// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2023 The Monero Project #include "WindowManager.h" #include #include #include "constants.h" #include "dialog/PasswordDialog.h" #include "dialog/SplashDialog.h" #include "utils/Icons.h" #include "utils/NetworkManager.h" #include "utils/os/tails.h" #include "utils/TorManager.h" #include "utils/WebsocketNotifier.h" WindowManager::WindowManager(EventFilter *eventFilter) : eventFilter(eventFilter) { m_walletManager = WalletManager::instance(); m_splashDialog = new SplashDialog; m_cleanupThread = new QThread(); connect(m_walletManager, &WalletManager::walletOpened, this, &WindowManager::onWalletOpened); connect(m_walletManager, &WalletManager::walletCreated, this, &WindowManager::onWalletCreated); connect(m_walletManager, &WalletManager::deviceButtonRequest, this, &WindowManager::onDeviceButtonRequest); connect(m_walletManager, &WalletManager::deviceButtonPressed, this, &WindowManager::onDeviceButtonPressed); connect(m_walletManager, &WalletManager::deviceError, this, &WindowManager::onDeviceError); connect(m_walletManager, &WalletManager::walletPassphraseNeeded, this, &WindowManager::onWalletPassphraseNeeded); connect(qApp, &QGuiApplication::lastWindowClosed, this, &WindowManager::quitAfterLastWindow); m_tray = new QSystemTrayIcon(icons()->icon("appicons/64x64.png")); m_tray->setToolTip("Feather Wallet"); this->buildTrayMenu(); m_tray->show(); this->initSkins(); if (!config()->get(Config::firstRun).toBool() || TailsOS::detect() || WhonixOS::detect()) { this->onInitialNetworkConfigured(); } this->startupWarning(); if (!this->autoOpenWallet()) { this->initWizard(); } } WindowManager::~WindowManager() { qDebug() << "~WindowManager"; m_cleanupThread->quit(); m_cleanupThread->wait(); } // ######################## APPLICATION LIFECYCLE ######################## void WindowManager::quitAfterLastWindow() { if (m_windows.length() > 0 || m_openingWallet) { return; } qDebug() << "No wizards in progress and no wallets open, quitting application."; this->close(); } void WindowManager::close() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; for (const auto &window: m_windows) { window->close(); } torManager()->stop(); m_tray->hide(); QApplication::quit(); } void WindowManager::closeWindow(MainWindow *window) { m_windows.removeOne(window); // Move Wallet to a different thread for cleanup so it doesn't block GUI thread window->m_ctx->wallet->moveToThread(m_cleanupThread); m_cleanupThread->start(); window->m_ctx->wallet->deleteLater(); } void WindowManager::restartApplication(const QString &binaryFilename) { QProcess::startDetached(binaryFilename, qApp->arguments()); this->close(); } void WindowManager::startupWarning() { // Stagenet / Testnet auto worthlessWarning = QString("Feather wallet is currently running in %1 mode. This is meant " "for developers only. Your coins are WORTHLESS."); if (constants::networkType == NetworkType::STAGENET && config()->get(Config::warnOnStagenet).toBool()) { this->showWarningMessageBox("Warning", worthlessWarning.arg("stagenet")); config()->set(Config::warnOnStagenet, false); } else if (constants::networkType == NetworkType::TESTNET && config()->get(Config::warnOnTestnet).toBool()){ this->showWarningMessageBox("Warning", worthlessWarning.arg("testnet")); config()->set(Config::warnOnTestnet, false); } } void WindowManager::showWarningMessageBox(const QString &title, const QString &message) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setWindowIcon(icons()->icon("appicons/64x64.png")); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setText(message); msgBox.setWindowTitle(title); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); } void WindowManager::raise() { if (!m_windows.isEmpty()) { m_windows.first()->bringToFront(); } else if (m_wizard) { m_wizard->show(); m_wizard->raise(); m_wizard->activateWindow(); } else { // This shouldn't happen this->close(); } } // ######################## WALLET OPEN ######################## void WindowManager::tryOpenWallet(const