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synced 2025-03-21 22:58:45 +00:00
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abstract class SyncStatus {
const SyncStatus();
double progress();
String formattedProgress() {
return "${(progress() * 100).toStringAsFixed(2)}%";
class StartingScanSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
final int beginHeight;
double progress() => 0.0;
class SyncingSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
SyncingSyncStatus(this.blocksLeft, this.ptc) {
double ptc;
int blocksLeft;
double progress() => ptc;
String toString() => '$blocksLeft';
factory SyncingSyncStatus.fromHeightValues(int chainTip, int initialSyncHeight, int syncHeight) {
final track = chainTip - initialSyncHeight;
final diff = track - (chainTip - syncHeight);
final ptc = diff <= 0 ? 0.0 : diff / track;
final left = chainTip - syncHeight;
updateEtaHistory(left + 1);
// sum 1 because if at the chain tip, will say "0 blocks left"
return SyncingSyncStatus(left + 1, ptc);
static void updateEtaHistory(int blocksLeft) {
blockHistory[DateTime.now()] = blocksLeft;
// keep only the last 25 entries
while (blockHistory.length > 25) {
static Map<DateTime, int> blockHistory = {};
static Duration? lastEtaDuration;
DateTime calculateEta() {
double rate = _calculateBlockRate();
if (rate == 0) {
return DateTime.now().add(const Duration(days: 2));
int remainingBlocks = this.blocksLeft;
double timeRemainingSeconds = remainingBlocks / rate;
return DateTime.now().add(Duration(seconds: timeRemainingSeconds.round()));
Duration getEtaDuration() {
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
DateTime? completionTime = calculateEta();
return completionTime.difference(now);
String? getFormattedEta() {
// throw out any entries that are more than a minute old:
(key, value) => key.isBefore(DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(minutes: 1))));
// don't show eta if we don't have enough data:
if (blockHistory.length < 3) {
return null;
Duration? duration = getEtaDuration();
// just show the block count if it's really long:
if (duration.inDays > 0) {
return null;
// show the blocks count if the eta is less than a minute or we only have a few blocks left:
if (duration.inMinutes < 1 || blocksLeft < 1000) {
return null;
// if our new eta is more than a minute off from the last one, only update the by 1 minute so it doesn't jump all over the place
if (lastEtaDuration != null) {
bool isIncreasing = duration.inSeconds > lastEtaDuration!.inSeconds;
bool diffMoreThanOneMinute = (duration.inSeconds - lastEtaDuration!.inSeconds).abs() > 60;
bool diffMoreThanOneHour = (duration.inSeconds - lastEtaDuration!.inSeconds).abs() > 3600;
if (diffMoreThanOneHour) {
duration = Duration(minutes: lastEtaDuration!.inMinutes + (isIncreasing ? 1 : -1));
} else if (diffMoreThanOneMinute) {
duration = Duration(seconds: lastEtaDuration!.inSeconds + (isIncreasing ? 1 : -1));
} else {
// if the diff is less than a minute don't change it:
duration = lastEtaDuration!;
lastEtaDuration = duration;
String twoDigits(int n) => n.toString().padLeft(2, '0');
final hours = twoDigits(duration.inHours);
final minutes = twoDigits(duration.inMinutes.remainder(60));
final seconds = twoDigits(duration.inSeconds.remainder(60));
if (hours == '00') {
return '${minutes}m${seconds}s';
return '${hours}h${minutes}m${seconds}s';
// Calculate the rate of block processing (blocks per second)
double _calculateBlockRate() {
List<DateTime> timestamps = blockHistory.keys.toList();
List<int> blockCounts = blockHistory.values.toList();
double totalTime = 0;
int totalBlocksProcessed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < blockCounts.length - 1; i++) {
int blocksProcessed = blockCounts[i] - blockCounts[i + 1];
Duration timeDifference = timestamps[i + 1].difference(timestamps[i]);
totalTime += timeDifference.inMicroseconds;
totalBlocksProcessed += blocksProcessed;
if (totalTime == 0 || totalBlocksProcessed == 0) {
return 0;
double blocksPerSecond = totalBlocksProcessed / (totalTime / 1000000);
return blocksPerSecond;
class SyncedSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 1.0;
class SyncedTipSyncStatus extends SyncedSyncStatus {
final int tip;
class SyncronizingSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 0.0;
class NotConnectedSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
const NotConnectedSyncStatus();
double progress() => 0.0;
class AttemptingSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 0.0;
class AttemptingScanSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 0.0;
class FailedSyncStatus extends NotConnectedSyncStatus {}
class ConnectingSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 0.0;
class ConnectedSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 0.0;
class UnsupportedSyncStatus extends NotConnectedSyncStatus {}
class TimedOutSyncStatus extends NotConnectedSyncStatus {
String toString() => 'Timed out';
class LostConnectionSyncStatus extends NotConnectedSyncStatus {
String toString() => 'Reconnecting';