# Feather - a free Monero desktop wallet 

Feather is a free, open-source Monero wallet for Linux, Tails, macOS and Windows. It is written in C++ with the Qt framework.

Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The Monero Project.

## Resources
* Web: [featherwallet.org](https://featherwallet.org)
* Git: [git.featherwallet.org/feather/feather](https://git.featherwallet.org/feather/feather)
* Mail: dev@featherwallet.org
* IRC: `#feather` on OFTC
* Development builds: [build.featherwallet.org/files](https://build.featherwallet.org/files/)

## Compiling Feather from source

See [BUILDING.md](https://git.featherwallet.org/feather/feather/src/branch/master/BUILDING.md) for information on how to build from source.

## Supporting the project

Feather is a 100% community-sponsored endeavor. If you want to join our efforts, the easiest thing you can do is support the project financially.


## Developers

See [HACKING.md](https://git.featherwallet.org/feather/feather/src/branch/master/HACKING.md) for useful development resources.

It is HIGHLY recommended that you join the `#feather` IRC channel on OFTC if you are hacking on Feather. Due to the nature of this open source software project, joining this channel and idling is the best way to stay updated on best practices and new developments.