mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 01:28:57 +00:00
* fix: Improve exchange flow by adding a timeout to the call to fetch rate from providers * fix: Adjust time limit for fetching rate to 7 seconds and add timelimit to fetching limits * fix: Make fetch limits a Future.wait * feat: Add currency for amount and estimated receive amount to confirm sending page for exchange * fix: Remove unneeded code * fix: Modify receive amount to reflect value coming from the individual exchange providers if available and ensure receiveAmount is calculated based on selected exchange provider's rate
291 lines
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291 lines
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import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/exchange_provider_description.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/limits.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/provider/exchange_provider.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/trade.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/trade_request.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/trade_state.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/utils/currency_pairs_utils.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class ThorChainExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
ThorChainExchangeProvider({required this.tradesStore})
: super(pairList: supportedPairs(_notSupported));
static final List<CryptoCurrency> _notSupported = [
.where((element) => ![
// CryptoCurrency.eth,
// CryptoCurrency.aave,
// CryptoCurrency.dai,
// CryptoCurrency.gusd,
// CryptoCurrency.usdc,
// CryptoCurrency.usdterc20,
// CryptoCurrency.wbtc, // TODO: temporarily commented until https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/pull/1436 is merged
static final isRefundAddressSupported = [CryptoCurrency.eth];
static const _baseNodeURL = 'thornode.ninerealms.com';
static const _baseURL = 'midgard.ninerealms.com';
static const _quotePath = '/thorchain/quote/swap';
static const _txInfoPath = '/thorchain/tx/status/';
static const _affiliateName = 'cakewallet';
static const _affiliateBps = '175';
static const _nameLookUpPath = 'v2/thorname/lookup/';
final Box<Trade> tradesStore;
String get title => 'THORChain';
bool get isAvailable => true;
bool get isEnabled => true;
bool get supportsFixedRate => false;
ExchangeProviderDescription get description => ExchangeProviderDescription.thorChain;
Future<bool> checkIsAvailable() async => true;
Future<double> fetchRate(
{required CryptoCurrency from,
required CryptoCurrency to,
required double amount,
required bool isFixedRateMode,
required bool isReceiveAmount}) async {
try {
if (amount == 0) return 0.0;
final params = {
'from_asset': _normalizeCurrency(from),
'to_asset': _normalizeCurrency(to),
'amount': _doubleToThorChainString(amount),
'affiliate': _affiliateName,
'affiliate_bps': _affiliateBps
final responseJSON = await _getSwapQuote(params);
final expectedAmountOut = responseJSON['expected_amount_out'] as String? ?? '0.0';
return _thorChainAmountToDouble(expectedAmountOut) / amount;
} catch (e) {
return 0.0;
Future<Limits> fetchLimits(
{required CryptoCurrency from,
required CryptoCurrency to,
required bool isFixedRateMode}) async {
final params = {
'from_asset': _normalizeCurrency(from),
'to_asset': _normalizeCurrency(to),
'amount': _doubleToThorChainString(1),
'affiliate': _affiliateName,
'affiliate_bps': _affiliateBps
final responseJSON = await _getSwapQuote(params);
final minAmountIn = responseJSON['recommended_min_amount_in'] as String? ?? '0.0';
return Limits(min: _thorChainAmountToDouble(minAmountIn));
Future<Trade> createTrade({
required TradeRequest request,
required bool isFixedRateMode,
required bool isSendAll,
}) async {
String formattedToAddress = request.toAddress.startsWith('bitcoincash:')
? request.toAddress.replaceFirst('bitcoincash:', '')
: request.toAddress;
final formattedFromAmount = double.parse(request.fromAmount);
final params = {
'from_asset': _normalizeCurrency(request.fromCurrency),
'to_asset': _normalizeCurrency(request.toCurrency),
'amount': _doubleToThorChainString(formattedFromAmount),
'destination': formattedToAddress,
'affiliate': _affiliateName,
'affiliate_bps': _affiliateBps,
isRefundAddressSupported.contains(request.fromCurrency) ? request.refundAddress : '',
final responseJSON = await _getSwapQuote(params);
final inputAddress = responseJSON['inbound_address'] as String?;
final memo = responseJSON['memo'] as String?;
final directAmountOutResponse = responseJSON['expected_amount_out'] as String?;
