mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 02:05:11 +00:00
* update monero_c hash * update monero_c hash * update monero_c hash * update monero_c hash * update monero_c hash
344 lines
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344 lines
10 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:cw_core/utils/print_verbose.dart';
import 'package:cw_monero/api/account_list.dart';
import 'package:cw_monero/api/exceptions/setup_wallet_exception.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:monero/monero.dart' as monero;
import 'package:mutex/mutex.dart';
int getSyncingHeight() {
// final height = monero.MONERO_cw_WalletListener_height(getWlptr());
final h2 = monero.Wallet_blockChainHeight(wptr!);
// printV("height: $height / $h2");
return h2;
bool isNeededToRefresh() {
final ret = monero.MONERO_cw_WalletListener_isNeedToRefresh(getWlptr());
return ret;
bool isNewTransactionExist() {
final ret = monero.MONERO_cw_WalletListener_isNewTransactionExist(getWlptr());
return ret;
String getFilename() => monero.Wallet_filename(wptr!);
String getSeed() {
// monero.Wallet_setCacheAttribute(wptr!, key: "cakewallet.seed", value: seed);
final cakepolyseed =
monero.Wallet_getCacheAttribute(wptr!, key: "cakewallet.seed");
if (cakepolyseed != "") {
return cakepolyseed;
final polyseed = monero.Wallet_getPolyseed(wptr!, passphrase: '');
if (polyseed != "") {
return polyseed;
final legacy = getSeedLegacy("English");
return legacy;
String getSeedLegacy(String? language) {
var legacy = monero.Wallet_seed(wptr!, seedOffset: '');
switch (language) {
case "Chinese (Traditional)": language = "Chinese (simplified)"; break;
case "Chinese (Simplified)": language = "Chinese (simplified)"; break;
case "Korean": language = "English"; break;
case "Czech": language = "English"; break;
case "Japanese": language = "English"; break;
if (monero.Wallet_status(wptr!) != 0) {
monero.Wallet_setSeedLanguage(wptr!, language: language ?? "English");
legacy = monero.Wallet_seed(wptr!, seedOffset: '');
if (monero.Wallet_status(wptr!) != 0) {
final err = monero.Wallet_errorString(wptr!);
if (legacy.isNotEmpty) {
return "$err\n\n$legacy";
return err;
return legacy;
Map<int, Map<int, Map<int, String>>> addressCache = {};
String getAddress({int accountIndex = 0, int addressIndex = 0}) {
// printV("getaddress: ${accountIndex}/${addressIndex}: ${monero.Wallet_numSubaddresses(wptr!, accountIndex: accountIndex)}: ${monero.Wallet_address(wptr!, accountIndex: accountIndex, addressIndex: addressIndex)}");
while (monero.Wallet_numSubaddresses(wptr!, accountIndex: accountIndex)-1 < addressIndex) {
printV("adding subaddress");
monero.Wallet_addSubaddress(wptr!, accountIndex: accountIndex);
addressCache[wptr!.address] ??= {};
addressCache[wptr!.address]![accountIndex] ??= {};
addressCache[wptr!.address]![accountIndex]![addressIndex] ??= monero.Wallet_address(wptr!,
accountIndex: accountIndex, addressIndex: addressIndex);
return addressCache[wptr!.address]![accountIndex]![addressIndex]!;
int getFullBalance({int accountIndex = 0}) =>
monero.Wallet_balance(wptr!, accountIndex: accountIndex);
int getUnlockedBalance({int accountIndex = 0}) =>
monero.Wallet_unlockedBalance(wptr!, accountIndex: accountIndex);
int getCurrentHeight() => monero.Wallet_blockChainHeight(wptr!);
int getNodeHeightSync() => monero.Wallet_daemonBlockChainHeight(wptr!);
bool isConnectedSync() => monero.Wallet_connected(wptr!) != 0;
Future<bool> setupNodeSync(
{required String address,
String? login,
String? password,
bool useSSL = false,
bool isLightWallet = false,
String? socksProxyAddress}) async {
daemonAddress: $address,
useSsl: $useSSL,
proxyAddress: $socksProxyAddress ?? '',
daemonUsername: $login ?? '',
daemonPassword: $password ?? ''
final addr = wptr!.address;
await Isolate.run(() {
daemonAddress: address,
useSsl: useSSL,
proxyAddress: socksProxyAddress ?? '',
daemonUsername: login ?? '',
daemonPassword: password ?? '');
final status = monero.Wallet_status(wptr!);
if (status != 0) {
final error = monero.Wallet_errorString(wptr!);
printV("error: $error");
throw SetupWalletException(message: error);
if (kDebugMode) {
wptr!, argv0: '',
defaultLogBaseName: 'moneroc',
console: true,
logPath: '',
return status == 0;
void startRefreshSync() {
void setRefreshFromBlockHeight({required int height}) =>
refresh_from_block_height: height);
void setRecoveringFromSeed({required bool isRecovery}) =>
monero.Wallet_setRecoveringFromSeed(wptr!, recoveringFromSeed: isRecovery);
final storeMutex = Mutex();
int lastStorePointer = 0;
int lastStoreHeight = 0;