QString &path, const QString &password) { // Path : path to .keys file QString absolutePath = path; if (absolutePath.startsWith("~")) { absolutePath.replace(0, 1, QDir::homePath()); } // If the wallet is already open, just bring window to front for (const auto &window : m_windows) { if (absolutePath == window->walletKeysPath() || absolutePath == window->walletCachePath()) { window->bringToFront(); return; } } if (!Utils::fileExists(path)) { this->handleWalletError(QString("Wallet not found: %1").arg(path)); return; } m_openingWallet = true; m_walletManager->openWalletAsync(path, password, constants::networkType, constants::kdfRounds, Utils::ringDatabasePath()); } void WindowManager::onWalletOpened(Wallet *wallet) { auto status = wallet->status(); if (status != Wallet::Status_Ok) { QString errMsg = wallet->errorString(); QString keysPath = wallet->keysPath(); QString cachePath = wallet->cachePath(); wallet->deleteLater(); if (status == Wallet::Status_BadPassword) { // Don't show incorrect password when we try with empty password for the first time bool showIncorrectPassword = m_openWalletTriedOnce; m_openWalletTriedOnce = true; this->onWalletOpenPasswordRequired(showIncorrectPassword, keysPath); } else if (errMsg == QString("basic_string::_M_replace_aux") || errMsg == QString("std::bad_alloc")) { qCritical() << errMsg; WalletManager::clearWalletCache(cachePath); errMsg = QString("%1\n\nAttempted to clean wallet cache. Please restart Feather.").arg(errMsg); this->handleWalletError(errMsg); } else { this->handleWalletError(errMsg); } return; } this->onInitialNetworkConfigured(); // if (!wallet->cacheAttributeExists("feather.xmrig_password") && !wallet->cacheAttributeExists("feather.created")) { // auto result = QMessageBox::question(nullptr, "Foreign wallet", // "This wallet file was not created with Feather. This may cause unexpected behavior. Please restore your wallet from seed.\n\nOpen this wallet anyway?"); // if (result == QMessageBox::No) { // wallet->deleteLater(); // this->initWizard(); // return; // } // } if (!wallet->viewOnly() && !wallet->isHwBacked()) { if (!wallet->isDeterministic()) { auto result = QMessageBox::question(nullptr, "Non-deterministic wallet", "This wallet is not deterministic. This may be caused by a corrupt keys file. " "If you are unsure what this means, RESTORE YOUR WALLET FROM SEED.\n\n" "USING THIS WALLET FILE MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF FUNDS.\n\n" "Open this wallet anyway?"); if (result == QMessageBox::No) { wallet->deleteLater(); this->initWizard(); return; } } } // Create new mainwindow with wallet m_splashDialog->hide(); m_openWalletTriedOnce = false; auto *window = new MainWindow(this, wallet); m_windows.append(window); this->buildTrayMenu(); m_openingWallet = false; } void WindowManager::onWalletOpenPasswordRequired(bool invalidPassword, const QString &path) { QFileInfo fileInfo(path); PasswordDialog dialog{fileInfo.fileName(), invalidPassword}; switch (dialog.exec()) { case QDialog::Rejected: { m_openWalletTriedOnce = false; m_wizard->show(); return; } } this->tryOpenWallet(path, dialog.password); } bool WindowManager::autoOpenWallet() { QString autoPath = config()->get(Config::autoOpenWalletPath).toString(); if (!autoPath.isEmpty() && autoPath.startsWith(QString::number(constants::networkType))) { autoPath.remove(0, 1); } if (!autoPath.isEmpty() && Utils::fileExists(autoPath)) { this->tryOpenWallet(autoPath, ""); // TODO: get password from --password return true; } return false; } // ######################## WALLET CREATION ######################## void WindowManager::tryCreateWallet(Seed seed, const QString &path, const QString &password, const QString &seedLanguage, const QString &seedOffset, const QString &subaddressLookahead) { if(Utils::fileExists(path)) { auto err = QString("Failed to write wallet to path: \"%1\"; file already exists.").arg(path); this->handleWalletError(err); return; } if (seed.mnemonic.isEmpty()) { this->handleWalletError("Mnemonic seed