String? receiveAmount;
if (directAmountOutResponse != null) {
receiveAmount = _thorChainAmountToDouble(directAmountOutResponse).toString();
return Trade(
id: '',
from: request.fromCurrency,
to: request.toCurrency,
provider: description,
inputAddress: inputAddress,
createdAt: DateTime.now(),
amount: request.fromAmount,
receiveAmount: receiveAmount ?? request.toAmount,
state: TradeState.notFound,
payoutAddress: request.toAddress,
memo: memo,
isSendAll: isSendAll,
Future<Trade> findTradeById({required String id}) async {
if (id.isEmpty) throw Exception('Trade id is empty');
final formattedId = id.startsWith('0x') ? id.substring(2) : id;
final uri = Uri.https(_baseNodeURL, '$_txInfoPath$formattedId');
final response = await http.get(uri);
if (response.statusCode == 404) {
throw Exception('Trade not found for id: $formattedId');
} else if (response.statusCode != 200) {
throw Exception('Unexpected HTTP status: ${response.statusCode}');
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final Map<String, dynamic> stagesJson = responseJSON['stages'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
final inboundObservedStarted = stagesJson['inbound_observed']?['started'] as bool? ?? true;
if (!inboundObservedStarted) {
throw Exception('Trade has not started for id: $formattedId');
final currentState = _updateStateBasedOnStages(stagesJson) ?? TradeState.notFound;
final tx = responseJSON['tx'];
final String fromAddress = tx['from_address'] as String? ?? '';
final String toAddress = tx['to_address'] as String? ?? '';
final List<dynamic> coins = tx['coins'] as List<dynamic>;
final String? memo = tx['memo'] as String?;
final parts = memo?.split(':') ?? [];
final String toChain = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].split('.')[0] : '';
final String toAsset = parts.length > 1 && parts[1].split('.').length > 1
? parts[1].split('.')[1].split('-')[0]
: '';
final formattedToChain = CryptoCurrency.fromString(toChain);
final toAssetWithChain = CryptoCurrency.fromString(toAsset, walletCurrency: formattedToChain);
final plannedOutTxs = responseJSON['planned_out_txs'] as List<dynamic>?;
final isRefund = plannedOutTxs?.any((tx) => tx['refund'] == true) ?? false;
return Trade(
id: id,
from: CryptoCurrency.fromString(tx['chain'] as String? ?? ''),
to: toAssetWithChain,
provider: description,
inputAddress: fromAddress,
payoutAddress: toAddress,
amount: coins.first['amount'] as String? ?? '0.0',
state: currentState,
memo: memo,
isRefund: isRefund,
static Future<Map<String, String>?>? lookupAddressByName(String name) async {
final uri = Uri.https(_baseURL, '$_nameLookUpPath$name');
final response = await http.get(uri);
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
return null;
final body = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final entries = body['entries'] as List<dynamic>?;
if (entries == null || entries.isEmpty) {
return null;
Map<String, String> chainToAddressMap = {};
for (final entry in entries) {
final chain = entry['chain'] as String;
final address = entry['address'] as String;
chainToAddressMap[chain] = address;
return chainToAddressMap;
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _getSwapQuote(Map<String, String> params) async {
Uri uri = Uri.https(_baseNodeURL, _quotePath, params);
final response = await http.get(uri);
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
throw Exception('Unexpected HTTP status: ${response.statusCode}');
if (response.body.contains('error')) {
throw Exception('Unexpected response: ${response.body}');
return json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
String _normalizeCurrency(CryptoCurrency currency) {
final networkTitle = currency.tag == 'ETH' ? 'ETH' : currency.title;
return '$networkTitle.${currency.title}';
String _doubleToThorChainString(double amount) => (amount * 1e8).toInt().toString();
double _thorChainAmountToDouble(String amount) => double.parse(amount) / 1e8;
TradeState? _updateStateBasedOnStages(Map<String, dynamic> stages) {
TradeState? currentState;
if (stages['inbound_observed']['completed'] as bool? ?? false) {
currentState = TradeState.confirmation;
if (stages['inbound_confirmation_counted']['completed'] as bool? ?? false) {
currentState = TradeState.confirmed;
if (stages['inbound_finalised']['completed'] as bool? ?? false) {
currentState = TradeState.processing;
if (stages['swap_finalised']['completed'] as bool? ?? false) {
currentState = TradeState.traded;
if (stages['outbound_signed']['completed'] as bool? ?? false) {
currentState = TradeState.success;
return currentState;