2021-01-19 05:57:18 +01:00

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Buildbot builds

The docker build bins can be found here: https://build.featherwallet.org/files/

Docker static builds

Static builds via Docker are done in 3 steps:

  1. Cloning this repository (+submodules)
  2. Creating a base Docker image
  3. Using the base image to compile a build

Linux (reproducible)

The docker image for reproducible Linux static builds uses Ubuntu 16.04 and compiles the required libraries statically so that the resulting Feather binary is static. For more information, check the Dockerfile: Dockerfile.

1. Clone

git clone --branch master --recursive https://git.wownero.com/feather/feather.git
cd feather

Replace master with the desired version tag (e.g. beta-4) to build the release binary.

2. Base image

docker build --tag feather:linux --build-arg THREADS=4 .

Building the base image takes a while. You only need to build the base image once.

3. Build

Standalone binary
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/feather --env OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/openssl/ -w /feather feather:linux sh -c 'TOR_BIN="/usr/local/tor/bin/tor" make release-static -j4'

If you're re-running a build make sure to rm -rf build/ first.

The resulting binary can be found in build/bin/feather.

Hashes for tagged commits should match:

beta-1: d1a52e3bac1abbae4adda1fc88cb2a7a06fbd61085868421897c6a4f3f4eb091  feather

First create the standalone binary using the Docker command in the previous step.

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/feather -w /feather feather:linux contrib/build-appimage.sh

Windows (reproducible)

1. Clone

git clone --branch master --recursive https://git.wownero.com/feather/feather.git
cd feather

Replace master with the desired version tag (e.g. beta-4) to build the release binary.

2. Base image

docker build -f Dockerfile.windows --tag feather:win --build-arg THREADS=4 .

Building the base image takes a while. You only need to build the base image once.

3. Build

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/feather -w /feather feather:win sh -c 'TOR_BIN="/usr/local/tor/bin/tor.exe" make depends root=/depends target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 tag=win-x64 -j4'

If you're re-running a build make sure to rm -rf build/ first.

The resulting binary can be found in build/x86_64-w64-mingw32/release/bin/feather.exe.


For MacOS it's easiest to leverage brew to install the required dependencies.

    brew install boost zmq openssl libpgm miniupnpc libsodium expat libunwind-headers protobuf libgcrypt qrencode ccache cmake pkgconfig git

Clone the repository.

git clone --recursive https://git.wownero.com/feather/feather.git

Get the latest LTS from here: https://www.qt.io/offline-installers and install.

Build Feather.

CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt5.15.1/5.15.1/clang_64 make mac-release

The resulting Mac OS application can be found build/bin/feather.app and will not have Tor embedded.