Settings 0 0 915 553 Settings 1 General Preferred fiat currency: USD EUR RUB GBP AUD CAD CHF CNY CZK JPY KRW MXN NZD SEK THB TRY ZAR Appearance: Amount precision: Date format: Time format: Balance display: Total balance Spendable balance (+ unconfirmed balance) Spendable balance Qt::Vertical 20 0 Privacy Multibroadcast outgoing transactions 0 0 ? Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Warn before opening external link Hide balance Disable websocket 0 0 ? Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Do not write log files to disk Lock wallet on inactivity after 1 120 minutes Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Offline mode Qt::Vertical 20 40 Node Network 0 0 Websockets Disable websocket Websocket server 300 16777215 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Paths 6 This application uses the following paths: true Browse Wallet directory: Config directory: true Application directory: true Qt::Vertical 20 0 Links Block explorer: blkchairbknpn73cfjhevhla7rkp4ed5gg2knctvv7it4lioy22defid.onion Reddit frontend: LocalMonero frontend: .. Console 0 0 16777215 70 Log source Qt Application RPC daemon Tor daemon 0 0 QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 1 0 0 0 0 Copy to clipboard Open log directory Clear 0 0 16777215 70 Log level Critical true Warning true Info false Debug true true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 QDialogButtonBox::Ok NodeWidget QWidget
copyToClipboard() checkboxExternalLinkWarn() closeClicked(QAbstractButton*) checkboxCheckForAppUpdates() fiatCurrencySelected(QString) homeWidgetChanged(int)