// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The Monero Project. #include "cli.h" // libwalletqt #include "libwalletqt/TransactionHistory.h" #include "libwalletqt/WalletManager.h" #include "model/AddressBookModel.h" #include "model/TransactionHistoryModel.h" #include "utils/brute.h" #include "constants.h" CLI::CLI(Mode mode, QCommandLineParser *cmdargs, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_mode(mode) , m_cmdargs(cmdargs) { m_walletManager = WalletManager::instance(); connect(m_walletManager, &WalletManager::walletOpened, this, &CLI::onWalletOpened); if (m_mode == Mode::ExportContacts || m_mode == Mode::ExportTxHistory) { if (!cmdargs->isSet("wallet-file")) { this->finished("--wallet-file argument missing"); return; } if (!cmdargs->isSet("password")) { this->finished("--password argument missing"); return; } QString walletFile = cmdargs->value("wallet-file"); QString password = cmdargs->value("password"); m_walletManager->openWalletAsync(walletFile, password, constants::networkType); } else if (mode == Mode::BruteforcePassword) { QString keys_file = m_cmdargs->value("bruteforce-password"); if (!keys_file.endsWith(".keys")) { this->finished("Wallet file does not end with .keys"); return; } QStringList words; if (m_cmdargs->isSet("bruteforce-dict")) { QString data = Utils::barrayToString(Utils::fileOpen(m_cmdargs->value("bruteforce-dict"))); words = data.split("\n"); } if (!m_cmdargs->isSet("bruteforce-chars")) { this->finished("--bruteforce-chars argument missing"); return; } QString chars = m_cmdargs->value("bruteforce-chars"); brute b(chars.toStdString()); if (words.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "No dictionairy specified, bruteforcing all chars"; while (true) { QString pass = QString::fromStdString(b.next()); if (m_walletManager->verifyWalletPassword(keys_file, pass, false)) { this->finished(QString("Found password: %1").arg(pass)); break; } qDebug() << pass; } } else { bruteword bb(chars.toStdString()); bool foundPass = false; for (const auto& word: words) { if (word.isEmpty()) { continue; } bb.setWord(word.toStdString()); while (true) { QString pass = QString::fromStdString(bb.next()); if (pass == "") { break; } if (m_walletManager->verifyWalletPassword(keys_file, pass, false)) { this->finished(QString("Found password: %1").arg(pass)); foundPass = true; break; } qDebug() << pass; } if (foundPass) { break; } } if (!foundPass) { this->finished("Search space exhausted"); } } } else { this->finished("Invalid mode"); } } void CLI::onWalletOpened(Wallet *w) { QScopedPointer<Wallet> wallet{w}; if (wallet->status() != Wallet::Status_Ok) { this->finished(wallet->errorString()); return; } if (m_mode == Mode::ExportContacts) { auto *model = wallet->addressBookModel(); QString fileName = m_cmdargs->value("export-contacts"); if (model->writeCSV(fileName)) this->finished(QString("Contacts exported to %1").arg(fileName)); else this->finished("Failed to export contacts"); } else if (m_mode == Mode::ExportTxHistory) { wallet->history()->refresh(wallet->currentSubaddressAccount()); auto *model = wallet->history(); QString fileName = m_cmdargs->value("export-txhistory"); if (model->writeCSV(fileName)) this->finished(QString("Transaction history exported to %1").arg(fileName)); else this->finished("Failed to export transaction history"); } } void CLI::finished(const QString &message) { qInfo() << message; QApplication::quit(); }