Rafael 96b9b60f50
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base

* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks

* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type

* chore: pubspec.lock

* chore: pubspec.lock

* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx

* fix: initial scan

* fix: initial scan

* fix: scanning issues

* fix: sync, storing silent unspents

* chore: deps

* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo

* chore: deps

* fix: build

* fix: missing types

* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning

* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle

* chore: build configure

* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes

* fix: invalid Object in sendData

* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays

* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer

* fix: missing i18n

* chore: print

* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet

* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert

* feat: delete silent addresses

* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes

* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history

* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending

* feat: new rust lib

* chore: node path

* fix: check node based on network

* fix: missing txcount from addresses

* style: padding in feature page cards

* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type

* fix: auto switch node broken

* fix: silent payment txs not being restored

* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements

* fix: scan re-subscription

* fix: default nodes

* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan

* refactor: common function for input tx selection

* fix: nodes & build

* fix: send all with multiple outs

* refactor: unchanged file

* Update pr_test_build.yml

* chore: upgrade

* chore: merge changes

* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]

* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning

* feat: sync fixes, sp settings

* feat: fix resyncing

* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get

* fix: params

* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum

* fix nodes
update versions

* re-enable tron

* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]

* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes

* Fix unchecked wallet type call

* fix: double balance

* feat: node domain

* fix: menu name

* fix: update tip on set scanning

* fix: connection switching back and forth

* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp

* chore: fix build

* minor enhancements

* fixes and enhancements

* solve conflicts with main

* fix: status toggle

* minor enhancement

* fixes

* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux


Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <>
2024-05-29 17:43:48 +03:00

96 lines
2.7 KiB

import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/balance.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/transaction_info.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/transaction_history.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/transaction_priority.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_addresses.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_info.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/pending_transaction.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/currency_for_wallet_type.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/sync_status.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/node.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart';
abstract class WalletBase<BalanceType extends Balance, HistoryType extends TransactionHistoryBase,
TransactionType extends TransactionInfo> {
static String idFor(String name, WalletType type) =>
walletTypeToString(type).toLowerCase() + '_' + name;
WalletInfo walletInfo;
WalletType get type => walletInfo.type;
CryptoCurrency get currency => currencyForWalletType(type, isTestnet: isTestnet);
String get id =>;
String get name =>;
//String get address;
//set address(String address);
ObservableMap<CryptoCurrency, BalanceType> get balance;
SyncStatus get syncStatus;
set syncStatus(SyncStatus status);
String? get seed;
String? get privateKey => null;
String? get hexSeed => null;
Object get keys;
WalletAddresses get walletAddresses;
late HistoryType transactionHistory;
set isEnabledAutoGenerateSubaddress(bool value) {}
bool get isEnabledAutoGenerateSubaddress => false;
bool get isHardwareWallet => walletInfo.isHardwareWallet;
Future<void> connectToNode({required Node node});
// there is a default definition here because only coins with a pow node (nano based) need to override this
Future<void> connectToPowNode({required Node node}) async {}
Future<void> startSync();
Future<PendingTransaction> createTransaction(Object credentials);
int calculateEstimatedFee(TransactionPriority priority, int? amount);
// void fetchTransactionsAsync(
// void Function(TransactionType transaction) onTransactionLoaded,
// {void Function() onFinished});
Future<Map<String, TransactionType>> fetchTransactions();
Future<void> save();
Future<void> rescan({required int height});
void close();
Future<void> changePassword(String password);
Future<void>? updateBalance();
void setExceptionHandler(void Function(FlutterErrorDetails) onError) => null;
Future<void> renameWalletFiles(String newWalletName);
Future<String> signMessage(String message, {String? address = null}) => throw UnimplementedError();
bool? isTestnet;