void storeSync({bool force = false}) async {
final addr = wptr!.address;
final synchronized = await Isolate.run(() {
return monero.Wallet_synchronized(Pointer.fromAddress(addr));
if (lastStorePointer == wptr!.address &&
lastStoreHeight + 5000 > monero.Wallet_blockChainHeight(wptr!) &&
!synchronized &&
!force) {
lastStorePointer = wptr!.address;
lastStoreHeight = monero.Wallet_blockChainHeight(wptr!);
await storeMutex.acquire();
await Isolate.run(() {
void setPasswordSync(String password) {
monero.Wallet_setPassword(wptr!, password: password);
final status = monero.Wallet_status(wptr!);
if (status != 0) {
throw Exception(monero.Wallet_errorString(wptr!));
void closeCurrentWallet() {
String getSecretViewKey() => monero.Wallet_secretViewKey(wptr!);
String getPublicViewKey() => monero.Wallet_publicViewKey(wptr!);
String getSecretSpendKey() => monero.Wallet_secretSpendKey(wptr!);
String getPublicSpendKey() => monero.Wallet_publicSpendKey(wptr!);
class SyncListener {
SyncListener(this.onNewBlock, this.onNewTransaction)
: _cachedBlockchainHeight = 0,
_lastKnownBlockHeight = 0,
_initialSyncHeight = 0;
void Function(int, int, double) onNewBlock;
void Function() onNewTransaction;
Timer? _updateSyncInfoTimer;
int _cachedBlockchainHeight;
int _lastKnownBlockHeight;
int _initialSyncHeight;
Future<int> getNodeHeightOrUpdate(int baseHeight) async {
if (_cachedBlockchainHeight < baseHeight || _cachedBlockchainHeight == 0) {
_cachedBlockchainHeight = await getNodeHeight();
return _cachedBlockchainHeight;
void start() {
_cachedBlockchainHeight = 0;
_lastKnownBlockHeight = 0;
_initialSyncHeight = 0;
_updateSyncInfoTimer ??=
Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 1200), (_) async {
if (isNewTransactionExist()) {
var syncHeight = getSyncingHeight();
if (syncHeight <= 0) {
syncHeight = getCurrentHeight();
if (_initialSyncHeight <= 0) {
_initialSyncHeight = syncHeight;
final bchHeight = await getNodeHeightOrUpdate(syncHeight);
if (_lastKnownBlockHeight == syncHeight) {
_lastKnownBlockHeight = syncHeight;
final track = bchHeight - _initialSyncHeight;
final diff = track - (bchHeight - syncHeight);
final ptc = diff <= 0 ? 0.0 : diff / track;
final left = bchHeight - syncHeight;
if (syncHeight < 0 || left < 0) {
// 1. Actual new height; 2. Blocks left to finish; 3. Progress in percents;
onNewBlock.call(syncHeight, left, ptc);
void stop() => _updateSyncInfoTimer?.cancel();
SyncListener setListeners(void Function(int, int, double) onNewBlock,
void Function() onNewTransaction) {
final listener = SyncListener(onNewBlock, onNewTransaction);
// setListenerNative();
return listener;
void onStartup() {}
void _storeSync(Object _) => storeSync();
Future<bool> _setupNodeSync(Map<String, Object?> args) async {
final address = args['address'] as String;
final login = (args['login'] ?? '') as String;
final password = (args['password'] ?? '') as String;
final useSSL = args['useSSL'] as bool;
final isLightWallet = args['isLightWallet'] as bool;
final socksProxyAddress = (args['socksProxyAddress'] ?? '') as String;
return setupNodeSync(
address: address,
login: login,
password: password,
useSSL: useSSL,
isLightWallet: isLightWallet,
socksProxyAddress: socksProxyAddress);
bool _isConnected(Object _) => isConnectedSync();
int _getNodeHeight(Object _) => getNodeHeightSync();
void startRefresh() => startRefreshSync();
Future<void> setupNode(
{required String address,
String? login,
String? password,
bool useSSL = false,
String? socksProxyAddress,
bool isLightWallet = false}) async =>
'address': address,
'login': login,
'password': password,
'useSSL': useSSL,
'isLightWallet': isLightWallet,
'socksProxyAddress': socksProxyAddress
Future<void> store() async => _storeSync(0);
Future<bool> isConnected() async => _isConnected(0);
Future<int> getNodeHeight() async => _getNodeHeight(0);
void rescanBlockchainAsync() => monero.Wallet_rescanBlockchainAsync(wptr!);
String getSubaddressLabel(int accountIndex, int addressIndex) {
return monero.Wallet_getSubaddressLabel(wptr!,
accountIndex: accountIndex, addressIndex: addressIndex);
Future setTrustedDaemon(bool trusted) async =>
monero.Wallet_setTrustedDaemon(wptr!, arg: trusted);
Future<bool> trustedDaemon() async => monero.Wallet_trustedDaemon(wptr!);
String signMessage(String message, {String address = ""}) {
return monero.Wallet_signMessage(wptr!, message: message, address: address);
bool verifyMessage(String message, String address, String signature) {
return monero.Wallet_verifySignedMessage(wptr!, message: message, address: address, signature: signature);