Serhii 30dc8f9238
Cw 591 in app cake pay integration ()
* init commit

* buy card UI

* buy card detail page

* card filter

* dropdown button

* user auth flow

* create order

* denomination option

* fix searching

* denom option fix UI

* simulate payment

* Update pr_test_build.yml

* Update pr_test_build.yml

* Implement order expiration handling [skip ci]

* refactor code [skip ci]

* remove ionia related code [skip ci]

* change auth flow

* add currency prefix

* grid view UI

* fix country filter issue

* fix underline color

* fix fetching card list [skip ci]

* list view

* update cake pay title

* Optimize API usage by fetching CakePay vendors

* handle no cards found case

* adjust the flow of purchases

* UI fixes

* fix btc payment data

* link extractor

* fix fetch next page issue

* UI fixes

* fix text size

* revert base page changes

* Revert "revert base page changes"

* UI fixes

* fix UI

* fix link style + localization

* update cake pay title

* update cake pay subtitle

* Update cake_pay_order.dart

* revert inject_app_details update
2024-06-06 06:51:22 +02:00

107 lines
3.7 KiB

import 'package:cake_wallet/.secrets.g.dart' as secrets;
import 'package:cake_wallet/cake_pay/cake_pay_api.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/cake_pay/cake_pay_order.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/cake_pay/cake_pay_vendor.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/core/secure_storage.dart';
class CakePayService {
CakePayService(this.secureStorage, this.cakePayApi);
static const cakePayEmailStorageKey = 'cake_pay_email';
static const cakePayUsernameStorageKey = 'cake_pay_username';
static const cakePayUserTokenKey = 'cake_pay_user_token';
static String get testCakePayApiKey => secrets.testCakePayApiKey;
static String get cakePayApiKey => secrets.cakePayApiKey;
static String get CSRFToken => secrets.CSRFToken;
static String get authorization => secrets.authorization;
final SecureStorage secureStorage;
final CakePayApi cakePayApi;
/// Get Available Countries
Future<List<String>> getCountries() async =>
await cakePayApi.getCountries(CSRFToken: CSRFToken, authorization: authorization);
/// Get Vendors
Future<List<CakePayVendor>> getVendors({
int? page,
String? country,
String? countryCode,
String? search,
List<String>? vendorIds,
bool? giftCards,
bool? prepaidCards,
bool? onDemand,
bool? custom,
}) async {
final result = await cakePayApi.getVendors(
CSRFToken: CSRFToken,
authorization: authorization,
page: page,
country: country,
countryCode: countryCode,
search: search,
vendorIds: vendorIds,
giftCards: giftCards,
prepaidCards: prepaidCards,
onDemand: onDemand,
custom: custom);
return result;
/// LogIn
Future<void> logIn(String email) async {
final userName = await cakePayApi.authenticateUser(email: email, apiKey: cakePayApiKey);
await secureStorage.write(key: cakePayEmailStorageKey, value: userName);
await secureStorage.write(key: cakePayUsernameStorageKey, value: userName);
/// Verify email
Future<void> verifyEmail(String code) async {
final email = (await cakePayEmailStorageKey))!;
final credentials =
await cakePayApi.verifyEmail(email: email, code: code, apiKey: cakePayApiKey);
await secureStorage.write(key: cakePayUserTokenKey, value: credentials.token);
await secureStorage.write(key: cakePayUsernameStorageKey, value: credentials.username);
Future<String?> getUserEmail() async {
return (await cakePayEmailStorageKey));
/// Check is user logged
Future<bool> isLogged() async {
final username = await cakePayUsernameStorageKey) ?? '';
final password = await cakePayUserTokenKey) ?? '';
return username.isNotEmpty && password.isNotEmpty;
/// Logout
Future<void> logout(String email) async {
await secureStorage.delete(key: cakePayUsernameStorageKey);
await secureStorage.delete(key: cakePayUserTokenKey);
await cakePayApi.logoutUser(email: email, apiKey: cakePayApiKey);
/// Purchase Gift Card
Future<CakePayOrder> createOrder(
{required int cardId, required String price, required int quantity}) async {
final userEmail = (await cakePayEmailStorageKey))!;
final token = (await cakePayUserTokenKey))!;
return await cakePayApi.createOrder(
apiKey: cakePayApiKey,
cardId: cardId,
price: price,
quantity: quantity,
token: token,
userEmail: userEmail);
///Simulate Purchase Gift Card
Future<void> simulatePayment({required String orderId}) async => await cakePayApi.simulatePayment(
CSRFToken: CSRFToken, authorization: authorization, orderId: orderId);