error. Failed to write wallet."); return; } Wallet *wallet = nullptr; if (seed.type == Seed::Type::POLYSEED || seed.type == Seed::Type::TEVADOR) { wallet = m_walletManager->createDeterministicWalletFromSpendKey(path, password, seed.language, constants::networkType, seed.spendKey, seed.restoreHeight, constants::kdfRounds, seedOffset, subaddressLookahead); } else if (seed.type == Seed::Type::MONERO) { wallet = m_walletManager->recoveryWallet(path, password, seed.mnemonic.join(" "), seedOffset, constants::networkType, seed.restoreHeight, constants::kdfRounds); } if (!wallet) { this->handleWalletError("Failed to write wallet"); return; } wallet->setCacheAttribute("feather.seed", seed.mnemonic.join(" ")); wallet->setCacheAttribute("feather.seedoffset", seedOffset); this->onWalletOpened(wallet); } void WindowManager::tryCreateWalletFromDevice(const QString &path, const QString &password, const QString &deviceName, int restoreHeight, const QString &subaddressLookahead) { if (Utils::fileExists(path)) { auto err = QString("Failed to write wallet to path: \"%1\"; file already exists.").arg(path); this->handleWalletError(err); return; } m_openingWallet = true; m_walletManager->createWalletFromDeviceAsync(path, password, constants::networkType, deviceName, restoreHeight, subaddressLookahead); } void WindowManager::tryCreateWalletFromKeys(const QString &path, const QString &password, const QString &address, const QString &viewkey, const QString &spendkey, quint64 restoreHeight, const QString &subaddressLookahead) { if (Utils::fileExists(path)) { auto err = QString("Failed to write wallet to path: \"%1\"; file already exists.").arg(path); this->handleWalletError(err); return; } if (!WalletManager::addressValid(address, constants::networkType)) { auto err = QString("Failed to create wallet. Invalid address provided.").arg(path); this->handleWalletError(err); return; } if (!WalletManager::keyValid(viewkey, address, true, constants::networkType)) { auto err = QString("Failed to create wallet. Invalid viewkey provided.").arg(path); this->handleWalletError(err); return; } if (!spendkey.isEmpty() && !WalletManager::keyValid(spendkey, address, false, constants::networkType)) { auto err = QString("Failed to create wallet. Invalid spendkey provided.").arg(path); this->handleWalletError(err); return; } Wallet *wallet = m_walletManager->createWalletFromKeys(path, password, constants::seedLanguage, constants::networkType, address, viewkey, spendkey, restoreHeight, constants::kdfRounds, subaddressLookahead); m_openingWallet = true; m_walletManager->walletOpened(wallet); } void WindowManager::onWalletCreated(Wallet *wallet) { // Currently only called when a wallet is created from device. auto state = wallet->status(); if (state != Wallet::Status_Ok) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << QString("Wallet open error: %1").arg(wallet->errorString()); this->displayWalletErrorMessage(wallet->errorString()); m_splashDialog->hide(); this->showWizard(WalletWizard::Page_Menu); return; } this->onWalletOpened(wallet); } // ######################## ERROR HANDLING ######################## void WindowManager::handleWalletError(const QString &message) { qCritical() << message; this->displayWalletErrorMessage(message); this->initWizard(); } void WindowManager::displayWalletErrorMessage(const QString &message) { QString errMsg = QString("Error: %1").arg(message); QString link; // Ledger if (message.contains("No device found")) { errMsg += "\n\nThis wallet is backed by a Ledger hardware device. Make sure the Monero app is opened on the device.