// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // Copyright (c) 2020, The Monero Project. #include #include #include #include "nodes.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "appcontext.h" Nodes::Nodes(AppContext *ctx, QNetworkAccessManager *networkAccessManager, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_ctx(ctx), m_networkAccessManager(networkAccessManager), m_connection(FeatherNode()), modelWebsocket(new NodeModel(NodeSource::websocket, this)), modelCustom(new NodeModel(NodeSource::custom, this)) { this->loadConfig(); } void Nodes::loadConfig() { auto configNodes = config()->get(Config::nodes).toByteArray(); auto key = QString::number(m_ctx->networkType); if (!Utils::validateJSON(configNodes)) { m_configJson[key] = QJsonObject(); qCritical() << "Fixed malformed config key \"nodes\""; } QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(configNodes); m_configJson = doc.object(); if (!m_configJson.contains(key)) m_configJson[key] = QJsonObject(); auto obj = m_configJson.value(key).toObject(); if (!obj.contains("custom")) obj["custom"] = QJsonArray(); if (!obj.contains("ws")) obj["ws"] = QJsonArray(); // load custom nodes auto nodes = obj.value("custom").toArray(); for (auto value: nodes) { auto customNode = FeatherNode(value.toString()); customNode.custom = true; if(m_connection == customNode) { if(m_connection.isActive) customNode.isActive = true; else if(m_connection.isConnecting) customNode.isConnecting = true; } m_customNodes.append(customNode); } // load cached websocket nodes auto ws = obj.value("ws").toArray(); for (auto value: ws) { auto wsNode = FeatherNode(value.toString()); wsNode.custom = false; wsNode.online = true; // assume online if (m_connection == wsNode) { if (m_connection.isActive) wsNode.isActive = true; else if (m_connection.isConnecting) wsNode.isConnecting = true; } m_websocketNodes.append(wsNode); } if (!obj.contains("source")) obj["source"] = NodeSource::websocket; m_source = static_cast(obj.value("source").toInt()); if (m_websocketNodes.count() > 0) { qDebug() << QString("Loaded %1 cached websocket nodes from config").arg(m_websocketNodes.count()); } if (m_customNodes.count() > 0) { qDebug() << QString("Loaded %1 custom nodes from config").arg(m_customNodes.count()); } m_configJson[key] = obj; this->writeConfig(); this->updateModels(); } void Nodes::writeConfig() { QJsonDocument doc(m_configJson); QString output(doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)); config()->set(Config::nodes, output); qDebug() << "Saved node config."; } void Nodes::connectToNode() { // auto connect m_wsExhaustedWarningEmitted = false; m_customExhaustedWarningEmitted = false; this->autoConnect(true); } void Nodes::connectToNode(const FeatherNode &node) { if (node.address.isEmpty()) return; emit updateStatus(QString("Connecting to %1").arg(node.address)); qInfo() << QString("Attempting to connect to %1 (%2)").arg(node.address).arg(node.custom ? "custom" : "ws"); if (!node.username.isEmpty() && !node.password.isEmpty()) m_ctx->currentWallet->setDaemonLogin(node.username, node.password); // Don't use SSL over Tor m_ctx->currentWallet->setUseSSL(!node.tor); m_ctx->currentWallet->initAsync(node.address, true, 0, false, false, 0); m_connection = node; m_connection.isActive = false; m_connection.isConnecting = true; this->resetLocalState(); this->updateModels(); } void Nodes::autoConnect(bool forceReconnect) { // this function is responsible for automatically connecting to a daemon. if (m_ctx->currentWallet == nullptr || !m_enableAutoconnect) { return; } Wallet::ConnectionStatus status = m_ctx->currentWallet->connectionStatus(); bool wsMode = (this->source() == NodeSource::websocket); auto nodes = wsMode ? m_customNodes : m_websocketNodes; if (wsMode && !m_wsNodesReceived && m_websocketNodes.count() == 0) { // this situation should rarely occur due to the usage of the websocket node cache on startup. qInfo() << "Feather is in websocket connection mode but was not able to receive any nodes (yet)."; return; } if (status == Wallet::ConnectionStatus_Disconnected || forceReconnect) { if (!m_connection.address.isEmpty() && !forceReconnect) { m_recentFailures << m_connection.address; } // try a connect auto node = this->pickEligibleNode(); this->connectToNode(node); return; } else if (status == Wallet::ConnectionStatus_Connected && m_connection.isConnecting) { qInfo() << QString("Node connected to %1").arg(m_connection.address); // set current connection object m_connection.isConnecting = false; m_connection.isActive = true; // reset node exhaustion state m_wsExhaustedWarningEmitted = false; m_customExhaustedWarningEmitted = false; m_recentFailures.clear(); } this->resetLocalState(); this->updateModels(); } FeatherNode Nodes::pickEligibleNode() { // Pick a node at random to connect to auto rtn = FeatherNode(); auto wsMode = (this->source() == NodeSource::websocket); auto nodes = wsMode ? m_websocketNodes : m_customNodes; if (nodes.count() == 0) { this->exhausted(); return rtn; } QVector node_indeces; int i = 0; for (const auto &node: nodes) { node_indeces.push_back(i); i++; } unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); std::shuffle(node_indeces.begin(), node_indeces.end(), std::default_random_engine(seed)); // Pick random eligible node int mode_height = this->modeHeight(nodes); for (int index : node_indeces) { const FeatherNode &node = nodes.at(index); // This may fail to detect bad nodes if cached nodes are used // Todo: wait on websocket before connecting, only use cache if websocket is unavailable if (wsMode && m_wsNodesReceived) { // Ignore offline nodes if (!node.online) continue; // Ignore nodes that are more than 25 blocks behind mode if (node.height < (mode_height - 25)) continue; // Ignore nodes that say they aren't synchronized if (node.target_height > node.height) continue; } // Don't connect to nodes that failed to connect recently if (m_recentFailures.contains(node.address)) { continue; } return node; } // All nodes tried, and none eligible this->exhausted(); return rtn; } void Nodes::onWSNodesReceived(const QList> &nodes) { m_websocketNodes.clear(); m_wsNodesReceived = true; for (auto &node: nodes) { if (m_connection == *node) { if (m_connection.isActive) node->isActive = true; else if (m_connection.isConnecting) node->isConnecting = true; } m_websocketNodes.push_back(*node); } // cache into config auto key = QString::number(m_ctx->networkType); auto obj = m_configJson.value(key).toObject(); auto ws = QJsonArray(); for (auto const &node: m_websocketNodes) ws.push_back(node.address); obj["ws"] = ws; m_configJson[key] = obj; this->writeConfig(); this->resetLocalState(); this->updateModels(); } void Nodes::onNodeSourceChanged(NodeSource nodeSource) { if (nodeSource == this->source()) return; m_source = nodeSource; auto key = QString::number(m_ctx->networkType); auto obj = m_configJson.value(key).toObject(); obj["source"] = nodeSource; m_configJson[key] = obj; this->writeConfig(); this->resetLocalState(); this->updateModels(); this->autoConnect(true); } void Nodes::setCustomNodes(const QList &nodes) { m_customNodes.clear(); auto key = QString::number(m_ctx->networkType); auto obj = m_configJson.value(key).toObject(); QStringList nodesList; for (auto const &node: nodes) { if (nodesList.contains(node.full)) continue; nodesList.append(node.full); m_customNodes.append(node); } auto arr = QJsonArray::fromStringList(nodesList); obj["custom"] = arr; m_configJson[key] = obj; this->writeConfig(); this->resetLocalState(); this->updateModels(); } void Nodes::updateModels() { this->modelCustom->updateNodes(m_customNodes); this->modelWebsocket->updateNodes(m_websocketNodes); } void Nodes::resetLocalState() { auto resetState = [this](QList *model){ for (auto&& node: *model) { node.isConnecting = false; node.isActive = false; if (node == m_connection) { node.isActive = m_connection.isActive; node.isConnecting = m_connection.isConnecting; } } }; resetState(&m_customNodes); resetState(&m_websocketNodes); } void Nodes::exhausted() { bool wsMode = (this->source() == NodeSource::websocket); if (wsMode) this->WSNodeExhaustedWarning(); else this->nodeExhaustedWarning(); } void Nodes::nodeExhaustedWarning(){ if (m_customExhaustedWarningEmitted) return; emit nodeExhausted(); qWarning() << "Could not find an eligible custom node to connect to."; m_customExhaustedWarningEmitted = true; } void Nodes::WSNodeExhaustedWarning() { if (m_wsExhaustedWarningEmitted) return; emit WSNodeExhausted(); qWarning() << "Could not find an eligible websocket node to connect to."; m_wsExhaustedWarningEmitted = true; } QList Nodes::customNodes() { return m_customNodes; } FeatherNode Nodes::connection() { return m_connection; } NodeSource Nodes::source() { return m_source; } int Nodes::modeHeight(const QList &nodes) { QVector heights; for (const auto &node: nodes) { heights.push_back(node.height); } std::sort(heights.begin(), heights.end()); int max_count = 1, mode_height = heights[0], count = 1; for (int i = 1; i < heights.count(); i++) { if (heights[i] == 0) { // Don't consider 0 height nodes continue; } if (heights[i] == heights[i - 1]) count++; else { if (count > max_count) { max_count = count; mode_height = heights[i - 1]; } count = 1; } } if (count > max_count) { mode_height = heights[heights.count() - 1]; } return mode_height; }