Adegoke David d1870ba8b8
CW-525-Add-Tron-Wallet ()
* chore: Initial setup for Tron Wallet

* feat: Create Tron Wallet base flow implemented, keys, address, receive, restore and proxy classes all setup

* feat: Display seed and key within the app

* feat: Activate restore from key and seed for Tron wallet

* feat: Add icon for tron wallet in wallet listing page

* feat: Activate display of receive address for tron

* feat: Fetch and display tron balance, sending transaction flow setup, fee limit calculation setup

* feat: Implement sending of native tron, setup sending of trc20 tokens

* chore: Rename function

* Delete lib/tron/tron.dart

* feat: Activate exchange for tron and its tokens, implement balance display for trc20 tokens and setup secrets configuration for tron

* feat: Implement tron token management, add, remove, delete, and get tokens in home settings view, also minor cleanup

* feat: Activate buy and sell for tron

* feat: Implement restore from QR, transactions history listing for both native transactions and trc20 transactions

* feat: Activate send all and do some minor cleanups

* chore: Fix some lint infos and warnings

* chore: Adjust configurations

* ci: Modify CI to create and add secrets for node

* fix: Fixes made while self reviewing the PR for this feature

* feat: Add guide for adding new wallet types, and add fixes to requested changes

* fix: Handle exceptions gracefully

* fix: Alternative for trc20 estimated fee

* fix: Fixes to display of amount and fee, removing clashes

* fix: Fee calculation WIP

* fix: Fix issue with handling of send all flow and display of amount and fee values before broadcasting transaction

* fix: PR review fixes and fix merge conflicts

* fix: Modify fetching assetOfTransaction [skip ci]

* fix: Move tron settings migration to 33
2024-05-03 21:00:05 +03:00

264 lines
8.3 KiB

import 'package:cake_wallet/core/fiat_conversion_service.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/fiat_api_mode.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/sort_balance_types.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/ethereum/ethereum.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/polygon/polygon.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/solana/solana.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/store/settings_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/tron/tron.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/dashboard/balance_view_model.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/erc20_token.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart';
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
part 'home_settings_view_model.g.dart';
class HomeSettingsViewModel = HomeSettingsViewModelBase with _$HomeSettingsViewModel;
abstract class HomeSettingsViewModelBase with Store {
HomeSettingsViewModelBase(this._settingsStore, this._balanceViewModel)
: tokens = ObservableSet<CryptoCurrency>() {
final SettingsStore _settingsStore;
final BalanceViewModel _balanceViewModel;
final ObservableSet<CryptoCurrency> tokens;
String searchText = '';
SortBalanceBy get sortBalanceBy => _settingsStore.sortBalanceBy;
void setSortBalanceBy(SortBalanceBy value) {
_settingsStore.sortBalanceBy = value;
bool get pinNativeToken => _settingsStore.pinNativeTokenAtTop;
void setPinNativeToken(bool value) => _settingsStore.pinNativeTokenAtTop = value;
Future<void> addToken({
required String contractAddress,
required CryptoCurrency token,
}) async {
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) {
final erc20token = Erc20Token(
symbol: token.title,
decimal: token.decimals,
contractAddress: contractAddress,
iconPath: token.iconPath,
await ethereum!.addErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, erc20token);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) {
final polygonToken = Erc20Token(
symbol: token.title,
decimal: token.decimals,
contractAddress: contractAddress,
iconPath: token.iconPath,
await polygon!.addErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, polygonToken);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) {
await solana!.addSPLToken(
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) {
await tron!.addTronToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token, contractAddress);
Future<void> deleteToken(CryptoCurrency token) async {
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) {
await ethereum!.deleteErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token as Erc20Token);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) {
await polygon!.deleteErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token as Erc20Token);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) {
await solana!.deleteSPLToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) {
await tron!.deleteTronToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token);
Future<CryptoCurrency?> getToken(String contractAddress) async {
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) {
return await ethereum!.getErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, contractAddress);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) {
return await polygon!.getErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, contractAddress);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) {
return await solana!.getSPLToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, contractAddress);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) {
return await tron!.getTronToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, contractAddress);
return null;
CryptoCurrency get nativeToken => _balanceViewModel.wallet.currency;
void _updateFiatPrices(CryptoCurrency token) async {
try {
_balanceViewModel.fiatConvertationStore.prices[token] =
await FiatConversionService.fetchPrice(
crypto: token,
fiat: _settingsStore.fiatCurrency,
torOnly: _settingsStore.fiatApiMode == FiatApiMode.torOnly);
} catch (_) {}
void changeTokenAvailability(CryptoCurrency token, bool value) async {
token.enabled = value;
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) {
ethereum!.addErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token as Erc20Token);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) {
polygon!.addErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token as Erc20Token);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) {
final address = solana!.getTokenAddress(token);
solana!.addSPLToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token, address);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) {
final address = tron!.getTokenAddress(token);
tron!.addTronToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token, address);
void _updateTokensList() {
int _sortFunc(CryptoCurrency e1, CryptoCurrency e2) {
int index1 = _balanceViewModel.formattedBalances.indexWhere((element) => element.asset == e1);
int index2 = _balanceViewModel.formattedBalances.indexWhere((element) => element.asset == e2);
if (e1.enabled && !e2.enabled) {
return -1;
} else if (e2.enabled && !e1.enabled) {
return 1;
} else if (!e1.enabled && !e2.enabled) {
// if both are disabled then sort alphabetically
return index1.compareTo(index2);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) {
.where((element) => _matchesSearchText(element))
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) {
.where((element) => _matchesSearchText(element))
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) {
.where((element) => _matchesSearchText(element))
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) {
.where((element) => _matchesSearchText(element))
void _refreshTokensList() {
final _tokens = Set.of(tokens);
void changeSearchText(String text) {
searchText = text;
bool _matchesSearchText(CryptoCurrency asset) {
final address = getTokenAddressBasedOnWallet(asset);
// The homes settings would only be displayed for either of Tron, Ethereum, Polygon or Solana Wallets.
if (address == null) return false;
return searchText.isEmpty ||
asset.fullName!.toLowerCase().contains(searchText.toLowerCase()) ||
asset.title.toLowerCase().contains(searchText.toLowerCase()) ||
address == searchText;
String? getTokenAddressBasedOnWallet(CryptoCurrency asset) {
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) {
return tron!.getTokenAddress(asset);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) {
return solana!.getTokenAddress(asset);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) {
return ethereum!.getTokenAddress(asset);
if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) {
return polygon!.getTokenAddress(asset);
// We return null if it's neither Tron, Polygon, Ethereum or Solana wallet (which is actually impossible because we only display home settings for either of these three wallets).
return null;