#!/bin/bash set -e unset SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH # Manually create the AppImage (reproducibly) since linuxdeployqt is not able to create cross-compiled AppImages APPDIR="$PWD/feather.AppDir" mkdir -p "$APPDIR" mkdir -p "$APPDIR/usr/share/applications/" mkdir -p "$APPDIR/usr/bin" cp "src/assets/feather.desktop" "$APPDIR/usr/share/applications/feather.desktop" cp "src/assets/feather.desktop" "$APPDIR/feather.desktop" cp "src/assets/images/appicons/64x64.png" "$APPDIR/feather.png" cp "build/bin/feather" "$APPDIR/usr/bin/feather" chmod +x "$APPDIR/usr/bin/feather" cp "contrib/AppImage/AppRun" "$APPDIR/" chmod +x "$APPDIR/AppRun" find feather.AppDir/ -exec touch -h -a -m -t 202101010100.00 {} \; mksquashfs feather.AppDir feather.squashfs -comp zstd -info -root-owned -no-xattrs -noappend -fstime 0 # mksquashfs writes a timestamp to the header printf '\x00\x00\x00\x00' | dd conv=notrunc of=feather.squashfs bs=1 seek=$((0x8)) rm -f feather.AppImage cat /feather/contrib/depends/${HOST}/runtime >> feather.AppImage cat feather.squashfs >> feather.AppImage chmod a+x feather.AppImage