COUNT;
QVariant CoinsModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (!m_coins) {
return QVariant();
if (!index.isValid() || index.row() < 0 || static_cast<quint64>(index.row()) >= m_coins->count())
return QVariant();
QVariant result;
bool found = m_coins->coin(index.row(), [this, &index, &result, &role](const CoinsInfo &cInfo) {
bool selected = cInfo.keyImageKnown() && m_selected.contains(cInfo.keyImage());
if(role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole || role == Qt::UserRole) {
result = parseTransactionInfo(cInfo, index.column(), role);
else if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole) {
if (cInfo.spent()) {
result = QBrush(ColorScheme::RED.asColor(true));
else if (cInfo.frozen()) {
result = QBrush(ColorScheme::BLUE.asColor(true));
else if (!cInfo.unlocked()) {
result = QBrush(ColorScheme::YELLOW.asColor(true));
else if (selected) {
result = QBrush(ColorScheme::GREEN.asColor(true));
else if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) {
switch (index.column()) {
case Amount:
result = Qt::AlignRight;
else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) {
switch (index.column()) {
case KeyImageKnown:
if (cInfo.keyImageKnown()) {
result = QVariant(icons()->icon("eye1.png"));
else {
result = QVariant(icons()->icon("eye_blind.png"));
else if (role == Qt::FontRole) {
switch(index.column()) {
case PubKey:
case TxID:
case Address:
result = Utils::getMonospaceFont();
else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) {
switch(index.column()) {
case KeyImageKnown:
if (cInfo.keyImageKnown()) {
result = "Key image known";
} else {
result = "Key image unknown. Outgoing transactions that include this output will not be detected.";
if (cInfo.frozen()) {
result = "Output is frozen.";
else if (!cInfo.unlocked()) {
result = "Output is locked (needs more confirmations)";
else if (cInfo.spent()) {
result = "Output is spent";
else if (selected) {
result = "Coin selected to be spent";
if (!found) {
qCritical("%s: internal error: no transaction info for index %d", __FUNCTION__, index.row());
return result;
QVariant CoinsModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) {
return QVariant();
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
switch(section) {
case PubKey:
return QString("Pub Key");
case TxID:
return QString("TxID");
case BlockHeight:
return QString("Height");
case Address:
return QString("Address");
case Label:
return QString("Label");
case SpentHeight:
return QString("Spent Height");
case Amount:
return QString("Amount");
case Spent:
return QString("Spent");
case Frozen:
return QString("Frozen");
return QVariant();
return QVariant();
Qt::ItemFlags CoinsModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
if (index.column() == Label)
return QAbstractTableModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsEditable;
return QAbstractTableModel::flags(index);
bool CoinsModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
if (index.isValid() && role == Qt::EditRole) {
const int row = index.row();
QString pubkey;
bool found = m_coins->coin(index.row(), [this, &pubkey](const CoinsInfo &cInfo) {
pubkey = cInfo.pubKey();
if (!found) {
return false;
switch (index.column()) {
case Label:
m_coins->setDescription(pubkey, m_currentSubaddressAccount, value.toString());
emit descriptionChanged();
return false;
emit dataChanged(index, index, {Qt::DisplayRole, Qt::EditRole});
return true;
return false;
QVariant CoinsModel::parseTransactionInfo(const CoinsInfo &cInfo, int column, int role) const
switch (column)
case KeyImageKnown:
return "";
case PubKey:
return cInfo.pubKey().mid(0,8);
case TxID:
return cInfo.hash().mid(0, 8) + " ";
case BlockHeight:
return cInfo.blockHeight();
case Address:
return Utils::displayAddress(cInfo.address(), 1, "");
case Label: {
if (!cInfo.description().isEmpty())
return cInfo.description();
if (!cInfo.txNote().isEmpty())
return cInfo.txNote();
return cInfo.addressLabel();
case Spent:
return cInfo.spent();
case SpentHeight:
return cInfo.spentHeight();
case Amount:
if (role == Qt::UserRole) {
return cInfo.amount();
return cInfo.displayAmount();
case Frozen:
return cInfo.frozen();
qCritical() << "Unimplemented role";
return QVariant();
void CoinsModel::setCurrentSubaddressAccount(quint32 accountIndex) {
m_currentSubaddressAccount = accountIndex;
void CoinsModel::setSelected(const QStringList &keyimages) {
for (const auto &ki : keyimages) {
emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount() - 1, columnCount() - 1));
CoinsInfo* CoinsModel::entryFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const {
Q_ASSERT(index.isValid() && index.row() < m_coins->count());
return m_coins->coin(index.row());
} |