cyan c78662fbfe
CW 781 replace all print statements with printV ()
* replace all print statements with printV

* restore backup error message

* missing print statements, error fixes

* Update cw_core/lib/utils/print_verbose.dart [skip ci]

* Update cw_core/lib/utils/print_verbose.dart [skip ci]

* CW-846: Correctly display balance ()

* Correctly display balance even with frozen coins

* remove package= from AndroidMainfest.xml

* update namespace

* print -> printV


Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <>
2024-12-09 20:23:59 +02:00

157 lines
4 KiB

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cw_core/utils/print_verbose.dart';
import 'localization/localization_constants.dart';
import 'utils/utils.dart';
const inputPath = 'res/values/';
const outputPath = 'lib/generated/';
const localizationFileName = 'i18n.dart';
const localeListFileName = 'locales.dart';
const srcDir = 'srcDir';
const defaultLocale = 'en';
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
final extraInfo = args.isNotEmpty ?
args.fold(<String, dynamic>{}, (Map<String, dynamic> acc, String arg) {
final parts = arg.split('=');
var key = normalizeKeyName(parts[0]);
if (key.contains('--')) {
key = key.substring(2);
acc[key] = parts.length > 1
? parts[1].isNotEmpty
? parts[1]
: inputPath
: inputPath;
return acc;
: <String, dynamic> {srcDir : inputPath};
final outputDir = Directory(outputPath);
if (!outputDir.existsSync()) {
await outputDir.create();
extraInfo.forEach((key, dynamic value) async {
if (key != srcDir) {
printV('Wrong key: $key');
final dirPath = value as String;
final dir = Directory(dirPath);
if (!await dir.exists()) {
printV('Wrong directory path: $dirPath');
final localePath = <String, dynamic>{};
await dir.list(recursive: false).forEach((element) {
try {
final shortLocale = element.path.split('_',)[1].split('.')[0];
localePath[shortLocale] = element.path;
} catch (e) {
printV('Wrong file: ${element.path}');
if (!localePath.keys.contains(defaultLocale)) {
printV("Locale list doesn't contain $defaultLocale");
try {
var output = '';
var locales = 'const locales = [';
output += part1;
output += textDirectionDeclaration;
var inputContent =
var config = json.decode(inputContent) as Map<String, dynamic>;
output += localizedStrings(config: config, hasOverride: false);
output += '}' + '\n\n';
localePath.forEach((key, dynamic value) {
inputContent = File(localePath[key].toString()).readAsStringSync();
config = json.decode(inputContent) as Map<String, dynamic>;
locales += "'$key', ";
output += 'class \$$key extends S {' + '\n';
output += ' const \$$key();' + '\n';
if (key != defaultLocale) {
output += textDirectionDeclaration;
output += localizedStrings(config: config, hasOverride: true);
output += '}' + '\n\n';
output += classDeclaration;
localePath.keys.forEach((key) {
output += ' Locale("$key", ""),' + '\n';
output += part2;
localePath.keys.forEach((key) {
output += ' case "$key":' + '\n';
output += ' S.current = const \$$key();' + '\n';
output += ' return SynchronousFuture<S>(S.current);' + '\n';
output += part3;
await File(outputPath + localizationFileName).writeAsString(output);
locales += '];';
await File(outputPath + localeListFileName).writeAsString(locales);
} catch (e) {
String localizedStrings({required Map<String, dynamic> config, required bool hasOverride}) {
var output = '';
final pattern = RegExp('[\$]{(.*?)}');
config.forEach((key, dynamic value) {
final matches = pattern.allMatches(value as String);
if (hasOverride) {
output += ' @override' + '\n';
if (matches.isEmpty) {
output += ' String get ${key} => \"\"\"${value}\"\"\";' + '\n';
} else {
final set = =>;
output += ' String ${key}(';
for (var elem in set) {
if (elem == set.last) {
output += 'String ${elem}';
} else {
output += 'String ${elem}, ';
output += ') => \"\"\"${value}\"\"\";' + '\n';
return output;