\n" "You may need to restart Feather before the device can get detected."; } if (message.contains("Unable to open device")) { errMsg += "\n\nThe device might be in use by a different application."; #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) errMsg += "\n\nNote: On Linux you may need to follow the instructions in the link below before the device can be opened:\n" "https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005165269-Fix-connection-issues"; link = "https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005165269-Fix-connection-issues"; #endif } // TREZOR if (message.contains("Unable to claim libusb device")) { errMsg += "\n\nThis wallet is backed by a Trezor hardware device. Feather was unable to access the device. " "Please make sure it is not opened by another program and try again."; } if (message.contains("Cannot get a device address")) { errMsg += "\n\nRestart the Trezor hardware device and try again."; } if (message.contains("Could not connect to the device Trezor") || message.contains("Device connect failed")) { errMsg += "\n\nThis wallet is backed by a Trezor hardware device. Make sure the device is connected to your computer and unlocked."; #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) errMsg += "\n\nNote: On Linux you may need to follow the instructions in the link below before the device can be opened:\n" "https://wiki.trezor.io/Udev_rules"; link = "https://wiki.trezor.io/Udev_rules"; #endif } if (message.contains("SW_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORTED")) { errMsg += "\n\nIncompatible version: you may need to upgrade the Monero app on the Ledger device to the latest version."; } else if (message.contains("Wrong Device Status")) { errMsg += "\n\nThe device may need to be unlocked."; } else if (message.contains("Wrong Channel")) { errMsg += "\n\nRestart the hardware device and try again."; } QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setWindowIcon(icons()->icon("appicons/64x64.png")); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setText(errMsg); msgBox.setWindowTitle("Wallet error"); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); QPushButton *openLinkButton = nullptr; if (!link.isEmpty()) { openLinkButton = msgBox.addButton("Open link", QMessageBox::ActionRole); } msgBox.exec(); if (openLinkButton && msgBox.clickedButton() == openLinkButton) { Utils::externalLinkWarning(nullptr, link); } } // ######################## DEVICE ######################## void WindowManager::onDeviceButtonRequest(quint64 code) { QString message; switch (code) { case 1: // Trezor message = "Action required on device: enter your PIN to continue."; break; case 8: // Trezor message = "Action required on device: Export watch-only credentials to open the wallet."; break; case 19: // Trezor message = "Action required on device: Enter passphrase to open the wallet."; break; default: message = "Action required on device: Export the view key to open the wallet."; } m_splashDialog->setMessage(message); m_splashDialog->setIcon(QPixmap(":/assets/images/key.png")); m_splashDialog->show(); m_splashDialog->setEnabled(true); } void WindowManager::onDeviceButtonPressed() { m_splashDialog->hide(); } void WindowManager::onDeviceError(const QString &errorMessage) { // TODO: when does this get called? qCritical() << Q_FUNC_INFO << errorMessage; } void WindowManager::onWalletPassphraseNeeded(bool on_device) { auto button = QMessageBox::question(nullptr, "Wallet Passphrase Needed", "Enter passphrase on hardware wallet?\n\n" "It is recommended to enter passphrase on " "the hardware wallet for better security.", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); if (button == QMessageBox::Yes) { m_walletManager->onPassphraseEntered("", true, false); return; } bool ok; QString passphrase = QInputDialog::getText(nullptr, "Wallet Passphrase Needed", "Enter passphrase:", QLineEdit::EchoMode::Password, "", &ok); if (ok) { m_walletManager->onPassphraseEntered(passphrase, false, false); } else { m_walletManager->onPassphraseEntered(passphrase, false, true); } } // ######################## TRAY ######################## void WindowManager::buildTrayMenu() { QMenu *menu; if (!m_tray->contextMenu()) { menu = new QMenu(); m_tray->setContextMenu(menu); } else { menu = m_tray->contextMenu(); menu->clear(); } for (const auto &window : m_windows) { QString name = window->walletName(); QMenu *submenu = menu->addMenu(name); submenu->addAction("Show/Hide", window, &MainWindow::showOrHide); submenu->addAction("Close", window, &MainWindow::close); } menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction("Exit Feather", this, &WindowManager::close); } // ######################## NETWORKING ######################## void WindowManager::onInitialNetworkConfigured() { if (!m_initialNetworkConfigured) { m_initialNetworkConfigured = true; appData(); this->initTor(); this->initWS(); } } void WindowManager::initTor() { torManager()->init(); torManager()->start(); this->onTorSettingsChanged(); } void WindowManager::onTorSettingsChanged() { if (Utils::isTorsocks()) { return; } // use local tor -> bundled tor QString host = config()->get(Config::socks5Host).toString(); quint16 port = config()->get(Config::socks5Port).toString().toUShort(); if (!torManager()->isLocalTor()) { host = torManager()->featherTorHost; port = torManager()->featherTorPort; } QNetworkProxy proxy{QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, host, port}; getNetworkTor()->setProxy(proxy); websocketNotifier()->websocketClient.webSocket.setProxy(proxy); emit torSettingsChanged(); } void WindowManager::onWebsocketStatusChanged(bool enabled) { emit websocketStatusChanged(enabled); } void WindowManager::initWS() { if (config()->get(Config::offlineMode).toBool()) { return; } if (config()->get(Config::disableWebsocket).toBool()) { return; } websocketNotifier()->websocketClient.start(); } // ######################## WIZARD ######################## WalletWizard* WindowManager::createWizard(WalletWizard::Page startPage) const { auto *wizard = new WalletWizard; connect(wizard, &WalletWizard::initialNetworkConfigured, this, &WindowManager::onInitialNetworkConfigured); connect(wizard, &WalletWizard::skinChanged, this, &WindowManager::changeSkin); connect(wizard, &WalletWizard::openWallet, this, &WindowManager::tryOpenWallet); connect(wizard, &WalletWizard::createWallet, this, &WindowManager::tryCreateWallet); connect(wizard, &WalletWizard::createWalletFromKeys, this, &WindowManager::tryCreateWalletFromKeys); connect(wizard, &WalletWizard::createWalletFromDevice, this, &WindowManager::tryCreateWalletFromDevice); return wizard; } void WindowManager::initWizard() { auto startPage = WalletWizard::Page_Menu; if (config()->get(Config::firstRun).toBool() && !(TailsOS::detect() || WhonixOS::detect())) { startPage = WalletWizard::Page_Network; } this->showWizard(startPage); } void WindowManager::showWizard(WalletWizard::Page startPage) { if (!m_wizard) { m_wizard = this->createWizard(startPage); } m_wizard->resetFields(); m_wizard->setStartId(startPage); m_wizard->restart(); m_wizard->setEnabled(true); m_wizard->show(); } void WindowManager::wizardOpenWallet() { this->showWizard(WalletWizard::Page_OpenWallet); } // ######################## SKINS ######################## void WindowManager::initSkins() { m_skins.insert("Native", ""); QString qdarkstyle = this->loadStylesheet(":qdarkstyle/style.qss"); if (!qdarkstyle.isEmpty()) m_skins.insert("QDarkStyle", qdarkstyle); QString breeze_dark = this->loadStylesheet(":/dark.qss"); if (!breeze_dark.isEmpty()) m_skins.insert("Breeze/Dark", breeze_dark); QString breeze_light = this->loadStylesheet(":/light.qss"); if (!breeze_light.isEmpty()) m_skins.insert("Breeze/Light", breeze_light); QString skin = config()->get(Config::skin).toString(); qApp->setStyleSheet(m_skins[skin]); } QString WindowManager::loadStylesheet(const QString &resource) { QFile f(resource); if (!f.exists()) { printf("Unable to set stylesheet, file not found\n"); f.close(); return ""; } f.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text); QTextStream ts(&f); QString data = ts.readAll(); f.close(); return data; } void WindowManager::changeSkin(const QString &skinName) { if (!m_skins.contains(skinName)) { qWarning() << QString("No such skin %1").arg(skinName); return; } config()->set(Config::skin, skinName); qApp->setStyleSheet(m_skins[skinName]); qDebug() << QString("Skin changed to %1").arg(skinName); }